HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-07-11, Page 1SHORT SHOTS The continged lack of rain is .presenting a serious threat U. crops in this area. Gardens are not thriving and lawns, if not water- ed are seer and brown. The self serve supper, sponsor- ed by Morning Star Rebekah , Lodge, on, the lawn at the home of Ralph Pearson on Tuesday, attracted a good number of people who thoroughly enjoyed , the supper in spite of the ratter chilly weather. ip.tai A Year In Advance --,- eae0 To U.S.A. 'SWF BRUSSEILS POST JULY 1.1th, 1963 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Miss Gale Wilson Crowned Queen At Hi-T Plawaiian Summer Ball July Meeting setting last Many in beautiful Hawaiian Friday evening whore A. gala evening Was enjoyed by Melville WINS The July 'meeting of the W.MtS, 1 the 33r1tBeel e Infr club sponsored wee hew in the auditorium of the their animal Summer Ball under the capable direction of their, church on July 5 with the presi- (lent Mrs. W. 'W. Sraith in the 4 leader Mrs. Robt. Raymond chair, The devotional part of the The boys and girls had worked meeting was conducted by Mrs industriously for many days beforehand and the results were all they could have hoped, a color- ful eettinfs for their party. Min members were pleased to see so many of the past years chaperones:present indicating continued interest. There must he a lot of spank. jug clean children around these days, without mothers having to dunk them, in the tub by force,. What with all the youne,sters taking swimming instructions and the recreation evading pool a busy spot there can't be a. dirty urchin left for mother to scrub, * Vacationers at summer resorts no doubt were regreting the cool days we lied. Sun bathers do not appreciate those brisk chilly breezes, nor the swimmers the lees than eomforteble temperatur of the lake waters, Nor doee it tend to make the cash registers 'of, the resort operators However it wee Just fine for those of us who TIM, to carry of With the daily grind. • Brussels will not aurffer from water shortage in the forsee- able future, The new Wall, just north of the Ilea SornerS homes will provide 2480 gallons of water a minute Wnen it is put into .opevatiOri, This: second well, which is 190 feet deep, Will he need primarily in emergencies. North, ,Hilron members will have the opportunity to enjoy two hue, trips this month: The 4-H Inthicational Bus Tout will he' held July 16th to Western Ont- orio Aereulfurel Selsbol at Ridge- town line oilier Drente of interest in Rent Ciennty, The T-Turon flub memeers will visit. the Out- Ccomie Producers 4,H Swine Hose offiree seenrela Peckers. Ltd,' and Pioneee 'Wilier+ on .Tnly 18th.. Read the ad8, in the Post Contributions, To 'Belgrave New Arena Fund Harry Williams, Clinton —. 5.00 Purity Seeds co., Brantford 5.00 iBrussele Lions Oluh 50.00 liowson & Howson, Blyth 25.00 Teeswater Creamery Ltd 10.00 Blyth. 'Legion .. . .. .„..,.. ... . 1.0.00 Brussels. Legion 60.00 Brussels Llivestock Sales Yard 60.00 Belgrave ,Co-Op 100.00 "alladian Bank of Commerce, NVingham, 75.00 Tetteknow Community Sale 20.00 L. E. Cardiff. 'Brussels ..„ 100.00 Albert Netbery, Hamilton. 15.00, R. B. Gamins Ltd., Brussels '25.00 Michael MePhall. California 5.00 Carling Breweries Ltd. Walkerton 50.00 Received with thanks. More amen next week, Mrs, 'Ted Pear, R. R. 5, Brussels Horticultural Society To Hold Meeting The Brissels .horticultural Society will hold their regluar meeting on Monday July 15th, at' 8:30 in the Public. Library. The. roll call is to he,answeredi with suggestil6ns, for the Flower Show. Hach member is asked to bring a floral arrangement to the meet- ing to be commented on and judged by Miss Helen Arkell of Teeswater, who will be the guest Spett.lser, Dverybody Welcome. Brussels 4:171 Calf CIA Third Meeting The third meeting of the Brussels 4-H 'Cp„If Club was held. on July 2nd, 1963, at the farm of Wilfred Strickler. Gerald Blake presided with 14 members being present, There Was a discuseitm on the aiming bus trip on July 16th 1.963 to Kent Coentse A class of mature Jersey 'Cows Was judged after which reasons were given and discus- sed. Mr, Mel Chamberlain, slith- er assistant agricultural repre- sentative, gave n, talk on the "Marketing of Quality Milk', Ado, to My. I-Tank Haas-boot, son ot, eel', end ales. Abraham. Tfansnoot of R.R. 1, Gorrie, Ont. The marriage will take place on Angest 2nd, at 8 P.M., In the (Bothell Christian Referthed Church, Listowel. Ross )Nichol Bruasels installted 'MGM At District Meeting Here The District meeting of Huron District No, 8, was held in the- aVeetern Star TOOF Hall, Bras- ;lain, on June 27th. Ross Nichol of Brussels was installed as D.DO,M at this Meeting. Other District Officers also installed were: Benson Sutter, Clinton, D.D.G.M. and Rae Ceawford, of Brussels,. D. D. G. Sec, The installing officers were P,G,M, Ross Cheswell, Preston and P,CeM. 'Win. Jeffery of Waterloo, This being an oven meeting, Ttebekane 'and friends' attended as well as members of the district lodges, Exeter, ITensall, Brueefield Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Wingham, Allan Camp- bell, of Seaforth, was the retiring D.D,G.M. A social hour and lunch follow- ed the conclusion of the meeting. PEOPLE WE KNOW * * • Dds Henderson of London was a Brussels, visitor this week, • * • Miss Jessie Little is attend- ng . Summer School in Toronto. Mrs, George Chidlow is visiting With friends in Kitchener and Hespler, * • ;Miss Florence McNaughton of Clinton is visting Brussels friends, MeDoneld had the tnisfOrtnne to tall off a load of bay on Saturday He is in Wing ham Hospital With a fractured beck suffered In the fall, • * * Mrs, Dlizaheth Dlliett. and Mr. aed Wive Andrew Eisler of London were visitors With Me, and Mrs, Win, Beane on Saturday. Mrs. Elliott ci,elebrated her 94th birth- day on Monday of this Week, * * * Lester Meehan Who is en the staff of the CBO, Toronto, Wes home Ter the week end and Visited With his father, Leonard Man a who continues seriously Aare Long and Mrs, Roy Turves. Following, the singling' of a hymn Mire, J. Gibson gave a report on aWelcOnse and Welfare" work and Mrs. J. Campbell read an article on the Presbyterian Fellowship House in Winnipeg, The business 'part of the meeting was under the leadership of Mrs. Smith, Hymn •546 was sung. The roll call was responded to by repeating a verse with the word "Blessed" in it, and, the offering was taken. Mrs. Gerald Meet, gave a very interesting paper on "Korea and the Koreans in Japan." Using a Map for the Geographical setting she sketched the history of the Korean nation; the domination of the Chinese and Japanese dyna- sties; the infiltration of Csommun- ism by Ruselan the suffering that two' wars had imposed on the helpless people; the bewilder- ment of conflicting religions on innocent people; the poverty stemming from the fact that only one fifth of the land is . tillable.. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the help of other countries can set the brave Korean nation free. World Vision Inc. The Salvation Army and missionaries from our Canadian and Arnasical- chnrchee are carrying on a noble woos there, lase(' The meeting was singing of 11, hymn anti ih beneseetion.. Msne CARD GE THANKS My sincere thanks to all thotte who sent cards and visited ine in Clinton Public, Hospital.' Special thanks to those who helped with farm choree and haying, It, was all were mulch apprec- iated, Tan W 111 WALTON Mr. and We. David Andrews of Toronto, were weft end guests, with Me and Thee George Derides. Miss Stine Higginbotham. 011 London, spent the week end with her parents, Rev, and Mrs, T1 isee nb ethams ;Sass. Kenneth Ritchie and Mrs. Donelas Ennis, epreat several save in Toronto 'last week The Siteisa residence in the has been PurehaSed by Uses' Long of Brussels, Daley in, the evening a spot dance was won by George (Sateh) Watson and Ruth Michie. The highlight of the dance came with the' arrival of three special guests, Mies Dmily Metzger' and Monty Snyder and Bill StepheesOn of ONYX, TV, Wingliann The 'noosing of the TT1-T Queen began. vfifh ihe introduction of the five contestants, Mary Watson, Dar- lene Maehen, Gale Wilson, Bar- bara Bray and Bonnie Workman Foch girl Was privately inter-, stewed by the three judges named above who had been given ai written summary of each girl's 'e ast achievements in school, m)orts, chereh, 4-H, Hf-T etc, her interests and, hobbies. From this 'information they made: their choice Miss Gale Wilson, cWlatelsgollitr ie wonfs Mr, awrnecloMys. by Dianne Eldou Teetippes last years queen. The newly crowned queen weaved a spray of roses from the Horticultural Society, She ease was presented with gifts of jewellery anti cosmetics by HPir president Brian 'utledge. After a. few Words of thank-you by the queen her attendants were called forward and each received gift of sosmetics. fleecing continued to the music of The Staccatoee, a talented teenage combo whose !Miele was enjoyed by ail present, The ELT extends thanks' to alt svho showed their interest in any Way, Their 'help was Mitch appreciated, They are happy that Brnseeis, folk do not believe with Shaikeepeare that We Should "Neither a borrower nor a lendee be," There could] be no' Seeedsaful, arty without their 'generosity. CM:lb OF Tiereisike I wish to express my sincere tWeke to all those who assisted around home. sent cards, or gifts anil visited' me while T Was a patient in Lietowel and London, hospitals, also my sincere thanks to the doctors and nurses for their kerelnees, Mike Stratyohult A quiz was given on this topic ill with a heart condition, to 'and the meeting was adjourned. Listowel IIdsii tat, iTsunch was served by Mrs • le • Ntra. Odell, Mrs R. W. Stephens, Mrs, Ta.s. Armstrong ENGAGEMENT .Tr., Mrs. Wm Miller, Mrs Ella eTh Shiterie, Mas. Carl HerningwaY. o n ce Mrs. Gerald Exel,, Mrs. Burl.T-Teraingway, Mrs.. Brussels, Ont., wish to' announce nun oir:ogooloot of their dam per, Russel Harrows, eer, George 11SIdison and Mrs, George love, cot members 'of the Bressele arorticeltural Society, the • annual meeting Ontario Horticulteral Zane 8, held in Ripley day, July 4th. attended of the Society. n 'Iniurce by the