HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-07-25, Page 7FRESH STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM MADE BY 11;00 A. M. AiniVi. ea BMWS 1:30 P. it — Judging of entree and etlatinlitieddD. AtlliaU 140;111441/AY.F attlif g4tti? 1064 Vti10$01990.#4•11 ONT. .-'r • " epete-- . I•••••,. 99,9999•9.99.1999.91 994W 99999 .99991k99.199, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1VVALTON pluff's United Church Holds 102neregationat Picnic The congregational Mende of Duff's United Ehureh was held in, the Wa,ltori!Commanity Palk on Thursday evening., Races for all, games for the the little tots and a softball ,gaine, Married men vs young people provided fun, for all, Races were conducted by Faye Love, Ruth Ritchie. Murray Dennis, Brian Travis, Mrs, John Bean, and Mrs. N. Bald. The little tots enjoyed their, games under the supervision of iMtrs. Jan: van yeet, Mrs. Bewley and Brenda Houston. The Softball was won by the, married men with a P victory, Race results were as. f011owel Girls 8.10 Karen McDonald, Brenda Bewley Boys David. Wildfong, John Leeming Girls 11.12 Karen Coutte, Carolyn Fraser Boys Bill jeellinga, Gary Bennett Girls 13-15 Mary Helen Buchanan, Glenna Houston Boys Larry 113biger, Bill MCCall Young Men Bob Humphrey, Alex 1VlieEwing Young Women Pay Love, Ruth Ritchie Married Men Ken McDonald, Doug Fraser •Married Women IVIrrs. Murray Dennis, Mrs. Geo. Covering Sack Race David Wildfon:g-, Larry Walter% Wheelbarrow Race Margie Ann Wildfong, ,Glenna aVilurray MdCall, David Wildfong Three-legged .Race Bob Hulinphrey and Bob Houston, Gary Bennett and Neil McDonald Shoe Scramble M1. and .Mrs. IKen IVIeDonald, Isir. and Mrs. Ron Bennett Kick The Slipper 'Carolyn Fraser, Lois William- son Naming Household Powders Mrs, J. MeEwing, Mrs, A-lan Mrs, ,Allan 1V odal1: ,,ea ,iron. EAST HURON AGRICULTURA4 SOCIETY 1963 OFFICERS AND DIRECTPRS ................ • ....... ....... DIRECTORS Bob Grasby, Jan van Vliet, !fine Houston, Gee„Mntiter, Jack Cardiff, Donald WieDonald, glarence i\k IG1W Bray, ;PM POWMan, Murray )Cardiff, Roy Turvey, Roy Willianased. ASSOCIATE p1RECTORS Jack Knight, 'Harvey Craig, Gordon Grant, jack McDonald, Wilfred Shmereed, ,George Procter, Olift Dunbar, Mann Wilson, Murray Iluether, George lecCuteheon, Cecil Barker, picric. Procter, Wm. Perrie, Glenn Hmether, Hugh 'Peareon, Jas. W, Smith, Alex .?earson, Harry Bolger, John Wheeler, Wilbur Turnbull, Wm. W. Smith, Jack Bowman, Gramme McDonald, Harold Thome.% Ken S. McDonald, Alfred Knight, Walter Knight, Mac McIntosh, Jim Knight, Lloyd Wheeler, Wm. Blake, Wm, Stratychule Clarence I will, CT./axles Thomas, Ammer Armstrong, nosS Smith, Clem. Sterile'', Jas. Armstrong Jr., Russel Knightraini:'111Ciii Geo, Blake, Dennis, Win. Turnbull. COMMITTEES FOR 1963 Heavy Horses — Clarence McCeitcheen, Harry Bolger Light Horses --Roy Williamson. Harvey Craig Beef Cattle — Donald McDonald Alex Pearson Dairy Cattle --- Cliff Bray, Jack Cardiff, Dennis Langridge Grade Cattle — Jan van 'inlet, Writ. Dennis, ;Sheep and Swine — lehurray Cardiff, Lloyd 'Wheeler' Poultry --r Jim Bowman, Murray Maker,' " Roots and Vegetables, Grain, Fruit — 'Rae Houston, Win, W. Smith, George nutter, Jack Bowman .,.. Police and Parking — Geo. Mutter, Adrian ifictaggari, Glenn Huether, Kea McDonald, Mac Machitoeh, John Wheeler, Harry Bolger, Ross Duncan Finance — Robert Grabby, Cecil Patker — GroUnds and gencessiona Don 1V1CDonald, Wm. •Turnbull, John Wheeler, Graeme McDonald Palace — lim'ADair Jim Bowmen, Alfred Knight Entertainment. and Dance — Jon Bowma.n, Don MicDonald, Murray Cardiff School and Sports, Mrs. Harold Bolger, Mrs. ,Harvey Craig, Ken; Ashton, Dd. Martin, Jim Armstrong Jr., Luella Mitchell, Jessie Little, ,Mais, 0, 'Elliott, Mrs, E. Wilson Racing * Roy Turvey, Hugh Pearson, Norman Williamson Tickets. and Oates —Roy Williameon, Selwyn Baker, Harold Thomas, Giraeme -McDonald, Clair Long, Ross COnniiiigham,, Charles 'Thomas, Doug, Fraser, Wm. Dennis, Harry Bolger Clifford Dunbar Advertising and Publicity — Rae Houston, Mfrs. J. Lowe, Mrs. Clark Matheson, Mrs,. Roy Kennedy SRVSSBLS 4.11 aEgF CALF CLUB Under Lim supervision, of the Ontario Depuntment of AgslOulture Sponsored locally by East Huron Agriculture Society. alb Leaders; Ross Smith, It. R. 1, Ethel; Jae, W Smith, R, R, 4 Birtuisele CL11B EXEIGUTINE: President, 'Doicald Nolan, No. 2, Brussels; ,:can Roe, No. 1, Waltsa; Be4.-71reas., Gerald Smith, No, .2, Ilruesels; Press Reporter, David flowing, No. 2, Blueve,le. .IViEMIBERS: Neil Edgar, !Murray Elston, Wayne Elston, David Gaming, David Hemingway, noes, Hemingway, Don Nolan, Jean 'Roe, Gerald Smith, Wallace Black. Neil Gowing. BASIS OF AWARDS The awards will he made on. the iollowieg basis: 400 points for award on calf at the Club Fair or Achievement Day. 300 points for judging competition, .261111fTerS to questions and showmanebip. 100 points for judging competition. Each competitor will oe required to judge at least one class composed of .tour settle and, give reasons for his placing. (b) 100 points for answers to ten quo/diens based on club work and feeding and management of beet cattle. (c) 100 points for showmanship — manner in which the Club members show their entry in the ring (70 points); condition of the animal (20 points); general appearance of the exialtiber (10 points). 300 Points for Junior Stockmen's Award: (a) 100 points for care and feeidinig methods wilted at time of peredie visits made during the season. (b):100 points for regularity and aciegiraley in forwarding monthly reports. (c) 100 points for attlendence and interest shown at meetings and judging classes. Prize money will be awarded at owe Annual Achievement Night in December at the rate of $4.50 per entry. $1,50 donated by the production service of the Department of Agriculture. $1.50 donated by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. *1,50 donated by the Fiast Huron Agricultural Society. 11:00 A. M. — Arrive on grounds 1:30 P. M. — Judging of calves and showmanship. BRUSSELS 4-H DAIRY CALF CLUB Under the supervision of the Ontario Department at Apiculture sponsored locally by East Huron Agriculture Society. Club Leaders; Martin Bann, 11, R. 3, Walton; Clifford giay, R. R. 3, Brussels. CLUB, iEX,ECT:TIVIII: President, Gerald Blake, No. 2, Brussels; Vice-Pres., Barbara Bray, NO. 3, Brussels; See.-Treas.„ Marjorie Hopper, Na., !e, Brussels; Press Reporter, Nellie Bann, No. 3, Walton. A1031\IREIRS: Gerald Baan, Nellie Baan, Andrew Ifilemstra,. Barbara Bray, Gerald Blake, Afarjorie lloppper, Katherine de Jong, Jim Blake, .Miurray Blake, Brian Hopper Lie, de Jong; John Striendler, Herman Terpstete Nichelans Terpotra, "Fred TJhller Ross Y,uill. 'BASIS OF AWARDS The awaits will be made on the following basis: 400 points for award on calf, at the Club Fair or Achievement Day. 300 points for judging competition, answers tb questions and showmanship. , (a) 100 points for judging competition. Each competitor wilt: required to judge at leapt one class componecl of four cattle and give reasons far his placing. (b) 100 points for answers to ten qpiestions bawd on club work said feeding and management of dairy cattle. (c) 100 points for showmanship — manner in widish, the Mut. members show their 'entry in the ring (70 point*); condition) of the animal ('20 points); general appearance of the ealtibitor (10 points). 300 Points for Junior Stockmen'. Award: Li 12 HOLSTIERY Centre Street SEAPORTM Teiephone eee For all kinds of upholstering Brussels Representative SELWYN BAKER 1.1.11/91. PreeitleM heest Vice-Breakient Second Vice-President Seem/cry-Treasurer Robert Urasby .„..,.. .. , . , . . .... fOlifford Bray Donald 1VlicDonald Norman Rooven WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better &tills Are Used", Farmer owned and controlled. Service at ant Choice of bull and breed Our artificial breeding servloe will help you to a more efficient livestock operation For service or more information call: Clinton HU 24441, or for Ions distance Clinton Zenith 9.8850 SETVER CATTLE FOR SUTTER LIVING WILL BE A TASTE TREAT YOU'RE SURE TO ENJOY ASK FOR EITHER STRAWBERRY RIPPLE or FRUIT OR TRY ONE OF SEVERAL FLAVOURS NEXT TIME YOU SHOP (a) 100 points for care and feeding Methods noted at time et perodic visits made during the season. (b) 100 petite for regularity and aeciiracy in forwarding monthly reporta. (c) 1.00 points for ruefiendanee and Interest shown at meetings and judging classes. Prize money will be awarded at our Annual Achievement Night In December at the rate of $4.50 per entry. $1,50 donated by the production service of the Department Of Agriculture. $1.50 dounted by the Ontario Department or Agriculture. $1.50 donated by the Bast Huron Agricultural Society.