HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-05-02, Page 112,00 A Year In Advance 4'2.50 To U.S.A. THE BRUSSE,US POST, 1.1. I UllSDAY, MAY 2nd POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Brussels s SchooisCompete estiva Here usic Shield • Spring must be here for our . . 'main street is being used as. a. raceway at night, Let us hope no ems gets killed, * The majority of the farmers In this area have finished seeding. What the cold and late frosts . will do we will not venture to predict. Sugar prices continue to rise I with' a corresponding advance in the cost of jams; jellies, etc. What the, cause is we don't presume to estate, Some would like to blanie tee situation in Ouba, others say it is a monopoly, • • We haven't heard any of our local anglers bragging about their catch at the opening of the fishing season. We must conclude that none were too successful or we would surely know abOut it. Perhaps it was too cold for either the fish or the fishermen, or both. This is Music Festival season, Everywhere we hear of them, A very successful one has just concluded in Brussels and Grey Township School Area No. 1 will take place on May 10th, Those responsibele fOr these Festivals deeerve a great deal of 'credit for their efforts in. these 5777ricavnurs, • Go-Cart devotees are busy those days tuning tip their racers for the seasoo, it is a great 14obby if prOperly Organized. * * As we have Mentioned before, Music Festivals are wonderful for the children, nut pity the harassed music supervisors who put many weeks of strenuous work into trebling and organ- ization for them, At the con- clOsiOn they are on the verge of nerveve colla.p8e. To finish them completely there are always those Who biome them when a certain child or group, is not among the winners, lINTER MEDIATE SOCCER TEAM HERE? Is Brussele going to have an ihtel'inedlate.sorter teeth this Mee the answer is .no! Not anises seine cmorte, Toying nitNettS. ere .willing to donate part of their snare time to act es rna Peer and coach. pressels was ono, known server community. It telcee more tbein Willing players lo seen intilde feet telde. Yen, the people nee the brielaione. To trove n ,"treno,' tenet !vett must h'nee ti ^frau .‘ backbone. For Thither lefertnation see Parry Curtie, MUCtity Lowe or .lien Storey. Walton Public School Is Officially Opened Walton Oentrel Scheel, which has been in 'use since December, Was formally opened recently. Officials who took part in the opening exercises were Rev. G. Lockhart Royal, Goderich; James H. Kinkead, North Huron Publie School Inspector, Goderich, who was the guest sneaker for , the occasion; D. E., Dunlop, archi- tect, Toronto; Warred .Shortreed, chairman of the school beard. The building was dedicated by he Rev, Athur Higginbotham of Walton 'United Church, Mrs. J. T. Pearson, Ethel Hollered On Birthday hire. :Tables T Pearson was very pleasantly surprised on Saturday, Al vii 27th when members of her family met to celebrate her birthday. A:mong the guests who gathered. L 0 honor Mrs. Pearson on this occasion, was her sister, Mrs. Carman Hazelwood of Windsor. Tkers. Pearson received many useful and beautiful gifts. 171 a few well chosen words she exTres- BRUSSELS 4-H BEEF CALF CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS The organization meeting of the 13russals 4-H Beef Calf Club was held in the Brussels Library on April 2-Gtle at 8:30 p.m, under the , direction of Doug Miles, Algifelatttiall Representatlye for Huron County. After showing a short film Me Miles. gave a talic on careering in agriculttire. When the 4-H material h:a.c1 been handed out the election of officers. followed. Elected were: President Don Nolen Vice President Jean Roe See.relary Gerald Smith; Press Reporter e. Dave (lowing ' CARD OF THANKS I would like to repress my appreciation and thianks for the cards, treats. and flowerS I received while confined te. Mrs. Fred Cox NOTICE The Mee meeting of the Miajestie W, T. Will be held in the Brussels Public Tebrery on Thursday, Mae at S.15 p.m. Being on Canadian industries. Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. A- Tencepl. eonvenors. 11011 is0 .An fill .S tr V" not known to my gen n din other, Topic. Tourist Industry sneaker: Mrs. 17,iirl Anderson,, Pelgrave; .r.n.fh girls display and cede Current rirent Mre. A. tngel; nraele, Adjudicator Lloyd McQueen of Toronto, assistant supervisor of music for the Ontario Depart. ment of. Bdukcation, declared the.: first 'Music Festival to be held here, of high standard, with the entries- being of good quality. He gave high praise to the officials of the three participating schools. Myth, Walton and Brussels. The festival was opened 'Tito- day night by Mirth Huron public school inspector, J, H. Kinkead of Goderich, - With over, 200 parents and e0ther 'Interested persons in the • Brussels school auditorium, 'who were in attend- ance to enjoy, and encourage, the many talented young coninceiters, Tuesday night- classes were devoted to rhythm bands and two " and three part choruses There 'were six of these classes with a total of 27 entries, .)hue to excellent organization these pro- ceeded smoothly and on schedule. and' the audience was delighted with thle .performance • of the The festival continued all day Wednesday concluding Wednes- day night. Mrs. Win, 1-i. King, supervisor of music for the three schools, was. festival president, 'Mrs. King, the teachers' and officials of the three schools, are to be con-. gratulated on the outstanding success of tits, their first joint festival venture, Congratulations also to the children wile partici rated. irony for the first time in any feStival, for their fine work. PF,SULTS ' Tuesday Evening Rhythm Bands ;Walton, 70; Brussele, 5; Blyth, 74- Two-part Chorus, Juniors Bruseels, (MleS Mitchell's recall) 82; Bru,SSOIS, (Mrs. Tyermnn's room) Si; Talton, (Mrs. IMCCrea ties & Mrs, RobertSon's roam) 80. Unison Chorus, Juniors BroSsels, (Mre,Oldfield's room) 77; Britseels, (Mrs, Tyermaree realn) 75; Blyth & Walton (tied) 74 Unison Chorus, Seniors GiVirs. Toll & Mrs. lloheritkotil 80; PrItsgels (Mese Metzger) & Blyth. (Mr. Higgins) (tied) 78; Britesele, (Mee Ashton) Plyth, (Mrs. "P-Iell) (tied) 75 Two-part Charlie, Settiore Blytli, (Mr, Pie:eine) 83; Weltoti, (Mrs„ ItehartFinn Mira, t011) St; BrusseiOti (10T. ,Aehten) Double Trio, Grades 7 & 8 Walton, 85; Bru.seols, iilytic & Walton, (tied) 79 The Home and School Shield for the school accumulating the most points during the festival was presented to Brussels Public School, Brussels won the award with 251 points, a 20 point margin over the other schools. Wednesday Morning Unison Chorus — Grades 1 & 2 Brusseig, Walton, 73; Myth, 71. Girl's Solo — 7 yrs. & under- Debbie • Hicks, PlYth, 83; Kathy Cousins, Brussels, 82; Anita Brigham, Brussels, and Na.t.horian Street. Blyth (tied ) SO Rhythm Band' Myth. 80; Wralton, 74: 'Brus- sels, 73 Junior Duet Linda 'Wilson & Tune Valiance, Brussels, 8-5; Tern ma Sh ort- r e & 'BrendaBewley, Wal- ton, 84; Shirley Williamson 8r fail Travis, Walton, 82 Boy's Solo — 7 yrs. under Peter Gibson, Brussels, 82: B-evin TaSker, -Myth 82; Dale 7.7 beeler, . Brussels, sn Changed Voice Bill li.ellingri„ -Walton. Si Bruce Walton, SO • Wednesday Afternoon Double Trio --- Grades 5 & Et Brussels, Nyth 71); Walton, Girl's Solo --- 9 yrs. & under Lind:, Wilson, Brussels, 84; i 1 Travis, 'Walton, 33; T)ebbie MoCell & Julio, Val- iance, Friteels (flee) 82 Senior Duet •Sherrill Craig ,Cr Carol Wilhee, Walton, SO: ry. Bewley & Gerald Tian n, Walton. & Ken Ritchie & Geore•te Voila-nee, (tied) 32; Greg Wilson & ,Tint Wheeler, Brussels, SP Bey's Solo -- 9 yrs. & under Douglas Brighatn. Britesels, 82; Rickey Gerlett. WaltOtl, Si iMlfrrav Mannina. 4- arid Garry Gera-tan, TIlyth, (tied) 80 Triple Trio -- Grades 5 & 6 Pruseele, SO; Walton. Piyth, 70 OCTI'e. Solo '— 11 veS &, under Ptmlin ltioriteed, 'Walton, 83; E eh M. Ca I I an de t Vomit Tr ClitelVOTI gS1,1.9.4, (fleet) Brenda Bewley.. Walton, 81 Selo 14 yrs, it over Gavel K hires„ Walten, 831 80; Wednesday Evening Triple Trio -- Grades 7 & 8 Myth, 83; Brussels, 79; Walton, 77 Boy's Solo — 11 yrs. & under George Valiance, Brussels, 84;' Jacob Peters, Walton, 83e Jim Wheeler, Brussels, 82 Girl's Solo — 13 yrs, & under Slyerrill Caig, Walton, 87;" ry Bewley, Walton, 86; Joyce Huether, Brussels & Corrine fibs on, 131yth, (tied) 82 Boy's Solo — 14 yrs, & over Stephen Eetchnie, Blyth, 85; r.harle5 Ferguson, Brussels, S1; Neil McDonald, Brussels, SO Buy's •-- 13 yrs. & Under :Larry F alters, Walton, 84n Gerald Baan, Walton, 83; Bob Kellington, Brussels, 81 TO PARENTS OF CHILDREN. OF KINDERGARTEN AGE Mrs. D. C. Matheson will be at Brussels 'Public School on Wed- needa.y. morning, May 15th, to interview parents whose children. wish to enter Kindergarten in. September. 'Pupils must be five' years old by December 31st, 7e03. -Kindly bring their immuni- zation papers. Organ 'DediCation Mormicieff United Church The organ presented —to Moncrieff 'United. Ceimrch by 'Union United Church Will be dedicated on Stuidey, May 5th, with service at 10 a.m- E N AG EM ENT .lip, and Mrs. Doueirie of li)lliott I pike wish to announce thel eintagenient of their daughter, (awl:tine, to' Carman Bowes, sons. of Mr. and Mrs. Bari Bowes of YAM, Ont. The reseriage to take place Faturclay. May 4th, CARD oF -1-HANKS Carl Graher thanks all those vim sent gifts, and cerde And Meet) Who visited him While lie' was a patient in Scott Methoriat eenepitne Conforth. Special Minks, In A Gerwill anti the hospital steff l'-our kindness 'MSS appreciated, 1-1101-I TEA thetescis Horticulture Societe nre bolding a. "High Teao lit the be or"' of. St. elm's An elicete r—rrob. ,.5sttirclay. May p.n.. to 7 'tette. Eeeryouri Welcome. SHORT SHOTS sod her thanks to nil present for . -kindly remembering her. A dainty lunch was served and eouneeters. all departed Wishing her many more happy. returns of the -day. Jorc-e Kellington, leruesels, 80; Atje Zwen, Walten, 79