HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-01-03, Page 4ER 11,114111:11
Brussels Council
The last regular meeting or
the Village Council was held in
•.. the 'ClerWs. ,Offiee on December
aatt 1p.p, • all members being
.. • ;present,. •. • •
- Carried
by ti, C, li.ratiter„
014041. /.1.Y .eiantat anti, tac
Alluutes uleuLd18,
adopted as read.
- carried
moved by .W. A.
seconded by L, It. 11Iacbitu that
W..: A II •
Ally lit c% lie W a I.
JAOr ;i3JVUO.U.., L01. VI aibl. ,Vl 11,11'1.,e
yeiLeb at .f.:,i.Vt!
.coved by O.
secouded by J. e. .E...r.A.Ler Luai.
the Iteeve Linti
ized to purchase the Itowiird
.p.r...werty, WI, iV pL. di: aibert.
Street in, Die amount ui
being the amount of taki tax
-arrears, in the event tha the
property is not sold at Ow lux
- Larrled
.e, ju, Lly L
by ,1A;
Rat t:1t7 4...una1Cli yv 11.11
t,,u resolution from, Co Linty
Council regarding the era; i,.1,11Sii-
ilium, Of a Provincial 111
iitirou County
- Carried
Moved, by L. it.
seconded by W. A. Wiliwinson
.tat ',he 'Reeve proclaim Wednes-
day, December 254h, 1562, Boxing
day a public holiday
- Carik d
Moved by J. C. Julius-1., sec-
onded by W. A. Williamson Unit
Frank Rutledge receive a Tan
Rebate of $30.00 and the
'Canadian. Logien a rebate of
$50.00 on, the 1962 taxes
- Carried
MoVed by S, Elliott,
OeConded by L. R. Machan that.
.the accounts as presented for
payment be paid
- Carried
Relief assistance 40.00
Dave kra.stitigs, salary 107.00
their act broken up briefly
this seaSon. when Norma (cen-
tre) took time off to have
he first baby. Now mother
of a boinleing boy, she Is
back with Marjorie (top) and
Jean of 03C-TV'S Country
ULLIA.:11 1,0“.0•,0 ..... 1, l Pf;.$4.
I 1.1 Vt., l i..t1,111e,:i, AV1,1)%/.
1% 111. ii. fl uid, salary
ileac]. assistance iu,uu
itenei essisLeu ce 40.00
.L)tIC hustiugs, saiary 101.00
C., streetlights
Geo MeCtitcheon,
salary 150.00
W. A. Williamson
salary 100.00
J. C. .Irauter
saltily 100.00
O. S. .1.11111oLt
salary 100.00
salary 100.00
County Huron,
1562 levy 9753.10
H. S.
1962 levy 8180.81
Brussels Coal Yard,
coal. 7.6,20.
Proviiwial. Treasurer,
;W:orld„ election
supplies • 25.94.
Canadian Legion, wreath..... 14,• 10
.o“.a...,,a.eneort Motors
repairs 13.05
lietherington, legal
work 46.10
..1.4'rauk ,-;.,iticage, Las
rebate 30.00
Canatinit Legion, tax
rebate 50.00
Winer L-iiuners, dog tax
rebate 2.00
A ..aorary, balance
.1962 levy ........ . . • 628,06
Alec c'pleman,
Conn and oaths 26.00
insurance 175.00
Brussels Motors, gas ••• ••• .... 28,0 ?
Selwyn _Baker, insurano .... 58.80'
B.M.G. Telephone, tolls 3,40
,Dave Hustings, salary 107.00
itecuiver General, tax 28.00
Post Office, stamps
Relief assistance 40.00,
(.3.outity Huron, tax arrears
Relief assistance ...... 46,00
on Howard. property 101..09
13,M,G. Telephone 401111
and collections - 10221,06
Moved by WI A. Williamson
seconded by J. C. Kreuter that
B. Cousins be appointed to
represent the Village of Brussels
on. the W, D. H. S. Board for the
year 1063
-- Carried
Snowplowing Iii the alleys
behind the stores was discussed
but it was felt that it was not
advisable at this time,
Reeve George gceittcheon
Vv o-W1 1 140.)
Anyone wishing Lo Sell enests
01. kiraWerb 01' rOCking 01111,14'S
call Mussels 485. These items
must be in good condition,
1.) years cl(l.; 'LL)
JUI1.1.14ify g00
Torranee .Dandas, Walton
Phone Brussels 390W5
Man W11.11Ied to sell natienally
advertised products o hoines
and farms in Huron County.
lz'ermanent. Pull time. Age 30
to 65 preferred. Car required.
Fok personal interview write to'
Mr. A. SW. Sercombe, 1370
,Becliweith Ave., London, Ont.
're tn.., •
l,enuer3 will u e•
the rauciersined until January
7th 1iti8 for the position of care-
' taker in each of the nine
60100.1S in Grey Township SchOot
Area 1. . . •
APPlicairts to state salary.
Duties to commence February
1st, 1963.
Norman, S. Hoover
Sec. 'Grey. PSA No, 1
R. 3, Brussels
VI ,•••••
... ..
.... VV
ullrlu JAW., 4"ti,U4)
kthrigo .J.Jrizes 10.00
Fire Victims 2uu.uu
niche' 'been down 21.50
last Auruu Agri.
Society 10.00
,C.N.L.B. 10.00
1.iare of Swimming
Inst. • ,194.00
,Gurl 10.00
;War ,raiarnorial Children's
Hospital 10.00
Retarded Children's
Association 10.00
Muscular Dystrophy
Association 10.00
pelfare 68.55
Share of Santa Parade
1961 11.33
spoke to the Connell, and thanked,
them for the fine co-operation
he had received during his term
of Reeve and wished them every
success in Ole future.
The meeting adjourned on
anotion of 0. S. Elliott and L.
R. Mach=
Geo. McCutcheon
FEIVIAL LiViei..021E&S
At Their Listowel Plant
Applicants should visit the plant
Office or phone Listowel 900 as soon as possible.
641018WiNIMMadtPal AW2M MINft
,..11r. and Mrs. Laid Ctoutts and
spent several days with Walton
im.r, David .Kirkby,
..11r. and ,Nirs. Andrew Coatis and
family oi! Toronto, were guests
at New Year's won ltd., parents
Mr. and ,Mrs. 'l'ed MeCreatt.
iklr. and Mrs. lierbert Kirkby Antolini; 1,0; LIlO a.ilLiiieuer-
,),laierioo hospital wits a i ibact, of ,Woodstock were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. lerank With iter sister, ribs. uttc
-Kirkby and Mr. and Mrs. saOldice fora few days.
Douglas Kirkby for the New
Year holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Marks,
Mr. and i\li•s, Ralph Truviss and:
Linda and Mr. and Mrs, Nelson,
(Marks, Sharon and Brian were
were New l'ear's guests in Exeter
at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Lawrence Oviarks.
Cisecit Cows it) ;Stock rl
i..;Ads with !radio
Jja L.ney. uoor 4-nap
GU Chev. 4 Door Sedan
4avoy Sedan
58 Chev. Biscayne automatic with radio
asti Chev. Sedan
b8 Pontiac Coach
68 Ford Coach
57 Chev. Sedan
S9 Chev. 1/2 Ton
55 Chev. 1 Ton
63 Oldsmobile
63 Chevy ll with automatic
C:Isism *IP Dealer - Zuportost Products
Mime 56
Brussels, Ont.
Om Evans, Division
Mudge ifingland, correcting
Voters lists 12.00
,W. Ring correcting
voters • lists 42,10
Brussels Coal Yard, coal .,
Tom Garniss, fox bounty 4.00
Nursing Home
November welfare 419,00
S. ;Scott, liability
,i111.Ss • 414,il 11,111116, tilted 011W
an d r.
of •ViSi Led over the
weekend with 1Mr. and Mrs.
-"dr. :Ny flour
were Christuias -visitors with my.
and •• airs, George 111.0./kl tit
wm. H. King
Clerk idilibia imismir