HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-03-21, Page 5Lloyd Allan Hall Lloyd Amin B.ius, ot Grey Township, used .uriudy lu Listowel tic) VIVA 110Sin.Lka. tie. was einpstried a t. a feed mill in .s,urn ut Enna Township, he NYLag the sun us Alex and Lillian (Jaeltlin( Halt Surviving are WS: Wit:(3, n lie former ,Vo vei,yn Ss:smock; Lyo ciuldren Murray and Joyce at home; Ins paxents; tour brothers, and tour sisters The tunaal service was held on. Monday Doin the D. A. Rawl, funeral home at 2 p.m. Temporary entombment took place in Dima. cemetery. Peter McKay James Peter McKay, 94, died in Wingham hospital on S'atttrda' . Born on Lou. 8 of Grey Twp., He um, ,u Brantford in 1918 but returned to Brussels five years. ago to make his home with his niece, Mrs, 'Alex Armstrong. COTTAGE CHEESE for those meatless Lenten Dishes or for Dieting It is an excellent source of protein and minerals for energy FOR SALADS THAT PLEASE USE COUSINS COTTAGE CHEESE Get the 8 or 12 ounce package from your Grocer's or the Milkman regularly amihweilas For Bargains Consult the Ads. in E BRUSSELS POST ATTENTION FURNACE OWNERS For Prompt Cleaning and Servicing Plus Repairs For All Types of Furnaces • Guaranteed Expertly Done CALL 47W HOWARD W. BERNARD 24 HOUR SERVICE siama.gaaaaw•seuat..zka,a.edglak.lr allgisord'eaumfautaw--''-'4w:*=ii . Maitland Valley Conservation Authority 4raia FOR SALE: FEED MIXER IN MILL BUILDING Gorrie Conservation Area, Gorrie, Ontario Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12.00 o'clock noon E.S.T., March 28, 1963 re: purchase of feed mixer in Gorrie Mill. Prospective buyers to state net offer in tender. Mixer may be inspected by appointment between 9.00 &m. and 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday inclusive, Purchaser to remove unit at own expense under superviaion of authority superintendent, The Authority will not be obliged to accept the highest tender. C. W. „Bamford. Secretary-Treasurer 1VIlaitland Valley Conservation Authority Box 728, Listowel, Ontario cOonaidiLumberLtd. Complctd Line oi! Building Materials BRUSSELS, ONT. FLOOR COVERING SPECIALS For ,The Months Of January, February and March YARD GOODS Armstrong Vinyl Corlons, Selection of Patterns and Colours Armstrong Vinyl Accalons Dominion Vinyl Forecast Dominion Inlaid Linoleums and Tiles Armstrong Vinyl Asbestos Tiles in a range of Stock Colours as low as 9%c Per Tile We will arrange installation of any floor coverings. Free Estimates We are Dealers for Ilanover Kitchen Cupboards These are available ?refinished or unfinished Let Us Give You. A Free Estimate amossiaa•Nimia.. .1000isus00— '1'HDRBDAY, MARCH Mat, 191 BRCSSELg, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA MELVILLE CHURCH Minister; Itev. W. J. illOrrlech Organist; Mrs, Frank Thompson ABM 10 am. Church Scheel. 11 a.M. Aarabug Worship Everyone. Welcome THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. K. Griffiths Organist: Miss M. Hoover Miorning Worship 11.00 D.th A.M. Sunday School ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rector: itev. H. L. .10111111110 BA, Orgauist: Mrs. II. ST, JOHN'S Lent 4 11 a.m. Morning. Prayer and Lamson school ST. DAVID'S, HenfrYn 1.30 p.m. Bible Class 5,00 pan, ..s-vening Prayer and Cilaurch School RUSb3EL5 1-u13LIc.; SCHOOL BOARD Brussels School Board hold its regular plectung Au the Sch0Q1 with all members present. Tne minulce,s of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of titoy Kennedy and Goruon. ,StephenSOn Carried 29.37 40.00 1.25 bitt)0166. Mrs, :vizir nu McDonald is a patient in Listowel 1-lospitas, st.v, Lioyd Wewer, .titis con; was brought home from Kitche- ner on Suadny. Several fanusstts in the com- munity have been suffering with RECEPTION and DANCE WALTON COMMUNITY HALL. For Mr. and Mrs. Donald Achilles (nee Kathryn McTaggart) FRIDAY, MARCH 29th Ladles Bring L,unch Everyone Welcome iiismissimr=margav--.aaaro--340--Qadow-Aaasm---.43 INFORMA "'ION MEETING bporiscuen y greyt ownship ketiti'atiOn ti NI. I Y CEN1 MONDAY, MAits,c1-1 26th — At 8.30 ?,M. e w c'eationa 0, Pi ill kse limousaed Oy; Principal LiStoWel -high School Mr. Earl 2.Ubrigg, VOcatterial'leacher, Lastowel Principal L. P. riurnsteol, Seaforth nigh 'School ;M D r. Archie obson, Vocational Instructor, Seaford" Musical Numbers — Everyone Welcome NO ADMISSION REBEKAH LODGE ENTERTAINS GUESTS Morning Star itubekan Lodge of Brussels entertained the members of Wingnam Rebekah Lodge at their re,gunir meeting on Tuesday, March 12th. In spite of inclement weather there was a good turnout of • Members and visitors. • The draw for a, Hostess chair and mirror will be made the latter part or March, The wheelchair purchased by this group has already been put Into circulation. It has been announced that the Assembly President, Mrs. Hickey, will visit :Brussels al the end of March, After the meeting a social time was enjoyed. BENEFIT DANCE Cranbrook Community Centre FRIDAY', MARCH 29th Music By -- SAN-ANTONNEES All Proceeds In Aid cf Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weber and family, including proceeds from lunch booth. Anyone unable to attend dance may leave their contri- Eat And Enjoy The ifollowing accounts were ,presented:, .ins. Prem. Bernard Tea Pas pie Sons re-finisning BootraeLs Gordon ,NVoritman, installing spoLight & bydro inspection Topnotch Feeds, bag of salt Bridge MotorS, snow removal in Jan. 16.50 K. L. Ashton, re piano tuning 6.00 Moved by Gordon Stephenson and seconded by Howard Bernard the accounts as presented be paid Carried Moved by Gordon Stephenion and seconded by Ivan Campbell the suPples requested by princi- pal and caretaker be purchased 1116.L.1.,i_. Carried Moved by Roy Kennedy and seconded by Gordon Stephenson that the property committee purchase a hot plate for the School kitchen Alloyed by ....ed MocLean and. seconded by Ivan Campbell the Meeting adjourn to meet again April 1st or at the call of the chairman IVIrs, E. Elliott, Sea-Treasurer When in• Listowel, make sure you V I T"E William* Linden $-TQR. 'lien's Wear Ladies' Wear kurs ARGYLE AVENUE For Quality a tiatistaction •1.46TOWEL Around, the Corner from tho Bank of Montreal — Ames' From the Pest Office. Listowel Phone 285