HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-07-11, Page 4• NOTICE TO DESTROY 0 ukoomoslamonnwar.....vemEescaiwrim 4tili,11414VI 041 tOiqf interview plant visitors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF DAVID JOHN MacLEAN LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MORiRIS, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON All persons claiming against the li,'state of the above-named are required to forward fall par- ticulars of their clahns to the undersigned on or before' the 27th day of July, 19631 after which date the assets will be distributed. Donnelly, Donnelly & Murphy 1l The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate . . : cRECil'ORS• in the Estate of ETHEL IviY1-,,, iJCLt3,E.RT • Ail persons having claims against the Eistate of Ethel Myra Culbert,. late of the' yoiage of Walton, in time C'uttnty at Plurou, Married Woman, decoused, who died on. the 9t1m day 01 April, 1903, are env inn,i.ed i,t) send in • full, _Stn day of July, 1963, after v,hich date the assets will be diS7-• Lributed, having regard only • -to claimL; then received. DATED at Seaforth, this -26th day of June, 1963.... -. MeCONNELL & •SI.LWART.• Seaford; Ontario Solicitors for the Executors i?ii)Lti4S.S14611 Aqc,Ticni. §Ai.vE„ Auction §41q or S.t$, 12 Grey Iwo. ochool. 011;011-Ws School) Building at. Property, Contents, tiLLY ittri at 7 p.m. 2yi tittles East 'of Walton Ifurnace' and Duet War4. kite/wry new)' Seats '1'0a :inter's Desk Chairs, ,euenes 13ooks School Bell Other Articles too numerous 'to mention Terms Cash Auctioneer Harold Jackson CLEARING SALE Clearing Auction Sale -of arm Stock, anti. Machinery at Lot i6, Con. 6. Morns wp, 1 1,4 miles south and 4 miles west of Brussels • -on WEDNESDAY, JU LY 24th at 12 p.m. Cattle 1,1 ..t,eg,btered young uuvyS, Xresneueu 111 Alaren alio Apra ttud. rIlureu itegisteren Jersey lielfers, yr. old Duenani SOO lba a '.tractor With. la goon coguiCaull ,1.1103UOrinteii: spring; Liiiiuvator take new) Dish power pertuiser Drill manure Loader, ,co,mojete circular Saw, on rubber ,ost.tioie Digger c11,40,Cormick. Laud Packer (new) McCormick Power liranurel spreader Richardson ,Heavy Duty Snow Plower ,141;cCorutick Hay Baler with MuCiOrmick 'trailer '1 ft, iViower ..143,Cormuck Side Rake 4VI;o0orlinck 4 furrow plow rubber McCormick 2 & 3 farrow plow on rubber McOormick Disk rubber (new) Grain Thrower Need Sprayer with tank with motor 1951 Chevrolet Truck with stock rack 2 Rubber Tired Wagons with 16 nay racks 24 inch Chain :Saw 5 Section Diamond Harrows 7 ft. 1V5aSSey Harris Binder 40 'ft. Extension Ladder 200 lb Scales Grain Auger with meter 34 ft. Hay Elevator 18 inch Grain Roller Fanning Mill Lumber Plank Cedar. Posts Iron Poets Barb Wire Eatery with Motor Climttle Deherfier Hydraulic Jacks 1 it.P fVfkitOr Viols Forks Shovels Fetide StretcherS i Bag Truck tnit Stirge Milking Machine $ Months' old Gilles' —A1 titles tide Miniereue. Meriden- `NOM§ CAA Prop. Mrs. Elfrieda Alcock Acct, Harold Jackson Clerk — George Powell . . 6tirOatf kitto; alticriy }people LO board, 43pply to; 1304 6U, lirin,Sels FUR sALE Priutesis Pat ii,arristeit Owk• Stove, in good. Gond:deo. Dan. McKinnon, gbione iosw '0/14 SALE Ford. Army 'Traci:, ,wheel drive, 1,1)0 weight, in very good condition. Phone 272W Brussels I oFt SALE 0 room house, full bath, garage and garden, Close to town. Apply to: Mrs. Wes Stephenson Phone 3'.501W., FOR SALE— Go-Karts, 3 to choose from. All in A-1 condition. $100.00 up, Phone 220J after 6 p.m. BABY SITTING — If you want to get away in the afternoon or early evening, we' will look after your children for 25c an hour each. Oontact: Dorothy .E)liott or Mary Gibson FOR SALE -- teed 23" Gilson Electric Stove• Used glare Jewel Electric Stove, 30" Both is good condition. 1Vlachan Hardware Brussels 4.111:.'iii1.11A .NOW /A I t:vv*iv.R3 PAIRY in. :Witch nere about July and hoes July Z5. 1...N6it, Owned Cherries .dis. Sugar. `tY h%1'• us livitAir in 11,urou. t.o.ilt2.1 It. ilee 1IUL IltWe,b6ill'„Y.: j.• lime u1.9U1 1.11.1i4y LU step into 010. 41, , ,t4 it,:" trw,1),(_!.6s Wile,re J.ta w- xlttgxt .rioducts limo been sold fur 4.1g ',routs. Pruilucts fur- rusued on ci'uoit. N rite • DULL. G-152-163 -,aarti• Richelieu, Montreal. NOTICE '1'0 CREDITORS IN HE. MAT1 Eli of the estate of k...lorica WILLIAM BUTCH. iNsoiN, late of tile Township of Grey in the County to' Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. uits I1L1'1118' Lm11,111S Lt8a,nsl. tue issatte La the ape, c unwed uecoa,sec, wuu anal on Or about the twenty-eighth, nay of .,.larch, 1953, are required itol particulars of such ciaii,e; to tile undersigned on or -Gaon.. ;be ltitth day of July, 1963, after which date the assets of the, estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has then been received. BATED at Listowel this eigh- teentladayof2Jrautnte, Q. Cr, , 1963. W. M. Barrister, etc. Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor to the Executors. studios Of the CBC. Langstroth Sings and terfOrms on his fav- ourite instrument, the five-string barrio: CM the same prOgram are kelk,ainger trio The TownSmen,, and the Jubilee Singers chorus. Weeds in Control Act. CA1V11-)ISL'Li. SuV %;Oivii:eANY ,batuttd a.041..oivei, Have an opening kor an Ur. I-, rt.L. A*4;;P;17 Y 101'W 1' Applicants snotuu, irave ewitCliD0arti, ‘,.,-24.- perience, soul& typing skill attu L11e cr.l.amy 1.0 eliSectiveiy Cafeteria facilities. rive day weeii um comprehensive employee insurance oenerits are availaole.. Applicants should apply to the Plant Personnel Office. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'to prioperty owners in urban and sub- divided rareals to destroy all Noxious Weeds as 'often as necessary in each selftson, to. -prevent their going to seed. .11.Y 20, 1063 proceed- proceed- •14144.14.0, destroy Noxious • ' !;o' • the Weed . ALEX Clf-SONEY Ituren.Coutity-Weed Inspettor Jersey Heifer Cjalves e Jersey steer '•calves particulars of their 0.013318' to the,Durupan tieretoru Cows • with undersigned on or before the• calves a. to 400 lbs. • ,,ereford Steers. on Harrows, on 200 gal. ai Langst.toth, who prodnoos the 013C-TV Prograni, TA51), ,1V1p8sers Jubilee, 'Is alaci a Der- former In his own right. He is seen this summer iii the talk song program Singalong Jubilee,1 'Which conies from the Halifat HOST OF FOLK, SONG PROGRAM