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The Brussels Post, 1963-03-28, Page 2
isseessiteltaascRialaszasallata ADMISSION 50c A lunch was served • by Are. Public School Children Admitted Free If Accompanied By Parents Frank Shaw, Mrs .Harold Cardiff and Mirs. Harvey Dennis. .7 -.T1•11Prx41,..; I or 111 Hes 111 SPE., \IT [11'i T'S ONE IF IS ANNOUNCING To everyone enjoying Oil Heating in the vicinity cf Brussels MR. & MRS. BASIL CAPES of Toronto I.Lyfully ombravt thc:r children. The couple were returning from a trip on which only their seat-bolts stood between them and almost certain death. ONTA14141 ••••=1.• Why not make a COMPLETE change for the better in your swine breeding programme this yera. 1. Use better boars through ariificial breeding. 2. Take the money you'd have spent for a boar and buy a top purebred sow at the upcoming breeders' sales. For your information, the dates are: April 3 Zone 2 Yorkshire Sale, Walkerton April 4 Wellington •County Yorkshires, Palm- erston April 9 Waterloo County Yorkshires, Bridgeport Other breeds having sales in the irmar future at Stratford:- Lacombe April 10th, Landra.ce April 13th. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION setter Livestock for Bettz.r Living •,--"L'..4"-v-.t-,,teirierttearogailInsasesAirror.7. slZawamerldianee=sialtinsoUlf&Suscsssfs-,f-7;PL,==&"!.a- Fr53 1rTi • Owned and Operated BY MELVILLE W.M.S. MARCH MEETING Mrs, Alvin Mundell of Belmore was guest speaker at the March meeting of the WMS of Melville Presbyterian. Church, when they held their aniiulal expense tea. In her talk, '`Treasurers in tear caps," she drew an interesting parellel between a cup of tea nad. Christian endeavour, She and •other members taking part in the program were thanked by Mrs. .lobo Bowman, Mrs, Ceorge )ill iota presided for the meeting, Mrs. W. A. Winning read the scripture, and. tia s. John yiiill led in prayer. Mrs. W. C. Ting and Mrs. Harold Cardiff contributed a piano dnet. AMATEUR a n d VARIETY NIGHT FRIPAY, MARCH 29th Brussels Public &Iwo' Auditorium, At 8 p. .Eight Classes. To Se Judged Instrumental (Piano, Guitar etc.) .Classical. Solo , 2, Modern Selo • 3. Group Selection (Duet, Trio cit.:.) Vocal , • 1. -Classical Solo 2. Modern Solo .. • 3. Singing Croup (Duet, Quartet etc) $qoaro Dancing Open Clasp To include Comedy Numbers, Dancing, Readings, Skits Please Mail Entfies No Later Than March 15 To: Mrs. J. Valiance, Secretary Brussels, Ont, Torottgo Paver E.!!,1a.aspz, CV PI Dooth OIL BURNER SERVICE SUMMER :CLEANOUTS FURNACE and STOVE EMERGENCY CALLS You. PAY For Parts Only ALSO Life Insured Budget Plan $100,000 Prudential Protection Policy Triple Filtered Clean Fuel Oil rrained Service Men on Call 24 Hours Every Day PHONE: DAYS 186i NIGHTS 421W5 A. Service Fr©m Your Dealer OF MR. 8 MRS. CAPS . • confirmed seat belt users M"BRUSSELS GROG ETTES1, Fifth Meeting The "13russels Groomettes" gathered at the home of Mrs. ,Wheeler on March 9, 1963, at 1:36 p.m. to hold their fifth Meeting. The Meeting Was opened by repeating the 4-H Pledge. To open the business the roll call was answered by all the girls but ,two. Gale Wilson read the minutes for the fourth meeting. The girls Were told that their books and dusters have to be finished by April 2,0th, and Milss Gilchrist wi1 attend the next meeting. Notes were given on Calls of Teeth , and 'Making the Most of Clothes. The next .meeting will be held on March 23, at 9:30 a.m. at Mrs.. Wheeler's home. At the fifth meeting there was a demonstration of putting on. nylon hose correctly. There was group work on facings and understitching. Our fifth meeting was closed by the singing of God Save the Queen. TORONTO—Basil Capes and his" wife Lillian left their West Tor- onto home for a routine drive to Brockville. Their farewell to their children was casual.' Four hours later, at 5.50 p.m. that snowy January afternoon, death. stalked them, and was cheat- ed only by a couple of yards of webbing. —; the seatbelts in .their car. Mr. Capes had driven for 170 Miles befOre stopping near Nap- anee for a tea .break. It was 5:30 pin. The weather was bad,. and the darkening ribbon of Highway 2 covered with black ice which at times completely obscured the White dividing line, Driving snow covered the wind- Shield and reduced visibility to al- most nil. Before starting oil again on the last lap of their journey Mr. Capes instinctively tightened and checked his wife's seatbelt. and his own. • Beyond Napanee Mr. Capes was able to so back to Highway 401, and • the prospect before them looked 'brighter. "Back to 401 . .", he thought, '"back to the divided highway. Driving conditions will be 'Tenor.' In spite of the fact that he was an expert driver he had fallen in- to' the common human error of assuming the obvious. in this area 'Highway 401 is not a divided highway. At 5:50 p.m. Mr. Capes saw the headlights of an approaching vehicle. In the false security of his belief that the median strip separated the oncoming lanes he. proceeded to overtake a truck and crossed the White . dividing line Which was completely obscured by black ice. It was not until the approaching vehicle was almost upon hint that he realized he was driving in the oncoming lane. Mr. Capes remem- . violently in an effort . to re ,:ain hi, position behind the truck. I-Is remembers missing the oacominft vehicle by inches! • His ear failed to hold the road. Jr. spite of new, snow ti res, the car skidded broadside along the. ice, hit a snow rolled •over several times, skidded on iLs roof,. and rolled back onto its wheels—.• ironi.•:ally facing in the right dirge- • tit'-i1171he rear end was badly damag- ed, and the front passenger's door had been torn away. Mrs. Capes' handbag was scattered across the road, and only her seatbelt kept. Mrs. 'Capes from being thrown mTici)intg car,herild and crushed . by the:i The couple were held firmly in their seats until the car came to • rest. Releasing their seatbeltS, they stepped out unharmed except for a few bruises. Later they completed their jour- ney to Brockville by taxi, little the worse for the alarming experience. Looking hack Mr. Capes recalls their sensation of alternately hang- ing in mid-air and being pressed hard against the seat as the car turned over and over. "I felt this just couldn't he hap- pening to me--that after 20 years of safe driving I could have com- mitted such an error," he said, "It just didn't occur to me that High- way 401 was hot a divided high- way at that. point," This one error would probably have cost both their lives and or- phaned their three children, had they not taken the precautionary Measure of securing their seatbelts. Needless to say, Mr. Capes, backed by his first-hand exper- ience: is having no difficulty in' per, !aging hiS friends and club- members to not only install, but to use their own seatbelts,