HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-01-03, Page 3;A, 11.,/friQ pro- ricOrkTeTT, Morris tolienship 4 renste,vr in• ....eq. ^,1 .nirre"ten the Urvtr ncl n P WOUrtrr it ?In+ 44n.ki n.4 fl,'" 4 "y "Ai" note far erryment Ar n".nr 411 11.0, inn"""thii) •trPg n1t.- ennAerd fn Tlne^lnher 91 qf llek. • re, ft h 1•1'... "^”n-'17 l4 their meet- ri.rembor 15th. • '-are.".'” efl en ^Al bnotlig n•r•••••• • Wilt; m Kira I'Ln”41,11,^ : ,r4v1 .r. (•1;n4 •,-.. aver Oar- p M. -If seaferth. reemett nri4rbi1rne,r1 +0 meet en ee -re 11 .a.m. ACHESON'S 11)eari Stock znervice HIGHEST PRICES er. ThiS Is the 1962 Chevrolet Subtirban Carryall. The now (.111(:),-.)::ot • 11.14:,: hpod lines for improved road visibility, restyled griPc. lirtetional signals on. most modelis, single headlanips for lower • c 4ovta lin all but few. ,.nodels and longer-life. mufflers- indopenderit front suNgien toll with torsion bar sprint.Taig, successtilly used fOr the po.st two years, has been relined in 1962. AGE•TIVIO nrunsnAY, JAN. 3rd, 1963 THE BRUSSELS POST Established 1878, Serving the Farming 'Coramnifity Published at BB,ITSSEI4S, ONTARIO, every Thursday ROY W. ICEIINEDY, Publisher Moubber Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Canadian Community Neswspapers Representatives Authorized as Second Class 51 ail. Post Office Department, Ottawa GREY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NO. I MEETING The Grey Township School Area No. 1 Board held its December meeting in the Ethel School at 8.30 p.m. with. an moribery present. The minutes of the November meeting were read and adopted on motion of Demary and Fischer. NOV YEAR'S GREETL, If you are a membee of Waterloo Breeding A8sociation you are entitleA h; a voice in elmosing the Directors win. 'will guide its operations and ti- full'report of its 1962 year's business. MEMBERS' ANNUAL MEETINGS BRUCE - GREY - January 2nd, 1963 - Paisley Town li-11 HURON January 5th, i :M) a.m. Department of Agrieultwee tic= ;71, ('Raton WATERLOO - WELLINGTO'',: 'MTH January 9th,beg- Gymnasium, Seagram • t'atvrlo“ Visitors Welcome. Lunt 3-, .12.-vv.:,:ed t::! meetings. ....••••••••• i that the secretary bill USS No. 3 Elma, Wallace and Grey for tuition fees for two pupils Attend- ing No. 5 Grey -- Carried Motion of Demaray and Conley that the Board invite Rev. A. It Griffiths to conduct devotional exercises at the initial Board meeting in January 1963 Carried PUB aausams POST1 musslia,s, ONTARIO WHE:RE flerratt BULLS ROAtIS SUCKS ARE USED 1:00 a.m. PURI WiFtVic ••••••!..1.0.11. wren at goo .7* 4...41.4AN --A BITSR-14 ROM 014.174.40144 Motion of Raynard and nemarav that the Board advertise in the Brussels Post and the tistewel Banner for tenders rev eoretekers in the nine school; in the Area. Duties to commence ' Vehorary' 1st 1.fIG3. Tenders to 1.•• in by yonanary 7..1953 The meeting adjourned on. motion by Conley to meet again on January S at 1-30 p.m, in the roliel School. Norman S. Hoover, Secretary. For Dead, Old or DI.sabled Phone Atwood 856.2622, Co I I ect LIcenc No. 156C62 Carried Motion of Plseher and Demaray l ing the Board Rend a letter of conevatnlation to the Cray Aron. No. 2 Tioard .on the opening of their new school Carried Motion of Raynard and Dem- aray that the following accounts be paid - Carried John Cox, telephone, Guelph Convention and mileage to Ooderich 22.90 John Conley, Onelph Convention 6.00 Max Demaray. Guelph Convention & mileage .,.. 15.50 Stanley Tischer. fiftieth Convention 5.00 Frank Smith. caretaker &implies 14.94 clone MeE'ercher, arrive! No. 1 7.00 Lry•Ii.4 make, iiiimPlng f; 40.00 n • r coal No e 7a.R1 Tj rAnnin01•11rn. ell .. inn al TTr "on (TorintV Tjihrnr, !melte int; AA 'TT•rn In T.1 4TA Motion of Fischer and Raynard. that the trustee's allowance for salary and mileage for 1962 be $200.00 for chairman and $150.00 for hoard members - Carried Motion of Conley and Rayinard FURROW AND FALLOW All meat sold in Ontario for human consumption will be sub- ject to inspection by federal authorities In the very near fu- ture. The provincial legislature gave second reading to the gov- ernment bill making such in- spection mandatory early last week,- referred it to the agricul- ture committee of the house which approved it and sent it back for third reading and it became law before the house recessed for Cluistmas. This fast action indicates the. sup- port this particular piece of legislation received from all sides of the house. Details of the actual func- tioning of the new bill have yet to be worked out, but gen- erally speaking it calls for the licensing of all premises where livestock are slaughtered and the inspection of these as well as all animals before and after slaughter: There will be some exemptions • for a fa rmer slaughtering animals for his own use or for his neighbors, and probably for New York dressed poultry, but all abat- toirs will be• licensed by the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture and inspected by CDA. Owners will be • allowed two years to convert their premises to meet federal standards. Milk producers in this prov- ince who cannot find agreement amongst themselves on how their product should be mar- keted may •derive some solace frinn the news that lumbia producen .are same boat. but vve 11.0: might better llq.•••1 1.) Ow • of a farmer front ihe States. •"Sound bargainhe: dures by .experienced and..nro- perly equipped c4.3-ope , el can yield great benerng to farm- ers as I believe the rev-Tfl . the Michigan Milk l'ine;ti.-•.rs'. Association indicates," ;qt.'s • Glenn Lake. the preside.;t that association and tii•• tional Milk. Producers" .i ,4-rtere.- .tion. 'Co-operatives are a imel• ness"-aveording to Mr. I %to, "a part of the competiiiv4. ness enterprise system. In tle;.; respect they 'should be han0'20 and managed in the carne ent and aggressive manrci any successful busieess. Ce.oe eratives are the mtel. denek..ra- tie of the eriterpr,sc, b make. up the conipetitive • tem." He pointed out that fare,er are being forced to turn mere and more to their own co op- erative businesses in an effort to combat the growing power of other big buorvis gionw. "The business climate the farm. er and his co-operat5ve themselves in today. is us to take a ner: 1001.1 lit. gressive bargaining and keting as a irica!:af farm prices. Mel*,•:er, solidations in the ;17.17 .e 401;,•: try are placing a t...ceit: OW • centration of power in the 1962 CHEVROLET TRUCK V",‘,7!•••,..":1'7". ' ;-ettei-•• of fewer and fewer buy- :)f -milk," he said. He also !,,mtliiin•! to say to those • eo • ,.votiicl lean on the shoul- ,:evecnment as the so- .;-1 to their problems. "His- ten. has shown us," he said, 'X r, a place too much hope • .-:.1:(0-.14racnt. action to solve r.robl:t.n1s, we are _going. to -Lzike made these remarks annual meeting . of Unit- :yr!. and Poultry Co-opera- whe-e . marketing full!. irecl handled - for members •q../ pounds of milk, 4.5 1,1.1!7,•14.. perm& of butterfat • in gird 4.3 million dozens ii, Ins management re- ..oertal. Manager. T. E. :e.ted that U.D.P.C. Sales .,or the fourth year of exeeeded $16 mil- - 1 that the Directors n..••ved a dividend of 40 !:77 , Awe on all common The Unitc.11 Dairy and '.'0-operatives, organiz- 47.1 trier ...ears ago to provide . an.i paultry farmers with ;miss facilities for their now has 14 plants ntze. prevince. These !ai Neve complete facilities •e•o;71.,;;Ing dairy products, -ceiletry- and eggs, and for the • time, in 1962 the co-op r.o.e.••0 ;3143 the sale of fluid lar.;c scale, when the Vict,,ria Dairy in Guelph was -4 - .3r, 7 :iL :met recently II.D. ; .C. .•iainel a contract with a •• Ilitte company at Smiths 1%;l1- pros kle its entire milk Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Applications for the position of Conservation WORKING SUPERINTENDENT Sealed applications Marked. as above and Stating ealtrY expected will ho received by 'the 'undersigned at `box 728 LletoWel, Otttarlo fa 12 o'clock noon Pi.S.T. on Thursday, -Urinary 10.,, 1.942. tor the position of conservation area *Pricing superintendent of the Maitland Valley Conservation A'Utborlty. A position desoriPtion and application form for this eraPloYht it tire available on request from (the miderdigited at the thitovrol 'refiner ()Mee. Wallace AVenn^, tistOWel. Signed, 11. 016.-Treitd., **AA.