HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-06-20, Page 5THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. K, Griffiths Organist: Mr. F. C. Parker ARCT Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Divine Worship 11:00 A PIANO RECITAL By :Pupils of Mrs. Frank Thompson and. Miss Sharon Storey BRUSSELS 1"UBLit.; SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. WEDNESDAY, AVENING JUNE. 26th, 1963 at 8:00 p.m. Everyone Is Cordially Invited to Attend Silver Collection 11100.04 BRUSSELS HI-T CLUB inyites all Teens to attend their HAWAIIAN SUMMER BALL ' FRIDAY, JULY 5th 8:30 pan. PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM `Miss Hi-T 1963" will be chosen at 10:30 by CKNX personalities Monty Snyder and Bill Stephenson Admission: 50c Lunch Served Music by The Shakers Brought to you ,as a public service by ONTARIO'S SILVER & BLACK FLEET TUX INIPINMIMO ONTA1140 Vii:URSDAY, 111114 60th, 1%6 powl•••••••••••••••••••••,.............. ••••••••••••••••• PRESBYTER AN CHURCH IN. CANADA Minister:. Rev. W. J. Morrison MA Organist; Mrs. Frank Thompson LaCT 10.00 am, Sunday School 11,15 aall. :Nlorinea Worabilo ALL WELCOME ANGLICAIN1 CHURCH OF CANAut. Rector: Rev. ft. L. Jennings. BA, LTH. Organist: Ws. 11. y;llieLL ST. JOHN'S 703rd ANNIVERSARIY 11 a.m. Morning Prayer only Preacher: Rev. H. Donaldson, St., Thomas Church, Seaforth itnral Dean of Huron :1,.1'. min lo.rs. Allen. Dunn and family, liatcneuer, soca the .1veckeful with his parents, Mr. and iVirs. Earl Dunn. ivi iss Afitixine ilialluou, Ii.c 0 Deer, Alberta arrived itome on ,Saturday, for a two week's vacation. Allr. and Mrs. Itoy Hudson, Uodedich, visited at the inonse with their son-in-law and daught- er, Mrs. E. G. Nelson. Mr. James :Perrie B. A., who is on the 2rpoint charge of Brown- vale and Dixon:Ville in the Peace' River 3?reabytery of Alberta spent a few days last week, on Vancouver island and visited friends in Vancouver. Ai..1 i...1114 Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger on Sunday, June 9th were Mr. and MTE3. Don. Fowler and family, Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Payne and family, Stratford, 'Mr. and Mrs Harvey Payne and family, Moles- worth, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fowler anld family, Southampton, Mr. land MFs. cis* ;Payne, James- town, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ehusel and family, Cranbrook, Mr. and Ws. Jim Bolger and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowler, Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Admits and family, i'aris, Ur. and Mrs. Frank Johnston, ,Winthrop. Choir Entertains '1'110 caw!: of Duns U Intuit Charon, \v alum, prusenten musical program for the residents linronview, Cilluton On Surf- any evening. .1.13,e music was .uirected by Rev. A. kfiggin- botham and accompanied by Mrs. H. Brown. Mr. job P ton thanked the" choir, and Mrs „Johnston showed the women through the new building. ,••••••••••• /1••••••••• DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA :1 *, a w J.J16.K.S a uaressed to secretary, Depar tment OL rnlllre orics at uttnaus, itoom ,B 322, Sir Charles Tapper. Building, Riverside Drive, ()tilt- awa 8, and endorsed "TlioN.DEli,, FOR TI-.„iE SUPPLY OF GOAL, b'C 16L OIL AND PROPANE GAS FOR THE FEDERAL BUILD- INGS `1'11ROUGLiOTJT TIThI PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, 196S- 1964," will be received until 3:00 p.m. (D.D.S.T.,), THURS- DAY, Jrdby 4, 1963. ..tenoor uuciunencs can be oh- talued througn: Chief of Pur- chasing and Stores, Room C-459, Sir Onarles Tupper Building, Ittve'rside Drive, Ottawa; Office Managers at: 22,5 Jarvis Street, Toronto; 457 Richmond Street, Loudon; Post Office Building. Fort William, ,Unt. To be con- sidered each tender must be sub- mitted on the forms supplied by the Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary. FOR SALE — 13luetick pups AP* to Russel Fear Beintore, Phone Wdnghain 3656 STREET DANCE ET H EL FRIDAY JUNE 28th Music Ey: The .GALAXY'S Everyone Welcome Sponsored by Ethel Teen Town cANAL/A e..Le.CTIONS ACT mieccoral wistrict Of rtUron ~L,iVIIVIAtiY yr Kc I uikiv OF EAVh.Nse.s Taw,. s ',mow set out, as required by section ho W cite Canada lulections Act, a sum- mary, signed oy tile official agent, or the return of election expenses mane to me by thin on behalf. of Elston Cardiff, one of the Candi- dates at the recent election of a member to serve in the House of Commons of Canada held in the above-mentioned electoral dist- rict, which said return is on tile at my office and may, on payment of a fee of twenty cents, be there inspected and extracts taken, therefrom at 'any reasonable time during the six months next after i the 12th day of June 1963. being the day upon which, the said return was furnished to me. Dated at Seaforth, 'this 12th day of june, 1963. Russell T. Bolton Returning Officer Summary of Return of Election Expenses of Elston Cardiff Receipts Receipts, contributiona, etc. $3680.00 No. of persons from winatTmreceivedouli $3680.00 payments services 2'766401 No. of persons paid NA0d.veorf tiSpeinrgoda paid 013.990 Total 3, Dated at Seaforth, thtiB68 0.00 12th day of June, 1963. Selwyn Baker, ,Official Agent WV, rms.. When in Listowei, make sure you VISIT THE illiam Linden STORE Men's Wear Ladies' Wear Furs Ittipyt,g AVENUE For Quality Satisfaction LIOTOINILL. ArOund the Corner from the Bank of Montreal — ASK** From the Poet Office Listowei Phone4.280:•. ow Available In A 1 'Pound Carton Female Help Required CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY Limited as well the 1/2 Pound: From Your Grocer or Milkman Today or Phone 22 21.:istowei, Ont. Have opening for FEMALE Workers in their plant. Applicants should visit the Personnel Office for interview. Good wages, full rang of employee insurance benefits, and cafeteria facilities are available. sins Dair