HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-05-30, Page 3We can now offer you
Save laboUr by
feeds to
We have a good supply of
at all times,
having our truck deliver bulk
you and have it blown right into your
Topnotch Feeds on hand
"The Most Value For the Farmer'S Dollar"
Concession 10
Concession 11
Concession 13
Concession 14
ncosittion 1.5
COTiOaDataft 1,9
99.4f,I AWIM;Qii
.cove) FURTHER '.FAKE NOTICE that the Read or. Clio Council, ,s
s':ineone: duly appointed 'by resolution on his behalf, Will attend
at the Clerk's office in the Village of Ethel, on the, Stilt day of
june, 1963, at the bolo: 'of ten o'clock in the forenoon, D.S.T.' to'
appoint the two 'Persons to attend on the summing up of the vote
by the Clerk, and one to attend at each polling place on. behalf
Of persons interested in, and desirous of voting in the affirmative
on 'the question and a like number on behalf of the persons in'.
terested in and desirons of voting in the negative on the question,
AND FURTHER TAKTD NOTICE that the Clerk of the Municipal-
ity shall attend at her Office in the. Village of Ethel at 12 o'elock
noon, D.S.P., on the 17th day of .Ittne, 1963, to sum up the votes
giVen in the affirmative and negative on the said question,
AND FYRTEJER TAKE NOTICE that the purpose and intent
of this question io to determine if one Central School shall be built
to serve all peotile within the confines of iSehool Area No. 1 of the
Township of Grey.
Dated at Ethel, Ontario, this 6th day a 1VItly, 1963,.
Ifitlyth o Wit Cardiff
Clerk of the Township of' es':,•rey
Cafe Dependable Motor Transport
We Solicit Your Patronage
'Established 1872, Serving Oe, Panning Con:annuity
Publitrbed DRILIS.ELS, ONTARIO, every Thgsday .
Boy W. KDNNEXIY, Publisher v•
/47mbr Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associatiers
Ontario Weekly Newspapers AticociatiOn
pat:sadism Qeumunitv Newspapers ReMsentativeS
AlPs'e-94011 goormil etc} a Pfliff0tOnti
• •
(Noreen ltaYMenii)
This week's COlahm, is not
confined to: any bettit in particular
hut is addressed especially Co
thi;,,se who read very little or not
at; all. I would like to he able to
describe to you the wonderful
World oil encertaiumcnt, education
And yes, I admit it, escape
you ate missing, In our fast
paced :mod ern world I fee) vice
need entertainment for which we
do not have to drive miles,
arrange for baby sitters, or pay
outrageosis prices, Just pick 'from
yctur library shelves the type of
book that appeals to you, Or
experiment a little. You, who have,
confined yourself to the morn
serious type of liteature try it
mystery for a change. Forget
You problems for a little whIllo
and Rise, yourself as the author
'unwinds fascinating plot. And no
cbmiting. Don't read the last
chapter first,
Perhaps you would like to read
a group of books: ny the same,
author. Our librarian is alwaYe
'helpful and she can recommend
many excellent authors of all
tiiipes of literature,
I hope I have succeeded In en-
ticing some of you' who third(
you are too busy to try., this tyrin
of therapy, You will find that
even a half hou r at day devoted
to a good book refreshes and
renews you,
If. you plan to try a mystery
here's one I Just 'finished by a
team of writers who. are known to.
every mystery fan, And Left For-
Dead , by Frances and Richard
tie iiimpcipal .(orporation
Vma , The lownshop of Gre
TAKE, NOI ICE that by by-Law No. 10 .or 002, the Municipal
k)crporation of the Township or (trey • authorized .tho taking of a
vote of tie ratepayers of the ;ire), Township School Area. NO- 1.
On tho following question:
"Are you iu favour of establishing one central sehtool, for Grey
Township School Area No,
3, Edythe 'lit Cardiff, Uteri:: or the Thwagship of Urey, .Cortify that
e above question is a true copy of a question -contained in the
By-Law No. 10 of .1.963 of the Municipal Cos-pos.04ton of ttic,
jownh.top of Grey, and. :Molly passed on the 6th day of nay, '1.'J6.;
•Edythe IVIt. Cardiff,
Clerk of the Township or Cirey
AND FURTE,Eit TAKE NOTICE that by liy-Law No. 1I of 1903,
Dm said -Aidn:cipal uunpo.ind ion al tht; Township .et Grey directed
loot the said vote be taken on the 15th day of June, 1963,, •between
ate bont's of 9 o'clock' in the forenoon and 6 o'clock in the after-
noon .1). '! -
AND FCTITIIE,R. NOTLCE that the Deputy Returning
Officers for each Poll, the Poll Clerk for each Poll, the boundaries
or each Pot!, and the locations of the same where the vote will be
taken are. as folios s:
2oR No, 1
This Poll shall he held at School House, School Section. No 4
That fAccil Payne shall be the Deputy .Returning Officer
That Andrew McLennan shall be the :.moll Clerk
The boundaries of this Poll are' defined as follows;
C.:once:30m 1 South Part Lots 1. to 39' inclusive
.ConCessiOn 2 Lots 1 to 17 inclusiVe
'Concession -3 Lots 6 'to 17 inclusive
ConeeSsion 4 Lots 7 to 17 inclusive
'Concessions a and 6 Lots 11 to 13 inclusive
Pell No. 2
This Poll shall be held at School tIOUSe, school Section No 1
iiiiint Norman Hoover shall be the Deputy Returning Officer
Ttiat George Wosenberg shall be the Poll Q•letilt
boundaries of this. Poll are defined as follows:
Cion::ession, 5, 10 and 11
Part Lot 1 to Lot 10 inclusive
Concession, 12 and 13 ' Lois 1 to 10 inclusha
:r..ioncession 14
Lots 2 to 10 inclusive
Poll No. 4
This Poll shall be held aft the Community Hall, Mioncrieft
That Orval Harrison shall he the Deputy Returning Office'
That Kenneth. A:Lean shall be the Poll' Cllerk
'lime boundaries of this Poll are defined as follows:
Concession 11 and 12 Lots 26 to 35 inclusive.
Concession 13 and 14 Lots 21 to 35 inclusive.
Concession 16 to 18 inclusive Lots 18 to 35 inclusive
(except Lots 21 and 22, Concession 18)
Poll No. 5
',Ills Poll shall be held at tne Township Office, Ethel
DateMan shall, be the Deputy Returning Officer
Elsie Cunningham Shall be the Poll Clerk
boundaries of this Poll are defined as follows:
`7.oncossions 5 and 6
Lots 14 to 22 inclusive
Concession 7
Lots 12 to 33 inclusive
ConcessiOn 8
Lots 13 to 32 inclusive
Concession. 9
' Lots 20 to 35 inclusive
(.ioncession 10' North Half Lot 20 to iI4ot 35 inclusive
No. 6
This Poll shall be held at School House, School Section No 5
That Andrew Bremner shall be the Deputy Returning Officer
That Alex Cullen Shall be the Poll Clerk
The boundaries of this Poll are defined as follows:
Concession 1
Lots 40 to 55 inclusive
Concessions 2 to 4 inclusive Lots 18 to 35 inclusive
Condession 5
Lots 22. to 35 inclusive
Concession 6 Cy 4: Lots 22 Lo 34 inclusive
Poll No, 7
This Poll shall be hdid at the Community Centre, °mishit -6k
That .Ketineth gacDonald shall be the Deputy Returning Officer
That 'Airy q3iild shall be the Poll Clerk
'The boundanieS of this Poll are defined as follows:
Concession 9 Lots 11 to 19 inclusive
r Lots 11 to SOnth LOt 20
Lots 11 10 25 inehisive
Lots 11 to 20 indlusive;
ralf Lot 3, South Ealf Lot 9, a
Lot 11 to 20 inelusitq•
Lots 16 and 17 al(1 West
Lot 18
Lot 1.11
'gill 44
THURSDAY, 111,4Y 20th, 1902
•usseall melillihme •
Have needs Will Kill I
Your grains are growing. You should now be
thinking of spraying your crop to keep doyen.
s.-ostly losses from weeds.
We handle the famous "Green Cross" spra.Y
material. We have Weed Killers on han8 fPr
the weed prolaems in every ,crop. Here are a
few of our recommendations:
Cereal grains (not seeded, down), Amine 80-2.4-D
Oats and mixed grain (seeded down) M.C.F. Amine 80'
Barley, wheat or corn Weed-no-more SO 2.4-D Ester
or 'Amine 30-2.4-D
Meadows, fence Blies and roadsides Brushkil "64"
Loi; Volatile
Call 199 Brussels
Centre Street
Telephone 440
For all kinds 'of unlit:118400p
Brussels Representative
Phone 268J Ortiespoli
Prepaid Health Plans
at Cost
a-resident, lilordyce Clark. RR Es.
Goderich; Vice-Pres., , Gordon.
Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; Mrs.
0. G. Anderson, RE 6, Wingham;
Mfrs. Lloyd TaYlOr. meter;
Hugh .13, Smith, Alt 2, 1418torfal:
Lorne Rodges, RB 1, GoderichL
Roy Strong, G.Orrie; Automat T.
Uolton,, 11,R 1, Settforth; bort
Irwin, RB 2, Seaforat Bert
Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard-
son, RR 1, Drucesfleld; Kenneth
Johns, RR 1, Woodham.
C. it. Magee
Miss C. E. Ph:mitred
Assistant SeCretary
For information, can your
nearest director or our offide is
the Credit Union Bide., TO On-
tario street. Clinton, Telephone
HOnter 2.9751.
or seq yen ,' CO-QP raprsiontlIthrit
i i fiflift#