HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-07-18, Page 1r _ .
It was
JUnteci (tad
all very much apprec-
will /Weer be forgotten!
Brussels Morris & Grey Recreation Corn.
Working To Intall Artificial Ice Here,
If all organizations are inter-
ested and Willing to co-operate,
Brussels will have artificial
gee In the arena.
The installation would be done
under the Winter Works Program
with a large government grant to I
!cover a high percentage of the
cost. Several progressive citzens
have offered to support the
project with Substantial financial
Brussels Council Petitioned To Hold
Plebiscite To Close Beverage Roorns
A much needed emit of paint
has improved the appearance of
the front of the Export Packer
building on the main street.
Have you been awake early
enough these mornings to hear
the penetrating cry of the kill-
fleer? 'You c'an see them most
any morning from the bridge, at
about six-thirty, lawny feeding at
the -water's edge,
Who says advertising doesn't
pay! In response to a recent
classified ad in the Post there
were at least 30 enquiries. The
product was disposed of In quick
The 12th of July passed. almost
unnoticed in Brussels. Never one
sound of fife and drub. did we
-hear or noticed one man wear-
lng the traditional orange insig-
nia to celebrate the Glorious
12th, Members of Brussels L.O.L.
marched at Exeter accompanied
by the Brnssels Legion Pipe.
An improvement to the Agri-
cultiiral Fair greund has been the
erection of a. large substantial
shelter which will greatly facili-
tate the showing of animals,
especially in inclement weather,
tia was the case last year, The
work has been done by voluntary
labour, Fair officials are hard at
work preparing for a successful
1.963 fair.
Everyone ehodld be aware
that. great aaearititien. must be
taken in viewing the eclipse of
the Min here on Saturday: Per-
Manerit damage to the eYes, In-
chiding partial and total blind-
ness can • result, This includes
viewing it through hinoculars or
Catneea lene, these Magi* the
danger, not take pictures.
The safeat way to ace it is on
television, If you feel you tenet
have a. "direct" look the hest
aroteetien is a. large piece of
thick glass, heavily smoked in the
flame of a candle. Warn your
childrea! it only takes one
second to suffer Perine.nent dam-
age to yOur sight titid there is fno
pain .t.ki 4:41'6 VOW
A smooth concrete floor would
be laid over the pipes making
a surface suitable for many
lactivitieS such as dancing, roller
skating, and badminton and,
quoit courts.
The recreation cormiiittee hope
to have !curling and figure skatinp
added to the present winter
program at the arena,
TWo tenders have been sub-
mitted for the work. Canadian
Tee Crimp any Ltd,. $17,200 and a
Locke Co. Ltd., $15,400.
There will be a meeting of the
laominittee, clubs and organiz-
ations tin the Brussels Library on.
July 30th, for farther consider-
of the project.
'Surprise Birthcla.y Party
Honors Brussels Man
H. B. cousins, was the surprised
guest of honor at a gathering of
'family and frtenda at his, home
here on, Monday in honor of his
A delightfully pleasant evening
was spent playing cards.
Mr, Cousins was the recipient
Of a host of good wishes for many
more such. happy occasions.
The highlight of the party was
the carrying in of the lighted
birthday cake aecompatied by
hie grandchildren serenading
the birthday celebrant with
"Happy) Birthday- Grandpa",
sincerely thank my friends
neighbours and relatives, for all
the lovely Jeards, letters, gifts
and flowers T, received during my
stay at Wingliam and District
Hospital, They were cart fl inly
appreciated, Thank You,
Judy Weak
T 'Wish to express slitcat'aJ
thanks to all these who sent
cards and gifts while I was In
the ithaplital and since coming
Special thanks. to those who
helped at home while T was away,
United Church Minister •
Welcomed to. BrUssel- .
'rho Rev. Allan M., ;I:atinsten;
B.A., 13.11., the newly. appointed.
minister of the Brussels and
Ethel United Churches, amt.'
faintly, arrived here last.week
from Edam; Sask., to assume hiss
ministerial duties in the Brussels,
charge of the United Church,
lair. Johnston, a native of Loaia-
burg, N. S., where his parents
still reside, attended IVIclVaaater
University, Hamilton, .received,
his first. year Theology in, Hall -
fax. and .finished. at Erainanuel
T7nivertity. of Toronto/.
He was ordained in Hamilton in
1058 and. went to Saskatchewan •
where he served the''Edam-Mcota
charge for five years prior, to
1o:tiling to Brussels: •
Bev: • and Mrs. Johnston, who
comes from • Antigonish, • N.S.,
met In Hamilton, Ont., where
they were married in•.1954, The
couple - have two sons, David,
seven years of age. and Wayne,
who is five.
We extend a. welcome to our
community to Rev. and Mrs.
Johnston and family,
Horticultural Society
To Have 2-Day Rower Show
An interesting meeting of the
Horticultural Society was, held in
the library With Mrs, D. A, Rann.
Minutes of the last meeting
were react and adopted. A splen-
did report of the. District Annual
held at Ripley, July 4th, was
given by Mrs. Geo. •Love of
Walton. Eleven members of the
Brassels .Society attended the
was moved and seconded
that the Society have a. two-day
Flower Show ,again in. August.
JVir. :Knight read the news
letter. Mrs' Reid and Mrs. Travis
of Walton favoured the gathering
with a duet.
alias Helen Arkell. of Teet
water gave• an. interesting talk
and demonstration on arranging
and niclging flowers for shows.
A number • of arrangements
proved that Brussels has some
lovely roses.
Maxine 'Viatica won the door
mite. '
Forty menibers and visitors
eiajoYed a lovely Mtn prepared
by Mas, Odell, alas, Geo. 'Wbeeler,
lire, Leyte Nichol, arid Mrs,
Jim Maier, Mrs. R. W, Stephona
assi sted,
Some new members joined,
The faintly of the late r. A.
Harrison wish to express theta
eralitucle tn friends aria totigit-
honrs for messages of syrtanntaY,
kindness, and thtiag,htfiiitieSa,
floral tributes ericaacts bf halt-
felness, i•heir reeteat
Fierce-Italia eat.
atga nal Intel) tiailaPafittat
July 2nd, 1963
The regular meeting of the
Village Council was held on the
above date, L. li.. Machan being
Moved by Will. Stratychuk,
seconded by J. W. Fischer that
the minutes of the meeting of
June 5, 1963 be adopted as road.
— 'Carried
1Vioved by C. S. Vliott, sec-
onded Wm, Stratychuk that
we accept Geo. Davidson's
tender for cutting grass and,
weeds in the Village of Brussels
at $2.60 per hour
thieved by J. W. Fischer , sec-
onded by Win. Stratyelruk that
the Reeve and Cilerk he authoris-
ed to borrow $10,000.00 from the
hank until such time as the 1963
tave, are collected
— -Carried
Moved by O. S. Elliott, sec-
onded by J. W. Fischer that the
accounts as presented for pay-
ment be paid
— Carried
P.V.0„ street lights 40.00
Win, It Xing, garbage .„. 120.00
George , Mutter, fuel
for office ........ „..
W. S. Scott, insurance....
United Stationery, Assess-
ment and Oollector's
Pollard Brose Calcium
Chloride ............
Pollard Chain. Saws,
labour . ........ 1:75.
Clean Somers. labour 8.00
Twp, MeNillop, relief
charge back „......—. 13.76
Ca 1 In n der Nursing; Home
June welfare 119.25
'Alachua Ffdwe..,
supplies .... ,,„. , 1,5,05
d3AT C, Telephone
2nd loan .„.— ...... , . 10,000.00
Receiver General. tax
deductions .....„..„. ata5l1
Brussels Post °Mee
'Moved by 3', W. Fischer , sec-
onded by 0, 5, Elliott that a res-
ell:Ilion concerning the Aged and
:fatten with regards to care and
treatment in Narsing Homes,
tut tier the Ontario Hospital Ser-
vices COmmissien path he
The Cannel" We presented
with a petition signed by over '35%
of the eligible voters in the 17/1-
age of BratIscla, r0,Ehesttn-: that
1110 C,etinell imply to the Liquor
Licences Potird for a. vets tr be
wild to vote oat ibe exisiting
TIOVP11) 0'0 mantis in the
T`i'lcy,e of Brusola. This dons
I include abe asaaer,
aleted bi lIaseher rate
easei•eelt.tra "Iii,
Board to held a vote and to get
clerk apply to the Winer Licence
a date
— Carried
Moved by J. W. Fisener , pee-
ended by O. S. Elliott that the
Reeve proclaim Monday, August
5, 1961. a Public Holiday Carried
Moved by 0, 5. F,lliott, lee-
ended by Win. Stratychuk that
the meeting adjourn, to meet
again August 6, 1.963
Clerk Reeve
Wm, TL icing J. C. ICrauter
Rev. A. Johnston Inducted
At Brussels United Churcli
Members of the two congre-
gations of the Brussels charge of
the United Church, represent-
atives of other churches, and
'riende 'were present in Brussels
"Mated Church on Friday night
for the induction of the Rev. A. M
Johnston as minister of the
Rev. A. Higginbotham officiated
for the induction, service and Rev.
C. E. Taylor of Goderich delivered
the sermon. Mr. E. C., NelSen of
Tancia Church, Cranbrook was in
atiendanee as were elders of Mel-
ville •caburch, Brussels. Carl Hem-
alneway extended official greet-
Tv,: of the ebureh.
At the social gathering which
XelloWecl the service Mr. and Mrs;
Norman Hoover, of the Brussels
congregation and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl McDonald of the Elthel
church, introduced members to
Rea. and Mrs. Johnston.
Lunch Was 'served under the
convenersliie of 1Wrs. George,
Joseph William Chapman, RR.,
2, Bluevale, 49. died Thursday iii
'Westminster Hospital, London.
Horn in Edmonton, the son of
the late Joseph 'NV, Chapman and
the former Ada Baxter, he had
resided in Windsor before mov-
ing to ibis area where he fatmed,
in Croy Township, He Was
Member of the Royal Canadian
Navy during the Second World:
SarViVing ere his wife, the
,fernier" Eileen Stephenson: tava
deugbters, Maa, Keith: (Barbara)
Ward, Ethel, and Patricia ah
hoinri: hi s mother, Ws. Ada
MacDonald, Detroit; two brothers,
joint and George, both of Wind,
mil: one sister, Mrs. Ernest Le
Faa„. Windsor.
The funeral was held on Mon.
day from the D. A. Rann fnneral
home in Brussels conducted by
the Tiler, IT. L„tehnings.
Isle 'stilt ttiok e1n66 it Brut:
• •