HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-01-31, Page 3HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost LETTER TO THE EDITOR iiex. 705, Iyistowel, Brussels Post, Brussels, Ont, Dear Sir: you will find enclosed, money order to pay for our subscription, to the old "home-town" paPer. We like the new format very much. Being busy people, we have a limited time for reading the paperS, and a, good deal of the Peet Went unread, Now, we can take time to road it. all — even,' the advertising! We wish you every success, and hOpe the "Post" may continue to serve the BruSsels community for a long time to come. Yours sincerely Mrs, Melville Dennis Listowel Ontario. with the "pre-season" tag! 5-20-10 en155.HEMIENPAVED CO E'OP 9911000 OrZVOla;.; OF 070 . . • )(OUR "a, C; VALUE" COMBINATION .01.0 VALUE! Co-op Fertili7er j.:;ivAs 37011a .higher„, percentage of wa ter-mat a higher :lime content, lower moisture content, uniform particle size and less seed-buming character.; istics. It's another Co-op "top-quality" product. BiG SAVIP-WISE Set your own EF1.11.11gS ! Your early: delivery discount up to Feb. Int is S2 per ton . and from Feb. .Ith to Mar. 2nd it is ,91.50 per ton. • Your CO-01 also olTers attrr.ctive cash dis- counts; for era Ill Fie 1;`Y, p y i ta ut by January 1st, 1963 and 41/2.:.;-.; for ri,Viyeuary 1st, 1963. •• As a Co-op member you Tocueilt from all pur- • chases made throu:;h your :.,t.ore. The ;.,t.eater the volume, the bc-tter your Co-op cart operate, and the saving,s !:beret,y will be greater. to individual membertl. SlIpport.yOUr Co-op, ifs a truly .clemocrW.ic business instittai011, where • every member has equal ,i;;Orts.. • . . BELGRATC -OP ASSOC. Wingham 1091 Phones Brussels 388W10 Applications will be positions: received for the following 1, EMERGENCY MEASURES CO-ORDINATOR FOR THE COUNTY Oi- HURON. Salary eeminiansurate with qualifications, :Minimum $4,000. 2. SECRETARY, TO THE EMERGENCY MEASURES CO-ORDINATOR. Salary in accordance With experience. Applications must, be submitted on forms provided and May be secured from the undersigned, Applica- tions to clOst at 51,0 P61311140' 15, 1.063. Lowest or arty- applicatiOn net, necessarily accepted. John G. Berry, blerkTreaturet, ()Minty of Huron, Court House; Goderich, Ofititrib, THURSDAY, JAN, 31st, 1963 RIBIERSELS POST, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO — •••• ••• •••• - • ••,•••••••••••,••••••••.,,, HOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Claarl5, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gordon Kirkland, RII, 3, Ducknow; Mrs., 0. G. Anderson, RR '5, Wingliain; e,Srs, Lloyd Taylor, T.lx-eter; Hugh. B. Smith, Rat 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gerrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, arorth; Bert .Klopp, 'Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, 1113, 1, Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, 'Woodham. C. Ft. Magee SecretaryNanager Miss C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call youf nearest director or our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- tario Street, Clinton, Telephone HUnter 2-9751, NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS Not only does it contravene the Highway Traffic Act, but it is difficult to keep the streets clear of snow whkn the plow is being hampered by vehicles left on the streets. We are not responsible for any damage to vehicles hit by the snowplow. David Hastings Chief Of Police SEAPORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering Brussels Representati ve SELWYN BAKER Phone 263J Brussels Since words cannot be expected to express clearly an unclear idea, I shall, with your kind per- mission, simply have to cast about randomly, hoping thereby to flush out the quarry, Cophlett be that. the thing which is missing in the new Post is advertising?' The answer I get is a, positive and unqualified "no", Never could it be said, console/Ai- ously, that our Editor has ever kept news of any worthwhile product from us. Look for your- self — it's in the Post -- front Page, middle page and most of the back page. This,, then is not the offending area. What about Me Want Ad section? Perhaps herein lurks the object of our search. "The heck", you say, "No man — but no men can testify to the laxness of the Editor in this neck of the pulp- woods." Why, you know as I that over the years, many a splendid bargain has been offered here in. "suckling pullets" and "ready-to- lay Yorkshire chunks with spare tail-gate". Even the "brindle wheelbarrow With rubber tire due to freshen in March," and "20 tons of choice alfalfa hoar service" were bonafide bargains at which no one cduld turn up one's nose. Heaven, knows there wore those who would never have enjoyed another decent night's sleep to the longest day they lived had not the want ad section carried a vindicating notice which so miraculously cleared conscience, "Found a red heifer, 'Owner may have same by provieg ownership and. paying". How anyone could have ,been expected to identify the few pieces of brisket and neck that were lea at that time I'll never know. No, indeed the miss- link can never be found in the want ad section. Consider for a moment, then, the possibility that 'the mysteri- ous visitant is hiding somewhere among the People We Know?' Farbeit from our Editor to With- hold from. us any of the coatings and goings of our villagers, how ever trivial they may seem, much less the rendering of fal 'accounts of the annual or seasonal influx, and exodus of our native Sons and daughters to and from Walton, CranbroOk, Belgrave, and points beyond, No sir, it is for durn sure' that no secrets have been kept, concerning the People We Know, Let us turn, as a last resort, to •rotaintate the unlikely-loOking prospect of the Somewhat sinister sounding word "challenge", now We are getting warmer, The new Poet flails to challenge its readers as it formerly did — at last we have unearthed the doubtful virtue which we herd sought so painstakingly, "But", you rile, '9n what way is the new Post less challenging than the oldr Well, the first thing I noticed Which facilitated its reading and thereby rediiced its challenge was the Tito/total-ions nniformity with. Which it is printed 1n neat,. vortical colentris — with only a. single upside down. The !next tilling which crone to ray attention was the arii azing 'acretracy in the choice and• arraegemerit of wards. With only Et rare excentioti I was able to grasp the fittl Oentent and appreciate the aesthetic value of', the eitiele the, first time tbeongle Perhaps the' most contrary facts of all were that the spelling was beyond repreach, the 'print bright anti readable, tend not a single paragraph escaped off either side br bottom, of the printed page. In • short alt hail the new, despite Its apparent lack of challenge, for noW We call read the Peel while' parked on all fours or otherwise, as we (Meese, whereas we, form- erly marked the hardwoOd with Otte pciinted bende while seering peisition coniptttible to that of the printed Weed.' • • Yee, everyone latighs abort the Post and a favourite tenie eon, cerns its sparse 'content end yet, etrangely enough, I 'Seldom get, to read my copy on the clay of its arrival becense it is 'in constant: Ilse by other members of the household. Make, no mistake about the Post's popularity here. Mr, Editor. for not only do we reed it .-- we devour it piecemeal — all at one sitting. When We inrve, satisfied our hunger for homelowe news, we pose it along to another •i1oriner prnsselite and she gives it. 'to her friends and they forward it Ito their friends, And. so goes the. enigthatical, tale of the home- :town newspaper of which We speak so disparagingly and treasure so highly, We don't like it — we sintly watildn't Want to. be without it. Print this letter, Mir. Editor, and I promise to remain on your -subscribers' list: forever. I may even write a sensible article for you, aneday, which yen would be PrOthi to print, Th the meantime, carry on with your good work and may the good Lea bless your noble efforts, Yours Very truly Stuart Nichol 1.78 ,1- Gerrard St, Termite 8, Ontario. WATERLOO CATTLE B,B E DING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Suite Are Used" Farrnep owned and controlled. Service at coat Choice of bull and breed ! Our artificial breeding service Will heir!, you to a more efficient livestock operation For service er More information Clinton call i HU 2.3441, or fer lens distance Clinton Zenith 9.5650 BETTER CATTLE FOR ReTTER LIVING Toronto, Ontario, Dear Mr. Editor:. In a' recent edition of the Brussels • Post you solicited Letters to the Editor concerning the "New Look' which 'the 'Pest has, acquired for 1963. You. also assured your readers of your •interest !in hearing from them, whether 'their comments were. fitvom,,ble or umfavoura.blo; my ideas, I believe, will fall within the hondaries of that broad Category. First may I say to you hold -Very much we appreciate your interesting, new format and •adie torial. approach. The news items have ..--been improved, too, but .ithere seems -to be something, missing. It is a, difficult task to determine and define the nature of the absent quality, Tn. fact, have indulged In a mental search of considerable. depth and breadth in. my efforts to isolate this mysterious intangible, but it .has eluded. me at: every turn with the adroitness of • a greaSed eel. You're Customer and Owner au' your MICIMISEMINK4MMUMMINEaga=:7'.$‘:, IMITECW/EZVJEs1041-:.z=szamiNieir •••1•1•••••••••=1•111011111•••••••••••••=mmiplmn.