The Brussels Post, 1963-04-11, Page 1•
$2.00 Year In Advance — $2,50 To V.S.A. THE BRLISSEL:S. POST, `.PlIDRSDA.Y, APRIL 11th, 1965 POST PUBLISHING PUBLISHING HOThi34
Elston Cardiff Retains Huron
For The 8th Consecutive Term
The 13russel5 HI-T sponsored a
hue trip to Canadian Bandstand.
'in Kitchener on Saturday April 6.
The day was enjoyed by all.
The next Hi-T dance will be
Wednesday, April 17, There will
be special 'prizes and perhaps
some special entertainment This
dance should be a great deal of
'011, for everyone so let's haYe
s, geed attendance for this dance.
Mrs. Wes. Budnark underwent
major surgery in Hamilton
Central Hospital on Tuesday.
Mrs. 'Peter Baker, ninth conces-
sion of Grey Twp, celebrated her
)2nd birthday on Tuesday, Con-
The Rev. M. Stewart of
Molesworth Presbyterian Church
will occupy the pulpit in Knox.
Presbyterian Church on Sunday
April 21st at the regular morning
Mrs. Stanley Fischer attended
the Synodical meeting in St.
Andrew's. Church, Winghatn, on
Wednesday, April 2.
The draw for an Easter ham
sponsored by the Cranbrook
Women's Institute was won by
Charles Thomas of 13russels.
Several. of the sideroads have
been in very Door condition dur-
ing the past/ week, with several
vehicles getting hogged down in
(Intended for last week)
Beoomball Season Over
The final standing was its
I3elgr(ave 26 points
etranbrook 25 "
Hydro 25
Brussels 24
Myth sO
Whiteelturch 20
Stone School 17
Sth Line Morris II
. , ..... .....
'''d Line Wrivatiosli
The hobs Were in firSt place by
one point when lie came to the
final, game of the season, with
Ilelgrave downing Witighani
Ii.vdro This left the boys
badly in need of a win over
Britssels, After on' minutes of
rood Proninbell the boys Were
defeated by the seem of 1,0 for
lliteSels. The lieits clip not care
fie talt e part in the .play-off, One
reason being that, the heed of
the l eague did not mention.
env+ hitt g about iiiti.,:teoff.e the
heeinniner of the Season,. OSP
the hove theettlit They had plAY6(1
P11,111c01 for this season,
So we. Unite tiongrattilate' the
winners of the Min, Tiriis5els,
`tiro also Would: like to thatilt
these lie clime out it° Add the ,
ettreee and Stirborted the tenin.
"Ilb.0 .rims finished seeptid in
Alts tenetinfeletti nlav 1110.1nZi
11110 td "00%
1V 4r. Frederick 4', Parker Of
London has been appointed
organist or Brussels United
(Punch, Mr. Parker is married
and has one child. He obtained
his A.n.7.0. from. Toronto.
Conservatory of Music and
stedied organ in Washington,
C. He will conduct a studio
here for piano, organ, theory and
Grey Twonship news, item, writ-
ten by Ray Houston, Brussels,
RR 2, Secretary for Grey Twp.
Ethel Community Centre was
the scene of a very interesting
meeting, when the new voca-
tional schools were discussed
and explanations given to ques-
tions of interest,
Since Grey Township is split
into three different high school
areas, with Listowel being the
largest, the discussions' were
led for this area by W. H. Jack,
Principal, and Earl Zurbrigg,
Guidance Teacher. Sinee Lis-
towel school i5 tl large unit,
all pupils 'will be taken there
where they will spend their full
time. Mr: Jack stated that vo-
cational schools are not new ,
and have been in operation
since the turn of the century,
At Seaforth District High
School, those from Grey will be
taken to Seaforth and then will
go on. to the Central Hitron
School at Clinton. Seaforth
school was represented by Prin-
cipal Lawrence Plumsteel, and
Guidance teacher Archie Dob-
son. The entire course was well
presented by Mr. Dobson,
The four teachers then form-
ed a panel and answered many
questions from the audience.
This is :lust the first of several
meetings, slated Mr. Plumsteel,
because only now do I see that
both parents and students dO
not just 'altogether understand
what this all means, and the
decisions are big ones to make
in some cases.
Throughout the meeting mus-
ical numbers were much enjoy-
ed, Miss Nancy Strickler played
a piano solo, while Robert Cun-
ningham favored with two solos.
Mr. Zurbrigg and Mr. Cunning-
hain teamed up to lead cone
intinity singing. The event was
sponsored by Grey Township
— Dumping of Refuse
Marris Township helps maintain
three dumping areas fOr public
'use namely: — on the sideroad
in William Peacocks, On the
sideroad in Stewart Cloakey's and
On Robe Walker's farm at
Anyone foitrid gtillty of dumping
stones, cans, wire or other refuse
en Morris Township roads or
ToWnshin :property Will be pros-
'Canted Width' By-Law NO, 4', 104.6,
y1110t1 lit Still in effedb,
TTP1011 '41010:t,
Liston Cardiff of Brussels,
veteran member of the. House of
Commons, won a solid victory
for the 'Conservative party in
Huron riding in Monday's elect-
ion. The 'surrounding ridings also
•vent Conservative.
The 74,yeaasold Morris Town-
:ship fanner, veteran of seven
terms in the blouse of. Commons,
defeated Gordon MoGetvin of
Mci.cillop Township by a, major-
ity of '2.875 votes. The, unofficial
riding 'total for Huron gave Mr.
Cardiff 1.2,128 votes to Mr.
Vi-flavin's 9,752.
Mir.. nefil'avin conceded his
defeat :30 p.m.
At only one point in -the tabu-
lation of ballots did Triberrits in
Huron appear to have the,
tieNraMt nee. With five polls TA.
ported. MeGayin was leading 229-
ZOO. With 10 polls. Mr. Cardiff
was aimed 400 to 458, 'and bv the
time 50 nolle had beep heard:
from, lie hod increased hi5 lead
to 5;871 over Mega-Yin's 3,000.
Mr. C.nrdifd lost in Hay,. T-Tib-
bert, liTeMillop, and Tnelzer-
smith, as he did in 1.962, plus,
a loss in Crre Township and.
seamen. In SereCorth in 1.962,
Cardiff led his Liberal
curectsition T;lriiest Fisher of
nederich its 19 votes.
It 'is Mr, Cardiff's eighth
victory for the donserVativee,
Prom 1.9-li), until 1052 when the
teelnie of Fluent was Termed, he
hold flip riding of Nertb Huron
fiat his party. Ho leas snent".17
years Of his; nelitien1 emcee
Ceneerrative Member 'In 0,
rAheral-controllea. Parliament.
The 19.53 eleellon, first to ten
field In MC 7)PIVIV formed
titl \T" Mir. Cardiff. defeat his Liberal
rtnnonent by rmo 70,4s, 'Fri7:
IMMO. tr4I1
ih 'ION 0 Pif4t. ItiM
Liberals' choice, W. Cochrane,
by 6, 557 votes.
Of the 20,077 0:Uglier, votete
about , '21,881 cast ballots in the
riding. This represents a little
more than 80 per cent of the
The prize list pf the Ladies
Division of East Huron. Agri-
cultural Society are now ready
for distribution,
There have been alteratione,
new classes and increased nriO
"money, all of Which makes it
interesting and• attractive to
potential exhibitors.
Cet. your cony from the eeere-
inry, Mrs, Jas. Miair, TM 5.
Tii,11:4015; or pier; one up at the
office of The P,russels Post,
The 'family of the late ,,John
John P. 4-4aynor •Wsli to exnreSS:
Sincere 'thanks and apnrciciatiOn
to friends and nei'ghbenrs for
their many nets of kindness.
Message" of symnnthy and
'flpral reeefved flatting
their recent bereavement.
The family of rho. late Mrs,
Lillian Sellers, wish to express
their sincere thanks, and n,ppre-
elation, to reTativee. 'friends and
nelighbours, for all thole kind-
ness, nu-es:lens of sympathy, an
beentiful floral tribtiteS„ in the
loss of dear mother,
Forest Tracts Here Present
Serious Fire fi aZardp
Trees on the Pre 'wrest tracts
in the Brussels area have
reached a point in their growth
where they present an extremely
erious fire hazard.
The. Ontario Department et
1.1nik and Forests is so concerned:
with the danger in these roatltr,
ing woodlots that it has begun a
program aimed at tightening its
fire preteetion system fOr the
t reds.
W. F Moore, Zone Foreman at
tratroiei with the Department,
•iays ••''hat capable caretakers,
each living near the forest
trace--; have been chosen for the
five areas which are in the
immediate vicinity of • Brussels.
The caretakers have bees
!rained in. fire centre! and are
equipped With • tile necessary
tools to suppress a fire until
further aid'is the hope
of the department, MT. IMioore
says that the citizens of this
aren. will get to know. who the
caretakers are for nearby tracts,
en Hint in the event of. fire, no
time wrn ,re lost • In spreading
the alarm.
The Department's program for
the forest tra.ots in this vicinity
,also calls for protection from
vandalism and theft. CaretakerS
have been authorized to act upon
any thisdettineaner within their
boundaries and report violations
to department personnel,
Hunting, fishing and hiking are
Permissable in any County or
AuthOriity Forest. Signs are
posted at all entrances requesting
citizens use infinite care not,
to cause Tires.
The forests managed by the
Department, present n magnifi-
cent picture to the outdoors-
man. There arc great. stands of
softwood plantationS, and in some
cases. mixed woodlots ranging in.
00 `from the recent plantings
Of 1962 to 60-year-old specimens.
Put with this beauty, Mr. Moore
sa-P, goes the fire' threat brought
about by their age.
Caretakers For The Five
Tracts In This Area Are
Adams Tract .„, ..... Robert Earl
Rodgers Gcrritt Reimers
Pollarrd, Ament .,.. Beverly Riley:
Stevenson Clifford Marks
Rrussels Cow
bets Record
Don Beal "Jolly's T.ettie 2nd
.20(17115,-- •a -Terser e,nv bred
Don Head Ferro- tide Pleb..
mond 11111, Ont., and owned I'-'
Se\cler, 111-te,5rLe (:et.
has ltizt. liren awarded a Life
Time 1'r:election errtifiente.
eine In-1 at non Fhe produociri
7(18 pounds of milk and
"' of fat. T.eitie is
a of f the Si:Pm-it-1r Sire
Pram ,' '.Aoliy is Pinnacle
"nd a winer of one
• (4 ii011111