HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-01-24, Page 6Buy the bag... with the "pre-season" tag. UNITED COOPERATIVES OF ONT YOUR "BIG VALUE" COMBINATION BIG VALUE! Co-on Ferdlizer gives you a higher percentage of wa tc11 -soluble phosphate, a higher lime content, lower moisture content, uniform particle size and less seed-burning character- istics. It's another Go- " top -quality" product. BIG SAVINGS: Se your own savings !Your early delivery discount up to Feb. 2nd is $2 per ton and from Feb. 4th to Mar. 2nd it is $1.50 per ton. Your CO-OP also ofZers attractive cash dis- counts; for exarar,e 5% for payment by January 1st, 1963 and 41/216 for February 1st, 1963. As a Co-op member you hem lit from all pur- chases made throuqh your store.` The greater the volume, the better your Go-op can operate, and the savings realized thereby will be greater to individual members. Support your. Co-op, it's a truly democratic business institution where every member has equal rights. BELGRAVE C -OP ASSOC. Wingham 1091 Phones - Brussels 388W19 you're Customer and Owner at your W. M. DOBSON, ETHEL LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT HARRISTON FERTILIZER Phone 325-W-5 Brussels FOLK-SINGING TEAM, 8ongs of ti* sail and the land, from Canada and abroad, are featured when folk-siugors Elan stutixt and Burl Spencer team up in a new CDC radio network prograiii, Sengs frOm Here and There,' broadeaSt each Wednesday from RalifaRri NOW earn ii on GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES British Mortgage $100 or more 1 to 5 years authorized by law as investment for trust •funds INVEST NOW — Interest day you invest. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY ,1,10111110•••••••...1011•1.4 Carl Stier Branch Manager, 1....kriaaimeatiossano,srenvidri. NOTICE The Brussels office of OraWford and Hetherington will be . closed for two weeks, Until January 17th for renovaitMns. If urgent call Crawford and Hetherington, at ViThighaM Brussels 70. BEAVORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds Of upholstering Brussels FtePredelitatiije SELWYN BAKER' plane 2-01 MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TENDER FOR TRUCK Sealed tenders, marked "Ten- der for Truck", will be receiv- ed by the undersigned at Box 782, Listowel, Ont., up to 12 noon, THURSDAY, JANUARY, 24, 1963 for a new 1963 3i ton pickup truck: bowls and spedifications may be obtained from the under- signed at the Banner Office, Wallace Avenue North, Listowel. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. W. BAMPORD, Secretary-Treasur Or ?AXON $1:1C '1911E fkRITSSELIS POST, Bausams, orraaro THVBSDAY, JAN. 24th, 1963. FEDERATION NEWS COUNTY OF HURON (by Ivlr. `Nluxer Ireland, president of Huron County Federation, Wingham, Ont.) .On January fifth it was my pleasure to accept an invitation to attend. the annual meeting of Middlesex County Federation (4 Agrielfitp.re, Tho meeting began with, a complimentary dinner to over .040 Federation Officials and Supporters. The President, Mr. Norman Ruth, in his address stated that the greatest dile= facing .rarmers today is the dairy problem and that the Federation would offer what help they could to the various Dairy groups to clear up present misunderstand- ings. The guest speaker for the event Was the Minister of Agriculture, the Hon. 'Win, Stewart, who was the one time president of the Middlesex Federation of Agri- culture. He said one of the greatest accomplishments of the Federation of Agridulture was the better understanding between government and rural people today, Only a few years ago iacvernments did not recognize the Federation of Agriculture as they do today. The Minister said that market- ing plans are an asset to family farms and helps to star:dine them. He denied that farouy rarms are being taken over by industry and said that the greatest percentage of agricultural production is from family farms. It as the responsibility of the Federation of Agriculture to guide as far as , possible commoditY. groups toward mutual uao.erstand- big. "The rugged inuiviatuilispi with which we prided ourselves, in the past is an expensive luXurY under todays economy." In order to actueve a setter; understanding between the, various commodity groups and the general public Mr. Stewart said a producer, processor and consumer food Council will be set up in the next few months. A_ bill to provide government financial aid for the establish- ment of corporate farms will. be ,introtulced. In the Ontaria Leg- islature when It convenes. Loans would be provided for young, farmers to help .in setting up economic units of 'fmnily fanns under family ownership. Mr. Stewart reviewed two agricultural acts that he presented before the Legislature and which, were given Royal Assent. Meat InsPOCtion' Bin to assure close tcnutiny 'of meat for• human con; suinption and' the `Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Act, under which farmers will. receive aid to develop areas, that do not blend to, modern agricult nre and modern machinery to eominunity•'pastures for the rais- ing of more beef feeder cattle. He said there Were many thous- ands of acres of land in Ontarici, thlat could he used for that purpoSe. iTe also stated that community pastures owned by the government in the Maritirtlea have' proV'en. sticeedul, (Mirs, Sne, ee.) Is Four stbscriPtiOn renewed'?