HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-05-30, Page 1aaa
S'3.00 A Year In
H.orticultural Society
Enjoy Travelogue
ncitehtey heldb ethiecrcall.e IIaIatli
basement of the library.
The President. D, A, Rain,
welcomed the regular members
from Walton and Brussels and
the guest speakers Mr. and MTS,
Warren from, Goderich.
After the singing of Oh. Canada
and the minutes' reporting oven'
50 'members paid fees.
The District Annual Will be
held in Ripley on .Tune. 3rd. It is
honed that many will avail them-
selves of 'Ripley's hospitality
and nearness,
bus trip to 'Elora Park was
arranged for the second Week in
Tune, Any one wishing to go
please call Mrs. James Armstrong
.Tr., convener or Mrs. Frank Shaw.
The news letter read by Mr
Alfred Knight was interesting as
Mr. and grs, Warren then, took
(-Jeer the meeting taking us in
beautiful picture and, story
through some of the nine differ-
ent countries through which they
tan veiled
Norway and Sweden were
,•rielyti mostly as they are countr-
ies which are not as well known.
We went by ship through the long-
est and most beautiful herd's in
the world beyond the Arctic
circle to the world's most
northerly city, Hammerfesk
whore the cmi shines for 24 'hears:
a day three months of the year.
The Norwegian current teMper-
ates the elimate to such a degree
that Palm trees were seen growing
oulaide. Mountains everywhere
with perpetual snow. Always the
cobblestone narrow streets Paved
with solid atone 'althea that wear
forevermore. Then. we crossed
the stormy North Sea to New
castle on Trite and up to Bonnie
grnt"lantt, Where we sow the
Castle. Sir Walter Scott's famous
momnuent on Princess street.
the floral clock in the Castle
corons, the heather and sheep
on the hills, a lovely trip through.
• lovaa- enuntry,
Lunch was sei-'r'd by Mesdames
• vionnor remingway ens
Polarave rnited Church Garden:
Party will be held in the church,
baseMent on Wednesday, nine
ttli. Supper Will be Served front
5:30 to g' roryone Welcome
.-- -
Brussels youngsters who have
been Appearing on ClICIIX Romper
Room. at Wingham are Bill King,
David Stephenson and Laurie.
Mr. and Mrs, Douglas T-Toraing-
way attended the graduation
+Ceremonies of the Canadian.
Memorial Chiropractic College,
Toronto, on Friday, when their
son :Peter was one of the
graduating students, Nail' E'en"-
ingway, Mr. and Mrs, Stuart
Lowe, Lester Machtm and David
Xenliedy also attended,
John Hoover B. A., son of Mr.
and Mss, Norman Hoover, recent.
ly received word that he hail
sitcOoS Stu Ily completed studiee
leading- to a Bachelor of Library
:acience degree (B,L.S.) at the
'McGill Library school in. McGill
-University, Montreal, John will
commence duties as a professional'
librarian beginning in .Tnne
ilia Lawson library in the
etTniversity of Western Ontario,
CR A N.13, R. 00 V.
Rev, Una Morrison, intetan
mderater, Brussels, conducted the
service in .Ktiax Presbytertau
Chant en F:ittnday morning. The
iolic wing children were baptised
Betty Jean, infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs: Dick Bradshaw,
and Paul James, infant son of Mr.
tad Mrs, cordon Engel. 'Uniting
with the church by ciertificate,
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bradshaw, Mr
and Mrs. Herman Whitfiold,
Sharon and Lois, Mr, Harvey
Smith , and. Mr. anti Mrs. John
Seddon. A solo was sung by
Jeanne Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. 1-aowa.rd Mitchell
and family, Thorold, spent the
week end here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ainley,
New Westminster, B. C. called
on Miss Alice J. Forrest last
week. Mr. Ainley was a former
teacher in Cranhrook School.
Craribroak 'Evening Auxiliary
Mrs, +E. G. Nelson was nostess
fer the May .meeting of .the
Ordain-00k IFvening Auxiliary. The
leader, Mrs, Donna Knight opened
the meeting with' a reading about
usprino", followed by a hymn.
prayer, and meditation, The pre.
starlit presided. for the business
Hiring which the sea f nry read
1.er minutes and c.orrespondenc
Mrs. Kay Pheifer and Mrs. Betty
Wer,, eleetert ta the com-
mittee for Kintail Camp. Mr.
Nelson showed the film "Double
by a hundred" aml conducted a.
'hoe. discussion on it.
The anretina closed with prayer.
rollowlag, the meeting Members
of tan WM'S and, a group of
irimirls from the bank and
Brussels., along with the rven-
Ing Aaaillary Preset foci Mrc,
,3'ean. Frans with a ShoWer. -of pea
aarinl had household articles.
Tartlet, aiii soritti
ti(100 #ty
The last regular dance of the
season was attended by about
40 teenagers on May 24th, Mr,
L. o akin assisted by Verne.
Mills cm fiddle 4Tia .Joim waitscn
s t called oft for several
square dances. The mystery
record guess was won by Doag
Itilliett and the spot doace plates
were taken by Darlene Machan
and John Watson, Chaperones
were Mr, and 'Mrs. Huether.
Vlection results were as
President John Watson
Teasurer Toe Watson
Secretary Mary Watson
Lunch Con. SYlvia„ Hoove::
Press Rep, Doug Fplott
Advertising Rae Smith
social Con. Darlene Machan
Girls 13 - 16
Joyce laellington
Boys 13 - 15
Bob Pearson
Girls :la -19
Boys 19- 19
Thirbara 'Bray
JIM. Yttill
The fiVe candidates for 111-T
Queen to he chosen at the Sum-
mer Ball, June 21st, are Mary
'Teem, Barb Bray, Derlene
Meehan, Bonnie Workman, Pat
The Qneen Will be chosen by
impartial judges from out of
Due to poor attendance and the
fact that exams are looming close
it \Vas decided net to hold; ibe
recatlar daece on June 7th:
The next dance will be thd
'semi formal. Watch for adver-
isem en ts.
Thanks from D. Raymond to all
the Members of the past years
executive who co-operated and
worked bard to make Hi-T a
success. Also to parents and
other who tame gi chaperone so
willingly. This was very mu3h
appreciated by all' the 1-11T. club
as. without chaperones we Could
trot continue
The Brussels company under
captain Elizabeth Sholdice and
lieutenant Katharine Achilles worn
the trophy for the highest points
in inspection of uniforms and
percentage. in attendance at the
South Huron district Girl Guide.
Meld Day held here on Saturday.
Companies from+ Hayfield, Cen4
train& Clinton RCAF, Clinton,
ngetor, Goderich, Seaforth, Hen-
call participated,
Hours — 5, 7 to 3.30. 9 days
2 - 5 Sundays
For nine weeks from
July 1st to AO, ./1
tiodiky $g0,00 poi!, $4)O1o,
Atoi,? Rioul
The regular meeting of the
Grey T.S.A. No, 1 'Board was held
on May 6 at 8.30 p.m. in the Ethel
school with all members present.
The minutes of the last regular
and one special meeting were
read and adopted on motion of
.MeTaggert. end Pearson
— Carried.
Motion of Demaray and-May-
nard that, the mill rate ter 190
be set at 10 mills for Clomxnercial
and 9 mills for Farm and Resin
Motion of MeTaggart and Ray-
nrurd that the Board accept with
regret the resignation of Miss
Jean Campbell, music super
visor for the. Area
- Carried
Motion of Dem,aray and :nay-
nard that the following accounts,
he paid
R, ire Cunningham, oil „„ 168,81
Meehan Hardware.
repairs 16.59
J. M. cHonald Lumber,
Ltd., repairs 13.88:
Jean Fraser, caretaker
supplies .4.00
Alexander & Clhaprnan,
insurance , 12,40
Roy Vogan, snow
rem oval 10,00
John .Tohnston, care-
taking No. 4 5.00
N, S. Hoover, hoard
dinners ,. 7,20
Geo. Pearson, mileage
to Stratford 6.40
Mrs Rhea P'estell, supply „,. 28,20
W, Smith, labour 43.86
Jack Hood School Supplies
suimildes 8.65
Moore's Welding Shop
repairs 11.00
De G Roy Fenwick
adjudicator 50.00
The Meeting adjourned on
motion of MeTaggart to meet
again on June 4 at 8.30 p.m;
N S Hoover, Secretary
My sincere thanks is extended.
to all those who so kindly re
membered me with cards, letters,
mid teats while I -was a. patient
in Victoria, Hospital,• -London.
Your thoughtfulness was very
much appreciated.
Thos;% P;erce.
I wish to express my sincera
thanks to all who were so kin4 in
me dating my illness, Your visits
treats, and cards Were very much,
appreciated and will tong be
renienri bered.
Hazel 11.. Mc:Padden "
l'EN PAS — To Mr. and 141+ti
Albdii Teti Pas, Rritsseis, ifs
IASI:owe-1 HosOttil, 0n-
Mentli1.y 117Ibi t4 0171f 1VIIIIi`
By (Barry Currie)
Seemingly the backbone of
soccer in Brussels has collapsed
'Only one older citizen, 14 the
the person of Allan Nichol, came
forward to be a vertebrae in our
much needed backbone,
A broken back usually causes
on animal to be destroyed. Thus
the soccer team Should be de-
stroyed tr our team represents
their ,tom:o tpwa, We canriDt
destroy :brussels, although tim
Older citizens lack time, and
in t Ot em G. or in other words, ',ha
backbone to support and en-
courage a soccer team.
arliapv youth, sometimes
wn as a wonder drug, can keep
soccer and Brusssls alive, -
The North Huron Soccer Assoe-
iati n in etingat -Goderich on May
23, was attended by Ken Stery
and Barry. Carrie. They entered
a team and took part in the bus-
ines's at hand,
Bantssels - Home a Away - Game
diere 5
Brussels vs Goderich Ti
.1 lee 12
Clinton (R,C;A:P.) vs Brussel:.
June 19
Brussels Ts Winthrop
June 26
Hingham vs Brussels
Jtily 3
Brussels vs Goderieh I
July 11
Brussels vs Centralia (110APJ
.manly 19
Brussels vs St. Coluni ban
July 24
Goderich IT vs Brussels
July 3 ,
Brussels vs •Clinton
august 7
Winthrop vs Brussels
August 14
Brussels, vs Winghani
August, 21
Goderich! vs Brussels:
AtienSt 2,e
Centralia, vs Theissels
ante; time 7:15 unless furite,
scat iseci
I wish to empress My Sin:tete
thanks to all thoSe `Whom in am'
'Way assisted around home or sent
me cards While I Was le the
•Sletbritt Hospital,
Chas, A. Heitner
Albert and Lillian Wood wish
to express our heartfelt appreelae
ton for the many enquiries, carts
flowers and gifts sent to Albert
Turin g his stay at Mount Sinai
Taospital, Torcinte The
wore 0Sbecially appreciated.
iifis was a greet morale Iiierii&ee
neit)ik 'gee iniejhull
N a 1ICE
Selwyn. Baker has moved his
Insurance Office- to the
atret a...a Block, 5 doors north
the business place formerly
of a a previous location, in.
crup'ed by the Beauty Salem
.1 tacit,
0.tt! Orintt