HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-02-14, Page 11111.00 A Year In Advance — $2.50 To U.S.A.
I Directors Set Dates For CARDIFF
brussels Fair, Sept, 26, 27
At a recent meeting of the
Board of, the East Huron Agri-
enitural kiociety, at the home of
Oeorge Mutter, the date for the
Brussels 1963 Fair was set for
Septemimr 26th and 2lth,
A decision. was made to join,
the Ontario Association of Fairs.,
Field Crop Competitions
The Society' will sponsor two
field crop competitions, Ensilage
Corn and Grain Qom, The Field
Crop Grain using Mussel. Oats. If
enough interest is shown there
will also be one for Clinton
Committees were revised and,
the meeting adjonned.
L. DI, Cardiff, veteran Progressive Conservative MP for Huron,
THE Bri.USSEL,S POST, THURSDAY, 1'l 3, 14th, 1963
• With the number of Brussels
residents vacationing in Califor-
Inia at present, as well as others
-tow living there, they could start,
Brussels Community in that
The members of the East. Huron.
Agricultural Society are already
bard at work on plans for the,
1962 Fall Fair here, A fair of this
'kind takes a great deal of organ-
iization and co-operation.
* * *
1- ow lucky can people get? A
-car left the road, travelling at a
speed that carried it over a
.Snowbank 'from where it took to
the air and flew into the swamp
north of Brussels, in the one
spot where there were .no trees,
turned a 'somersault. and landed
in the deep snow without
scratching the paint or injuring
its four. Unidentified passgngers.
Who.. says .there Is nothing
doing in this village! Different
:groups are now busily engaged In
, • .preparations for a Skating •
,Carnival next week and for a
• 'big Amateur and Variety Night
in 'March, Se-hurry up and prepare
:for both theOe. events,
* *
Those pesky gremlins were
'tampering with the electrical
'circuits of the Linotype machine
in this office, this week, and
'burnt out a very necessary part
,of the .etnripment which brought
Things here to an abrupt halt for
a number of hours. Blame those
rneddleSotne little rascals for
your Post being later than usual
this week, "Technical, difficulties
beyond our control,"
We have been shivering and
shuddering and complaining about
'the below zero weather, 'What-
ever has become of the hardy folk
We used to be? Tao you remember
when. we had below zero weather
for weeks at at a time, down. to
35 WOW recall. There have
been Walla about blocked roads
brit do yeti remember when we
were isolated for five days
Without even train service; our
local baker, W. E. Willis, was
reported as peing down to his
lust ling flour; travel in
emergency was Over a temporary
road broken 'across fields?' •
If Yon have any donhts intent
what a. dent our recent snow
31:ertns pni, in the„budgets of local
taTte a look at the
extenditures for sneivplotiging
ate, in the Morris Township road
heeount9 ci' lit Phis igslt'e,
The regular monthly -meeting of
:Brussels School Board was held'
in the school with all members,
The minutes were read and
opted on motion by Howard
Bernard and R. W. Kennedy.
The following accounts were
Brussels Post, ndv. for
B,M.& G. Telephone,
rental and tolls 42.06
Alvie Higgins, snow
removal on parking
lot 10.00
Bernard Ten. Pas, labour
& material for
hoot rack 45.00
Moved by Ted MacLean, and,
seconded by Ivan Campbell these,
accounts, be paid
— Carried
Moved by Gordon Stephenson
grid seconded by Roy Kennedy
the seeretarY contact Garnet
Perrier re the tuning of all school
nialt os
— Carried
Moved by Howard Bernard and
seconded by Gordon .Stephenson
the Board purchase the mimic
books required by the ,Supervisor
Moved by 'red Maclean and
Seconded by Ivan gairriPbell the
property committee, ask for esti-
mates for the installation of
-Outside flood lights at the
Moved by Gordon Stephenson'
and seconded by Ivan
the meeting adjourn to meet again
On the regular date or at the call
of the chair:Mon
Mrs. E. Elliott
-- Cyril and jetin,
.afitionnee the 'birth of a Sett
on. Wodriatday, .Tatinttry 30th
Tho-Mag, a linotherr
t'lr Sandra,
YTA.t.j, — To np, and liTmS'. 3'nelc
Hall, in. Wingbarri Cet1ot,'0
HoSnItal, on
dOn peolq 40110,
announced Saturday that be will
for the April 8 federal election,
Annual Congregational Meeting
The annual congregational
meeting of Knox. Presbyterian
Church Was held In the church
on Tuesday evening, February
5th. The Rev, Win. Morrison.
interim moderator, conducted
a devotional period, Mr. B. G,
Nelson was appointed chairtnan
and Alfred. Knight secretary.
The financial, report for 1962
showed a, year of progress. NeW
church windows bad been added
the basement re-decorated, along
with several other improve-
ments to the church property.
t: noted that more members
had Contributed to the budget in,
1,962 and it Was SuggeSted that an
effort should be made to interest,
more in the red side of their
The follewing offidera Were,
elected to the Board of Mantigere:
JIM Knight, Kenneth MacT)Oriald,
Douglas ri.Nami. and Mrs. Mad
Engel. Trtistees, Kenneth
MacDonald gird Leslie Knight,
Auditor, Alfred Knight.; See.-
treas., Mrs. Mine. Erirrel; organist,
Mrs Stuart McNair; ushers,
TCenneth McDonald, David,
Peer re„Ta Knight, and Joe
The Rev. 'Morrison pronounced
the Benediction and lunch was
served In the enitrell. bttsement.
Fit. 0, ,Tohn H, and Mrs, Dar,
formerly oil Winnineg and Mrs.
'Donald Puchanan. Walton, Visited
with. Mrs. Gordon Engel On
Mrs, eli(!vin Cameron Spent the
wee•Vmd to c'eenStega with her
'5i-ether-IP law nh d st0fr. Mr. toll
t hffi+.1 01.4e.!nt V.rtaltti.
let his name stand as candidate
The students of the 'Wingliani
District P.:igh School will present
their annual Variety Concert in
the sehobl auditorium at 8.15, on
Thursday and Friday evenings,
Fehr 11 MI/ 21 and 22,
There Will be music from the
Glee Club and the orchestra.
a rlemoiistration of gymnastics
'by the girls, and a one-act play,
Search Me, (by arr. With Samuel
r.eeo )
This year Unto is no advance
sale of tickets by the stridenis.
Admission at the door (adults and
Children) 80 centS.
• Mr. and Mrs. Adrian
IN"Pap,'9:art announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Kathryn
Viola, to Donald Albert Achilles,
non of Mr. null11.61and
Achilles, of Walttin.
The wedding is to take three
on Saturday, March 2nd, in the
United rlilroln Brnosola.
My simvret thanks to all these
Who were so kind to me whet T
Was injured and while- a hotietti
in Lend op TTOsPital, Peei I
thanks to Mr. arid :MI'S, Gen 'me
Wheeler 11 cl George
Cousins. and to Dr. Nobel.
All the 'kindness was gilleatlY
aPpreciated, rottoin, Irtmitmett
Lions Plan For
wed Cross 13rilre
Lion Cecil. McFadden presided
(Wei' the regular suPPer meeting
of the Lions Club en Monday
night, with 21 members in attend-
Plans were made for the
annual "Ladies' Night” to be
Vince Mounford as the guest
held on Monday. April 4th with
entertainer for the occasion.
Other business included naming
five captains to look after the sale
of tickets for the hockey draw.
In a discussion of arangements,
for the corning Red Cross DriYei
a motion was was passed to ask
for the assistance of the ladies'
organisations of each church in:
conducting the campaign.
Lion President Cecil lii.lceleaddeni
commented on the club working
toward the building of a swimm-
ing pool or curling rink, and thei
satisfaction that would be gained
by completing- such a project,
Lion Rev. ,Wm. • IViorrison
winner of the guessing contest.
Grey Twp. Council
held February 4th.
Moved by Archie 1Mann sec-
onded by Kenneth Bray that
the minutes of the last meeting
be adopted as read
Moved by Glenn Filuether Sec-
onded by Lawson Ward that we
adopt the Engineer's report on;
the Peirnes Drain and instruct'
the Clerk to prepare and 'serve
the clerk to prepare the by-laws'
Moved by Archie Mann sec-
onded by Kenneth Bray that We
adopt the Engineer's report On
the •:.'":••,Fralane Drain and instruct
the Clerk to prepare and serve
the. by-laws
— Carried.
Moved by Glenn Etnether see-
ended by Lawson Ward that we
aceopi the Agreement with the
1:opt. of Lends end Forests and
:fames B. Smith and pas8
so. 5-1963 as read a first, Second
and third times
— Carried
Moved by Keneth Bray sec-
onded by Lawson Ward that, we
instruct the. Clerk to advertise
for crushing and hauling 15,000
elibir yards. more or Tess, or,
screen. Lo he used.
(continued on page Sl
Twisters beat the Limboes
2813 to 1907, at the Wringhtun
BowillIP: lithos on Monday night:
The Limboes played one
Mayer' ..short this week, so in
orthe"for the LimboeS, to get a;
look in We arc putting hi the
Mid that. LiinboeS hold. 'Ian'
H I eheSt
lsi Sharon ,Idtte'S '874
2nd 'Dave Haetings 652
ioarge rithisits 479
Lowr at
'1st Vera T.Tristinr: 274
:ctrl Grare Cousin:1 286'
$ 1.00
. a
The engagement is announced
of Donna Marie Bagnall of
Oakville, to Kenneth Brace
Budnark, son of Mr. and Mrs.
`W. tiudnark of Brussels.
.The wedding: will take place
at St„Tolm's United Chnerch,
Oaliwillo. on Saturday, 'February
33rd, 19(1:1, El f 4 p.m.
• -•- . • -