HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-04-25, Page 1-.447rF. ere fefileklftt Ji• sir $2.00 A Year In, Advauce — e2,60 To U.SA, SHOTS MRS JOHN V. WARWICK SHOTS * * * The local Lions qui) honored :the boys of the two Brussels ihodkey teams for their splendid 'showing during the past season by sponsoring a, bus trip, to Ocelot-in so the boys could enjoy, fee spectators, the Young Canada 170ekeY Tournament. Perhaps next year they will be ab)e, to participate es a team. * CO: Brussels: vCIJITS bus drivers, Ralph Pearson and Adrian .11(cTeggart„ enjoyed a busmae's holiday, along with many others, by 'attending a School Bus Drivers convention in Termite, travelling by CNR, • * letteety people that won $100 ihodrey draws were Mrs, Geo, Beaker and Prank Thompson. John Watson of Blyth woe the Lions NHL draw. te The lock, at the arena was pried off again this week. Only !recently the arena was broken into, considerable damage done, and booth supplies stolen. It seems there are some who do not appreciate the facilities provided for their enjoyment, It was fine to learn that the Weber Benefit Dance was so welt supported'. A community' spirit suck as this is• a splendid I thing, Paul Deliennan, of Persbnal Dry Cleaners, is installing a coin automatic 'molter and dryer in, his establishmtnit. He is busily~ remodelling the building and holies to have it ready 'to go in about three, weeks. • Our genial Chief be Pollee!, Dave Hastings, who' had been hospitalized for several weeks, le back on duty, We- are happy to tepott, He was tight on the job Senday morning when a broken hydrant neceeeltated 'the cutting off of the tenet's 'water supply, to see that it Was speedily repaired and the residents not Withmit water ally longer than rieceeetery, We beard rumours around town that our. Dew Liberal 'Government Was eetmotieible for the snow storne we had this week. .* etet dotie Want to Welk into phurcb at the concluelon of the service on Sunday morning turn your docks and watches ahead, One hour on Setterday night. Daylight Sating time will be with. 'IVA ;Aye m 12,Q1; Mrs, Lucy Gertrude Warwick, wife of John V, Warwick of Morris Township, died suddenly in her home at 10.15 a.m. on Monday, • April 15th, • Of a• heart attack, et the age of 60 years. Mrs Warwick •• had • been a .sufferer of acute asthma and eesuleant, respiratory - cations for a number of years., Mrs. Warwick was born LneY Henry and Lucy Bone of Morrie Henry end 'Luce Bone of Moorrie Township on June 23, 1902 and was married to John V. Warwick on November 28, 1923 and was a lifelong resident. of Morris Township, In addition to her 'husband', she is mourned by brothers George Bone- of Brussels and Ruseell - Bone of Morris Town. Shin and a sister, Mrs, William l',111"6 b ') MieMichael • of Detroit, Michigan, es well as 'a, number of nieces, nephews, cousins' and a boat: of friende, Item-Tel services were held at the fe A, Ram Funeral Rome, Brussels, at 2:00 Tem, en Wednes- day, Aerie!, 1,7,- with Rev. George Mitchell, of pluevale T7nited Church officiating, " lintetMert was in Brussels cemetery, The • pallbearers were Glen font,. (Merles Brewer, George Brewer. Frank Cierniss, Bert Heetinee and Wilfred Warwick,. The flower bearets were Keith Rene, end.ore as Weewick. Gets Instructor's CertMcate Miss Gwendolyn Martin attended a four-day course in Guelph during the Feaster holi- days and received. her Red Cross Water Safety Instructor's. C,erti- Ovate, CARD OF THANKS T wish to sincerely thank MI those who sent me cards, treats and gifts while was a patient in Westminster Hospital, Also those who visited With me, Your thoughtfulness will ,always be appreciated, Met. Hastings CARD OF THANKS ....I would tile to experess my thanks for all the cards, gifts and flowers I received during my stay in Windham hospital. ...Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. .. ..,.Mrs. Oarniss CARD OF THANKS T wish to take this opportuntiy 'to express my sincere thanks end, appreciation 'to all relatives, friends and eeighbots for the inemy expressions of sympathy end floral tributes received duel tlelily recent end Interevenient. Sin:rill thanks 'to the D. A, Ilene Mineral Herne, 'Rev, George eeltelmil of the United. nienreli racer the ladies of the TT' C. W11.0 served the deliclotta refreshments. following the 'fu- neral. in the home of Mr. mitt Mee; TrInrirdt THE BRU.SSELS POST, PEOPLE WE KNOW * • * Mrs, Ida 1)0'16 it vacationing in Schtmeburg Or a, few weeks. • e I Dr, Donald ,and Mrs. McRae, Bonnie and Tommy of Willow- dale, spent the weekend with the former's uncle, Mr. F. R. Smith, Mr. A. Wood is a patient in Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Where he underwent eye surgery on Monday..We hope his recovery will he entirely satisfactory. I • • * Mrs. Cr. Chidlow returned home Sunday from a visit with Hespler friends. 01 Mrs. A.. B. Leckie, New Market, and Mrs. Peter* Morrisen, St, Marys, were weekend visitors at the; borne of Miss .Bessie Moses, • • .Mr. and: Mrs. Elmer McKay, called on MTS. Prank Woods and othe r Brussels friends on Monday. * * 110 Mr. and Mi's, Ed, Elston and ?family, London, were visitors with her mother, Mee. E, Cardiff ove r the weekend. THt. USDAY, APRIL 25th, 1962 ;rusz,eis Council The regular meeting of the Village Coup:ell Was held in the Municipal Office on April 1, 1963,,. all it being present. Mewed by Wier, Streecelink, seconded by J. W, Fischer that the minutes of March 4, 1063 be adopted as read — Cart-lee Mewed. by L, 'ft. Median, seconded by 0; S. Elliott that 'beetling permits he issued to Warn. Grthe as crC0111 a.riZliCititTionasathl — Carried Arioverl by O. S. Elliott, seconded -by Win. Strittychnk that. By-Law No. 3-1963 as 'read a first and seoond time he passed — Carried Moved by J. W. Fischer, sec- onded by T. Tt, Miachan that By- Tow No, 3-i0nn as read a third time be passed and the seal of the Cerporntion 'attached and The Reeve and. Clerk be author- ived to sign rierried 'This being a By-Law authori- eine. the 'borrowing of monies up te ee5,000.00 to meet expendie tur61 PT) fil th e '1963 taxes are collected Moved by L, R, Meehan, see- ended by Stratechnk that Pnylkeltt Saving , Time be Pro- clamed for the. Village of Brus- sels from April 2,8111 to October 37113 1963 Carrierl Moved by S, W, Pischer sec- onded by 0. Elliott that the accounts es presented be paid — Carried P,T.1,1.C., street, and Office lights 182.07 MniIIand Valley Authority, 1963 Tees • 435.46 A, V. Harper R. .Co. • • 1902 audit 450,00 Geo. Mutter.. office fuel .... 61,15 Peireee Welding 'snowplowing 135,00 MciKillop Tem. relief charge basin 35.30 Motors, gas 4.85 .1. F. Brewer, rent truck 33.35 McC'n teheon Meters, eer, S, •Seott, Inge:ranee ne gas 31.90 ,(10 Municipal World, 13.77 supplies, ..... Calleteler Nurseig Heine, March wel- 35`.1.75 fare Work M e n is ren1n en- erect() sn lane 3 29 seenliee le.16 etnelier eupelies 7.05 Pelee. Telenhone. (nli n cToivor teeneral tax deducteons 1^. 11 Post ()Mee . ..... tee rill Counts 7Turme Dent. of filblie Welfare Welfare nay:meet Moved le- Tar='s,. ended by 'eeree. Stet-Or-hue- flint 'Council issue Debenteree for fee wpterweeire in re peeler] on 11rIoved by ,T. W. Pieeher, sec- onded by T.. Ti. Medial, the" the meeting nelionra in meet ;main May 0. 1963 or nt the cell or the 7(e T' l <ti xtroollirtoe",' POST PUBLISHING HOUSE FIRST MUSIC FESTIVAL; 3 SCHOOLS TO COMPETE Music teachers and pupils of Brussels, Myth and. Walton, schools have been busy the past weeks prepnring for the music festival being too.: in the Brussels School Antlitoeium on Tuesday and Wedeesday of next week. Such festivals do much to encourage the children to develop an appreciation for, and interest in, good music, Our Platidits go to our school music supervisor, Mrs. Wm, H. King, for her work in the organizing of this festival, tho first of its kind. to be held here. We hope the residents of the community will exhibit their interest in the children by "their attendance at the festival when possible, ETHEL TEEN TOWN FASTER PROM ,,.,On Friday April 19th a Semi. Formal Dance was held in Ether Community Centre„. The Galaxy band played for dancing, The young people at Ethel and eurretendpig country We towns were dressed formal to 'suit the occasion, 'Clip Queen of 1963 was crowned, with p sterling silver and rhine- Fe( lie crown. Mtise Gloria Heibein, received the honor, She was also the 'recipient of a boguee of ow and bronze maims, Runners. tip Were Barbara Chapman and • Doreen T-Teibein receiving sterline silver btaelete. The chaperones of Ethel Teen - Town thank the young people fete theta interest and fine manner which 'Makes Ethel Teen Town a sereeee, HI-T NEWS WeilnekiaaY, April 11th Hi-T delete!. Dunce was held. About, G5 fellow,: end girls turned oet to the. music of the Shakers, a new rook and roll, band. Well ha hearing Moto of their music , in the future, After leech; dancing continued to records. Ph.e opinion table was sadly 110!.0.eet ed. Maybe everyone wee baying, too art c!I.1 fun (we hope). The chaperones Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryaus presented the Sete; dance prize to Larry Kellengton and Joyce Meferinne. 'The baleen stomping contest. ended in an nethreakeltle tie with Jim Vein and Darlene Machete fob Pearson and N"P ey Watson (eking prizes. Special chair erietia Well cry I1011 Pearson, Weenie r.encli, 'Doug Elliott and two' others, Dec% to ti sprinkling of peWder 50M e of (lice young la; 0:4 woro Arcing tone Wee , euereette teeming; Thillike lends' e e l e-eln r St% Yon yonne fellows who beye been \ vnihm fo r the film on iettetet cm's, we are still tryitur to reef; r" 11' u+•••,r,lertq look prolniFe. e ritl UT) Fit"1", yell on rir;o0y. orn, 2Gtli at 1119 t'loner'? Mr. and Mrs. K. Grower and faintly of Sudbury have beep 'eleittees: with his parent's, Mte and Mrs. A; Oirewar, * * Mr. and. Mrs, J. Cameron and faintly Of Liendon Were visitors with his mother, Mrs. W. Otimeren, and-Mrs. Ted McLean, and, daughter Reta. were Easter week end visitors' with relatives ins i Sarnia, Barry Median suffered con- cussion, a broken nose and 8houutet thnjmy when his car struck a fire hydreet 1.11 Brussels on Saturday, He was removed to Winghnett hospital bet Was able to return home Tuesday. * * A number of reeiderits of this area attended thur"Opeti Tiouseil held by a. former Brrteeele boy, Dr. Kenneth Wood, of Clinton, Over 500 attended the beauti- hilly remodelled, fully et-napped. modern chiropractic office, Mrs. I3udeatic, who reeently underwent surgery, will be con- fined to IiamiNon General Hospi- al a. month or more, when, we ere sure. she will welcome messages from Mende to help Make abet time there elealeint. ei • feaster visitors w'l,th, Mr, and 'hiss;. Wrn. Mille- of Grey township -were , anti Mrs. Ross Schlueter end Irn:11." and Mr. and Mrs. Thirteen/I 'Miner and family, 11111 lee C4rilt. 'Mee and leTre. Lloyd flo^1),W r slid family of Kinpen. Mr. r"ir1• Sernid Miller dole:Ti l ler Tee:1111e oaf 'fleet tevirrf, 1111113. more: •,.•, 1,1 • • 1077 91