HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-05-23, Page 3PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA MELV1L.Lk.; CH UR Ck. Minister; itev. 'W. J. Morrison MA Organist; Mrs. Frank Thompson AJAC'i' 10.00 .in. Cau.rchf School ' 11.15 a.m. Morning ;Worship ALI WEL,CO,MtE When in LisLoweL, make sure you YISAI Lett Linden STORE Men's Wear Ladies' Wear Fun MiGYLE AVENUE For Quality Gr Sauatacuon Around the Corner from the sank of Powwow ANON From the Peet omes Listowel Phone 285' ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA .tleccur: itev. Jennings , BA, LT 11. Organist: Mrs. B. Elliott ST. JOHN'S Morning Prayer and Church School ST. DAVID'S, ilenfryn 9 a.ln. Bible Class 0,30 ant ilborning Prayer Bishop Confers Rite Of Confixmation At St. David's 'On. Sunday Me,y 19th We Right Reverend A. Appleyard, Bislibp of Georgian Bay perfovmed tne rite, of canfme.- alien in S. David's Charch, rtenfryn.,, Those presented tor "Confirm- ation by the Rev. 1T, D. Jennings were, Mir. and Mrs. Di, L, Edgar, Mir. and Mrs. H, L. Young, Paul Richard Young, Erie Roy'Aleock, and Donna Jean Aleock. Mrs. 0. E, Rowland was ,prevented by illness from being confirmed. The Rev. G. Anderson, of Gorrie acted as Bishop's Chaplain. PEOPLE WE KNOW Lester Mecham spent the week- end at home with, his parents:. MX. and Mrs. L. Machan. Mr. A. Weed returned home on Saturday frOM Toronto where he 'underwent eye surgery recentlY. Mr. and Mrs, Cal Davidson and, family, Waterloo, were holiday weekend visitors with her Moldier, Mrs. I. McArter, fiVir. and Mrs. L. Meehan attend- ed the graduation of their son, Lester it Toronto. Wm. 1,Vbitte, ith run, of lifOrriSo is in Wingham Hospital with a broken leg. (David Kennedy, Who attends Ottawa UniVereity, is spending, the dumner vacation with lille Parents Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy, while employed withi Listowel Transport Lines. Miss Dorothy Sullivan, Tor- onto, visited with; her father,, Mr. Herb Sullivan over the week- end. Mrs, Nellie Hunter, of Toronto was a weekend visitor with. the . Misses Plinbetli and Hattie Downing. Cousin from Brussels who attended the funeral of Mr, J. R. ;Wells in 'Perth were Mr. and Mrs Gordon MaGavin, Mr. and Mrs. DouglaS Hoinihgway, James arid Millie McFarlane, Mrs. !Harvey Dennis, Mrs. Harold Cardiff, MTS. Clark. Matheson, and Mil. David Slicldiee. Mrs. Wells was a resident of Grey toWrishlip before the faintly moved to Paris; NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ,LOUIS DEXTER THOMPSON, deceased ALL PERSONS having against the estate of. Louis, Dexter Thompson, late of the Village of Brussels an the County of. Huron, music teacher, who. died on the 25th day of-De- cember, 1060, are required to file, proof of same with We under- signed on .or before the 11th, day of June, 4, D. 1963, Atter that date the Executor will ,Proceed to distribute the estate laving regard only to the claims of which the said Executor shall then have had notice, DATED at, Brussels this 14th day of May, A. D. 1963. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, London, Ontario Executor by Crawford & Hetherington, , a5rus-pis, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor Save labour by having you and have NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of SiABINE WASH 4N,GTON THOMPSON, deceased ALL PERSONS having cia4us against the estate of Sabine Washington Thompson, widow 'who died on the fourth day of October, 1963, are required to file proof of same witty the under- signed on or before tate 11th day of. June, A. D. 1963. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate flaying regard only to the claims of which the said Faecutor shall then have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 14th day of May, A. D. 1963. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, London, Ontario .. Iftecutor by Crawford & Hetherington, ,Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor our truck deliver bulk blown right into your feeds to bins. We have a good supply of Topnotch Feeds at all times. ave Weeds . Will Kill Your grains are growing. You should now be thinking of spraying your crop to keep down costly losses from weeds. We handle the famous "Green Cross" spray material. 'We have Weed Killers on hand for the weed probems in every crop. Here sie a• few of our recommendations: Cereal grains (not seeded down), Amine 80.'2.4-D Oats and mixed grain (seeded down) M.C.P. Amine SO, Barley, wheat or corn Weed-no-more 80 2.4-D Ester or Amine 80-2.4-D Meadows, fence lines and roadsides Brushkil "64" Low Volatile We can now offer you "BULK DELIVERY SERVICE" .0PNOTCH, Filo; LIMITED *The Meet Vaiue For the Farmer's Call 199 Brussels osiiar”. 41181 DRUSEELE POET, 1Et1I18811140, ONTAille Thursday, may zing, mid St, John's Anglican Church BAKE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 25th -- 3:00 P,IVI. In Brusse). Public Library .op.."ficefftros, ••••••••''',Nolosowvimmiolo COUSINS MILK PRODUCTS Olisesedgilesp,iszaleanierfaisegaNI3 NOTICE Re. Garbage Collection The council has set the rate for garbage collection at $3,00 for the remainder of the year on commercial and residential Property. Next year the rate, will be $5.00 Brussels Councii, roR $M.b" Ferguson Manure Loader Phone 336J13, Bruesels '..t'ANTED Old oil lamps, guns, eupbeards, tables, toilet sets, phonographs, dishes. Call: M. A. Fraser, Walton Phone ;Brussels 392W8 °F • sk... THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. K. Griffiths (Organist: Mr. F. C. Parker A.R,C,T, SUNDAY SCHOOL FLOWER SERVICE 11.00 a.m. THE ANNUAL YOUTH SERVICE Guest Minister Rev. C. F. WAITE, fi.F LC„ M:A: B:Ed: 8.00 p.m. A Warm Welcome To Everyone temeiestaiwori sissumallitinumagitatile.g.qs,,I;,els • - ANNOUNCES TEACHING FREDERICK J. PARKER PIANC: * ORGAN * THEORY * VOICE (up to age 15) At Brussels United Church Thursdays: 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Saturdays: 9:00 to 5:30 p.m. k, Other times forthcomfrig) Pupils Pi;epared for Examinations Upon Request Imomensimmeinsaa.mannovins-, ENJOYED BY' MANY FAMILIES ACROSS ONTARIO FOR BREAKFAST JUICE DRINK Why not let your family enjoy this delightful nectar of four blended fruit flavours Orange, Apricot, Apple and Prune ? NUTRICIOUS too, because k contains added Vitamin C and A IT'S MORE ECONOMICAL Thai: many other breakfast drinks ONLY 30c per 40 oz. Quart from your Milkman or from your Grocer who sells delicious