HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-04-04, Page 1WA) A Year In Advance $2.50 llo TILE ItItUSSRLS THURSDAY, Ana, 4th, 1903 POST PUBLISHING HOUSZ
The yellowing was used by a
fOrmer resident of BrinitielS„ Mr.
'TOM Lewry, when he promoted
a show for the NeW Liskeard
li;Otarians in 1932. Jack Thynne
was given permission to Include
this in hi, original program
in 1933, Ho has presented this
om (with some changes) in
'over five thonimnd hinges and
small towns across Canada.
If you want to live in the kind of
a town
The kind of a town you like ~-
You needn't slip your clothes la
a grip
And go way on
You will only find
There is nothing that's really
When you knock your town you
knock yourself,
lit isn't the town, Ws 'You,
Towns are not made by men
That someone olse gots ahead.
If everyone works ain't no one
Ton CO 11 raise is town
And If, writ con make
own pill-ate stake
Year neighbonr makes one too
Then you will see what your town
„should be.
It isn't the town, It's you,
The above was part of the
entertantnalit provided by Mr.
Thrum at the recant Businesis
People's Banquet. It is published
,here et the reque.st of several
of those who heard it at tha
limn c.
.M4y house shall be
• ye have made It a
them out,
APRIL 7th to 14th
This is a week that all Christians should respectively
observe. All Christians will follow their Lord to Calvary
and arise to a now life With Him at Faster.
Christ ridi ,s triumphantly into jentugalem. Behold thy
King cometh! When He behold the city lie wept
over it.
While preaching in the Temple, He gives th e signs
of the Second Coming. All the people came early in
the morning to bear Him. Tags Iscariot bargains
with His enemies to betray Him,
T-Te enjoys a day of Quiet at Bethany with friends
Come ye apart and rest awhile.
Testis and the disciples eat the Passover meal in
UM Elinor Room. One shall betray I-Tim The Lord's
Supper is instituted This bread is my body. This
Wine is my Blood. Do this in remembrance of me.
The agony 'in Gethsemane is ended with the words,
"Mot. my will but thino he done." ITe is betrayed to
his enemies by a kiss. ITn is arrested and placed on
trial. PP4TRITI denies his Lord.
What shall 7 do with Josns? Pilate condemns Him
to death, after a poor trial. Tte is scourged, mocked,
crowned with thorns and -led away to be crucified
and Iwo thieves with 7Tillm at ii a.m. It Is finished.
ot 9 min., our salvation is :accomplished. 7-Te is
buried in the- new tomb of Joseph of Atimobaoa.
7), toe /3 is sealed, and a watch of
The stone is rolled away Tram the
is not here lie is risen. Because I
0(10. Arehilat
called the House of God, bai
den thievee, and Re cast
Amateur And, Variety Night Audience
'..De1 741,'-ci. With Excellent Program
fin, name of i,is wtfe. r2,• illy
I'll I` 111 , OrWri OM, M. 1'21055
POP) i ieq111011 tiVri W.M1 h rr Till. Tan
91104 A104 1100.4
A N R.0 ok
Mil's. Maotiln Mac:uonatd, came
home Saturday from Listowel
Hospital where she had been.
loon !I od for two weeks,
'Mrs. Cliarlie Fischer wan
'winner of an electric floor
'polisher in a draw at Zill ax
HaA•clware, Listowel, recently,
Mfr. and Mrs. Gordon Vogel
are pleased to announce the
blab of their son on Thin's-
day March 28, in ListoweI
Don't forgot the Broomball.
Dance on April litith.
To. M.3).. Marty Irtientlet:
I wish this notice to cenVey
heart Pelt, thanks' fel'. yoite
kindness in :sending Cards, seeing
that my • Wife Was taken to
• filitetietter to visit; me in hospital,
To our Minhder ariffiths,
who was 0111' :steadfast tower or
strength its our trouble, also the-
Doclors mid Nurses who aft' endod
me. Special thanks fo all the
• ladies, who remembered itto with
many appetising. fronts Since I
came home.
These thin.r.cs nil Wake it, a
worthwhile offet•t On my part, to
well again.
rl MVO iel0111
President McFadden introduced
to the company Mir, ItinCent
1.170111ford, Who prodeeded to enter,
,gain, in an easy and talented
iii:anner, keeping elteryone
good humour with a. varied re,
prixtoiro. His act bad strong
T.iiisb (layette on this oecaSion,
very cleVerly but across. so that
it suited perfectly the mood of
TVs aMlienee, Who showed their
eleature, by repeated applauso.
The piano accompaniment of Mr
Mittnford's Sell left nothing to he
desired. ll'he entertainer was
thanked by itho Lion President,
and Lion Cecil Parker expressed
thank-a to the ladles who' catered.
sear] 1Vrs. Toth Bernard reapatirleil.
Tiny. Lloyd. \-saiis Called
0,, I., Tr an d firs addressed th e
members ttom-,4. briefly, on
fit slibieet 0:- the Lions'. lAnEtO.
TAlityrhr, In t(111.trorion. rmr N'o fienm
ormin1(11(7in ,?; I F; gent ,-
mont to itho en -voi'n1 nitpfitioh nP
"ll ;sure ;tip 1,:ir•A Brown rind Wm ,
,elf• befi'r' nresent among old
Srlemis of
Melt, • • • • ••••
Masonic Lodge Hold
Ladies?. Night In Ethel
St. John's Mfasonic Lodge of
Brussels hold its Animal Ladies
,Night at the Community Centre
in Ethel in the form of a turkey
cl:•1••11'Rnoebr'. art, Cunningham, master
of the lodge, 'was toastmaster for
the evening.
Jim 'Moir was in charg,e of
arrangements assisted by corn-
Mittee men Tacit McWhirter, Roy
Cousins and Donald Dunbar,
Head F able gnosis included.
'IV. M. Robert and Mrs. (-limning-
ham, R. W, Bre. J. C, Knitter
BDOm and•1\-7..rs. Kreuter, Zr. W.
Bro. Roy and Cousins,
V. W. Pro. Tim and Mrs. Maio,
Bro. S. W. ;lack rind Mrs. Alo,
Whirter, 11.11'. Caro, Tobn
• '' of Clifford.
After the dinner a short
:program was S1711 plied hp 'Donald
Dunbar and lIes' Cousins.
'Oran Russel has retained home
niftOr spending the winter • in,
* . • c
Ivan Campell was the Winner
of the Bond of the Month
draw and 'Win. Pullen the Lions
NHL Hookoy draw. ••
* • Itt
and, Mks. Moc• Irvine and-
son, Duff • of Watford, Were Sun-
day Vlsitors with h ,r parents,:
Mr. and 'AIM C.. I), Micradden.•
they, .and Mira. Lloyd Brown • of
S t. Thomas were guests of Mr.
and Mies, Cecil McFadden •at the
Lions Indies Night on Monday
:V it, 1n
Mr. and Mrs. Rau White an
family cq cleoliToown. 'Ur. end
Mts. Lloyd Cooper and family
Of Kipper', Mr. and Mrs, floral(
Miler arid. daughter Jonnne or
Grey township were visitors ol
Sunday With Mr. and Mrs.
Br, R, Stephens and Mrs
glenhons are leaving April 15th
for Seattle, Witsbirg,ton, to
visit with their dmighter TT r1.1101
an d son-in-law, Dr, tie•,-'s
-and their baby RCM wir
return hotile the second week
CAF?] - or ti‘l A NKR
I would litre
ot-ToOrtim titanii• ov,',.vono
eards, treat- and
pills in the lilby and I wlirr wo.
wero in Wittrdrain Hospital .
Veal. 111611tchtilitlines greatly
Iltio;*. .,
The Brussels school a'uditorJum
-Wfis filled to ca pacity on Friday
owning for the Amateur and
Variety Night sponsored by the
Home and School Associaion.
Gerald IfIxel, president of the
Association, introduced Ian
McDonald who presided for the
varied and interesting program.
As well as those who com-
peted in the various classes'
c-rdertaiitmenI.. was provided by
Donald MacDonald, Mrs. Frank
"r 7i c1 rli
A, Mystery Number,:
t i f41;3 BLroctor and' a .Sexteft6
front Alahrtma.
-Inscribed medals were pre-
setited to the winning competitory
by A2r. lildcel as follows:
Classical: Joan Elliott, piano
3,Tin,ry Gibson and Joyce
Huetlier, piano duet; Gail Travis,
and George Proctor (tied) for
vocal solo; Vocal quartette
class: Warn oarys colartetts
and Elliot 10en's quartet (tied)
Square Bancingi'Grade three
of School
Novelty Class: Grade 4 Brus-
sels School with two-part song
'April Showers!.
Th,.. task of judging the
competitors was perfortned by
Mrs. T. McDougall of Blyth,
Douglas of Ben:late
and Donald Dunbar, Seaforth.
Mrs. McDougall, in -announcing
their decisions commented on
the calibre of the musical numb-
ers, and congratulated the 7-10me
and School Association for their
on 'behalf of the
Association thanked the contest
ants for participating, the musk
supervisor, Mrs. Win. FL King,
anti the jutlgeS Who were rack
presented with a gift.
Busses will leave harp for
Godericb et noon on Saturday
April 0, to provid. transportation
to the Poltlirat "Rally. AnyOnci
desiring Transportation or in-
:fot'1Pation In ay call Brir ,sels 22,
or 70,
rrC 1,7ifi.!Nr: NOTES
-rwtstor$ heat the timboes
411,51, 24.341,
Sharon :Tortes
Ruth Tincither 552
Bon ]Tort his' 5I4i;
Day,. ITasting5 .437
1 .„!, Tr ines -MI
A in r Me of VT,: (IV(4j ,
:C.1'01(41 (1 I Ot
tutu.' wilt r14:110114
a Jong long hate,
what you left
from the
soldiers placed
live yo
,;e5-st -rtrrk 'Other Clubs Entertained
--, _meal, Lis r? Annual Ladies' Night
Pitinssels Lions Club Ladles resulted in twelve ladies reedy-
Night, Monday, 1st April, turned hug a prise each,
not to be a well offended, ploa-t
sant and siteeesful Meeting, at '
which a crowd of approximately
ono, hundred people sat, down to 1
a •quiroor very tastefully Served
in the basement of St, John's
Anglican Chlitch by the ladies of
the chnseh.
After this sooner, the Lions
Vres,deot, C.ocil 174•31radtlen
-i"olromed all the members and
thei r 'wives, especially the gueSt
rionni se 1)NISO /It, PrO11, T.Illyt /7,
Trowirk. Tmeilmew rind Witigbarm
ahie. Boy ;rot. l'firs. 7,1oVd Brown,
rreol FU Thomas. 7.-lo11 Clifford
Irithui- aid,- nroposod a toast
i o `1'1,r1 I adiea", In within 11iis.
I') \. 'Pill]) ,•7•rietozivIsr re-oiled.
,:‘ iituri,..sonri.. followed. the
1,,s(1,-.i. twine Vinci-ar 1 lio 4 i1T.
-r,,r.-1 n• iloittolton, p ,,,:lstnir hr
•-'‘,0 ell' the aline and this
„,, „.,.... .., a 4.,„,:onoro ei• hanov
to4-is1iii- ni.'4,40., 1ast,.-44 thrniicr1-
- --coning.
Er'.,, Tin,, q 1.1.n1•, n rtt•OrP7r1 the
„ c.,„„~lqn .und exerossing the groat