HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-02-14, Page 7BRUSSELiS POST, litt LI SSE LS, ONTAWIli TAITHISDAY, 11413. 14th, 163 GREY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA. NO, The regular meeting of the. Grey Township School Area No. 1 Board was hold in the Ethel sellogi on February 3, at 1.30 P.m. with all members present, The inter:dee of the Sanuary iiteethig were read and adopted on - motion of KUTaggart and Demaray Carried. Notion of Maynard and Pearson. 'that the 13oard accept the tender ,of Sniffs, W, Smith for handyman for the area — Carried 111:etion of Deina,ray and l‘TOTagga rt. that the following accounts be paid 'N, Hoover, dinner for the -Board, 8,75 Jack Hood School Supplies, supplies 5.09 Moss Engel, water No. 7 for 1962 ...„ .... .... , 10.00 Robert Mitchell, water 114 for 1962 10.00 It. Ctirneingliam furnace oil 328.21 Wm, W. Smith, labour 24.52 Mrs. Men, Pestell, supply teacher 50.40 The meeting adjourned on .Motion of Maynard to meet again ,on March 5 at 1,30 p.m. Norman. S. Hoover. Secretary 'run LETTER TO THE EDITOR Torputo, Oat, Sir; SELLINt1 THEM S.L.01tT in a recent issue of the Post semetme spuke out against the upfair indictment of to-day's teenagers and I am moved to raise my voice in support el! that • „.• 344** ....Since I came to Tomato I. have been the friend and eelhpeuiOn •el'. Itnadreds of teenagers, 'To the shame or the- eongregation there had been no youth programme, at church since the. wan and; as a result, there were very young people in 'evidence 'when I. enlmared on the scene in 1954: The aging minister was too busy. to organize such a. prograimne and the parents • were engaged in the pogt-war .rae-race. In most cases: both 'father and mother bold etime- jobs and the youngsters were left to work out their ''Own 'salvation. There was a glaring need for planning which would challenge the finer quali- ties of these youeg•people and channel their .enthusiasm into constructive activities. With the new minister, in 1056, came h plans for a much needed change. It was to be 'my responsibility to orgauize a senior Bible Class ior the teenagers, The lirst year there were only four members, the second year Lateen, the third twenty five, and so the fellowship grew to its present membership of over filly, During those, six years Any best graduates have almost completely re-staffed our Sunday ,School, we have a large and excellent (their of teenagers and members Of the group are re- presented on, every Board and Committee of the uharel.L. ,.Last year our teenagers staged two outstanding plays and have trecontly adopted a refugee child in Hong Kong with the proceeds. In the spring they presented their one-act comedy for the entertainment of the Runnymede Hospital incurables and again to the hutients of Sunnybrook Hospital, and considered the transIormation front despairing to radiant faces a very ample reward for their efforts. During the summer they completely landscaped the ,Church grounds. At Christmas time they distri- buted food and clothing to the needy and flowering plants to the shut-ins of the community. During the Christmas holidays they re- painted the interior and furnish- ings of the. Church School room. Itecently, as members of the model Wilted Nations, our teen- tigers expressed well-reasoned convictions and viewpointe and at the Toc-Alpha coniorenee, tac:1;eled our thorny alcohol problem. in a seleutific, reasonable way that could shame many adults. Sonic of. the ,motist, level- headed comments I have heard on the integration questions .hsve come. from teenagers whose liVelY sense of justice is, outraged ley the narrowness of racial diperi- Til() young, people in our churches are tusling with, the problem of how to make ,religion relevant to everyday living with a zeal that every minister .covets for his adult church membership. Xes, of course, there 'are, as there always have been and will be, those unfortunate cases where youngsters are possessed of the devil, but thank God they are a 'vast minority. How very wrong it is, then, to stigmatize all our youth for the felonies of a few. Afterall, from this branded society must arise to-morrow's leaders or else we nave no future. My 'blood boils when I hear my loyal young friends labelled, "slob', or "punk" as it youth was a filthy d9seeee. As yet, UM* is a ray of hue shining through our righteous ludignetion it we can realize the graveness of the situAtion and ask ourselvesi soul-searchingly, "What am doing. about #1., Yours very truly Stuart Nichol NOTICE TO CREDITOilli ALL, PLR' SONS baying, claim" against the estate of Mara. Maude Bryans, late of the Village of Brussels, in County of Huron,, islyiuster, deceased, who died on the 3rd day of December, 1962 are required to file proof of lame with the undersigned on or before 123rd day of February, A. D. 1963. After that date the .Faecutor will proceed to distribute the estates having regard only to the c/aimg of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Brussels, this tad day of February, 1963. Ctrawford & Iletherington Barristers & c.. Brussels Ontario Solicitors for the Executors stand.