HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-01-10, Page 1SZ.90 A. Year In Advance — $2.50 To U.B.A.
* * *
The NeW ',ear's Eve draw for
a, traveMpg ease sponsored by
•the local branch of the Royal
'Canadian Legion was won by
* * *
,Looking for bargains? This is
the season for Clearanea Sales
in many stores, Rend the ads. In
'The Post. The merchiants are
offering yell savings every week.
'Mr, and Mrs, Ray Bronson and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack MtcWhinter
chaperoned the dance on
Friday night, "Oh to he young
The mild weather has lowered
'Iles snow' brinks 'eorisiderablY.
'Snow removal on the, main street
is onpresinted by all,
Discarded Christmas trees,
stray bit's of tinsel. cords that we
haven't • yet tucked away, and
those new toys wo are constantly
tsinein o over, ere reminders that
the holiday sooson over and
-Lis hack to the tinily grind for iis.
* * •
How aro your Now Year Reso-
lutions standing the strain? Or, did
yen, resolve not to make any so
yen eotthint hreelt thens.
We are alvare that those
mischievous gremlins were busy
with our "make-0.p" last week. We
are very busy trying to chase the
pesky little trouble-minters out of
the office.
The Crawford and Hetherington
Law Office is also taking on a new
look these days, •COmplete reno-
vation 'and decoration, is under-
way, •
* * *
Now Is the time to get Your
tickets for the Agricultural:
TtS71C1q10 t and Annual Meeting.
See ads-, in this issue. Yen will
enjoy the baneuet and at the
scene ;time increase your interest.
in the rso-•ii'les or tile East Huron
,Many fityoura.ble verbal tom-
Ments have been given on the
"New 'Look" of The Post We
would like to have yMir earn-
merits. fa.vourahie and unfavonr.
able, in letters to the editor.
ttst,.. the inaugural meeting of
the Brnasels School 'Retire! Jack
ivroWnirt es silencer:led Roy W.
tem" eciy n s chairiiia.n of the
Boom with Ted McLean as tiee
It is indeed nice tfo hear that the
local hockey teams are receivinre,
More support this season. Crowda
at the 01'6110, rOf P(511100
The deatil oecurred. Oa Y:10,..
cember 10th, .190, in .Denver,
Colorado, of Andrew Burgess, in
his 89th year„ of Boulder
Tho funeral service woe held
in the chapel \vita tue itey. H. J.
Weiss officiating, on Monday
Deeember 22nd. . .
lie was the only surviving son
of iho Into
Ilmosess of
brother of
Samuel and Mrs.
Brussels, and a
the late James
Left to mourn. his loss are two
sons, yd. of Houston, Texas and.
Harold of Bailey, Col., and one.
daughter, Plorence, of .Texas,
also five grandchildren,
I wish to thank all my friends.
who remembered me with cards,
treats and visits. while I was k
patient in Wingham Hospital, •
Special thanks to Dr. Stephens
the MI rSOS and staff,
Ward Sellers
Onr heartfelt thanks is
extended to all those whO ex-
pressed their sympathy in so
many keelly words and deeds at
the time of our recent bereave-
Your tholightfulnesS was deeply
MrS.-M, A. Forsyth
Miss Mae Skelton
proving, Keep it up fans and
perhaps Brnssels Will produce
another championship team,
-st * *
The Ladies Auxiliary to the
Royal Canadian. Legion,. Brussels,
are operating the booth con-
cession at khe local arena this
* *
Galvin Kreuter occupied the
Mums chitty for 'the first "time'
at the January session Of the
local council. Mny his tenure of
office prove Ito he good for the
inunic"Mal affairs of. this village,
Aloes. with the honor of his office
lie assumes a burden of resparts-
nbilYtios and headaches. We wish
him well.
* *
It Makes this writer "sizzle"
eVery tittle people class all teen-'
'eget% as juvenile dellquents
lie,canSe of a, few bad actors and
irres-oonsible One,s. The majority
of young people are a credit to
eameomity, and fine citizens,.
hie von seldom hear about that.
T-Tow about the membeiss of the
BriTsselg r`t-T who were Out
at ChrishliaS time enrolling 'to
shut-ins? We ca.li that a, fine
gestrtre on their part. We'll
Nif? rpm
Brussels Council
The inaugural meeting of the
Village Council, for 1963 was held
in, the Municipal Office on. Jan-
mary 1963„ all meraoers being
The Declaration of Offices were
taken by the Clerk, after which
it* Reverend Morrison of the
Brussels PresbYterlan Church
spoke to Council, impressing upon
them the importance that God,
should be our guide and leader
at ell 'times, and with thus
leonatantly in. mind our actions
and deeds would be guided in the
right direction.
The minutes of the meeting of
Deeembers5t14, 1052 were adopted
on motion of L. R. Nineties) and
0. S. Elliott.
B.M,C,L Telephone, 1st loan
for 1063 10,000.00
Selwyn Baker, insurance
on Fire Hall 24.00
Bridge ,IVIetora, gas, oil
'and sine* removal 17.63
Brussels !Lions Club, donation
to SantalClans Parade „„ 75.00
1Tachan Hdwe., supplies .... 8.69
J. M.. McDonald, Lumber,
office lock 11,23
callander Nurshig Rome
tiiDeeember welfare .. . . 366,25
Brrissels, Coal Yard,
?Mee fuel 41,05
Brussels Ctood Yard, Fire
Rail %yet , 28.40
Oldfield IrsiNve„ supplies - , 7.05
Sam Sweeney, bulldozing
dump s, 39.00
Texap. Grill, gas 5.36
Tommtch Feeds, salt 2.00
Alvie Higgins, sand ,.., 5.00
AjeCutcheon. Motors,
repairs 4.37
MoCiutcheon Motors, gas "„ 5.50
Huron County, fee for
Tax collections
in 1962
M. McDonald tynnber,
material. for
. !Piro Hall
Receiver Gener
derin n otio.
Post Ofriee, -17,,I.S. ......... . 24.00
AreNillon Twi?• relief
charge hack '
Ernie. Petrnes, Snotv-
nlowing December .... 292.,710
Pit-T.;11W No. '1 was Strodneed
an ,l need. a first and Second time.
'Moved by 1.. 11. "Keehn:11 see,
oiled Ire qtralyelstik that
DAL.livs, jjll :1,11,91 .1r; coca h: nrst
and second time be Pa6sed.
Moved by Win Stratychuk
s',,mided• by J. W. Fischer that
BydlAaw No, • 1-1963 as read a
(tint time be passed and the
Reeve and Cleric he authorized to
sign and tlib seal of the .Cerpor-
anon altselled.
ThIS beingn. By-Law appointing..
or confirming 'the appointment of
certain • officers to serve the
AlunicipEtlity of Brussels for the
year 1963, • •
MoVed by j. W. -Fischer, see'
onded by IT.,.•R,.,Maghnzi that the,
Meeting adjourn to meet again.
February 1, 1.963 .or at the call or"
the Peeve.
S. C, .T.Craiithr Wm, H. King
Reeve Clerk
The patients, staff and manage-
ment of the nursing home would
like to thank all those who were
so 'kind siftti, flowers and
visits over the past holiday
9,311F,on. All these kind thoughts
were really appreciated.
Callander Nursing Home
The Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Bible Society Wish to
announce tile completion of
mother successful year, having
rstsed the grand total of $241.00.
tin 1,ohalf of our branch, I
wish to thank alt Who so
genevemily couiripatect and the
earl seer's who gave both thee
avid -money to this worthY. cause,
Alfred L. Knight,
Mrs. Ted McLeau tas, been a
patient in Wingham, hospital,
Mr. and Mrs, Mel Moxisess and
family of Ottawa spent Christmas
and New Year's with Miss SarSt
Mr. and. Mrs. Rey Jerinyn of
Tercute, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker' and
sons, doetorich and Mrs. Alma
Pinkney and Mr. Amos CorbeY
of Seriff,rth were holiday visitors
with Mrs, IL. Jortnyn,
tu'-'I' NEWS
The lBraseis held a dance
bet Xauttavy feurth With en,
alipro.g.,Imate attendatice of 15.
The next dance Will he en.
January 18th when a" Special
Aiwa, INi, Verne God3zin will be
present 'to give instil:lotion it
square selaiteine: for Part of the
night. Other phit of. the dance
Win be rdgulat dancing.
The Brussels office of Crawford
and Hetherington Will he cloSeit
for two weeks, Until January 17th
for reties-at:forts.
If urgent call Orawford. and
Fothertneon. Of' VIligit0T0 01'
The January meeting of the
O. 'W. was held in the Sandal
School room, Devotionals were
taken bY 12 women representing
each month of the year, lighting
a colored candle and repeating
a verse suitable for each Month.
A hymn, piano solo or vocal solo
between each month were en-
joyed. Mrs. mac Stephenson, and
Miss Ann Cardiff taking the
vocal solos and Miss Marlon
Hoover and Mrs, Ivan Cgtmpbell
the piano solos,
Supply requests were for one
layette, 5 pair of mitts end $4.00
for vacation school supplies,
The treasurer's report showed
a 'very successful year had been.
The ladies will cater to the
Agricultural Banquet to be held
in .Tanuary at the church.
Rev. A. K. Griffiths was in
charge of installation ceremonies
when the following officers were
Past Pres. Mrs. Ada Smith
Pres, Mrs. Harold. Thomas
1st Vtce. Pres. Mrs. Carson
2nd Vice Pres..— Mrs. M. Oldfield
Rec. Sec. Mrs, Robt. Walker
Asst, Sec..— Mrs. Ian McDonald
'Cor. Sec, Mrs. 1. Meehan,
Treas, Mrs, Albert Cardiff
Afternoon Unit Loader ,... Mrs, 3%
Evening Unit Leader Whys, Mac
Committees and Their Chairman
Christian Citizenship Mrs.
'Lloyd Wheeler
Conn-Minns, Friendship - Mrs.
Olive Gallaher
Cihristlan Education Mrs.
Cecil Parker
Finance .. . Mrs. Geo. Bridge
Flower 4 ,Miss Addle Cardiff
List, and Communication ,„, Mrs-
Corson Watson
Nomiations ,... Mrs. jas. Bryana
Manse Mrs. J. Lowe
Press and Publicity ,.,. Mrs. Robt.
Program ...: Mrs. Carl Hemingway
Social Functions Mrs. D, A.
ffrr"7-7 Rawl
Supply and Social Assistance
Miss E. Downing
.teAolyn. not.nrav ssret ,o,sionto•
Mrs. Robt, Nogg, Mrs, Ivan
Periodicals Mrs. Jack Cardiff
Messengers Mrs, Cecil Parker
aniln,;yfrs Max 01 el fi old
Baby Band ;Mrs. Garden
Stephenson, Mrs. V. Cir,,nke,
Stewardship and R,eornittne;
Mrs. it. Pen roo7
Menibershin Mrs, N. Hoover.
Rev. Griffith spoke a fps; twiny.
ins' words and thanked the Past
President for the wonderful work
she had, done inothe past year.
The Afternoon Unit will Meet'
the first Tuesday of the month,
The Evening Unit 1011 meet the
first Wednesday of. the month,
Tho (Verrill mooting will ha
tbq t!birs '4006 q7 glf4
Mr, Morrison was properly
thanked by the new Reeve, Mr,
3. 0. ,Erauter, after which he
spoke to the retiring Rave, ar.o.
MeCutcheon, and welcomed the
two new members of the Council,
Mr. J", W. Fischer, and Mr. Wm,
The correspondence and
counts were read.
y oved by .1". W. Fischer,
seconded by Wm. Stratycbuls
that Ole accounts as presented
for payment he paid.
al, Tay
• 53.73