HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-05-23, Page 2Tie Muncipal ..cp.rpoption' ...of The To4insiii .of Gray •NOT1011 that by By-Law No, 10 of 1963, the Mtanicipal Corporation of the Township of Grey authorized the taking .Qf • Vote Of the ratepayers • of the Grey Township School Area No,/ on the following nue?stion; "Are you pn fav0%, of establishing one central schlool for they • Township Sel+ol, 1.?". 1, Edythe 1\A :Cardiff, _Clerk of the Township of Grey. certify that the 'abeVe question i a true copy of a question contained in the Said•tRy-Law•Not 3.9 of 1003 of the Munic1nil Corporation of the Township of Grey, .and finally passed on the Oth day of .May, 1963 Edythe 111. Cardiff, Clerk of the Township of Grey AND .PDATLIER TAKE NOT-LCD that by t1i•y-1.taw No. 11 of 1963, • the said '11itnicipol Corporation trf the Township of Grey directed. • that' tlAe said vote be taken en the 15th day of June, 1963, between the houria of 9 • o'clock in the forenoon and 6 o'clock in the after. • • noon E S. T. .• AND 1PIJIIIMPLER TAR<IF, NOTICE that the Deputy Returning 01Mers for each Po11, the Poll Cloth for each Poll, the boundaries . • of eaoh'poll, and the locations of the saint'? where the vote will b ' taken are as fellows: Poll. No. 1 This Poll shall be held at School House, School Section No 4 That Cecil Payne shall be the Deputy Returning Officer That Andrew McLennan shall be the roll Clerk. The boundaries of this Poll are defined as follows: Pall No, 6 wr. • This Poll shall be held at School House, School Section No That Andrew Bremner shall be the Deputy Returning Officer That Alex Cullen shall be the Poll .010* The boundaries of this Poll are defined as fellows:. Cloncession .1 South Part Lots: 1 to 39 inclusive Concession 2 'Lots 1 to 17 inclusive • Concession 3 Lots 6 to 1.7 inclusive Concession 4 Lots 7 to 17 .inclusive Concessions 5 and 6 • Lots 11 to 13 inclusive • Po4 No. 2 This Poll s• ail be held at School Douse, :Dchool Section No 1 That Neuman 'Hoover shall be the Deputy 'Returning Officer That George Wesenberg shall be the Poll Clerk The boundaries' of this Poll are defined as, follows: Concession 1 Concessions 2. to • 4 "iheiusive Concession 5 Concession 6 Lots 40 to 55 inclusive Lots 18 to 35 inclusive Lots 22 to 35 inclusive Lots 22. to 34 inciusive Poll No, 1 This Poll shall be held at the Community Centre, Cranbrook 'risen 'Kenneth MacDonald shall be the Deputy Returning Officer That Bird shall he the Poll Clerk The boundaries of this Poll are defined as follows: Concession; 9 Concession 10 Lots 11 to 19 inclusive Lots 11. to South Ealf Lot 20 inclusive Concession 16 Concession 18 Concession la and 12 Lots 11 to 25 inclusive ConceSsion, 13 Lots 11 to-20 inclusive ConcessiOn. 14 South P:alf Lot 3, South Lalf Lot 0, and Lot 11 to 20. inclusive Concession 15 Lots 1..6 . 0.1i8f1 .L7 noel Ralf' 1,c4 1 Lot 16. Lot 21 and AND FkiRT.HDR TAKE NOTICE'', that the Head of the C.ouncil, er someone duly appointed by resolutieln on Iris behalf, will attend at the Clrlt,s office. in the Viillage: Of Ethel, on the 5111h clay of Sane, 1963, at the hour of ten. o'clock in the icirenoon. D.S.T.' to appoint the two ,persons to attend On the summing np of the vote by the Clerk, and One to attend at each polling place on behalf of persons interested in cad desirous of voting in the affirmative on the question and a like number on behalf of the PerSntlii in- te.restr,cl in and desirous of voting in the negative on the question. AND YLITtall-TDR TALK E NOTICID that the Clerk of the Nittnicipat- hy shall attend at her Office in the. Village of Ethel at. 12 o'clock noon, T.),STI., on the 17t1li day of June, 1960, to stun up the votes given in the affirthative:and negative on the said question. AND Fi(RTEiliCill 'TAIKE NOTICE that the Purpose and intent of this question is to determine if Ono Central School shall le built to' serve all peopl., within the confines of School Area No..1 of the Township of Grey. Concession 9, 10 and 11 Coneession 12 and 13 Concession 14 Part Lot 1 to Lot 19 Lots 1 to 10 inclusive Lots 2 to 10 inclusive Dated at, Ethel, Ontario,' this Gth day o Moy, 1963. Edythe Mt Cardiff Cleric of the Township or: a,roy F'ola. No. 4. This Poll shall be held at the C.ontinunity ,Myonerieff That Orval Harrison shall be the Deputy Returning ,Officer That Kenneth McLean shall be the Poll Clerk" The boundaries of this Poll are defined as follows : Concession 11 and 12 Lots 26 to 35 inclusive Concession 13 and 14 Lots 21 to 35 inclusive Concession 15 to 18 inclusive Lots 18 to 35 inclusive (except Lots 21 and 2A, Concession 18) Phil No. 5 This Poll shall be held at the Township Office, Ethel That ,Cledll •Bateman shall, be the Deputy Returning Officer That Dlsie Cunningham, shall, be the Poll (limit The boundaries of this Poll are defined as follOws: Concessions 5 and 6 Concession 7 Coneession 8 Concession 9 Concession 10' Lots 14 to 22, inclusive Lots 12 to 33 incluSive Lots 13 to 32 inchtSiVe Lots 20 to 35 ineltaive Northt Half Lot 30 to !Lot 35 inclusive j;:io 1-161141: RINGTON, Q. C. 408 Outside Rooms - Free TV and•Rodio to Crawled Capital, Elgin Boulevard at Laurier Ave. Ail-Conditioned Lounges PM PARKING FOR REGISTERED GUESTS FAMILY PLAN Illhere Reiser Single $7.50- 59.2.5 Doubles $16-$1 2 .30 CEntred 5-3333 - The Lord Sloteoe LUNCHTIME Maria llarrett and Jean Cavell. make plans for their new 01130 lina,rd Tuesdays and Thtirsdays in tlx,, simulated sitmoSPhore of an recorded entertainment, tfitet shbwbitSineiis t3ersoniilitiesi and iteati ciriviam Teach them to ride in single Me Close to As 'Wit heed sorb ENTERTAINERS confer over the merit as they' radio network show Cafe Variety. Tlig3 show originates intimate rafe and featuTeS' views by Miss tarrett With the . easy convorsatiall of hest THID 114118E11814S POST, RRUSSE-T.13, ONTA.311U Thnrsday, :Kay 23r d, 1963 ATHOL, McQUARRIE The death occurred, suddenly, at Wollesley }hospital, Toronto, on .Burnley, April 22nd, OPT Athol McQuarrie, 73, 'Born in. ;lrey Township, hke had a long and varied cureer the news- paper and advertising business. first work was with the ii:;sels Post. In 1919 lie married Delpiline Nairn of Itodorich, who pre.. deuensod Ittin foor years ago. In.. • July of last year he 'married ''• Porn Balser, who survives him), - in addition to one daughter; MirSt.••• John (Margat•et) Crook, and • one son. Donald MritZnarrie, bethi of i)on. Mrs.P.K, Warwick of Brussels • is a nieee and Miner 1\11cQuarrie ne Ph OW. W J CAMERON DIES; INSURANCE EXECUTIVE Special to the. Herald Tribune Sulnimit, N. J. William .1. Cameron. 74, former hoard chairman and president of the Home 'Life Insurance Co. in, New York, May 10, in uveroold Hospital. Air. Cameron, :whose home :was in Short 1E14, N. J., joined Hattie Tilfo in 1917 as an acturial clerk. Tle became actuary in, 1922 vice-president in 1929, a director in 1130, executive vice-president in 1912 and ,presidont in 1950, Tie was named board caltirman in 1953 mid retired from, that ;position the next year. Mr:, Cameron was a member of the insu ran.Q, company's; board of I he time of his death, M'r. Cameron began his life insurance career in 1911 with .New York ;Life, Ili 1914, three years before joining Home Life.: he woe deputy commissioner of North Carolina, State Insurance Department, Mr. Calf/01'On served as an Older of tho, Central Presbyter- Church in. Summit and was also a monher of the council and hoard of trustees of : the 11/Parr4; and. Orangt, Presbytery, Surviving are his Wife, Mrs, Mktry Lee Smith Ottmereil, daughter, MrS. Arthur Marshall, and a brother, Calvin Carneron. Now York Herald Tribune ACE E 4:3N ,t;::c)cic H I 11 fi T hlllCES , For Dead, Old or Oleablett Phone Atwood St;13.2a22. Calloot Lletna ton. 1Seela BRUSSELS tii.eaday and Saturday All- Day • BRUSSELS • - and F,HONE 120 Office Open Every Day WINDHAM