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The Brussels Post, 1963-06-06, Page 7
13K0141044 .0Oare f13maicf1'4,9, A: ''ii rrtillit;')1,),A,let JIMA 100 TAIgg, NOiTIOl'll that by By-Law NO, 10 .of. 1963, the Munieipal 00;4,1.911140n of. 11w Township of Grey ntiltneriZed the taking or a vote of the ratepayers 01' the Gsay"TeWtiShin Pehgel Area No 1 on, the :(olleWing'questien "Ate you in favour of establishing one ,central schioot for Grey Township. Se491 Area. No, 1V'. lilayt140 1V1a Cardiff, Clerk of the Township of Grey, Certify that aboVe qnestion Is a true copy of a question contained the' eaid I3y-Law No. 10 of 1993 of the Mtinielpal Corporation Of UV Tewnship of Osey, and finally passed on Ole ($1;11 day of May, 1902 Edythe NI Cardiff, Clerk of the Township of Grey AND PETRTEsER TAKE NOTICE that by Thy-t_4aw No. 11 of 1.003, the said Manticiplid cion o1 We Township of Grey directed, that the said vote be taken on the 15th day of June, 1903, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 6 o'clock in the after- noon D. S. T. AND lltYP.T1.-1.1ild.. T.A.iele NOTICE that the Deputy Return-1;1g Officers for each Poll, the Poll Clerk for etch Poll, the boundaries, of each Poll, and the locations s.,:! the Sallie where the vote will be taken aro as follows; PoL1 No. '1 Plus Poll 64a,11 be held at School House, School Section No 4 That eleeil Payne shall be the Deputy Returning Officer That .Andrew McLennan shall be the -1-011 Clerk The boundaries of this Poll are defined as follows: Cloncession 1 South Part Lots 1 to 39 inclusive Concession 2 Lots 1 to 17 inclusive Concession 3 Lots 0 to 17 inclusive Concession 4 Lots 7 to 17 inclusive ConeesSions 5 and 6 Lots 11 to 13 ineluisive Poll No. 2 This Poll shall be held at School House, seboal Section No 1 That Norman Mover shall be the Deputy Returning Officer 'chat George Wesenberg shall be the Poll Clerh boundaries of this Poll are defined as follows: Concession 9, 10 and 11 Part Lot 1 to .uot .11) inclusive Coneessien 12 and 13 Lots 1 to 10 inclusive Concession 14 Lots 2 to 10 inclusive Poll No. 4 This Poll shall be held at the CoMmunity Hall, Mpnerieff That Orval Harrison shalt be the Deputy Returning Office! That Kenneth McLean shall be the Poll Clerk tflie boundaries of this Poll are defined as follows: Concession 11 and 12 Lots 26 to 35 inchtsive Concession 13 and 14 Lots 21 to 35 inclusiye Concession 15 to 18 inclusive Lots 1S to 35 inclusive (except Lots 21 and 2,2, Concession 18) Poll No. 5• ':his Poll shall be held at Lite Township Office, Ethel That. Clecil Thiteman shalt be the Deputy Returning Officer That Elsie ,Cunningham shall be the Poll Clerk The boundaries of this Poll are defined as follews: rioncessions 5 and 6 Lots 14 to 22 inclusive doncession 7 Lots 12 to 33 inclusive Concession 8 Lets 13 to 32 inclusive Concession 9 Lots 20 to 35 inclusive Concession 10' North: Half Let 20 to Tot 35 inclusive 2011 No. 6 This Poll shall he held at School Hodge, School Section No 5 That Andrew areniner shall be the Deputy Returning Officer That Alex Cullen shall be the Poll Clerk The boundaries of this Poll are defined as folloWs: Concession 1 Lots 40 to 55 indlusive, Concessions 2 to 4 inclusive Lots 18 to 35 incluSive, Coneesaion S Lets 22 4).38 inclusive Concessioti 6 Lots 22 to 34 inclusive Poll 1\'o. this Poll shall be held at the Community Centre, Ciratibtook That Kenneth. MacDonald shall be the DePtity Rettiriiing ()Meet flirtt. 'Airy tied Shall be the P011 Clerk The 1=11(10168 of, this Poll are defined as follows: ConceasiOn 9 Lots 11 to 19 inellisive. ConcesSien 10' Lots 11 to SOUth 1-1.01.f Lot 2i: inclusive CotiteSSIon 11 and 12 Lets 11 to 25 inclusive Concession 12 T.hts 11 to 20 inclusive Concession 14 South tttlf Lot 3, South Ealf Lot 9; and Lot 11 to 20 inclusilre Concession it Tsots 16 and 17 and West F...alf! Lot 18' Concession 16 Lot 16 Concession 18 Lot 21 and 22 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Head of the Council, someone (idly appointed by resolution on his behalf, will attend. at the Clerk's offide in the Village of Ethel, on the 5G1i. day of • sppcAR, Ngvvs .,ttenelauee tit tne game was By (Barry Currie) fair compared to 1.1“ weatber, but On fil,ay 20 rain plagued, the Dykl, keener Interest la first home game of the season i,l,orts in this town, for Brussels: The nick off tooa Johnny ,(4.tydea, a resident of .0ace on Cline anti the- hallo osisi IA shows Inol'e interest ill neween St, Oolupaban and ,ri,(A:COP alive In Brussels tirusseis then do the senior citizens c oluninan scored first to take Brussels, Last year be gave the the load about Midway through Leant the -WI being used at taken by Jobe Olturni, better the game. Later two penalty shots tralst we used (tti his truck as To one gante jn hear 1iinuo then as Tit-Lydon, Brussels transportation, He changes his lead. In the dying minutes egg pick-up orders so that he can the referee called tne game duo be on hand for our (games, to a minor disturbance. At present Surely th e; people of Brussels can the score stands. follow this example Brussels 2 St. cotemban 1 the' home team. MALE AND FEMALE HELP REQUIRED CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY' Limited Listowel, Ont. Have opening for both MALE and FEMALE Workers in their plant. Applicants should visit the Personnel Ffltervielve. „Good wages, full rang of employee insurance benefits, and cafeteria facilities are available. june, 1963, at the hour or ten o'olock In the forenoon, D.S.T.' appoint the two perspus to attend on the summing up of the vote by the Clerk,' and one to attend at each polling place on beau C 'Of persons interested in, and desirous of voting in the affirmative on the qUestion and -a like number on behalf of the persons In- terested in and desirous of voting in .the negative on the question.. AND KTItadiDlt rrAdal Nonco that the Clerk at the 11icanicipal- ity shall attend at her Office in the Village of Ethel at 12 o+-.clock noon, D.S.11., on the 17th day of June, 19,62., to such up the votes given in the affirmative and megative on the said question. AND IrVIISPEF,R NOTICE that the purpose and intent of this question is to determine if ono Central School shall he built to serve all peep's. within the confines of School Area No. 1 of the Township of Grey. Dated at Ethel, Ontario, this 6th day of"Miay, 1963. Edythe Mt Cardiff Clerk of the Township of t:i•rey British comedian Tony Hancock (right), who has• brought laughter to millliens of people on, both sides of the Atlantic, is now heard in hiS own program, Hancock's Half Rehr, on C.BC !radio network Friday eVeilingSk Tie cipai Corporation; por of The iownship 6rey and supnort Office for S POLGRAVE INT. SOFTBALL To PLAY HOME GAMES HERE The Bolgrave Iuterniediate Set Usual team hose.) decided to play al) )10iLle gaintos jn. the 1.ilussels park, this year, The ,gttetes are seheduled to, ,04Et at 8:30, with the next UO=0 galne to be played this SauYday night June t, againot Wniteelturch Juniors. The••11elgrave team is entered in U. Icague Seaiorta• Inter- mediate y,, Clinton Int. A. bucknow Int. 13, Blyth Int. 13, and Whitech.urch Juniors. For the benefit of all the Brussels fans, hero are the names of the Belgrave players and their tentative •positions, Jack Coultes,. catcher; Doug Johnston, pitcher; Jim Oblates, ' pitcher; ,Glen Cionlites, 1st, base; Ivan 'Dow, 2nd -base; IVEurray Shleil, short stop; Jim Taylor, shortstop or outfield; Wayne ()Wiles, 3rd base; Geirg© Procter, left field; Bob Higgins, .centre field; and Torn Robinson, right field. The Beigrave lads started the season away from home ' and; Were victorious in both, games. The. -fiirst, game • wS.ss played in. Clinton With the final score-read- ing Belgrave 3, Clinton 1. B, MacDonald 11m-tiered in the first inningand gave Clinton an early lead • until Glen Coultes' homer in the seventh tied the score. Singles by Ivan Bow and Bab Higgins and 'two Clinton errors gave the •Belgrave•hoystwo more runs for . the:margin Of victory. Clinton 100 000 • 000 112 -Belgrave 000 000.. 300 374 .The second game Was Played in Blyth with. Belgrave -sr:anis:sr; 1 - 0. This was a- pitchers duel all the 'way, with Doug Johnston pitching a shutout and getting the Wjn. -Begrave s.iored the' only run of the ghime in the fifth inning, when, Ivan Dow doubled, scoring -Wayne Coultes from. second base. Bob Pigeins also had three hits for Belgrave hut was UM able to Score. John Galbraith get two -hits, - for the losers. iBlyth 000 000 000 o73 Belgraste '000 010 000 172 Beletave Blanks Seeterth In their first home game in, Brussels last Satttrady night the lolgrave lads Shia Out the Sear forth leant. 8 - 0, Wayne Coultori, Jim Taylor, 'AI:array Spiels led the Belgrave attack With two hits each. SIM ClebilteS held the Seaforth batters (live singles and tegletered, 1 strikeolits, Searortli 000 000 000 054 Belgrave 01.4 011 plk 8101 Sea forth Battery: Vint. Slats (6) & 'Whine* Belgrave Battery: Jhn Cottites & Jack CoulteSl The Belgrave boys. are hoping' their new grey and red unforms will be available for Saturday night. They also hope to hhve weekly ropert, tqadiors in, rho. paper, cD r _ L