HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-05-30, Page 7ADDRESS YOUR ENQUIRIES TO: The Minister ,of Public Welfare, OR A Regional. Office of the Department Parliament Buildings, in any one of 17 central locations Toronto, Ontario throughout the Province. HONOURABLE JOHN ROBARTS, Prime Minister HONOURABLE LOUIS P. CECILE, Q.C. Minister of Public Welfare New benefits for widows and single women, 60' to 64 years of age, are now available and applications are being accepted • 'for grants up to $65.00 per month with free medical service and hospital insurance. This new welfare program will assist women who have reached their 60th birthday, with income less than $1,140 yearly, and liquid assets of not more than $1,000, resident at [east one year in Ontario. Women who may be eligible include: a widow, an unmarried woman, a married woman whose husband is in an institution, or. -who is divorced or has been deserted for more than 6. months. A Reminder to 'Old Age Security Recipients: Free Medical Assistance and Ontario Hospital Insurance may be granted to single persons whose annual income is not above $1,140.00 and whose liquid assets do not exceed $1,000.00. These benefits are available to married coupled whose annual income is not over $1,980.00 with liquid assets no higher than $1,500.00. A Note to Those Receiving Mothers' Allowances: Persons receiving Mothers' Allowances are advised of a new provision designed to encourage students to complete their education: The allowance may;bi continued after a dependent child reaches 18 years of age, if the boy or girl is attending a secondary school, and making satisfactory progress. ONTARIO PROVINCE OF OPPORTUNITY THE DEPARTMENT 'OF PUBLIC WELFARE. asusimui row. mums" owneso TWIRSDAY; MAT SOO, 11011 ••••••••,,,,,pi ALLOWANCES I 0 *FREE BONUS PREMIUMS *EARN COMMISSIONS UP TO 20% as a group shipper by canvassing your neighbours, church and social groups, Lovely, warm woollen or blend blankets can• be bought at much reduced prices With our Trade-1n Plan. Just turn in your old woollens or cottons in part trade and save an additional 10.20% Send coupon below for free colour catalogue listing our many household items. r g THE BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA 9. 1 .489 Eagle St. N., Preplan, OM, Dept= .1.6 a I UGend Free Full-Colour Catalogue. I ri Please send me full particulars on how I tan I become a Group Shipper., 1 Name I I I I I k Address I L MI NO MI MI =NNW OM MN .111 WO MR 11=1 MO 1101111•111110 MIN MX trihutors or Agents. All correspondence and ship- ments must be sent to: Street N., Preston, Ontario. THE BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA, 498 Eagle THE BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA is now op- erating the Mail Order business formerly owned by 8, FairfieldSons Limited of this address. THE BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA has no Ms- G,ENTLEMEN'S CLUB. NEWS ITEMS Dear Professor: Last week twO of your memb- ers went off for a fishing trip to Quebec. They spent the first #ignt in 71lillontreal and left at 3.30 a.m, for the Miramicha river to catch tuna fish, Arriving at daylight They Put On hip boots and waded oat into the river. No, one made a cast which was aocepted l hy one of these monst- ers almost infanediately, The pole snapped like a pipe stem, but our hero 'managed to tie the line around hits waist. He was slowly being drawn into, deep water; se naturaly, heililred for help. No. 2 carno over but instead of assist- ing, lie deliberately took the cigarettes and a can of schnoose froni the pockets of No, one. He then. civilly lit a cigarette Which wasn't Ids, took a big chiaw at the "Copenhalgen", and started dapping his hands and yelling at the tuna go-go-go and yo heave, y0 heave. This made our h&c, angry and with a terrific shoW of strength, he started pall- ing the monster toward the bank, When the tithe, saw What What was happening he let go of the hook, which he was only holding between his teeth anyway and No. oho sat dawn With a terrible SplaSh, The tuna then called his Mate and then danced, the twiSt right in 'front of theSe Furprised gentlemen, and then, swain, and swans, all over the, dam. Our fisbertnen gave up and drove back to 11Tyntireal to dry off .and argue about the cigar ettes, 'They arrived home with nnthling to show and nothing to say, Please toll site Ono they Were. slow: Mira, KiteSey Dear At's, Knosey' Never have T. heard such a pre, Postertnis and ridlculens , StOry. Yon have Trans Anderson and Walt Disney beat a mile. You Say they left Montreal at 3.'10, Do' yell; not 'know that tate We &OS not, begin in that city Until two O'clark Some, periple ge bed) fit , three }Alt the Puri doesn't really start Mail after that. Wlie *bald Soave then? Bah! DO keit not icnow there are tie. fifria in the iVllrlrilichi, Which 1s' leinnitid! it IN1 l:, was alright,. Its bad enough to toso a chum without lotting the• tobacco •as Well. I admit NO: two .should not have cheered .for the fish • as lie had no money bet However; look at the thousands) Of race fans Wipa:lap their hands plead, Pray, and eartio. for their favenrite horse, • •••A fish knows More than any howSe I ever bet on, I believe you about the tone, doing the twist as I hfave Seen pentinise playing InSt like lambs, Then feu say these gentleinen drove home with nothing to show and nothing to •slity;, Well, you innst 'admit, • after being in. Montreal the leas YOtt say the bettor, eandeitilly to yoar Nvite and as for nothing to Show, T do hope You 11VO right, After all, it sonte... times" takes a Week or ton itti.Srs frrr a cold to develop, 1,Yon, 'might enquire at t ,• Legiett "" '1"111, truthfittIV: •••,'• i. GREY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NO. 2 MEETING The 'members of Grey Twin- shiP ,sehoot Area No, 21 Board were all present at their regular, meeting on Monday, May 13. .Nihnerous items of °are- ,spondenee were dieettssed. A bug trip for the grades '6, 7 and 8, teachers and *Wes of the board members is to be planned in the' near fwture, IT.:61.ff. No, 12 Grey'school and contents will be disposed o1 by public auction at a future date. 'The following bills were passed for payment: (''ties Service Oil $114,94 Jack Hood. Sohood Supplies 16,17 Ithren a xPositor 9.45 Blythe stiindard 3.00 The &Meting was adjourned of ,meet again at the next regular date or at 'the call of the chair- man. A, McDonald, "cr TT;15 BULLFIGHT, ANYONE ? Lver been to a bidlbight? Not likely, because not many, builfights are held in Canada. A bullfight here is not advertised in advance. It usually comes quite unexpectedly, and instead of a Matador\ who always wins, it involves a farmer who nearly always loses, An encounter with a boar can be quite painful and costly, too. Artificial insemination offers you the Opportunity to eliminate these risks on Owl farm 'For further infor. 'nation call r, Palmerston, Zenith 55150 Listowel 1373 Clinton, Zenith 95650 Seaforth 96 WATERLOO CATTLE tIREMNO ASSOCIATION'`