HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-01-31, Page 7•
In a Saturday night speech ;Prime Minister Diefenbaker
indicated that a general election will be called if the opposition.
blockg the 1962-63 spending progtam which, would prevent
presentation of a budget.
"I look forward then, if they choose to prevent us
bringing in a budget, )vhich can only be brought in provided
these estimates are passed, to an olection that will be a
treinendonsly interesting one."
The minutes of the December
fleeting were read and adopted
on motion of Pearson and
— Carried
TITUltSDAY, JAN. 'diet, 1963
iftviams Sat agivumai, mum
The first meeting of the Grey
'Township School .Area No. 1
Board for 1963 was held, in the
Ethel 8C11001 on January 8, at
1.30 p.m. with all members pmts.
(mt. Inspector S. IL Kinkead was
also present and after wolcom_
ing the two new members,
George Pearson and Allan
Mc,Taggart., conducted the elect-
ton. or Officers for the ensuing
year which, malted as follows:
For . Cl airman-Demaray
nominated by ithynard and Cox
John . Cox .nominated by
Demaray and MOTaggart
• As Mr. Dernaray declined :to .
stand for election and wishedjo
have his name withdrawn, John
Cox was declared elected chair.
matt for 1963.
For Vi c c_ i on an Max
Demaray nominated by 'Ray_
mud and iPear$04
as there were no more nomina.
tions ho was declared elected
vice-chairmail for1963,
Motion of MicTaggart .-am.d. Ray-
mud that the Board" hire the
secretory tier 1963 at the • same.
The chairman Look- charge of
the meeting and carried on with
the business.
Representatives from Jack
Hood School Supplies and
Illducator ,Supplies Ltd., Were
present • and. .(41.1(.0(t with the
'Motion Of Demaray and Itay-
nard that ' the Board purchase
school supplies for 1963 from
Educator Supplies Ltd. of
The meeting of the teachers,
suppliers and Trustees to he held
on February 11 or 14 at $ o'clock
in the Ethel school
It was agreed to divide the
Ovals among the trustees as
follows. ;
john Cox Schools No, 9 and.
No. 10
11%x Demaray schools No. 4
and No. 5
Allan Mepaggart schools
No. '1 and No.
(Le urge Pearson -- schools No.
11 and U — •
Cecil Raynard — schools No. 1
and No, 6
The annual visit to the schools
was set for January 22 or 29.
Members to meet in Brussels at
9 a.m.
iviiation of Demaray and Ray-
nard that the Board advertise in
the Brussels Post and the
Listowel Banner for a mainten-
ance man for the tiny school
Area No, 1. Applicants to state
hourly wage and mileage expect-
ed. Tenders received until
February 4 and no tinder neces-
sarily accepted.
r- Carried
Motion of Raynard and Wearson
that the Board engage Barry
Hamilton of Atwood to service
the pianos in the schools in the
Motion of Itariad and Mc
Taggart that the Board do not
allow any more teenage parties
in the Schools
:lotion of Demaray and Ray_
nerd that the Board join the
Public School Trustees' Assoch
anon of Ontario and affiliate
with the Ontario School Trustees'
the necessary information and
Council. The secretary to fOrWard
Motion of Pearson and Ray,
nand that the Board accept the
following tenders for caretakers
'Cc — Carried
No. 1 — Mrs, Laura Fischer
No. — Mfrs, Muriel Ward
No. 6 — Sliss Jean Fraser
No. 7 I— Mrs. Tillie Engel
No. S — Mts. 1Viejory Fraser ....
No. 9 — Robert liarrison
No. 10 — Mfrs Noreen Barlow ....
No. 11—Mrs. Pale Cunningham-.
N. U4 t— Mrs, Ron. Doig .... $270
,Motion of Pearson and Mc-
Taggart that the chairman and
secretary be given authority to
borrow up to $10,000 when neces-
sary, from the Canadian Imperial
Bank of G ommerce in Brussels
— Carried'
Notion of Raynatfi, and Dema-
ray that the secretary and chair.
man or vice.chairman sign all
cheques and imy teachers, care-
takers transportation and secre-
tary as per contract and hydro
bills when rendered
— Carried
Motion. of Demaray and Ray-
nerd that the following accounts
be paid:1 — Carried
Gordon Ilamtliton, piano
No. 6 ' p.27
Wm. MoWhieter, repairs
No.. 1 3.40
Swift's General Store .
caretaker supplies 11.59
I-Aimphries &. Co.
caretaker supplies 1.81
Orval Hardison., repairs
No. 9 28.46
of Cur ey, grading
No. 11 3.00
Meehan He iwe,, supplies
and.rf !!pairs 15.11
.Post Publishing. House
financial statements 40.00
Listowel Banner,
advertising , 3 36
Co-operators Insurance
fidelity bond ,. „. 40.00
N. S. Hoover, labour 8.00
R. L. Cunningham; oil ..., 255.85
John Johnston, caretaking.
No. 4 5.00
Wm, W. Smith, labour .,.. 32,28
Public School Trustees'
Assoc, & ,Oat. Trastees
'Council, membership .
gees ..... 59.75
Jack Lpod School Supplies
sus plies 81.68
frhe meeting adjourned on
motion, of Demaray to meet again
on February 6, el 1.30 p.M.
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