HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-07-18, Page 2NOTICE TO DESTROY Your local branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce offers a complete range of banking serv- ices. Here are a few examples: AUTOMATIC SAVINGS PLAN .. . the easy way to save. All you do is authorize us to transfer an agreed amount to a special Savings Account at regular intervals. Your savings and interest grow automatically! TRAVEL FUNDS ... the safest way to carry funds, For all trips, at home or abroad, always carry Travellers' Cheques purchased at any Bankof Commerce branch. BANKING BY MAIL... makes any Commerce branch as close as the nearest mail box. A service for cus- tomers who find it difficult to get to the bank. These are just some of the many services. offered by the Bank of Commerce; ror full details, Visit your nearest branch. Let the Bank that Builds simplify the business of banking for you! CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Over 1260 branches to serve you C. F- PARKER, MANAGER BRUSSELS ODD MEDALS OF THE WORLD Many Of the unusually named decorations given by various na- tions to distinguished civilians and servicemen include: The Order of Solomon's Seals, Abys- sinia; The Order of the Golden Fleece, Austria-Hungary; The National Order of the Condor of the Andes, Bolivia: The Or- der of the Elephant, Denmark; The Easter Rising, Eire; The Order of a Million Elephants, Laos; The Royal Order of the Phoenix, Greece; The Order of Grey Town, Nicaragua; The Or- der of the Sun and Lion, Persia; The Order of the Seraphim, Sweden; and The Order of the Bust of Bolivar, Venezuela, APOSTLE OF LONGEVITY Elie Metchnikoff, laniOus Riiat sian bacteriologist, attracted much scientific attention, de- cades ago; because of his tin- usual beliefs about the hUmah lifespan. Metchnikoff held that Many persons should live to at least 150 years of age. He point- ed to many indications that the human body could last far long- er than it does. Nevertheless, Metchnikoff died at 71—a year only over the allotted three score and ten of tradition. Read he fide. hi till' Post Also, after JulY 20, 1963 proceed- ings will be taken to destroy Noxious Weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act. ALEX CHESNEY Huron County Weed Inspector TILURSDAY, .11.7,13,Y 18th. 1963 413:11A4.41,4 rosT BRUSSELS, ONTA1t20 COUNTY OF HURON FEDERATION NEWS West offers prospect of bms- iug bins. Prospects of a record Prarie igralA crop bave peen t`urther improved by rains in the past two weeks. This week's 11303S report indicates. that in most areas Present moisture conditions pre good to excellent but furthor rains will be needed to carry heavy stands through to harvest. So far hail damage has been limited and insect damage well, controlled. 'Only three areas were threat- ened -with poor crops. Heavy rains, broke the three year old drouth in Southern Alberta but too late to save early grain crops. In north- western Alberta, including the, ,Peace River area, their crops are beginning to stiffen seriously from lack of moisture In eastern Manitoba excessive, rainfall prevented, the seeding of, some acreage and recent rains flooded some standing crops. Throughout the rest of these provinices and Saskatchewan, crop conditions are excellent. Rising costs in Fluid Milk in, prospect • .. 1 ,Rising costs in milk product- ion are likely to give Ontari.:, fluid milk producers a Arica in- crease by tall. Ontario dairy gommissioner J. L. Baker said fin Toronto that the present base price of $5.10 a owt. for- fluid, milk would likely rise to $5.29 soon, on -major costs of production. i Ontario fluid milk prices are by a formula based I on dairy farms. The price in- Are you making the most of all these Banking Services? NOX1OJS -'EEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to groperty owners in urban and .stth- divided areas to destroy all Noxious Weeds as often as. necessary in each season, to prevent their going to seed. IN THE GARDEN Seed. While cleaning up one often finds some seed left over from last year and is tempted to use it. This is doubtful economy. Fresh seed, after all, costs only a few cents a packet, and yet all the care and work we put into our gardening absolutely depends upon the quality of the seed. Some seed, too, must be brand new each year or it will not grow, arid in all cases it must be properly and care- fully stored. And as for seed saved from One's own garden, it IS a most doubtful proposition, because it is almost sure to produce a mixture of all sorts of shades, colors and varieties. Indeed if the original seed used was from hybrids, as is often the case, the progeny will not resemble the parents at all. It is best to leave the breeding of new varieties to the plant scientists who know what they are trying to accomplish. Many of the modern varieties now sold come from hand-pollinated plants which are tended with precise care. An Herb Garden Practically all the common herbs can be grown in the Can- adian garden and usually in the poorest part of it provided it gets full sun. Grown as an- nuals, unless they are taken in for the winter, are rosemary. tarragon. sweet marporam and dill. Truly perennial are thyme, sage, chives and the mints (ap- ple, orange, Peppermint and spearmint). Parsley is peren , nial, but the finest flavor comes froM plants that are started every season. Soak the seed overnight to hasten germina- tion. *foots To enjoy As we Move toWards July the ,crease now in prospect is not expected to raipe bottled milk prices at retail, .Me'. Baker said, because dairies had already in- creased their retaill price by one,. cent a quart last spring, Supply and Price Promising in Hog outlook . Long run „prospects for hog pro- ducers continue to brighten. ,Last week the graded hog 14.11, fell to 109.3 thousand head down from the previoua week and from the same week a; year earlier. The drop in. production has been in the West. At mid-June gradings for 1963 in the four western prov- inces were down 30% from last year. Even with nearly a 10% increase in the East, total was down 3,6%, (over a quarter million hogs) from last year. After last year's high prices. this In- dicates that hog producers! re- sponse to good prices, has become. more moderate. -Bigger hog oper- ations and better *formed; farmers seem to be bringing More stability to supply, Present Outlook indicates the 1.7S market will add further stability to hog prodtction. Prospects there sug- gest the next two years will be a period of- fairly steady supply and good prikes ranging from .$2.1 to 523 (Corn belt, dressed equivalent.) At the some time' Canadian hog producers have several advantages over their US Corn Belt counterparts even though their feed costs. per ton, .may be higher. Canadian hogmen save an average of one more pig Per litter; leaner type• Canadian hogs require less feed per pound, gain.. Mr-. :no. Ilqliott main gardening jobs are over and we should just lean back and take things easy. With warm weather we should cut the lawn less often and a week- ly or 10-day= cultivation of flowers and vegetables will be all that is necessary. To con-. serve moisture we can mtach, With grass clippings, straw, ' and this also keeps down weeds, If we are going away on boll- days it is a good plan to shear off bloom from alyssum, petun- ias, etc., and a fresh supply of flowers will be starting when we return. Shrubs, fruit trees, vines, etc., should not be culti- vated or watered so that new growth will get a chance to ma, tare before fall, and- thus win- ter without injury. But all of this does not mean that gardening should come to a complete stop in July. Even at that date in most parts of Canada it is still not too late to make third or fourth sow- ings of such vegetables as beans, carrots, beets, lattice, arid in some areas even garden peas. They will grow quickly in the summer and should be ready for the table towards the end of August and early Sep- tember. Gatden Tour One of the greatest pleasures in the flower garden comes from a five minute tour. before the day',,, work begins, or in the evening. This not only gives you the satisfaction of seeing fresh neer blooms each day but also serves to check the condi- tion of every plant. A wilted stem. a curled leaf, a ragged edge in the foliage all point to damage in its earliest stage. If you get busy and kill that bug or water that drooping plant you can keep everything grow-ing and- preVerit injury from spreading to the Other plants,