HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-01-03, Page 1POST' ptpseipw, opmato PAO, 1111/11
_ _ • .
$2.00 A Year In Advance —
. • ••
urmssra,$, ONTARIO TalUILSDAY, JAN, 3rd, 1203 laaa'r PUBLISHING- HOUSE
The e. Look
The Rost comes to you. this
Week in a revised format, wearing
a ''new look."
;While its dimensions are
smaller you will also note that
the entire eight pages are
plaided in our own publishing
house, This provides our sub-
scribers with •eight pages of
eenunapity news instead of. only
xour .prtges as foymerly,
Some of you may mies the
.artlelee and featmires contained in
the alleadyprinta used pre-'
This service is being
discontinued and we feel that, we
can serve the intereata of our
readers better by giving greater
coverage of affairs of local
interest without an increase in
car subseription rate, such as all
other weekly papers in the 'area
hero been forced to do because ot
rising production costs:
We ask the co-operation of the;
people of the area in bringing to
ono' attention any items of
general interest of which they
may be aware.
'You will find some new
features in this issue and we
hope 'to add others in future
No doubt you will find this
"tabloid" style strange at first.
As you become accustomed to it
jolt wiWina it is convenient;
▪ to' read In relaxed comfort,:
Bill Martin, St, Marys, with
Brussels friends,
Faveaeal Wenamere, Annan:need
, King, '
mel Mrs,
s. Roy
..... Mrs.
as. Geo.
, 1962
E 66
of this denial-Unity taking 'advent-
n ee of our fine Brussels library,
the shell es' Of which are filled
with excellent• reading material.
There is nothing better these cold
eights than to curl imp in a cosy
chair with a. good hook; mere
enterteining too than Yaaalr 41f, "tha
aelaVirlion, Metalline Wa
plAft464 lAtjqltiqft •;.
James S. Armstrong has
resigned from. Wingham District
High School Board. He lids been;
representative for the Township
of Grey for 14 years. HO was
Chairman of the Board for the
two years daring which time the
present school was. built, He
''has been. on the Transportation
CommitteeJor years, The eleven
musses whieh transpott • the
scholars cover 4000 miles • every
day. Tarring Mr. Armstrong's
terne there has never been one
'acc:iclont. Mr. Armstrong was a.
'former member of both the.
Brussels Public and ContialiationI
School *Boards,
if urgent halt Crtiwford and
idetheringtop, at Winghamt or
Brussels '70.
The Brussels office of 'Crawford
end :Hetherington will be closed
for two weeks, until January 17th
foi renovations,
• *
The larageele Coal Yurd buss
nese Mae been sold to Gordon
Stiles by Toe Brewer.
* * *
Patti Greater of the Texan Grill
'Won the Turkey Drava sponsored
'by the Brussels :Hockey. Club,
O *
those interested Please
'see that any' news about local
hockey, curling, broom ball eta.
spa ae schedules, game results,
reach this office. We will be
happy to publieh them,
tk * *
It is hoped that you like the
sew look The Poet lute assumed.
There will be more added
features 'when we really get roll-
ing, juet, bear with on during oar
transition Paine.
* '* * .1
Hoiiday. enthusiasm was soma.!
'what daitipene-e in a number of
homes in' (the village where
members of the family Were
euffering from the current wave
of severe colds and a type of
'Fin bug that robbed them of the
enjoyment of their holiday
We imagine there are those
Who find their homes extremely
quiet theee days. Bapecially those
whose "houses rang with the happy
sounds of their children and
grandchildren, during the holi-
day season.
Jas. S. Armstrong tells ne 'that
the robin that lingered late at
his farm has "floWn the coop",
for which we don't blear() it. We•
evotild like to fly south ttoo. Mr.
Armstrong. aleo told us he has
spelled a ere* braving the
wintery blasts here.
* *
There is a bit of geed nears 'fOr:
these interested. Persons who
have muttered irepredaticine when,
;they feend it difficult to Park,
:ilia then Wade through snow to
renal the school 'auditorium,
beeated alio town snow plow
dirket clear the, parking lea will
be glad to know that the school
board are making their °wit
riatengetients to have it plowed
when necessary;
at Is noted that; Walton library
Mal the Tamsfiatif ;Mg aPaalmlelell'
14 !fripl atalleatia Are pie poolt4'
Mrs. Laura aermnyn was a
teihristmas visitor with C.1-oderich
Mr. and Mi's. alaelaaan at
Sarnia, with their son Ted and
Mrs. MacLean,
Mr. and Mrs, Lyle 'Brothers
and Nancy, soOorough, with
Brussels friends.
* *. ese
John aroovera Montreal, at
home with his ...parents Mr. and.
Mrs. Norman .toover.
• *
,Tester Meehan, Toronto, at
borne with his parents Mr. and
MrS. Leonard Madman.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Donald Edgar anal
family, Richmond Hill with Mr,
and Mrs. aisle Higgins.
* * *
end Mrs. Bob llama. end
Potter, Gait, with his parents
Mr. 'and Mrs. D. A, Rama
Miss Mae Skelton, Toronto,.
who le just out of hospital after
surgery, at her Itaimie here,
Mr. and Mrs. K. Grower and
family of Small:eery were New
Year visitors at the home of Mr.
and liars. '.A.
* *
Neil MaTaggart, Teeswater,
'and Dale illeTreggart of Strntford„
at home with, their parents Mr.
and Mrs. A. MaTaggart.
Mr. Kenneth Bone; Mr. and.
Mrs, John Austin, Susan' and;
Glancy Were Christmas visitors,
With. :their parents Mr. and Mrs.
Thassell Bone,
* *
Mr and fairs. Peter Elemitig-
Way, 'Torte* and Miss Sharon
Hemingway, Bratitford with
their Parente Mr. and Mrs, Doug•
Mrs. T. C. /30..elrer spent Christ-
mus wtttli. almeaa daughter, Mrs.
Beaver and alarargea.ver of London,
'boreal , erne eke ,to spend the
winter in Santa 'Monica, Calif,
Mir. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy
and children and David Kenndy,,
a.ceornpa.nied by Toe Thibeault,
all of Ottawa, with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Kennedy:
Holiday visitors at the home.
Of' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Sinith.
were Mr.. and Mrs H. W. Orwell
of England; Rev, end airs. Win.
Burnett and son Sandy of
Termite: arise Tsabal Smith
Wingleun and Miss .lean Smith:
of Welke/lien
Mr. aria ,Mrs. Kritzer, Listewel,
ni,, the here of their dremaater„
Mrs. TAn‘n1 Michel 'arid Mr.
111130101, MISS Carol Branas
il'Irfadmer, was else r
iltanitel I TB i .Pit Yiffiq
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edgar,
If istowel, with Mr. and aira
Harold Thomas..
Mr. and "Mrs. D, A, Bann, VAIL
!Mr, and Mrs, liobt, Johnston at
Miss Shirley Turnialll home
with her parents Mn and Mrs.
1111r, and Mr, George Taampbell,
Listowel, with their son. Ivan
and 'qrs. 'C, impbell.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker were
holiday visitors with London
alicha.el Baker rind sone
Michael and "Peter,. alanelten,
with his mother Mrs.- TMaker.
air. and MPS. L. Taylor, Toronto,
Mr. said Mrs. Jai. Southgate,
Woodbridge, with Mrs. John
11/r. raid ,Ilars. Starlit Lowe and
'f:amity with her sister Mrs.
Clmaptittaima and Mr. Chapman,
of Clintoti.
Mr., and Mrs. E. C. Mitchell
of. Aginaount, Mr. and Mrs.
Montfort; Toronto with Mr, and
Mrs. Ray Baca:Atm
- 4 0 .
• Mr. nun :tiers, Jack Wilson spent
the Christmas week et •the home
of ;Mr. and Miss Stanley 'Wilson
`of Hemiltea.
Christina s visitors ar ., the llama,
,„ •
of Mrs, CO: Davis were Mr. and'
Mrs. • Jim_ Davis, re 'C. -A, F,
•CfIinton. Mr. and Mrs aWm. Reavie
and seas of Barrie.
•, We are glad 'to report that. Dan.
Melaantem who hes bean a pat-
ient: in Wighoni Hospital
severer weeks, is improving.
Holiday aisiaors Mr. and Mrs.
[Frank Russell and spa 'Mervin,
Mrs. A. Steiss,,all• of Manitoba;
'Bob and Mis :Murray, Toronte,•
aft the home of One and Mrs.
Visitors with. Mi's. W. 'Meat'
`were 'Miss Margaret Fdgar,
Downsview:. Mr. and Mrs. John.
1%a/ ear, 'Bradley and Lori,
Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. Donald
'Ed ear, Kelly amid Mach atil,
Richmond Tarn; Mr. and Mrs.
T3 mete 'Farl gar amid 'I) eibb
Oeltamini; end atim, earl Vai.t. alita
Marty of the bomee in thir.4
villaere presented a feetive
eeteee for the holiday
sea . 97bev ware gay with.
at!!!'.i'mal outdoor areee, special
lla'Itiag effects and traditional.
Caelstinae scarlet: labich added
erer!ttly to the latiletide
'Pho competition sponsored by
tho Hortiettathral Society
we won by the following
1 Mrs. F, Michel
-- jack "McDonald
'R oy Sellers
- 'Frank Mortar:boon
WM, Stratyelufk
Business Places
Max Oldfteld
- Cal/ander Nursing ` Tame
— D. A. 'Faun.
Miss D. McDonald
ta,o-tema a. SCHOOL
taFa -alia.G. JAN. 9th
) frOrn n and School Assoc.
meeting will be held in
the Prelie Seim& on Wednesday,
Jar. 6th. r t. 5.10 n.m: All parents!"
emie friends are invited to attend
:ma see coloured pietires takers
Farnee by air. and leIre.
• Ilene.
f..(rxiAl.: STORE DRAWS
Elliott Grocery
-- lalla Draper
airs. Doug Sneith
gloss Nichol
Donald Ives
--a --Mrs. Harold Smalldemi
Eree Draw — Mary Storey "/
Fre'. Huron Produce
rr.e Dunbar, laelgrave
Hanna Restaurant
David Ts ranter
ele.ther Produce
Emest Martin
Lovve Red 5. White Food Market
- Mrs. Itolit. Procter
airs. (lea. Hyslop.
- airs. Gee. Mudie
Meohan Hardware
(alas. airtuevack
Cleo. Bailie
Mrs. jean Seddon
rocCutcheon Grocery
Mrs. Carrie, Dunbar
Oistfirmid Hardware
Bruce Struthers, :Record
Bob Intenphriee
Tooroteim Feeds? •
Jack Cardiff
* * *
The cold snap we have been
'experiencing has delighted the
hockey players and skaters. It Las
-provided them with. a fine ice
!surface at the local arena some-
-what earlier than usual.
There is something we miss
these frosty winter days. It is a
happy sound we grew up with,
The sound of sleigh bells on the
crisp, clear 'air. Those musical
bells that every man who
drerve ea horse ateaeli' pride in - poseeesVeng and showing off. „e „e
Wood's Store
Strieklee •
Talertele wratizet,