HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-12-20, Page 8zr rill'frsss P. Fvhfl, 1r, C4r.r.liff $3,672-.95 reeve Clerk ACHE3ON'S Dead Stoc. ervice HIGHEST PRICES For Dead, Old or, Disabled Phone Atwood 356.2622, Collect Licence No. 186002 SEASOferH UPHOLSTERY contra woo TaLlitriioNg 440 For all kinds Or Upholstering. PistarOceetttiveil, SELWYN BA KU rtmoNE 263 3 ekuileaLe CHRISTMAS • GIFT Give the gift of OW: 'health this Ciiiitrtute to Chrsfiias Seal=' cnid we- the`, 8.14 oh' bit** 'tiatkateti .100k tUktiddg- tkiti FREE GIFT' WRAPPING ,'r 15w:+ --" .. . MARY MAXIM YARNS **IP, suTTanictc PATT E RNS PHONE 1.0 Grey Twp„ Cauncit 10044g, „4:04 PocwOor I‘Vved .1ky )Ke44411, Bray 4PC9440 by mweora 'WAN that, the rxolAgt00 of the _last meeting be adopted its read Carried Moved by 04cial glietho seconded by Archie, MASS that we even Court of Revision on BY.low No, 15 on the -Gordon Driain Moved by Ohm I-Nether seconded by Kenneth, Bray that we Adjourn Court, of Revision on By-law No, 15 on the Gordon Drain until the 1-5th, Decomber !r• Huron-Bruce `9 • -9 r•: -11(~1 6:1WM1 N'841 -9M. MAt•M'') Sincere Wishes For A WARM and MERRY CHRISTMAS May You Enjoy Good Health and Prosperity In The New Year Robert L. OunnLfgham Ethel Phone Brussels 446J13 mv,Allow,mmostuviztogoawaitm TO OUR FRIENDS: Many thanks for your patronage the past year. It was appreciated Sincerest Wishes For A MER/701 r't7IPISTMAS, AND A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR .1-10,1i.atiaaggi=a0=317M E LIMITED "The Most Value For the Farmer's Donne" Call 199 Brussels Sillaustiday, DeCelAbor 414h, 462 THE BRusgim.f9§T Christmas Draw For Electric Blanket and Bride Doll ,Tickets with Cash Dollar Purchase vitotoittoratmemotem,, mmtoste,MEM May you be blessed at Christmas With Peace and Joy anew And may the coming year Be filled u)ith Happy Days for ytu !MURRAY GAUN .P.P, Maitland Valley ,Conservation Authority Applications for' the position of Conservation WORKING SUPERINTENDENT Sealed applications Marked as above and stating titilarY- tStliedted will be received by the undersigned at bet 138 ttPatoWei, Ontario. '4 6 ik o'clock titioh 'on Thahladtty, So:iiiiaty 1.9.63 'er the position of donservatioii area workitig StMerliitetiderit of the Maitiatad Valley totagefVetkoti Alitthotity, A position description 'and form for this eittloyment are available' oil 1'6(111,66t fro,1 'the ttaiddreigtiOd at the tai6t6itet Pastier ortit6, Wallace Avenue, LiCtOSSel, Signed, G. aV. 11,A;tv2tt1tt)., litte;;A:, SEASON'S GREETING'S Firstly may we thank you for your appreciation of Quality and Service rendered. idav every Blessing be bestowed on One and All in the year to come MERRY CHRISTIVIAS' swesplinoinemosemenan Carriod Moved by Kenneth Bray seconded by Lawson Ward that We psss. Supplemental's! Bylaw No, 24, 1902, in tho amoint of :913010ni0t le bylaw 0 ;tae road construction sand .u to "lie DePartment of Highways for- approval — C Moved, by Lawson Ward. .seconded d b, Archie Mrnii Shah all approved .acceiunts be paid Moved by Archie Mann seconded by Lawson Ward that we adjourn -until Dee. 15 or at the call of the Reeve,. The following accounts. wore paid , Ontario Hydro, clerk's office .,,. 4.45 iCIfffo salary,.R. Dunbar, salsry reeve 4.. 400,00 Archie Mann, salary • so01011ot • Glenn linether, salary councillor Lawson Ward, salary eunceeitniti salaxy councillor Part sahy & -bank : No TOMB, collector Par al W.SEiVn.sianrifillelHoover, salary school attendance officer ....• 25,00 P. Isingland, judge attend Court of Revision of ReT-li4lort Voters.' List 12.00 1VS .1Cardiff, revision . • Voters List .... ..... „.„., ...... .„,, 28.10 Cep. Wesenberg, revision of • Voters. List ... , . ......... .. 1.60 The Mimicinal World, sapolies -9.05 The Brussels Post. printing contrast 275.00,- tax ..... ........ 282,25 Harold S.Wiffs office supplies ..- 1.42 Canadian Legion, wreath 14,10 ProVincial Tresurer, insntlin 2.99 Twp, of Arthur, relief 18,49 Callender Nlursing Home- 79,75 E. M. Cardiff, ptepate financial statements 15.00 0arnochan, repair Balfons drain 24.50 Mslyin Carnochan, renair 6th • "B" drain ir 42.00 Melvin Caratoclum,. repair Bateman. drain 1 Lloyd Hell, fox bounty .„., ....... .8%000 Sitirlirss Flood, bulldozing 75.000 Roh't, Walker, rent champ Alexander dump .,.., ........ 28.00 L. B, Frain, valuator. 10 'trips. 40.00 Ethel •C1snininnity- Centre rent • ........... .. . oil...... nominating meeting .. . 1.0,00 24.41. Ralph. 1..(eff es, fox bounty 4,09 Roads & Bridges ....... 1,407,83 ,... 305.00 200,00 200.00 200.00 200.00 N g Cr 'tt"." MOIVAIW14,52-4165WWW:51161-1161160,Sta rfo Complete AS S' OPPING AT COMPETITIVE PRICES HERE IS THE STORE 1101830410.40P.saVII.S.STSSOMWS0,400021-260•200:2494"sZal2PPil‘V*00011 13eaUtifUl 44 Comb, Brush and 'Mirror Sets, see them outeS Sets Cosmetics by "Evening in izc Parte Yardley, Tiffany s Friendship ,v6,1 Yardley's ISEISVMMEISsitsSISISIEEISsissksWZMWQ*C iStS-sebuniMaisKt•WWIWEill Don't overlook to have some extra Kodak Films. We have them in Black and White, or Colored, also Flash Bulbs and Fla ,..lebdak Outfits giseetetvmvet.-vtgizmweweitect:." sSseITMSI-ISIS-IMSISMWEISICAWI For Men Old Spice, Seaforth , Mennen's, Bachelor .11111111.010.0110.0 liro••••••••11.. Pharmacy FIIIXALL DRUG STORE Phone 62 Brussels owawawaiwAremow,Atow..maltemailiej - • sis.ss-sisss.s.--..sisii•SISSSs' ee dioney? No BONS' You Pay Monthly Principal You Receive and Interest Number Months $1600 1,40.08 60 Months 2000 50.10 60 Months 2500 60 Months 10ss,300.0 75.14 80 Months Business Loans agaMe 30, 60, 90 day Accounts Receivable Capital Loans to Businesses Special arrangements made on larger iosh up to $250,000 Each PHONE FR 6-7324 7177.1.1,,t7a--17V4A.:77, 1,741i 7,-,:115.2 LURIATER ACCEPTANCE . LTD. -937.2nd Avenue East OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO 11.1,S.SX'ssstr0s.. kr..S.SSIcirks.9.$0."S" 0•Sr..ZSI - {0111n 01•11MINERIS ,-ergauta ised Cars ihi Stock 62 Olds with radio 1 Chev. 4 Door Sedan 60 Chev. 4 Door Sedan 60 Envoy Sedan 58 Chev. Biscayne automatic with radio 38 Chev. Sedan 58 Pontiac Coach 8 Ford Coach 57 Chev. Sedan USED TRUCKS IN STOCK 59 Chev. I/2 Ton 55 Chev. I Ton 63 Oldsmobile 63 Chevy II with automatic L-; Your Dealer — 61uportast Products .Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. BEST u .4, 0. 4. •g r BUYS 1961 FPRP. FAIRI,ANg., 4 door automatic, ocaio. MERCURY HARDTOP radio .1904 FORD .FAJFILAN door radio 1956 METEOR : 4 .door automatic • 1956 PONTIAC 4 .door .autematic. 1955. PLYMOUTH, .1951 FORD. 1' TON VAN. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 313 Sure to. Get the GIFT With Every $2.00 Purchase of GASOLINE AT BRIDGE MOTORS BRIDGE MOTORS PHONE 249 aftueseLli MELVILLE WMS PRESENT LIFE MEMBERSHIPs sk meeting of the WMS Melville ,Preshyterlan Church was hs4I in the church parlor, with, the president, Mrs. W. W. Smith in tho chair. The service of worship was in charge of Mrs, John Gibson and Mrs. John Yuill. A paper on the Christmas immage, prepared by Miss Bessie Moses, woo was unable to be present, was road by Mrs. W. C. King; and Mrs, George BIliott contributed a Christmas solo. . " Mrs. W. A, Williams presented two life memberships in the society to MrS. John. Vpill and Mrs. Ceorre. Lowery. -•:-ssrrysset The report of 'the nominating committee, presented by Mrs. John Bowman, included the following President • Mrs. W. W. Smith VicesPresidents Miss B. Moses Mrs. Gee. Elliott, Jr, Mrs. W. L. SPOT. Secretary ..,...., Mrs. D. C. Matheson Assistant Mrs. Harvey Dennis Treasurer Mrs. AmysSpeir Assistant Mrs. John Yksill Glad Tidings Secretaries Mrs. Dan Huether, Mrs. W. R. Little Welcome & Welfare Mrs. ,Inc, Gibson, Mrs. 7no. Campbell 'Literature & Library Mrs. James Mair Supply Mrs. Harvey Dennis Mrs, Wilfred Shoriseed, Miss. .7171EZMIT SBISIBP. Ongerssissesti4,MIXMlie UP TO $5,000 FLEXIBLE TERMS UP TO 60 MONTHS complete your Sown payment consolidation of debts siose existing mortgages no bonus — no prepayment charge — life insurance protection — confidential service Call or Write Glen PA. Ronnenberg IN BRUSSELS TUESDAY and FRIDAY PHONE 66 IllerearessioemiZMIOEMSTRERE SIMMEMILS=311RFRIMI lattOWNWft.1-315AVAigAvelagIWAVIA010. Sep SELECTIO F WATCHES - DIAMOND RINGS CHINA - SILVERWARE ONYX RINGS - JEWELLERY WALLETS - CLOCKS = PENS CUFF LINKS • GLASSWARE Choose Now and Lay Away for Christmas Ch * Tree Decorations Christmas. Gift Wrappings. Tags and Seals Red, Green and White Crepe Paper Christmas Boxes Stationery a wide variety House Decorations?. "-ft - Books, Games and Toys sSs's tRf TTY a.' In tornado's Copital, Elgin Boulevard at Laurier Aire. 400 Outside Roonts s Free TV dad' Redio Air-Conditioned' Leundei FREE PAtkkiNG FOR kt6ISTERED GUESTS • FAMILY PLAN t 1100(6 Wee: Single p,50 -$9.2.5, Iy • Doubles t10-$1.3c) 11. .ti. 01. s Millie McFarlane Pianists ...... „„„,... Mrs, W, Mrs W. C. Kerr Mission. Band Leaders Mrs, John Pipe, Mrs. Louts Ebel Mrs. Murray Cardiff Social Committee Mrs, Harold Mfa. Prank Shaw, Mars, Roy Turvey Nominating Committee ..... „ Mrs. Mrs. Jacob Fischer, Mrs. Geo.. Lowery WINNERS OF THE TURKEY BINGO DEC. 14, 1962 ordinary Games Joe Walker, Wingharn Walter Kerr Mrs, Albright, Wingham Marti Bronson 'Mrs. E, Raymond Moral Bronson ,Carl Graber Bill Austin, Seaforth Allen McK'ercher Allen 111631Cercher Bill Austin, Seaforth Mrs. W. .S.Ogin Brian Travis, Walton Mrs. T. Ga,a-niss Walter "Kerr Cash Specials Ross Somers Mrs. Selling ,Mrs. Bill Ward Door Prizes Billie MrsWhirter