HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-05-02, Page 50 014 eivosiviiis moo 4414V4Whaiiii 00414401 vauwawev Too Liatowel NAMF ADDRESS CITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Assgsmataile§ The chaperones, Mrs, W. Strickler and firs, S. Evans (those Gale Wlsou and Rae Smith, as girl and boy who contributed most to everyone's fun through the evening and they received a small prize. This' will be a regain?' feature in the future. 1‘[.c2:)i)bers of thee School Board (at the school for a meeting were invited to join the Buunyhop whereupon they all disappeared, like snow in July except one who helped break a tie in the elim- ination dance and gave the prizes to Myra McNair and Johnny • 194.1,.......ar,•••,0 • CANDY and BAKE SALE In the Brussels Public Library on SATURDAY MAY 4th — At 3:00 p.m. Sponsored by Local Association to Brownies and Guides TEA WILL BE SERVED Brought to you as a public service by ONTARIO'S SILVER & BLACK FLEET ''lligelitrozormaaliv,vey„wo rtanaiaariEsissigasmir Melville Guild tt April Meeting The Melville Young Women's ;Guild held wen. April meeting in the church parlour. Ethel Brewer charge of the devotious, "i4a.ster Thoughts'', ' An. Easter hymn. ''`Christ The Lord Is Risen' was snug. Mrs, - Brewer then -read • an urtiele on Easter Customs in many lan.is, and beliefs. The scripture, taken • from Luke 42, verses 1-12, was read in unison, Isabel Smith teen arti(Ue ':Sunrise and Sunset ", This was followed with p rayer .;by Thelma Cardiff, Ethel Brewer and Muriel Shortreed favoured,. with a duet 'Vile Old Rugge4 Cross.', Thelma Cardiff read 4641EisersNicSarntsto o:''''2,-e-,Oraiift.-ezt ANNOUNCES TEACHING FREDERICK J. PARKER PIANO * ORGAN * THEORY * VOICE (up to age 15) At Brussels United Church Thursdays: 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. SatUrdaYs: 9:00 to 5:30 p.m. (Other' times forthcoming) Rupils Prepared, for Examinations Upon Request -- • et,•1 • iii.erissatmast2akie, ENJOYED BY MANY FAMILIES ACROSS ONTARIO FOR. BREAKFAST JUICE DRINK Why not let your Earnily enjoy this delightful nectar of four blended fruit flavours - Oranges Apricot, Apple and Prune ? NUTRICIOUS too, because it, contains added Vitamin C and A IT'S MORE ECONOMICAL Than many other breakfast drinks ONLY 30e per 40 oz. Quart from your Milkman or from your Grocer who sells delicious COUSINS MILK, PRODUCTS alisisivislistirsosissmaietsimisitorooSSeumestsuatot ro, Y.••• a,. ro it p • ...4•••• • OF CANADA MELV ILLE cHURck. Minister: Rev. W. J. Morrison MA Orgelliet; 111411. Prank Thompson 11,11CT t lu a.m. Church School., 11 A. 31).. X.Orning. ;Worship Rev. T. ,Konhohy, B.A., 13.1), of 4luevals i..4Voryoh: Welcome THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A, K. Griffiths Organist; Mr, F. J, Parker A. it,t. C, T, f__;• V4 ire nu) 11,00 a.m. U.S., Sunday School ANGLICAN CH Uf11.1-1 OF CANADA Rector: Rev. 11. L. MRS. Wrvl. J. STLWART 'inure passed away, in Groves, .Mizanorial kergus, on Alan lutt, lolls, erauces iluenne Cox, beloved wife of 'Wm. .1. "Stewart, in her 74th year, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cox, she was born in Lioderich Township, ki.uron Wanly, near Porter 411, Oct. 3rd 1889. She was a member of Bay field United Church where she was Organist for many years. Later she moved to Clinton where she, was a member of Wesley Willis United Church. She was also organist of the Baptist Church in Clinton. She was a, member of the Rebekah. Lodge and later District Deputy President, In 1939 she and her husband moved to Bru,ssela where they operated a dairy. in 1948 they moved to Fergus where aim resided ever since. She took a great interest in her Charch. and Lodge until failing, health for some years past forced her to give up these activities. She is survived by her husband,' Wm. J, Stewart. Funeral service was conducted by the Rev. A. R., Robinson from the John. Thompson and Son 'Funeral Lome, en Tuesday afternoon, Interment was in Eaird'S cemetery, The pallbearers were Gordon Mulvey, Roy Marshall, Earnest Cumming, George Peden, Jame4 Redwood and. Fred 1-Innley. MAN WANTEL. To help us supply the e'Ver, increasing demand for Rawleigh Products. Are you interested or have you a friend who might be? This is the best paying one man business in the country- An ex. cellent incoine, for the man who l5 hnn:est a; good worker. Wnitt, tOday. 'Itartrieigh's, Dept. 111;4152- 05, 4003 Itichellen, Montreal: Id Phone 285 Watson. The mystery record guess was On May 10, during the party, nominations will be conducted for Leqi executive members and an adult advisor for next year. Election by ballot will follow ou :11ay 2,4 at the regular party, All members of Ei-T are urged. al tend and nominate your candi- d?: t os on May 10th. Set an exilinple for municipal nom- ination meetings by being pre- sent. Those who do: take part have no right to Complain when things; are not done as they would do them. We are still hoping to have a, film for that evening also. This. is not a proinise but we are try- ing hard so come early, as film will ben-in at 8:30 if we have It. VAC'S 6.4AOTY SHOP retina Styling Cold Waving A Oposinhay i't.auee 140 Etrussete vvANTED oil rain Lis, t,s, cupboards, Lairte:.?, toltet sets, phonographs, dishes. Call: A. Fraser, Walton Phone Brussels 392W8 .r1:1,,,I4tt Story. '].'Iris was followed by a hymn "The Cny.+4 Resurrection", This part of the meeting was closed by repeating the Mizpah Benediction, ....Mary Huether, the president, had charge or the beehiess period Plans were made to cater to banquet In May, ....After an interesting contest a ac,liciaus lunch was served by Thelma Cardiff, Isabel Smith anti Ethel Brewer.... When in. Lis4 owe4 make sure you VISIr.r THE William Lin en S TORE Men's Wear Lathes' We kurs ARGYLE AVENUE For Quality c4.' Satiaraotien UISTOWOO. Around the Corner from the Bank of Montreal "arose From the Post Offioe HI-T NEWS. The reguilar 2.1-T party of April 2,6 wos attended by about won by glary Buchanan. fifty young people. Although. attendance was down spirits were not .and when a survey was taken concerning future plans members had many good ideas such as, a ball team, o badmin- ton court, invitation to other teen towns etc, Plans are also I underway for our second annual 'l el-lull-48 Summer Ball, tentative date, BA, LT I. ,Tune 28th. . Organist: Mrs. B. Lii.u.rtt sT. JOHN'S Holy Oaramun.lon and Church School ST. DAVID'S, Hentryn p.m. Bible Class p.m. Evening Prayer and, Church School HOLIDAY IN FUN-TILLED For your pleasure . . Ontario is generously endowed with shimmering lakes and fine beaches, Countless varieties of garne fish abound in the cool lakes, rivers and streams. You'll relax and have the time of your life swimming, boating and fishing in fun filled Ontario this summer. FREF SEND IzoR 40 PAGE, FULL cuotiri BOOKLET, ROM) MAP, ETC. ONTARIO TRAVEL DtiPARTMEN' 270 PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO . PROV ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY llon. Bryant.. Cathcart, Minister 09,431