HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-06-20, Page 7THAT BUILDS Battesstis POST DRUBS/TA ONTARIO THURSDAY, oTIINE 20th, 1908 , A new car for your family? New appliances for your home? Get whatever you need now—with a Personal Loan from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. LoW interest rates. Life- insured for your protection. Conven- ient repayments. See .your helpful Commerce branch manager today. THE Over 1260 branches to serve you BANK GENTLEMEN'S CLUE 1,4r.Av 11 .EIVA.11 No en.elliries this week, just three letters,' so Will tell you ;an° u t my visit to W oodiane race track. 'Left on Sunday and checked is at a nearby motel, a little expensive but after a.-1 It's just One extra bet. I didn't sleep well, I tossed, turned and tumbled trying to make up my 111111u whether to buy a Rolls Royce, a Cadillac or a jaguar, with my winnings. Monday -Was a bit discouraging, 1 had. consider- Able Jaulley u/i -Ohl Pickle, r1,t was well na,meu, five was tt 11p1y uirigilL lulu IlILL me in a pickle. About two lengths .trom the wire he turned. his head to give me a am. Lilree other nurses beat aim by 'ii nose. ..1;11 v,ah. tee one given to ;.ilarrity Gaunt, by gueat of . George 1111:41(.00°n at the Warden's banquet in Coder- ich. Monday night I decided to get a new Ford front Bridge or a new Choy front George, Atter ail either one would do 'till 1. got to the races at Port Erie in. July. Tuesday the less said the better. Tuesday night 1 decided to phone Casey and see if he had a real, good used car, I figured Casey would be more considerate, and understanding, regards racing problems, ° poor mechanics, bad, jockeys etc. Wednesday 1 had an engagement in, Napance. No races. The gents at the Sinners Club advised, me to lake 401. Now I. know why. They figured if I ever got on that highway 1 would never trouble them again, it is 401 alright, 40 to I. you will be killed, was floating along about 70, a big truck behind blasting lila horn, as he went by he hollered at me "what the h - - are you parked there for'?" I was treated with great dignity and kindness at Napauee. Quite a ;change it was. Thursday a/ little lady sat down beside me. She knew no more about a horse ithan I do about a Dinosaur. All I know, they are a pre-historic lizard, and travelled, about the ;sane speed as the horses I pick, 17here was a bunch. Of real wise, het* Men all around WC, One whinned when he laughed, an- other rolled his, upper lip and two of them had thrush, Their feet rimelled terrible. I think their mother's had been frightened by a Rigglin. Well, they made manner of jokes aboatt the Little Lady but they didn't laugh so loud after she had three straight wins. Believe it or not, she had five firsta, and, one Place at the end of the sixth, If you don't believe me ask' Dr. Mic- Cutelieon. She asked me the time) and when I ,showed her the score board she said, "Oh my goodness I have to go my husband will be., real angry, Gee whiz! Great Scott! She says, "Now you and your friend Doc have been very nice to ine and I'll give you the. winner in the Seventh, "Lindats Love". 'Well, you should have heard the hee haws. According to the experts Linda couldn't win if all the other horses were hitched to a sleigh load of my cedar logs, I said to her, have you any goodh reason why she will win7 she saidi "Why it's a natural, our neigh- bour's little girl, Linda, comes over and plays with our Siamese eat, mu' cat loves Linda. The cat is seven years old, See how simple it is." (continued next week) Every uniform worn by the Fort. Henry Guard is a painstakingly exact reproduction of those worn by Queen Victoria's army on July, 1, 1807, .Confederation Day, Centering this grotip is the Fort Henry Guard mascot "David' — a white Saanen goat, presented to tb,e Guard by the St. David Society of TOronto. For centuries the mascot of the Welsh Fusiliers hips been a white goat. Reading front left to right: Infantry Officer, Drum Major, Infantry Dnrinliner, Pioneer, DaVid and Goat Major, Gunner, Bandsman, ArtAitterY OttleOr.