HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-04-09, Page 3 '4414i•••••••=witaallm• •,!!!!!!!"."1","•—• aii.e.latitiliareselelemastray. READY 10 SERVE YOU Topnotch Feeds Ltd. of Brussels now have their Seed Cleaning Plant in full swing, they can CLEAN and TREAT your own grain and woulci suggest you bring it in early and avoid the last minute rush. When at the mill inquire as to any additional seed grain you may need and also plows your order for grass seed. We are featuring CANADIAN ALFALFA @ 25.00 BUS. wan :21::::::=-',71-zinzartavormai OPi4 OTC 11.1 FE EDS LIMITED "The Most Value for the Farmer's 0•11ae• Call 199 Brussels Apply ow for your Social Insurance Number Your government is issuing Social Insurance Number Cards in place of the unemployment insurance num- bers that most employed people have had until now. The new numbers will help government to use modern office methods for greater efficiency in handling un- employment insurance, and also other social benefits such as proposed pension plans. For these reasons, you are invited to apply for a Social Insurance Number, even if you are not a contributor to the unemployment insurance plan. IF YOU ARE AN EMPLOYEE your employer will give you an application form. Fill it out and return to your employer promptly. IF YOU ARIZ UNEMPLOYED and drawing unemploy- ment insurance benefit you, will complete an applica- tion form when you report to the U.I.C. in person or by mail. IF YOU ARE AN EMPLOYER registered with the Com. mission, you will receive application forms automat- ically. If NOT registered with the Commission, please get in touch with your local U.I.C. office so that forms may be sent to you. Distribute application forms to your employees, have them completed and return them promptly together, not individually, to the Commission. YOU CAN HELP BY COMPLETING YOUR APPLICATION QUICKLY AND ACCURATELY. Yee tun Thedtre- WINGHANI OPECIAL ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THUR,-FR1,-SATE41014.-T UES.-Ve ep. Apr. 9-10-11-12-13-14-15 "MOVE OVER. DARLING" ColoUr CinemasooPe Starring: Doris Day-James Garner-Polly Bergen This is anOther and the best in the Doris Day James Garner comedies, In this one Garner find* out that two wives is one wife too many. SATURDAY MATINEE APR. 11 "COURAGE OF BLACK EVE.AUTY" Colour It's the story of a boy and his horse, and Stars Johnny Crawford Vairalagers111111eV ... •ee.,'' • row Pm gawma` gogio pituassi,s, oimuuo. VATASDAY, APRIL Rh, 068 FOR SALE Viking Raspberry Canes; Black Currant Bushes; Rhubarb Roots; Gladioli Bulbs; Perenlals; Potted Mums; Geraniums, etc. JOUWSNA MARKET GARDEN PHONE WINGHAM 3573262 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION OTTAWA Ure1.64A G.EKTI,EMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS The final game for the eetietak Legion versus PcntIlltell is over, and as 1 predicted, the figurer; in our majority looked like the figures for the Liberal deficit in 1964. Verne Orenke was audi- tor, while Logan and •Lainout were chief mourners. Atter an hour of weeping and walling G-renke had worn the lead out ee three pencils, Tliey conceded the game by 13 points, Everyone shook hands with me. Logan broke three of my lingers while Lamont held my ether hand. The Legion are on gentlemen, with two exceptions, and we want to thank them for the gond times they have given us, The weipping didn't seem to hurt the appetites of D and L, as 1 noticed when I went to lunch with them. We were the last to get to the buffet; which still contained about six pounce of summer sausage, eight pounds of Natalie, and ten pounds of cold meats, two large onions, two jars or, pickles, bread, butter 'au% enough cheese for a German picnic. I figured it would be packed anq sent to the, Scott Mission. In twelve' minutes nothing remained but a few eru.mbs including the two big ones. All tins time they ignored me but carried on a sort of pig language between gulps. I wondered who they were talk- . lug about, All his life Logan has watched grain pouring into a hopper and it has affected his 'table manners. He now puts five slices 01 meat between two slices of bread, grabs a pound of lim- burger in the other hand, bites off about a half pound and says to Leonard, how could any person have such a big belly and such a small brain. Says Lamont, brain nothing, he hasn't an ounce. Oh well, says Logan, he will soon bai gone to the West and I hope he stays a considerable time, say ten years. Says Lamont, Did you see the letter he got from Tommy Douglas wanting him to be a can- didate for N.D.:I', He will get just one vote, his oven. Heck, continues Lamont, he hasn't marked a ballot right in 40 years, he'll spoil this one too. They divide the last four pounds of meat and Logan carries on. He says, he wasn't much help to Gordon Green last election, in Wellington. No, says Lamont, poor Green met his Waterloo. Here they laugh so I (thought they wouia cnoite to death, but I wasn't that luckY. I remain quiet as Logan swallows ancitther halt pound, says he,, ,Frank Garuiss tOld Me lie was the biggest liar that *alter lived in Morris. ,. As soon as lie said this I sur- inised it was me he was talking about so I drank Lament's bev- erage, slipped a hunk of butter and lintburger in Logan's coat pocket and wet* home and had my luneh. Truthfully Toure r a T. K. F. NOTICE Having sold our implement shop we will continue to serve our customers with International machines and repair parts at our Cities Service Station on Main Street. 0,91 Bridge Al-eters International. littileater Dealer