HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-12-20, Page 5FOR SALE — P.,ouse and lot on Mill Street, with hardwood floors and new furnace. For further Particulars apply to Mrs. Ken Tyerman Phone 422W6 WANTED — RAW FURS Mink, Muskrat, Racoon. Better prices. Write or phone: Harry Dale, Ingersoll, Ont, Plums I 331-R Will ca. ,-• •••••••• TENDERS WANTED 1 Tenders will be received by the oindersigned until December 2Sth, 1962, alt 6 p.M., for the position of I earetaker for Brussels Public Schee/. I Duties to commence PO, 1st 19113 State salary expected. Lowest or any 'tender not necessarily "accepted. Elizabeth P. Elliott. Secretary-Trensurer reusse/s School Beard Brussels, Ont. TENDERS WANTED Tenders Iv'el be received by the runderSigned until January 7th, 1963 j for the position of caretaker in each of the nine schools in the or.sy Township School Area No. 1. Applicants to state salary. Duties to commence February 1st, 1963, Norman 5, Hoover Sec. Grey TSA No. R. it 8, Ilnassels Claus Parade in Brussels. It was also decided' to give a pair of blankets to a needy tawny In the community. , The highlight of -the meeting was a demonstration Of Chtistmae, 'decorations by litr. Van (eest, florist, Listowel. The floral arrange- ments by Mr. Van Deest Ivere won by Mrs, Pill Bremner, Mrs, Tim raft end Mrs. 'Urban 15acbartne. 'The members exchanged Christ- mas nits. which were handmade. A delicious lunch • was served by Mrs, Thissel IX:night and Mrs. Martin McDonald. .••••••••:.., MORRIS SCHOOL BOARD Regular meeting of Morris School Board was held in the town. ship Hall on December 6. All members were present. Minutes of the November meeting were read and approlied, Thirty new school desks were ordered for No. 7 and No. 10 from Imperial. School Desks, Patrons. The Board is advertising in local papers for school caretakers for 1963. The Secretary Was instructed to write a GoderIch Insurance firm to have a representative at our next meeting. The following bill were Passed for paymisnt, nutter, tu'al 88,94 3'.• Brewer, fuel 83.18 ,E.Ood School. Supplies 380.24 II/radium Hardware . , ..... 14,08 A lexander EnrdWare, .. . 11.62 Huron tibrary, „, 135.00 G. Bedford gravel 6,00 Face it sod" things have to be imported! gut would a buffalo do as wel I? The treuh le is that we Canadians import too much for our own good. We ate, in fact the world's greatest importers of manufactured goods. Look at thesefiguret which show the aVerage yea rly expenditure on imported manufactured goods for the people of four nations: Canadians—V35 -per person. Americans —$35 per persOit Brititiv—V6 Pet person. West Germans—$60 per person,. if each of us reduced our import buying by just WO and diverted that Money to the"purchase of Canadian products, the province of Ontario would gain 600,000,600 vital dollars which would help provide 60,0tig new jobs I Every Consumer should satisfy himself that there is no Canadian equivalent before he reaches out his hand for an imported product By becoming "label Conscious," he will probably find that often habit has led hit' to the im poi tcd MORE 0 IVO ME kJ helpmate the GOAN Jobs that Ontario ne odt for the prospoi ty of all its people,. Buy that, and graztrige:t:,1•:-.0v;es:: ;1?et‘. aolloi Mdtgirias at Oniado, product The Canadian product) alongside, maybe just at good, Beirnes Welding .& Equipment Phone 15 1 Brussels DII YOU KNOW... Your Co-op can Finance plete eating instAlati n? Contact us today for details Of COOP HEATING EQUIPMENT CONTRACTS YOtill BO Glad You bid! ;I% Eistori ...................,.......,..•.164.40 R. TitirVey „,„ .. .. ...... C. Haines: 1.08.60, iiw EllIott 6. 1\tielietson i0$ 25 liteArter ....... The next- rneetifw will lie. iii the TOWnshin nn l'ailttery 3 Af• 130, i $61110. NelSOn Shaw Oltairin'tift Seerefary atteikltION dA14"tilli*te4A tau#.60/ toit. Firianeinn teittoriiiitte Olen 8410 heir( eaSitte A S•titSf dsal. tit06140 yell 0aeiv cell# to oil bLifiNN: RONiVENBERD Menhiori ..;.;=, Phone trastels PPiOna ttirakisy snit Wingham 1091 Morkfos Brusnels 388W10 C •O.,OP HEATING OILS AND 5ERVICE CAN'T Bri, ritAT OST iN M4MOBIAM, in loving menory of a dear wife 0,414 mother, jnna ourne, who passed away ono year ago, December 31, 1901, Iai our Imarts yolir memory 11,04,01•43, Sweetly, tender, kind and true; There is net a ally, 4.04r Mpthpr, That we do not think of you, 4.4•,04.4 m.-Linden Store DUON NATALE DOLDOG KARACSONY1 CINNDPEKET WESOLYcil '‘%,N/JA,r 4. xPoceroc PAXII,AeTbC51 GOD JUL tM FROM FYI IIINACIITEN VROLLIK KERSTFEDST NOLLAKI StIONA DIWIT KAAA XIUTOYI,ENNA VESELE VIANOCE A C P0)10..tECTEM XPNCTO13bIM MILAI)ON SAID 4 LIECTIITO DOUECTDO NPVIGTODO LINKSMKALEDLL vesa,t 4 vicNoc4 'Jo ye my e :Merry Christmas t1}4 sARBATom FERIciTE NOLLAIG mutmli PRIECIGUS ZIPMAS SVETKUS HAUSKAA JOULUA RAID JOULUPUJ1E igl6i.OVN 4. XPIICTOC CB P0.1411 BACP,I,IblX KAJ131,1tAi'' GLiEDELIG JULItY p9A-AL'''"C'i NADOLIG LLAWEN SRETAN BOW ITTAJJEI3 VESEL ROW af FELLZ NATAL !.* YOUR 131110E TO C ristit as g YOUR LIST FOR 'THE MEN and WOMEN ON a Large~`- New Fresh Selections 'Sadly missed by Don and the boys WI.:4ETTARD 0--- In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Sarah E. Whitten!, who Passed away three years ago December 13th, 1959 Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother, ••••••••*.t.tt,..-1, IN MEMORIAM It Is sweet to breath thy name; , 1 In rife we loved you dearly, In death, we do the same. Lovingly remembered by Forrest, Lois and children. Bring YoUr ihopping list along and let or experienced staff help you 4, AS LOW AS PHOTOGRAPH BY CAVOOK THE GREAT 4TAIRGASE, PARLIAMENT gotomo, .quggiv's PARK t The Cliriatmas Card /shown above , is unijque In that it conveys greeting to its citizens in so many languages. The Department of, the ,Provincial Secretary and Citizenship of OnIario bah produced Stich a card, TIM for the third year, C11.46iNEIROOK TdE LYilliam Linden STORE DR. DONALD M. NOBLE, M. D. e,HYSIC1AN and SURGEON Pet On, In Knox Presbyerian Church Sunday . morning (he new pulpit light was presented by Brian Evans on behalf of the. Y.P$'. and dedicated by .;Mr. B, G. Nelson, The cross will be dedicated at w later date, A pleasing ChrisWas duet was contributed by Misses Judy iVlachan and Brenda Ward of "Union. 'On Christmas eye a eandle-light service will be held in KnoX Church at nine o'clock, Baskets of flowers were placed in 1 the church on Isunday in memory of { a member, the late Mrs. Sohn Pride I The service in (Knox Presbyteran 1 Church on. December 30th is being cancelled in favour of the closing service at 'Union Church, Mr. and Mrs. 13ev. Weber and sons, r,istowel, visited on Sunday at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Fail, i Dunn,. C'ranbrook W. I. 'Mrs. Steffler, Mrs. K. McDonald and Wiles fena Noble were hostesses to the December meeting of the Cranbrook women's Instlitute in the ,Commttnity Centre. The members responded to the roll call by giving new hints for rhristmas dinner.. The motto, a gift without the giver is bare, was given by Mrs. Jae. Bremner. During the business section of the meeting t was decided to give five dollars towards the Santa ARGYLE AVENUE For Quality et—Satisfaction LISTOWEL Around the Corner from the Bank of Montreal — Across From the Post Office Ob•AtOrs,AtVglit,G*VittaWAtoivolie Brussels, Ont. OFFICE HOURS Evenings 7:30 — 10 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and-Friday Afternoons 1:30 — 5 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - • —, FOR SALE ) 3 small poppies, house dogs. Phone 131J Brussels and Saturday ATTENTION FARMERS Not only does it contravene tile Highways Traffic, Act, but it is difficult to keep townnship roads free of snow if 'the plow is being coutiounily lifted, for milk cans and vehicles left on the road. We are not responsible for any damage that may occur, also, snow should not be removed from gateways unto the road so that it impedes or hinders traffic, Earl Bowes Road Supt, Township of Grey WEEKLY SALE Brussels. Livestock Sales Yards EVERY FRIDAY I P.M. TRUCK FOR SALE One 1955 FARGO, .43 Ton Line Truck, ,complete with winch. Truck No. 872-057. (May be inspected at Ontario Hydro Service Building, Victoria St., Clinton, Ontario, All offers must be accompanied by a certified cheque amounting to 10% of the total offer and mailed directly to the Ontario Hydro, S. E. & Mt, Department, P.0, Box 905, Toronto 18, Ontario. FOR SALE Scotch ..Pine Christmas Trees. Thos, Pierce Phone 436J6 Your Pomo Visitor, Market Whore You Are Welcome As Conelinor es Buyer FOR SALE — Oil Stove in good condition. Cheap for quick sale. Irene Pease Phone 155 FOR SALE — A soft blue party dress, size 16. sculptured nylon over taffeta, full skirt; freshly cleaned. $8.00 Phone 223W, Mrs. Robt. Raymond PHONE 46 BRUSSELS, ONT. Fts. f Going Home for Christmas? Get tickets and reservations now sale. Scotch FOR SALE — Christmas 'Trees for Pine and Spruce, Selwyn, Baker .1 • *.*:,4* • .3 Phone 263,1 Penington Plan a dependable train journey. Ask about low week- end fares, group coach rates, gift travel tickets. Consult your local agent, WITH THE PURCHASE OF TOP QUALITY CHAIN $ AW S This chain sow line has everything. • Power • Speed • Balance • Design • Selectivity (3 big models) Try a Remington" Chain Saw today, 'Handling charge. $41.00 CANADIAN NATIONAL • 55.42 • Outcuts Outlasts 'Om All SCHOOL. CARETAKERS WANTED AMAtoktiOtill In wilting will be received by Morris School Obeid Until Deceinber ti,, for the position Of Caretaker in each Of the MOrrie teheela 'for 1963, N ee IOU eoinriienee PebiltarY omits, Will state Salary, 146 (tD11116, atfon Will necessarily ho tteCentect ltaiph She* Secretary tritsSelS, ant, • &ItRi.:00 OATAS SPEEDING ASSOCIATION 1,,Where Better 444.1114 Are 0100 ' I 1.;:',/,.rdimr ovVitoid and aontroltedi *g'irltiii tit Colt. of ban end bro46 riffieeling 'mortis% 'till LOD YOU to n, Thor* eIlnient ll'Otistank riOttrittleri .• ..14riaree OT Thtiro. tittut "It .ton 2-84,I1, or ter imsrc Clinton Pinitb 11440. ttreillfft CATTLE FOP werritrt, t.iitgr;M OVIEANtMaN't qF alc(IAJt1-' YRA01, 014118,Abt: