HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-03-07, Page 5When in :.IdiatOwei, make '440:-. you VISIT • THE — • • William Linden. STORE Men's Wear Ladies' Wear Furs ARGYLE AVENUE For Quality' & Satisfaction LISTOWEL Around the Corner from the Bank of Montreal — Mrose From the pest Office Phone 28'5 Listowel 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY ,issiikeetaitimmeolisaisekei- NEW n ...For,Breakf ast • • LI C N DELICIOUS z:A" 1#11tpArTi KAA.Pg1 704! 4044 Ttuu ammo 14$114 itivabal40, ostiaaa foss rio ern" - • 1.11,garf,,OglWY, ^NMI 41.10041101{11001 1**41PiLl ig4cl ,,,,S11.1410,1111110.1.1101011100! .14 444 I I ONTARIO I 41. The Evening Circle of the United Church UCW BAKE SALE SATUR&A-i, MAROH 16th NORTH HURON COUNTY L. 0. L. Is Sponsoring An ORAN G. ALLY. In The BLY7iii TOWN 8.15 1".M. 1ViOND.A .1ViARCH J., 1963 Prineipai Speaker.; MOST Aii./I:ORSHIP,FUL BRO. GEORGE WARREN .Gran.1 Master and Soverign of the Grand Orange Lodge of America EVERY ONE WELCOME ‘11811"1111°"1"111•1111010‘PilkosiAlairsussGiiilions11=iiiitionlaalassuslifillMsesall1 A delightful nectar of four blended fruit flavours Orange, Apricot, Apple and Prune (Nutricious too, because it contains added, vitamins A and C It's More EconornicaU Than many other breakfast drinks Only 30c Per Quart et a Quart regularly 'from your Milkman or from your Grocer who sells delicious COUSINS IVIILK W PRODUC,TS DRAW for HOSTESS CHAIR and MIRROR Draw to be made in March HURRY AND GET YOUR TICKETS Proceeds for Purchase Of . 'Wheel Chair HELP US — TO' HELP OTHERS Sponsored by the CPT Committee of the IOOF and Rbekah, Lodges, Brought to you as a public service by. ONTARIO'S SILVER Ari BLACK FLEET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA MELVILLE CHURCH Minister: Rev. W. J. Morrison MA Organist: Mrs. Frank Thompson /ACT 10 am. Church School, 11 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev.'A. K. Griffiths Organists Mimi hi. Hoover Morning 'Worship 11.00 a.m. 0.40 A.M. Sunday School ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rectbr: 'kiev. H.' L. Jennings BA, LTH. Organist: Mrs. B. Elliott ST. JOHN'S 11 a.m. Morning Prager and. Church School ST. DAVID'S, Henfryn 1.30 p.m. Bible Class 2.00 p.m. Holy Communion and (*nub School World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer was held on Friday in the Ethel United Cilturch. Mrs. Alex Pearson, was .the leader and prayers, were said by Mrs. Jim Pearson, Mrs. George Pearson; • Mire.. Will. jam. Brown, Mrs. Cliff Dunbar; 11 Caumiugham, and. Ars. A. Lounsbury, the theme "Miore Than tConquierors' was taken by Airs. Chester Earl. Mira. William Brown and family were Sunday visitors, with Mrs. Brown Sr. in Torun' Mrs. Monkton, was a Visitor with her parents for a Yew days. ' yir. and Mrs. A. Dreamer enter- Wiled at their home on Saturday. Guests (Present on that occasion were Mar. and Mrs. Chester Bari, Mir. and 'Mrs. Cleorge Pearson, Ma'. and Mrs.. Archie ,qmibbell . and Robert, and MT. and Hire. Robert Bremner and family. Mr. and, Mrs.. Sam Beirnes, ,Mw. and Mrs. Jack cionley and Doug and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hewitt visited with Mrs. Beirnes on her birthday when they spent Satur- at the home of Mr. day evening Wray Dewing of and Mrs., • Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Illwint Hall, and 'fatally of LutknOW wore visitors With lvfier, and lilts. Itoy Hall on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bremner and girls were Sunday visitors With Mr. andMrs. ,Iton. McMichael of Wroxeter. ACHESON'S Dead Stock service HIGHEST PRICES For Dead, Old or Illosbiall Phone Atwood soma , Collect Llosno No. Mee CRANBROOK World pay Of Prayer. rho ;World Day of Prayer was observed!. iu Knox Presbyterian Llaiirch. Tee speaker, kl.r. L. O. ;Nelson, stressed now imPortaut and necessary prayer is in our lives. The leaders for the meet- ing were Mrs. Stanley Fischer anti Mrs. Jim Knight. Special prayers were ()tiered by Mrs. Earl Dunn, dlirs. Wilfred Strickler, Mrs. John Perrie, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Ross Knight and Mrs. Leslie Knight. 'Thoughts on ?Foyer'', This puts the team in second!, was read by Mrs, Mac Engel. place in the standings. One of A solo was sung ny Mrs. Ken these games being a delightful MiacDonald, accompanied; by Miss win over Brussels 1 -- 0. Alice .,)". Forrest at the organ. The oiiering was received by Mrs. Frank Smith. , .4....tne have played two games to date with. Brussels for the tournament, The girls team being grougedi, Oscar Huehu, having won one and loit won overtime. I ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Cranbrook Community eclair, FRIDAY, MARCH 15th iM c -By SAN•ANTONNEES Lunch Booth Admission 75c Sponsored by the Hall Board •••=ayolli s...n •n ••0••••o0=14•0mft.01•01NOWNn mil opi .M.McDonalciLumberild. Complete Line of Building Materials BRUSSELS, ONT. FLOOR COVERING SPECIAL For The Months Of January, February and March YARD GOODS Armstrong Vinyl Carlon% Selection of Paitern.s and Colours , Armstrong Vinyl Accalons Dominion Vinyl Forecast Dominion Inlaid Linoleum& and Tiles Armstrong Vinyl Asbestos Tiles in a range of Stock Colours as low as 9%c Per Tile We will arrange installation of any floor coverings. Free Estimates We are Dealers for Hanover Kitchen Cupboards These are available refinished or unfinished Let Us Give You A Free Estimate xl of C)onestoga, visited on Sunday with Miss Enlylene Steins. Mr. Harold Jacklin returned tot his home from London where he has been. hospitalized aimed November. Broomball Since last reportin,T on 11111 subject, the boys have PlaYed; three more games, up :to Feb. 28, having won two and tied one., This brings the record to eight wins, one loss and three ties. Mir, and Mrs.