HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-03-14, Page 6SE.APORTH
Centre Street
Telephone 446
For all -kinds of upholstering
Brussels Representati v e
Phone '263J Brunel*
frgritS.DAY, MARGE: 14th, 3.96 THE BRU)SSWLS POST, 1341ppELs, ONTARIO
The Evening Circle of the United Church UCW
3 p.m. to 5 pan.
1411§AMMWHOWwsrerpoimmiwog -mbaaatitam.gesw:di.gelaammalles:r
. AMA —Elik a re d VARIETY NIGHT
c e ming
17 R:. DA MARCH 29th
rus$els Public ;Sq:1-1.ocil Auditorium
At 8 p.m.
Bch is Red Cross month in
Canada. This year marks the
hundredth anniversay of the
founding ,of the Rel Cross in,
Geneve, !Switzerland. From
very small beginning, this organ!.
zation has grown to fantastic
proportions in those 100 years,
It all stared back in 1850 when
Eienri Dunant, a. Swiss banker
witnessed a furious battle between..
the France-Sardinian forces and
the. Austrian a.t ,Solferino,
The violence of the fight had
caused untold thousands of dead
and wounded on both sides. So
dismayed was Diluent at the lack
of medical facilities that he
organized a Small group of
Lombardian 'peasants to comfort
the wounded 'until they could be
given medical aidor until death
mercifully took them from their
Henri Dunant recorded the
: events-eat Solferme —in a book
'nailed "A Memory of Solferne"
'which he published at his own )
expense and circulated to tha
ITeads of State of all Enropean
countries. The influence 'of this
book led to the formation of the
'International Committee of the
Red Cross in 1863.
Lees,., than a year later, 14
Statee were signatpries to the
first Geneva Convention "for the.
amelioration of the conditions
the wounded in. armies in the
In 1.864, several national Red
Cross Societies were formed • in,
Europe and by the turn of the
century were undertaking hu-
manitarian tasks in time of peace
(fii Canada, the first fled Gross
wos flown by Colonel Ge S.
Ryoreon during the tine - of the
Eiej Rebellion. Colonel. Ryerson,
an, army surgeon, later formed a
Branch of the British Red Crone
)Society in. ev:Hada. The Canadian
Red Cross Society was ecta-
blished by an act of the Canadian
Pialiament in 190'1.)
Subsequent Geneva Conventions
cit'ait. With the protection of
service personnel at sea prison-
ers of war and enemy civilians.
All Conventions are now em-
bodied in the Geneva, Convent-
ions of August 12. 1.949—und most
ceentries are signatories to them.
The supreme governing body
of the Red Cross is The Inter-
net ism e1 Creee , „ gonfere,n ce
which comerises representatives
of all Notional Societies, the,
nternational -Comnaittee' of the
'Raid Ciross, the , League of Red
Cross Soeipiies and official
eeleglites of Slates signatory to
the rIc,i1c,va - The
teternntional 'Red "Cl'as C5071-
•py.rn four veers.
Th e International Committee of
the Rea Cro'se is `an autonomous
and neetral body oil 25 S\Vi$S-
citzens whose' services are Stri-
ctly 'voluntary, It is the complete.
neutrality ' of this body.' that,
enables it to act as intermediary
between nations in, conflict, Dar-
ing the, second world war, this
organization promoted the health
and welfare of millions of
ens' of 'ivar end Iceet the channels
of communication open to them.
The League of Red Cross
Soeieties Is a federation. of 88
National Red Cres, Red Creecent
nod. Rea Lion and Sun Societies
dlvi wus originally .created to
proMote Red Cross activities In.
Peacetime. The League repre-
seuts over" *157' million people
around the World.
It is through the League of fled
Cross Societies that nations help
to build together an ever-growing
world-wide community of men,
women and young people, Inspired
by the high hinnanitarian ideals
of the Red Cross; the establish-
ment of closer ties, true nrder-
etanding and a spirit of brotherl
service among, all,nations.
The Red. Cross.. idea, originated
with one man and has now grown
in one hundred years to unite
millioneof people Of varied
,characters and beliefs. Thts, in
itself, must be an idea worthy of
Good 50 acre farm on black top
road, one Mile frrnn tordWich,
bank barn, litter carrier, silo, and
house with all modern conven-
iences. Two 60 acre farms.
Two good 150 acre farms with
'modern conveniences. Also houses
with baths.
Elmer Ellacott, Brussels,
Eight Classes To Be Judged
Instrumental (Piano, Guitar etc.)
1. Classical Solo
3. Group
2. Modern Solo
Selection (Duet, Trio (Ace
2. Modern Solo
Group (Duet, Quartet etc)
1. Classical Solo
3, Singing
Square Dancing
Open Class
To include Comedy Numbers, Dancing, Readings, Skits
please Mall Entries No Later Than March 15
To; Mrs. J. Valiance, Secretary
Brussels, ont.
influencing the destiny of man on Public School Children Admitted Free If Accompanied, By Parents
this earth.
irthe day that
the $3.00 premium for
Grade "A" hogs will be
is the day to plan to
produce MORE Grade
"A" hogs by using
better 'boars.
'Service'from top-rated
boars' is now available
through your farmer-
owned, farmer-conteelled
breeding co-operative, the
• ,,, • , aVi
Every step of the way
• • •
Offices in Waterloo, Arthur
;Formesa, Guelph, Clinton,
'kincardine, and Tana.
Phoning hours 'fill 10 a,m.
00111001111111101***Ivkcoleft*or,4 g
All ages,...all stages...everY step of the way through life your Red Cross serves yon
The infant; the' Adolescent; the adult and the aged all benefit from the services and programrae3
•being Carried out in your community.
Help yew' lied Cross to continue its humanitarian work—think of the many Ways the Red Cross
Serves you and your neighbour—then plan your donation or pledge to the best of your ineans.
A generous donation will do so Much for so many in 1063.'• •
rrPs OSS
Women's 'Organizations of the churches will conduct the canvass the kat twos'
woalt5 i.ti rlf14I:cht cOnjunction will) the 5russelIs i.,icvas Club. Pleo,s9 Teadi
to Fikee geoerOnely Wbon they call,