HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-03-07, Page 1—hrigestre
'was assisted by the groom's
mother who wore a green printed
,deess with beige , accessories.
Both ,wore, corsages of red rose'
The bride's travelling costume'
with a -flowered, daeron. dress,
W:IS a beige coat and hat worn
with brown accessories and a.`,"
corsage Of gold' reset/tills. ,
• ,.On- theen return from a trip to
.Southern Ontario and the United
Stateseethe couple will reside in,
400 A Year In Advance
• •
Brussels Sales Yard reported
last. week's sale as being tin
;usually large for this time of.
Year. Beet prices were 22 to 24.e.
in spite of frost dameges one of
...our Florida visitors told us, there
did not appear to be any shortage
of oranges or orange juice in
that s1:ate.
New officers for the Ladies'
Division of the East Huron Agri-
cultural Society are; Past Presi-
dent, Mrs. Earl Opdmore; PreSt-
-dent. Wne. 'Turnbull;. lyst
"Vice President, 'Mrs. totem
ter; 2nd Vice, Mrs: Harvey
Clraig; Sec.-treas, Mrs. James
It is too had there wasn't a
fresh fish market here. We hear
the men who spent. thees Week-
mid ice fishing at Lake 7.'im.'dgenit
came borne withone a, fish. The
disappointed fishermen were jack
Mefonald, Wm, H. icing,,Mee
OlelfieJci -and 'Ds -A. Rann.
Good NOW's! No. longer Will Yon•
have to i°s-stulmble arilind in 'the
dark at the public --schOoleparking
lot. Lights 'Jittese been . installed
and the ,se1•1001 ispocid-lighted; A
great tinprirveme<t indeed.
Maybe Old Mon Winter"had'his
final fling on :Wednesday. He,
sure hew up a Mighty huff and
puff, blocking high-Ways, Pausing
etes-1 6.ents, stranding school 'buses
and cars, We trust. -this Stras his.
last neliantspreteet' -against the
approt eh of sepring.
Winnere in the Weston Bread
draW.being conducted at. Cirewar's
Lett MeOnteheon, Brussels •
Sharon Warusicle'llit 5. .Brussels
Pullman. DolL
2.50 To U.S.A,
-Miss; Kathryn. Viola MeTaggart
became the bride et Donald Albert
Aenilles in a, wedding ceremony'
-Performed .,by the Rev. • A. K.
Ceiffiths in Brussots "te:q-vited
Cilturch on Saturday, Merrell 2nd,
at two o'clock,
Their vows were exchanged in
a settleg of white mums and
carnal ions.
Tie: bride is the elder daughteis
of Me. and 114:ss• Adrian M6-
'.raggr!: of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs,:
Roland Achilles of .WaltOn are
parent:, of the groom.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, was gowned in, floor,
peau de sot featuring a
shirred bedice and long lily-point
eleeees, , Her shoulder length.
bridal veil was hole ny a tiara of
Pearls )(Ind Writhes. She carried a
howv"i of red rosebuds and gold
Miss Audrey Wheeler, as maid
Of honour, 'wore gold pes.0 de 801.
with matching net hea.dress„
glow s: and shoes, Her 'flowers
were 0 cascade boquet of Pink
Delight rosebuds and white
The. other bridal attendants,
hiss Ftutla MeiTeggart, sister: of
the bride, 0.14,MiSs Ann Achilles,
sister of the grooni, Were dressed
identically en the maid of honor.
., Donald, McDonald' of Walton,:
sans; Wedding Prayer and' 0,
"Pkinli$o "Mie, acceinpanied at the
preen by Miss Marion. Hoover
`t who alsos.''played traditional
';.(escirling„ music,
Mee Earl Bell of Toronto and
Hale MaTagiiort brotner or the
bride, Stratford, ushered,
Mrs. 11,IieTaggaet„ mother of the
bride, received the guests, at a
reception In the church parlour,
shier,; a. dirrier'fillloWed, wearing
eleees pe eurnnedee embroidered
faille with navy accessories, She
To ITteron',-i-CotintY;.„ Tuesday,
-1.170 registered hog producers
eleeted committee-Men,' all of
whom said when notrinated, the
favehr the' mttstiiS system of hog
Fier's, polling be-tithe' ncrossi the
pc:linty • woretil,•.;the disposal of
the voters, 'who" chose the 19
.electedfeeni a `lie; of 30 eligible.
'The. World Day of Prayer was
OhSere-0d in this localitY with a
joint service in Melville Presby-
terian Church , on Evrietay after-
/1001T, with about 75 women
yresent .
The theme of the service was
"More than Conquerors', and the
gnus;: speaker itev, Arthur
Higginbotham. • of Duff's United
Church, Walton, spoke of the
power of prayer in accomplishing
victory and coneenering doubt,'
fear 'anti hardship.
Tb6 leadership of the meeting
was shared by MrS. W. L. Spei/e
Mfrs. George Davis and Mrs. H. R.
Thorn')( Special prayers were
offered by MTS, R. W Stephens,
Mrs. John Alcock, Mrs James
Mair, Mrs. Mite Cardiff, Mrs, Jas.
Bryane and MrS. George Mic-
C it:id//on.
A joint choir led the singing' and
a duet "EYery Prayer Will Find
Tts Answer" was contributed by
Mrs. R. 13. Ceneine and Mrs. A.
K. Griffiths, atcomnanied at the
organ by Mrs, W. 0, King. She
also accompanied Mrs: Frank
Thoinpson as she sang thesOlO
"He. Smiled On Me".
Mrs. George Elliott and Mrs.
James W; Armstong ,were.neheree
• 086; -Robert McAllister;, 1111 2
Auburn, 683;., Barry,„„Mulvey,
Wroxel.er, 083; Thigh; Rundle,
rut 1. Centralia, 082; anel. Alex
:MOGI:eget Nippon,.066.
Igabelle Smith
Honored 'By Friends
Honored With Shower
A MiscellEineous shower was
held in the Public I_Abraey on
FSbruery 28th in honor of Wes
Tsabelle, Smith.
.Seventy friends, neighbours
and rOlatives 'were present to
extend good wishes to the guest
of honor. Mrs. "Wan. king Sr.
played .:,appropriate music while
'the guests were assembling,.
Gibreagee were presented to
Isabelle, Mre. Smith and Mrs.
A ,hurrioreue mock Wedding was
• enjoyed by all with the feilleteing
taking pa r t, Mrs, Situp 'SWeptleY,
MISS ' 'Ruth .gitobie, Mrs. Ross
SMith. -Mrs. Deugles T-Iemingwayi
Mrs. ',11'nlifurn Work, Mrs „Cyril
(continued, on page 8)
Miss Myrtle LOOkiiig-59,' RR 3,
Or.isselS; died Mon cloy at bar.
The daughter of, the late Mr.
and Mrs, 'Robot' Tex:king. .she
leaves ;three. brothers, 'William,
of London, and ,Tobn and Elmer.
both of Gree-Tiewnebipe and two
efeters, Mre.• Lorne (Aliese: Stev-.
ens, eirey 'Twin, and Mrs. Samuel
(Edmil 1-Turn, Menkten,
The 'funeral service wins held
nt 2 p.m. on Wednesday' from. the
B: A. Rana .funern1 home, in
Brussels, 'Tine 'Rev': A, K. Griffin:
eel: Hated.
:Winner in seven genera)(
Dominion election campaigns.,
L. 'Festal:. Cardiff, :/4-year-old.
Morris township farmer was no-
minated in Clinton Friday night
by a Conservativd Convention, to
be the Conservative candidate;
lee the Federal riding of Huron
The nomination was given to
Mr. Cardiff unanimously- with -lie
other names offered. It was
made by Gods/richelawyer .TrerneS
Doenaily, and seconded by Tom
Webst6r of DungiiriSehn. About
400 people attended :the cons
ventior at the' Royal Canadian
Legion Halle dairton.: Which was
ebaired, by john Durnip; Auburn;
mesident• eof the' tron Conserve,.
tive Association; with Aire. F. G.:
Thompson of Clinton-as secretary:
Winkler Speaks
Brie Winkler, Hanover, who
represented the Fedieraie.elding
Grey-Bruce in the last parlia-
ment- evals- guesitAlefealcieree. Hon.
Charles MeN.angliton, Exeter,.:
Ontario minister ....of highways,
.spoke briefly.
Mr. Donnelly, in making his'
represeuted :the -Federal riding
the coeptience in. the world in,
Mr. Cardiff and hii „government.
"Tie has enjoYed a record of 23.
yeel -s. One velc•d.merns nothing;
Charles ght in, Exeter
and .fellese-our le.adeis"
After; his unan•imans. .norninas
.Mr; ''Cardiff received a
standing •ovetion. from the andiS
Jns- sneaking, d „. he relate
that ip,ss.. than one Year ago he
had decided not to rpm again, but.
"T couldn't do ;Ailing else, the
we were ]licked' opt of parlia-
ment, I aminot .back=slapper
nor a. .bacts,. slider. 'We have.
nothing else to lead this country
to hotter times, than the present
C.`..,)115cn-ative. Government.
TIC elai-hied that the trouble
was that the' Prime Minister
kept toe manYof his' promises to
emit the oninOsitien. with the,
result they did' not like him.
Tie Slid -Canada in 1902 cinyoyed
the bestiSconerfry-1it any country
in 'Werid. Tacking this up, he
refereed to a statement Made in
JammeY, by President :Kennedy,
who said the U.S. was enjoying
the strongest, economy in the
lc; ill t exception of
Te vencludidgehe;requested 010
Asses-is:nee, or. _the, voters and
werand. them -it- was not going to
ltr a: .welkaway.
I wish..to gay therik yoti to
everyone Who remembered ine
in any way 'while I was sick both
at home end in the heelpitnt
Tt Was all, greatly .eppreCtateti,
]Fleeted 'were: Martin Briars
'Wrilior,' '726 votes; Ttobttrt
Allen, :prime:fit-41. 721; tinier
rreland. Winglenne, 717; Albert
C. Biu:ote • Belltrave, '714; Leon-
---..-niel-FisbeneeRReete Cloderich. 708;
Coleman. RR, Ninpeti,
70R: ::iliserge R. fteennbell. Ti.R. 1:
70714 Alfred Ti. Warnet,
Tlavfiebl, 7dfe 11.0es Love, RR 2.
tAlinten, 001:: flardoti
aviiri, Bean Heads Slate
Hog Market COminittee In Myron I
The elected coil/nit:teenier
include this 1003 executive of
the T-Turon County I-Tog Produters'
Association: president Stewart,
vice-president Allan, Ind seem.
ittrYstrensurer Warner,
Defeated were: Itslt. Man-
J-ereger, Kit ten; C.. R. Coulter,
Belgrstve: Janice Ada./ns, Duevale;
James Dolg. lin 4 Sen.f.orth;
efleorge Adanis, it t. 2 Wroxsiter;
Melville Lamont, RR 1 TrAliel;
Gorden Wright. Clifford.; Andrew
Crosier, 11.11 2, SeltOrtb Ales
Pearson, Wight-
_ than, art it T.?olgrave; Hugh;
Jelmeione, 1111 3, Waite:tit Gorden
RTZ 0 floderieli; John
Tear ean, Eire-ton; Gordon Niehel-
sion, R.T/ 4. ,, 1-10/0 ,1
Groh. :RP. 2, Eashweeds Stephen..
tstindee, ntz 2 t71.0.4u.'crn:
Milford prectity, ".0.1"4 1 r.m.i)tar•
in firiteeels '
CARD OF ti-lAtst
mitly T (eke thie eptiortimier on
beiure, or TTzleold Jrt.ekllrn to than`:1
Tiarold'e friends and 1,e1eie.
hours Wile sent him cards arid
treats while he was In London
. He appreciated. It all
very eilleb. Thanks again.
MT'S, H. jeeklin
L. E. Cardiff, 7- Fern). Veteran t , Nominated'
To Bear P,C. Standard In Httroon Riding
Doreen Sntith