HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-01-31, Page 1$2.00 A Year In Advance — $2,50 To U.S.A. THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, JAN. 21st, 1963 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
SHOR7' Two In Hospital After
Car - Truck Cro.41i.
Patricia, jamieeon, eight year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs;
Ronald eameestee of Brussels,
nederwent surgery at St,
Joseph's Hospital, London Mon_
day night after receiving severe
face and head cuts in a head.
'On car_truck collision, 1i4 miles
north of Brussels on :Mendel
CliffOrd Marks, who suffered
broken ribs and a fractured nose
in the same accident was in,
Wingliam Hospital,
The child's father was released
from hospital after being treated
for injuries to his right foot and
both arms,
Majestic W. I. Meeting Robert 'Grasby Elected President of
Huron Agricultural Society
• •
Our readers may be interested
in knowing that: the masthead
now 'appearing on The Post is, of
hand carved wood. Can any of
You local wood carvers match
this speciman of the art.
• • •
Ladies, how goes the after.
'holiday diet? All those tasty
`holiday goodies that Can't bei
resisted add up to a horrifying
amount of calories and the scale
keeps adding pounds to figure
conscious females. Tt is so delight:
fully easy to add those pounds
and so Painstaking to subtract
A bird foundd• the inadvertently
open door of this office an
'invitation in out of the cold one
day last Week. It was, no doubt,
attracted by the warmth, How_
ever it found the noisy clacking
of the busy machines not to rItie
,liking and soon sought escape to
the outdoors.
Classes at 'Brussels Public
'School have been depleted by a
bombardment of German lVfieasles.
Practically every mother with
young children has one or more
spotted ',little patients on her
'This little pig didn't want to
leave home. A pig being shipped
by Wm, Turnbull broke out of its
crate and wrought havoc in the
freight car.
The letters to the editor in
this issue are only two of the host
of expressions of approval and
appreciation of they new Brussels
Post. We are happy dur readers
are pleased with it and grate_
,fill for their finding the time to
tell us so, It makes the extra
effort well wortirtvhile,
* • •
The NHL HoOkey Draw
sponsored atmenly by the local
Lions .Cliab will goon, be under-
Way,. Proceeds are used for
coneennity welfare work. Don't
,sae' no When asked 'to buy a
The letter to the editor in last
Week's edition voiced a, shopper's.'
side of the question In regard to
epee nights. Now how about the
Merchants presenting their side !
Bride-Elect Honored
Despne the extremely severe
wintry weather of Thursday
January 24th aboet 45 neighbour,
ladies, relatives and young
women of Brussels and district
enjoyed a very Pleasant evening
in the Brussels Library, in honor
of Miss Joyce Davidson of
Brussels, whose marriage to,
Mm', Ralph Trebiner of Brussels,
formerly of Kippen, takes place
On Saturday, Mee. a Elliott and
Mee eT. :Etuether acted as
Misses. Dorothy Eilleete, and
Joyce Huether were in charge
'tile ' guest hook. During the
early part of the evening Mrs, 0,
Elliott conducted eeverre inteeese
ing contests, after which the
guest of honor was escorted to a
prettily decorated chair and Mess
Marlene ,Teeklin read an address
lionotieg her ;tt'er which several
friends Of the bride, II/lessee
Bonnie Workman, Ann Higgins.
Kathryn and Ruth MeTaggart,
\lice de Vries, Cathy Hanna,
rg a re t Warwick and Karen
Coleman presented her with
Many 'meet' gifts and numerous
pantry shelf items on behalf of
those present.
The bride, in a few well ehOsen
words thanked the guests for
their OM,
FolloWieg this 'the hostesses
assisted by Mee, Glen Bridge,
and Misses Allee de Vries; Cathy
Meta and Thiele, Dune served a
laety beta, which many had
beeped to inept-tee,
of, the isstte? These pages are at •
year disposal gentlettien,
levee the Royal Mail had to
abendon their "never:Whig
on schedule. service" clue to our •
edverse 1.iicattior and road On-
(idiot's, Only the morning mail
-truck trea.ched Pressals on Thurs_
clay of last Week and arrivals
and depeetuires were seicertein
for several days. The rural
(Tureens livid. to turn beets when
roads were impassable. TOtvnahiP
snoiereosee were caned In off
the roans. driving the. worst of
last .week's storm,
The Vebruary meeting of the
Majestic Women's Institute will,
be held on the regular date,
February 1.41th et 2, p.m. in VIP
Libary basement.
The plan of-listening to the
radio Farm Forrest at 9 p.m. and
having the meeting on Monday
February 4th had to be changed,
However this could be a reminder
to -everyone to listen to that
WOrithewhile program,
The theme of the meeting is
citizenship hinder the convener_
ship of Mies, A, Speir and Mrs,
Wes Teerr and the roll call is
what makes a good citizen.
Mrs. D. A. Bann is going to
shoW slides of .Europe in beautis
ftd color. with her interesting
This 'is Valentine Day, there
will he special music, lunch and
a social Line. Everyone is
Despite the inclement weather
a good representation of the
members of the local Lions Club
attended the regular. Supper meet_
ing, en Monday night, at Which
the District Deputy Governor,
WM. Lumby of G,oderich was
present in, his official capacity.
Lion President C. McFadden
presided and itdroduced the guest
who congratulated the club on the
splendid work done in Lionism
and also the club secretary Lion
C. Arnold, on his prompt, efficient
reports, The D.D.G. spoke on the
definition of a real good Lion,
and the tion slogan "Liberty,
Intelligence, Our Nation's
Sefety.e •
Lion C. Temutler thanked the
speaker, • •
Lion S, Baker won the guess
On the evestion When was the
YMCA founded?
A motion to donate $10.00 to the
Bolivian Lions Olub was passed.
it was decided to again sponsor
NHL Hockey Drtleve.
Lion 11, Cdusins reported
that the quota, set at' $800.00 fee
the ONIB appeal had been
exceeded, the total donatfons.
being 1807.00
The slipper was served by the
adies Ambrose Church.:.`
Reel 17, Hoover, D, A, Oil Of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Hoover,
who is attending Teibrare,
'McGill Ueiversite, Montreal, has
been reeareled a Grolier Stieiey
Scholarship ($2.50) and n.n Annette
Mernoeial Bursary (e:300,)
.Tohn will receive; his B, L, S,
Degree o flist of tiii0
Horticultural Society
January Meeting
The January meeting of the
eeorticultieral Society was held ht
the library on. Monday afternoon,
Zane 21st with Mr's. Bann, the
president, in the chair.
The minutes and financial
report were read and adopted. The
report Showed how "flowers and
bulbs given by the society and
kept by the members made a
bright and cheery welcome to
people entering Brussels from the
north, east and south, then again
on the streets mud farther on in
front of the library, municipal
and telephone buildings, Flowers
were given to churches, school
Queens, and fair, corsages to
brighten yeung girls' dresses for
school. dance. Prizes were given
to the fair: Christmas decor-
ations; flower show ; guests.
'Work clone, sick members etc.,
trees gieme to school.
;The election of officers was
conducted, the same officers
reineining except the directors.
New this year are; Mrs. C.
Adams, Nes . Cudmore, Mrs.
IPeri•ie. Mrs. J. McDonald
and. Mrs. Shaw, The question of
fees were left over until the
March, meeting.
This year the prizes for the,
children at the fair to be for signs
for the lawns or gardens such es
owners' trainee or special melees,
There were just thirteen
present. Hostesses were Mee,
Tureey, Mrs. eleCetcheon. and
Mr's. Bele
Mrs: Shaw Won the door prize.
Next meeting will also be held in
the afternoon on March, leth,
Two hew members joined the
ClieritlemenW Cub last Friday
and four on Saturday, The first
two wore given the third degree
as they were boaters fem. gables
oust of five With a slarak, thrteini
in for good measure.
We are still smarting. front this
defeat given four of oet member8
by Charles Draper and Len
Letneet. It wee evggested if it
hantions, again that soft soap
he rubbed on the top steps. This
With a bit of a shove seende put
end to their boisterous,
We have e challenge from a,
tea* village for a contest. early
In February. However we are trot
iii tee form so dedided to start
at the bottom• and work up, play
the Legion first, then chellemze
the Rebelcahs, next probably time
'W, I, After :thee easy victories
'We can accept airy challenge
mini enyWhere, Hoping to see you.
Truthfully Yours,
Robert, Grasby AU 4, Beusselhe
was elected president of the Fast
Huron Agrionleural . Society.
succeeding Clem stoffier,. at the,,
annual meeting and., banquet held
Tuesday night in Brussels tutted.
In Spite of road conditioner,
which 'prevented a eember. of
interested. persons eretra attend_
hig, and ithtefact that the meet-
ing had been. postponed once,
about 100 persons were present.
Rev. B. A. Miles, of Listowel;
Presbyterian Church, "'guest
speaker for the occasion, gave a
timely address on "Changing
World in 1963 as We Look Over
the Snowbanks". His ..huMertnie•
and thought provoking interpre_.
to lion of his subject was
there're-ley enjoyed.
Miss Barbara Turnbull, and.
miss Brabare Bray, tied as high
scorers in. the 4-H competitions,
were presented with trio teitiardan,
imperial Bank or
Vern awards by Mr. Vern • Greek%
accoentant of the local branch.
Norman Hoover, ,,,,secretary_
treasurer, in his presentation of
time financial statemetiiriiplained
(eontinned on backi page)
Mr. and lira. Jim Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern. Godkin
were chaperones at the
dance on January nth. About
seeenty Live boys and girls
'were present to dance to the
inirsic of the sentare dance tunes
played by Mrs.,Sniiith at the
petite and J
,Tim on violin,
peCe. for a few oh_so-shy
boys Lavern soon had everyone
doh-stelohing and swinging like
old timers. Of course twists and
limbo, the popeye and all the
other popular dances were not
neglected. '3 "
Au unusual version. of musical
chairs called musical knees was
All you fellows arid girls who
have just reached thirteen dr
who for some other reason have
not come to-effeelitestioneeejoile the
fan. We appreciate the feet that
the School board makes. the
airditorelln ,autt
that cha.pereteSSe;,e;eree alwaye
willing 'to cC;in8I-1141.•:"SitSiervise so
we want to melee- the-fullest are
possible of thie•.opperistnity for
1 Y141
1.11-T DANCE .. ,pt.,„„
Let's -Sge AltrefeYee at the
Scheel, Auditorium en
$:30 pee.
Please ':Reineetber
No Adiplitatia
4r 10 p.m.
• • •
Don't see many 1963 license
plates around yet. After Taeee
and. Christmas we presume many
find themselves fit the same
positioneas ye editor -- short of