HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-05-23, Page 1:Brussels Pucksters Feted At Atwood 1-1w Brussels ilitemmonship Bantam and Pee Wee "Jockey temple were guests of honer at a Lious Club banquet in Atwood recently. The teams were pre- Sent:et" with their championebip trelehiee during I.he evening. A special award was presented to Gregory 'Wilson, son of Mr. unit Air. Ted Wilson by Larry Soffry of the WOAA. Grog was awarded the Robin Hood trophy for the most valuable player in the leegue. He was chosen trent more Cana 100 young players for the first presentation of this award. "Mutt Educatio Theme Of Address At H & S Tee .T3russels Home and School Association Met in the auditoriun of the school recently with the vice-president, Gordon Stephen- son in the chair. Mrs. Lloyd Kernegban t'ead creed, and Jatnee Valladee gave the secretary's ,repert, A short musical progreter Consisted of solos by Peter Gibson and Joyce Eellington, Lawnie Cleigsins, convener of the nominating committee, pre-, sented a slate of officers foi• the new terra, as follows: ,President .... Mrs. Robt. Raymond Vice,Presitlents women Steph- enson, Rev, H. 1.1. Jennings Secretary Mee Lloyd Nertiaghan Teaeueee Mies. Murray ...... .,..„ Mrs. Proglirautentil:ceile. nem 1 t tee Charles Arnold, `Mire, Ross McCall, Mrs. George. Mutter Hers. Verne Grenke, Mrs. Ian lefeD0 nal d Social Convenor isle's. Gordon Stephenson Press MIrs. Lloyd 'Wheeler The Home and School shdeld' for the school winning the most let-ithe in the recent music festi- val, was presented by Gordon Stephenson to Mess Luella MeAcili ell, who accepted i on belenlf of the Brussels public school. C. R. Thema s °lie to the Meeting on "Adult Eiluentionly. Ile stressed that the poWer of a, group lE) greater than the stint of its 'components, I-Te. Was thirthked :lad presented with a. ;Olt by Ma'S. Wheeler, CARD OF THANKS. arm :ranfily the info reteedi Cirri te .0:h to sincerely thank theft' irierids, and neighbours for their teeny acts of kindness, meeeoges of sympathy anti. for tile beautiful floral tributes received during their recent Sad bercar,mrt.t. HEY KIDS! COMING Merry-go-rimed, Ferris Wheel, at pirarsalg 411Ht 114id 4::..UO A Year In Advance.-- To U.S.A. THE I31tUSSELS POST, Thursday, hay 23rd, 1963 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Over 300 Guides and Guiders :of Seen 'Huron District are ,expected in Brussels on Saturday when thley will hold a. Field Day. See the big parade and tlee sports • 0eireete at the park. - • • • Cengratel a tiOne to Barry Watson' who has written the. •.necessary exams and was sue- cemsfull in obtaining both Pro- vincial and Dominion license as an .accredited electrician, * • • Tack MicCutchbon was winner of the Feature Event at the Xiaestown stock car races and was also among the winning 'racers at. Delaware, over the 'holiday weekend. He was re- ferred to as one of the leading ,:driver at tille cpv.E. * • • Football fans here will have the opportunity of enjoying games at the local park this season. 'Brussels has entered a team in an 8-team greue. Let's get behind our boys and give them Our stipport and encourage- mime 1 • • • Feist Huron Produce is dis- continuing th(eir egg business in Thiess°.Is, Wewever it is. rimoured that three energetic young men, who have, been employed for some years, there, are contem- !plating renting the Plant from H. Rubenstein and carrying on the business. Tt would he a shame to see theee then have to seek employment elsewhere. MRS. EDWARD HENDERSON Era Jamieson beloved wife of Edivard TF.!enclerson passed away in Winghata and District Hospital on Tuesday. May 1 lth, 1963. after a, lengthy glIness. She was the daughter of the late M. and Mrs, David Jamieson and was born in Brussels *here sbe lived all her life. Surviving are her lefshand, two daughters, Mrs, Stella Steles, and Mrs, Thos. (aTergiierite) Thornton; four grandchr dren; two great grandchildren and oe brother, Jaelt jartilesen of Merril Township. Funeral servide was held tit the TX A. Patin funeral, beetle- on Friday. May 17th, With the Rev, Ai. IC:. Griffiths of the United ,Gethrch officiating, interMont Was in BeiteSele cemetery; Pallbearers *ere .Tim• MIAs, Alvie Riga-lea, Gordon Miller, Stet/b.:P.7i Law, Philip flehister, and Jim SmItli, Floral tributes *eel carried by lertitetAee Ittetritg, 1 11 0111100111 PIO VOW 1400/it A miscellaneous shower was held for Gail leachrin, on Satur- day evening, elitte.‘ 11th in the .Brussels libralee The library was decorated in,. gaily coloured streamers, , bolls and bows, Seated withi Gail were, her mother, Mrs,. Violet Meehan, Mrs. A, Sacklin. and Mrs, D. McLean, who were, along with. Gail, presented 'with lovely cor- sages of mums. Me Doreen Raymond kept the sexty 'five guests amused with ithe egg contest end several 'games of bingo. An amusing' contest was won by Sylvia Hoover with Gail Wilson and 'Audrey Whleeler close seconds!. An address was read by Marlene Smith( and gifts were. presented by .Tuanita Smith! in a small, decoW•ated wagon, Mrs. Tacklin, grandmother of the guest of honour, • placed the ribbons 'from the gifts, on paper plates making very gay bonnets;• A tasty lunch was •seryedinr. .Gala lefrueene'Smitle.nose Serie Krause, Audrey Wheeler and Sytele,'Hoover, • The girls were capably assist- ed in the kitchen by lIirs. Barb. MieCutrheon, Mrs', Sarah Steph- enson and Mrs. Isabel SMith. RUSSEL B. CURRIE RuSsel B. Currie passed away in Neringliam and District Hos- pitae on Sunday, allay 1 3-th, 1963, in his 68th year, after failing health for some time, Born. in Morris Township, he was the son of the late Robert Curnie and Elilabeth Bryans, and had farmed all bits life on the fem•th line of that township. He retired because ;of ill health', several years ago Since then h:c had matte his home with his da.egliter, Mrs, Allan (Elizabeth.) MrClall, PLR, 3, Welton. Fps wif e , the Toemsr Viola McCracken whom he married January 191S predeceased him in lorit. Surviving are one deughter, Mfrs. Allan 11Tr,Ca11, one son, Douala, and foie' grandchildren. The LOOT` of the, Western Star Lodge No. 149 of Which Mr, Currie was a member. held their service on Monday night at 1.0 pea, at the funeral home, P11:floral service 'was held at the D. A. ttann funeral• home on Tit'esday ,Mt.ty 14th, with Rev. IC. Griffiths officiating. Interment *as in brussels, cemetery. Pallbearers were: Iviittek Cartel', Sim. McNeil; Ward Sellers. and Ross Tel!ndan.. ..riblites were carried flertb'S. LESTER. MACHAN, son of MT. and Mrs. Leonard Maclean, graduated on Friday from the. elyersen institute of Technology. Lester has completed the three year coarse • in Radio and Teieitsioe Arts. „..•••••=•.••••••••••=1•••• CARD OF THANKS wouild like to take this op- ;portunity to thank my friends, ;neighbours and relatives who sent me gifts and cards while I was a patient in St. Mary's, ,hospital 'in Kitchener. Your thoughtfulness and kind- ness was deeply appreciated. Shirley .Ta ekl in CARD OF THANKS Tile family of the late Mrs. Ed Henderson wish to express their .gratitude to their many friends and neighbours during their recent bereavement, Their thoughtfulness, messages of sympathy and kindness will long he remembered. • Special. thanks to Rev, K, Griffiths, the Rann einem] home, Dr, Stephens and many others .It lies been very deeply appreciated, CARD OF THANKS Thanks again for your kind help, material and financial assistance to reelace our barn, demolished by wind, Moe- 26th, 1953, with special Bethke to the: ("fey Township PeclOratiliti of Agricnituro. Stan Alexander and 'Family CARD OF THANKS .1` Wish ,to express nay sincere thanks to any fietende„ telatives and neighbours for their Many eenresSiend of sympathy sliowre me during my recent bereavemet, also a. special thanlel to t'ee pall- flower bearers atel nee. A. TTigettilmillant, at'ti th'e;s e was se thoup.htfulle r.emereaeree Mr. lerori afoot due. ' st ay 'e t, Tau ron View late 4 '17" nil tfootoist n3MTMOtlitndt . . Slate Of Officers Presented At Lions Club Meeting Al the last regular meeting of the h:eal Olub, Lion George elcCutebeen as chairman of the nominating committee presented their report, recommending the following slate of officer 'for tho coming year: President Cecil Parker First Vice, Charles Thomas Second Vice Charles 'Arnold Third Vice ...... . Robert Raymond Directors Calvin Kreuter, 1;an McVonald, Gerald Exel, Besse' Ienight Tail Twister Calvin Kreuter Assistant George Mutter Lion Tamer William H, King; Assistant Selwyn Baker Assistant Secretary Cecil McFadden Charles Arnold George McCutcheon Treasurer. Cecil McFadden • wrMicorDaodndalend Assistant Auditors William Turnbull A -letter from the Wingleem, Lions Club extended an invitation to three couples from the club to attend their annual .jeadies Night on Tuesday, Mey 28th. The Lions to attend are George McCutch7 eon, Harold. Thomas and Cliff 'Dunbar. Lion TAPas, chairman of the Property committee, reported Nat .pork facilities would be put 'in good orde r immeniateiy. Lion Roy Cousins reported that a pair of glasses • had beeti purchased for $17 far a needy Lion Cecil Parker reported. itheit eight members of the club bad attended the region rally at Clinton on May 7th. Lieu Russel Knight remarked that he would like to see a good turnout at the annual meeting and dinner of the Heron County TE .Association to be held at thenbrook on May 30tlt. Lien Cecil Parker reported that he and Doug Callander had attended the spring meeting. of District 5. Ontario. for crippled; cbildpen, in Clinton or. May 2nd. Wes Gold Medal At U.' W. O. Friends is the BrusSels area. 'wilt be interested in hearing of the graduation of a. former 're C. S; student from. University College 310,ss Dennis, now Of Listowel, lies' baitoldtad her four yeer :Helmut coarse ire 'Philosophy and teeth- tOtlogy with first Class honours, and has been awarded a. Board Governor's Gold Medal for high standing. Miss Denne, has been on the Stelae staff of the London' Taiblie Schools since May 1st mint in. September, will join the pormahent staff there. VAL'S BEAUTV SHOP cti ftiri t,,, Styling C'ettl IMOVItiff A qpoatolty PtION 141 0-4000 SHORT I Brussels Bride•Elect SHOTS Showered By Friends * • •