HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-06-20, Page 4BEST Used. Car BUYS 196z Chev. belair 8 cylinder radio 1VIAJ drOrd 6 cylinder radio 1960 (Meteor 'Rideau othi 8 cylinder automatic radio 1960 CheV. Biscayne 6 cylinder 1958 'Meteor Rideau 500 8 cylinder 'automatic radio 1957 Chev. radio 1956 Mercury automatic radio 1956 Olds Hardtop Other Older Models To Choose Fi BRIDGE MOTORS r rioNh 249 BRUSSEI...5, ON r. e MIUSIC SUPERVISOR . Required For WALTO N PUBLIC SCHOOL 3 CLASS ROOMS. DlltiO13 to commence Sept. 3, 1963. Reply giving full particulars as to quallifications and salary expected. All applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned by Tues- day, June 36, 1966. Alvin ,BlecDonald Sec.-Try. R.R. Z DRUSSRer-S, ONT. TENDERS F.CFli HEATING . Marked tenders will be received by the undersigned until Tueeday June 25th, 1963, fer the follow- ing; No, 2 ruel 011, to supply 1000 „gallon tank for Walton Public School. .Lowest or any Lender not necessarily accepted. Alvin McDonald Sec.-Treasurer, -it. it. 2, Brussels, Out, GIANT AUCTION 'SALL: at the usTpwEl. •th..fkitoN AUDITORIUM LISTOWEL ONTARIO TAIL-NaAY Eykortivti - JUNE 25th - 7::SU SHARe AUC.TiONEe,h Lr.., C. cal rud vti ILL bcLL v'd i I rIVU L,A,t114c. I fl.h4 Ur IN A 01 t.; Y bz *1•01,11; U i* uoiKb is/A Li r r, MIE,RSONAL. C,OINSIGNAte:NTs CONS.ISI INte °Et HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, `'ELE;Vl5ION SETS, A N,L: App,LIANCES. 1.6 1.16!1 ITY.MS To isg cu. It chest treezer that awls over •o0U lbs of trozeu teen; automatic washer and dryer in new condition; 2 electric ranges; 2, rerriger- ntors; ,2twaeliers witty pumps; 2 c'heste'rfield suites with Loam cushions; 21 ,davenport suites that make into a bed; 2 bedroom. suites complete•ovith Springs and mattresses; 2 39" continental beds complete with headboards; 0 21" television, sets and 2 17" seta all reconditioned and in Al working condition; combin- ation radio and record player; 9 piece coppertone dinette suite; A 7 piece and 1 5 piece kit.Chen suites; Step and coffee tables; ,living room lamps; hestess chairs; step stool, high chair, gossip bench; chrome rocker; writing desk, radio, a, new full size mattress,: 9' x 12' rug and many other awns too numerous to mention. ALSO WILL SF4LLIN,G A LARGE PAWL' OF A $50,000.00 LNV,F4NFOlhY OF BRIAND NEW C.LOTEirING if OR MAIN, qHILDIPLN AND, BABIES the following are just. a few of the many items bathing suits, shorts, slims, blouses,, "T", shorts, peddal pushers, Work pants, shirts, undewear, nylons, cockle skirts, 2 and 3 piece outfits for children, deck pants„ swim trunks, baby sets, hair curlers, comb and brash sets and 100 other odds and ends. DON'T MISS THIS iliNTERESTING AUCTION SALE at the usrowEL I.ECIOIN AUDITORIUM TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 25th - 7:30 P.M. SHARP AUCTIONEER LEo E. BIRD TERMS CASH — CHEQUES ACCEPTED ON FURNITURE 396 watt tax in effect VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP :Cutting Styling Cold WiWind A SimiisitY Phone 140 Brussels an 6# will+ 01 *ALA Clearing Auction sale in the vitiage of Brussels on 4ATtifit)AY, JUNt Bstri at l pan. A Lull nue ur ttiouseuold Effects pielndiaz tlitesterfteia Suite, "'Tables Lautp$ Dining room outfit 1-lail tree rack Bads Spring's I Mattresses Dressers Bedding Pillows Li,itchen icurniture igiduire ItIlectric Stove Coal s toves Dishes ;Washing 1\lachine Radio Television Vactun Cleaner Floor Polisher Studio Couch ivectracal .Appliances Sealers Saws Garden Tools Inuamers Z3 Dodge Car Other articles too numerous too numerous to mention Terms Gash proprietor r- Bd Henderson Auctioneer .-- Harold Jackson mot.:TION bALL- c tearing Auction Sale of Property, Machinery, Livestock ano Household ETfects at lot 21, ,con. 4, Morris Twp. •1/4 miles .North and 3 miles West or Brussels on MONDAY, JUNE 24th at 1 p.m. Cattle Hereford Spring Calves t; Itereford Cows .1. Loistein Clow holstein and Poi Angus Cow Hereford 131/11, registered 3 Sows Machinery l\linximpolis tractor hubber tired ''Wagon tractor Cockshutt mower john Deere side rake flay Loader Seed Drill ,Disk t.)ircular Saw Set scales Dump rake Power Lawn Mower ].tubber tired wheel barrow hay teader 2 iScuiflers Steel tired wagon Quantity of grain Household Effects 4 Beds Springs Mattresses Wash stands , Bedding Pillows Blankets Crosley reirigerater Four burner ele,itic stove Moffat wood stone ,Q.uebe coal heater Washing Machine Radio Dining room table Sideboard, 5, chrome chairs piece chesterfield suite small tables Electric, table lamP Pop-up toaster Steam 'iron it'llectric tea kettle Vectric fry pan 1‹:itclien utensils Other articles too numerous to Jilention Property At the same place the farm will he offered for sale consisting of iso acres; 1i/2 storey frame house; bank barn; subject to reserve bid. 10% down balance ih 30 days. Chattels Cash. Prop. — John JamleSpn Auctioneer — Harold Jackson Clerk — George Powell . . ::'74:4111Z7.71. • FOR SALE A buffeLt, 2 leather .rockers, raPX, 2 small tables, 2 sped pair drapes, figured with grey ground. Glem Stelfier Phone 356J1$ FOR SALE Ihrerythiag in cedar, •k 'ice.S. oruer now, .5enee posts lye; Jucliors $1.25 Art ileary 244J SPECIAL SALE — 151i ana Uoininunity Plate Piatwear tor limited Lime, 45 Ulf Upen Stock Price W. (1. Leach WAN Lac) — iteliable man as Dealer in Hur- on CO. Experience not necessary. line opportunity to step into old established business whero Rawleigh. Products have been sold tor years, Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Bawleigh.'s, Dept. P-152-163, I 1005, Richelieu, Montreal. REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE — 5 room house with full bath And cupboards. 6 room house with full bath and cupboards &or houses in Brussels, Wing- ham and Wroxeter Apply to Ellmer Ellacott, .Salesman for K. W. Colqulioun Phone 129 Brussels WANTED Your old chestertied as Trade- in. at the naliz,aaY • • PURNI'V LTILD S110,Wit . Show cushion to 6cauett's sales. man. for trade.in evaluation of old suite. "Said' HELP WANTED — For full time shiner employ- ment for capable high School, Good training , in plen.sant surroundings. Applyto: . Callander Nursing ilome TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE Auction Salo at S. S. NO. 12 GREY TWP. (Ritchie School) zyg miles East of Walton on MONDAY, JUNE 24th at 7 p.m. .School Building and Property (brick) also contents including Oil furnace, duct work (nearly new) Seats Main 'lleacher's desk Benches Books School bell Terms Cash Auctioneer — Harold ervIcb HIGHEST PRICES For Dead, Old or Ohlableill Phone Atwood 358-INIS24 Cellist Lissa. NC 11010111 MUSIC SUPERVISOR — Morris School Boars requires a, music supervisor for eight rural Schools, to teach one, one-hour lessons, per week. in each school. Salary $5.00 per lesson. Applic- ants will state qualifications and experienc.e. Ralph Shaw, Secretary Brussels, Gni— TEACHERS WANTED — Morris Tovirnsbip School Board requests aepileatins irOrii teacuers tor one room rural schools, .en- reihnent approximate, 26. Applicants will state WAIL" cations and experience, Duties will commence September 3,1963. Ralph Shaw, Secretary, Brussels, Ont. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for cutting grass in the Village of -Brussels will be re ceived at the Clerk's Office until 5:00 p.m. June 21st, 1963. Please state hourly rate. Wm. H. King, Clerk-Treasurer TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the -undersigned until July Y, for supplying 5 cords of cedar and 40 cords of 14" hardwood (maple and Beech) to schools No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 and No. 11 in the Gray. School 'Area No 1. For further Information centaet any Board member or, me secretary. Norman S. Hoover, Secy. Grey T. S, A. R.R. 3 Brussels, Phone 428W7 FOR RENT — Cabin Trailer situated at Boiler Beach, will sleep 6 adults. Phone Brussels 336W6 WANTED TO BUY Clollector will pay $100.00 for 1921 fifty cent Piece $2:00 for Queen Victoria 10e piece $5.00 for Queen. Victoria 25c piece $8:00 for Queen Victoria 51)(1 piece $110.00 for 1932 or 1947 60c 911,00 $20.00 for 1947 or 1948 silver $1.09 All gold coins boUght , sales cash and confident& W. R. Snell, 1072 Richmond St., London, Ont. Jackson MUSIC TEACHER WANTED — yor S. S. NO. 3, Grey TownsbiL), Huron County. Duties to corn- ' =mice Sept, 1963. One hour per week. State qualifications and salary expected. Applications to be in Julie 26th, 1963. Chairman, Sam Sweeney A. A. 1, iiiithel. Ont. (See. Treas., Melville Lamont R. R. 1, Ethel„ Ont,