HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-12-06, Page 1:Donald Duck Orange Juice 48 oz. 3 for ''' • ' ' • ''' .. ..... $1.00 Green Giant Corn Niblets 2 for • .. 39c 0--4.44.444.44444444 McC TCHEON CER For Eating- Enjoyment Doting The. Holiday .Season Christmas Spedal ICE CREAM 111;l1 el f± ''con g and Old SO at atittE To KM1 SOME' ON HAM) To TREAT' VOW 'FAMILY ANO FA15108 a •••••••••i410..4•1 Thursday, December 6th,, 1962 .Ptert Mice' Post Publishing House I HONORED. ON SOth WEI7DING ANNIVERSARY 1 Mr_ and. Mrs, Lynn 'ZVallfi( / celebrated their "50th' wedding Anniversary on alOveraber 27th, They were halite to • their friends and relatives in the afternoon and evening of their anniversarar, A reception, was held in their honer on Friday evening Cava brook Cann-unity ,Centre, Daring • the evening progressive (Mehra and then dancing was enjoyed by everyone to the music of Mann's oreheatra. - The highlialt of the eveninv was 1 when Mr, and Mrs. Evans were called to the front on an address- was read by Selwyn Baker. A space raver, two lamps, and other Tanner- ens gifts were presented by Mrs. Mac Engel and airs. Allister Bird. Both Mr. and Mrs, Evans thanked everyone in a most gracious manner, Among the messages of congrat-i Winterlmeyer; Lester B, Pearson anal The former 'Lillian Mae Lamont, Mirtarty Gaunt mt,P,p, ; she was born in Brus'sels, She was Mr and Mrs. Evans, both born in I was the daughter of the late Allan Grey Township, were married in... and Olive DaMont, Cranbrook by the late D. B, McRae. I She leaves to mourn. her death her GREY TOWNSHIP NOMINATION. MEETING . • Elea ice Pea' 8 'For 3. T, far School Area 114a, 1. All other Offices. Filled By Acclamation The Township of Grey Nomination. meeting was held. November 29th in Ethel Can/Mtualty Centre. Nona inations were .ati — Qualitied Reeve — Clifford R. Dunbar (Q) Dray MISS P.KYAN4. • Mss Clara Maude laryans, 80, died at the .Q4110der Nursing Heine, liana-els after a long in alnals Township, she waa, the daughter .of the late William And Ellen (Francis) •Bryana, Slyo was, a retired ophthalmologist, and conducted an office here for a number of , years, Funeral service was condeeted at the D. A, Rann funeral home by the Rev. H. L, Jennings of ',St. John's Anglican Church on Wednesday at 2 p.m, Burial was in Brussels cemetery.... She is survived by six brothers; Elward and Harvey, Morris Towne ship; James,. Brussels, Charles of Whitby; Robert, St Petersburg, Fla.; Franklin of Hamilton and one sister, Mrs, Eleanor Ames. of Ethel, The Grey Township School Area No. 2 Boarti Extends A Cordial Invitation For All To Attend I* OFFICIAL OPENING of the WALTON PUBLIC SCHOOL On the twelfth of December, 1962, at 8 p.m. 59c 'Mount Royal Tomatoes 28 oz. Pink Seal Salmon 1 lb. 21c Councillors Kenneth alenn Ruether. Q). Archie Mann (Q) Lawson Ward (Q) John Conley Seltool Area No. 1 _Caen Raynard (Q) (leorge Pearson (Q) Stanley Fischer Allan MaTaggart (Q) Daniel Snyder (Q) John Conley (Q) , School Area No, 2 Couttts (Q) John Bryan (Q) Q) 1 NV.64$ .MM tiLVAiiircot 2DM„ MAW THE PUPILS AND TEACHERS OF BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL Will Present Phone 293 We Deliver MAK Rie Oitt AV MON M, MOW CHRISTMAS CONCERT ln. The Auditorium of the School on MRS SYLVESTER FOX Presbyterian Chuiw.:11 IN CANADA. Melvi lie Ch147,'Cit Minister: Soy. W. J. Morrison, l.A. Organist: Mrs. Frank Thompson 11/ A. 14. Church School 11 A. It Morning Worship Bveryone is welcome HI-T NEWS The Brussels 111-71' will hold its Cecil Bateman was appointed chairman or the meeting. nlations were best wishes from: I Mrs, Sylvester Fox, 0, died in. J.• P, Roberts, Premier; :John.] .Wingham General Hospital Saturday. TUESDAY, DEC. 18th at 8 p.m. Under the direction of Mrs. Wm. H. King, their music teacher The program will consist of Square Dancing, Rhythm Band, A Nativity Scene, 3 part Choruses and Novelty Numbers Admission: 50c The Reeve and Colman were first Sadie Hawkins Dance on Saturday, December .8th instead of December 15 as previously arranged. Remember Girls !you will be fined if you do not bring a boy, first speakers on the platform. CLIFFORD DTTNBAR — said he 1 Tbey began their married life on the 14th concession of Carey township; husband; one son, Allan of Toronto, and a sister, Mrs, Satnuel (Elva( Dell, Teeswater. The funeral Was held from the Ti, A, Bann funeral home on Monday at; 2":00 pan. Rev, W. J, Morrison of Melville preslayterian Church APPLICANTS Organist and Choir required for Brussels United please reply^ stating to Cecil McFadden, Music Committee. was grateful for acclamation and would be in One running for warden next year. He paid tribute to the I 1 late William Brown, fire chief. and ,. ,also wished better health for George 1 Hutchinson. He gaVe A summary of I of how money was spent, in the I County and said he felt it was well I 'spent, He gave reports on the Connits Rome, Museurrr. Libraries, Health Unit operations and the 1 ('-faidren's Aid Society., WANTED — — I and in 1944 moved to Clra,nbrook Director Mrs. Evans was the former Church. Amelia lVfoinnis, 1 1 salary expected, The had one son, Stuart, who Chairman predeceased them in 1958,. They ' have six grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Both are In good health and. enloyed the festivities arranged In, their honor to celebrate this 11We aeoasion, Mr, Arthur Nichols, Brodhagen, shiffered a heart attach on. Sunday at the hobie of his sister-In-Yaw, Miss E. M. Steltis. He was removed, eto the Seaforth Faospital Sunday evening h the D. A. Rann ambulance, conducted the service, • Atirial. was in 'Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were Harry Bowler, Joe Brewer, Dave HaStings, Jack RECEPTION and DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Hutton )nee Mona Clark) ENNETH Lowe, Dick Elliott and Bert Harris. K gay said the Flower Bearers: David Hastings, '1 council Wed to do work where it i Kenneth Bowler, Wayne Tow°, I was necessary, He would like to see more weed spraying done and more 1 1 construction work. He explained I the item on Auditor's report regard- , FRIDAY, DEC. 14th rawftrawmalittawoummotolt You Are Cordially Invited To Attend- THE POINSETTIA TEA. and BAKE SALE Of Christmas Raking SATURDAY, DEC. 15th at 2 to 5 p.m. AT BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY Sponsored BY Morning Star Rebekah Lodge • • • • • • • • • • • • • • im • • 1 The United Church OF ,CANADA Sillnleter: Rey. A. -K..Griffiths Mr. Wm. 1Connoll Morning Worship 11,00 9.46 A.M. Sunday School Anglican Churcb OF CANADA Rom,: Rev. H. L. Jennings R.A. Organist: Mrs. I. UMW. ST. JOHN'S 11 a.m. Morning tarayer sad Church Seim' GARBAGE COLLECTION There will be a collection of Monkton Arena Clare French's Orchestra Ladies Please Bring Lunch (Broutiht to you as a public service by ONTARIO'S SILVER' & BLACK FLEET) ,.....111•••••••••••• Entertainment Nightly HURON ROOM — SEAFORTH The Queen's Hotel THE KANSAS FARMER DEC. 10 to DEC. 15 garbage in Brussels on December Sith, 1902. The ruling for collecting will be as folllows: Cost $1,00 per Month per family Stores $1.50 per month per unit This means it your garbage is out this week and not next there will be no difference in payment of calls. The collecting of paYiments wil l be one month before pickup of garbage. There is no obligation to any person feeling this is not what they want. I .garbage out Before One 'O'clock, Cutting Phone ST. DAVID'S, Henfryn Lit tam.. Bible Class 1St a.m. Evening Prays!' and Church Scheel Wed. Dec.. 12 Young Peoples', 8.30 'lam 4011:12.wzmafrarimarsastssresorosamossmaxsasenes-s4s- BEAUTY SHOP Styling Cold Wavle A Specialty 140 Brussel ing commercial rate and per capital grant. He felt there should be a I vote on the school situation, GLENN — wished Clifford Dunbar success to be chosen, tribute to the late William Brown, I as warden next year. He also paid He said he would like to see a. It Central School butt felt there shotild, be a 'vote on it, Re would stand if I there was an election. ARCHIE MANN — mentioned the paving of the road through Ethel and purchasing the new grader. Pe said the engineer had been here and. the work was laid out for next year I to build culverts in place of bridge. I He felt what the voters want I regarding a Central School should be doneee stated he vrduld stand for re-election, T..AWSON WART) spoke about ; putting` mere gravel on the north roads and heavier coats on, He said r.n-unell felt more and better work could be done by keeping the old I erlder. He felt Central School would be a good thing and should be I brourrbi to a vote, ;MEN CONLEIr thanked his nominators for council hut he said be wouldn't went to calt,se election ", TIP stated he was interested in education having been on the school hoard for 1? years. He brought 111) the enst of the nose Drain levelling. CALVIN KRAITTER — reeve- elect of Brussels spoke briefly and Dunbar for Warden. JOHN COX. GltairMan of School Boar(dcoAntrtentia eNd frth o.io— agexplainedet) the ORgiattneMMeeitMateMAgailitAC. TOWNSHIP OF GREY We thank the Ratepayers of Grey Township for an acclamation in our -respective offices for the year 1963. We also welcome the loppoTtunity to serve the best interests of the ratepayers for the ensuing year, and take this =occasion of wishing all of you the. Compliments of the Season for 1963 I ,••••••••=• CARD OF THANKS I would like Ito thank everyone who was so thoughtful in sending cards, gifts, etc, during my conyladescence after My car accident. These kind thoughts and deeds were greatly' appreciated. Pearl Baker CARD OF THANKS On behalf of the baby and 'myself T would like to express our sincere thanks for the letters, cards, telephone calls, and visits we received while in hospital and since our return home. 'Jean and Donelda, Stiles CARD OF THANKS 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Evans would like to take this opportunity to thank their Molds and neighbours and relatives tor the lovely an4, useful gifts presented to then, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. your thoughtfulness was annrec.- iated, CARD OF -THANKS T would like to take this opport- nniitiy to thank lmtv friends„ neigh" boars and relatives for their cards, treats, and Messages- of good cheer during My stay in Victoria Hospital, London, and since ietv return home. I Votild also like to thank those' who helped Mary in an1y way. It was all greatly apnrecinted. Allister Bird ON Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor IN Clifford Dunbar Kenneth Bray Glen Huether Archie Mann Lawson Ward WINNERS OF THE TURKEY BINGO, NOV. 80, 1962 Ordinary Games Willis Knight Barry Mains BIllie McWhirter Mrs, George McArthur Dave Hastings Jr, Mfrs, Pearl Lowe Mrs, Toni Gamin John Pipe Mrs. WM Thuell, Blyth 'Bill 'Kennedy, Wingham Sandy Rowland Henry Mrs, Daviid Hastings Mrs, George Bridge "Won, Kennedy, Wingham Cash Specials Allan Nichol Mrs. Emby Jean Lamont at Neil Adanas Door Prizes Tom McDonald 11W6 -P M. -3' -n M• WILLIS'S 'MESH NAIAD Wild BAKING OMI,y. Fetal Filth'. andVitietabitit, Ati TIM* WEEK.END SPECIALS Mount Royal om toes. 2-8 ota ' GIANT AUCTION SALE. kLUEV'ALE, ONT. at the Bluevale Community Hall TUESDAY, EVENING, DEC. 11 AT 7 P.M. SHARP Auctioneer Frank Buuck will once again offer for sale a Large selection of 'New and Used Household Furniture, Television and Appliances But as this 's the last Sale in this area befOre Chrittrnas We will offer for sate a large qUantity of Brand New Clothing (most Of It still in plastic belga) and a large selection Of brand NeW Toys, FiThiithre and Appliances Will Consist Of Refrigerators, Ranges, Washers, pryer, Freer. Chesterfields, Davenport Suites, Bedroom Suites, Continental Bode, 1 .1100nit And CeippertOne kitchen and Dinette Suites, Sett, Radio And Record Play-ere, Cord ()Nan, Tables, Rocker Larnpii, late, ate. eta. etc Toys will consist aft belie Of all sizes Different Wilda Of Games, large and small, Trains, Camera's'; Trtiekdo Iledetalt, Flashlights,, it HS and Holsters, Aetainlatieta Dunap Trucks, Battery Operated Toys Gift ante, end many Other, Ueettil Toys to numerous ention. Clothing Will Carteret oft a-a Men'e Cardigatia, and Car Coats,, Prete And Witirk Raki, Sateatert and Shit.* UndearWeaa and docks„ Mika, and dleVea, Ladies Nylons, BUlky' knit Sweaters, Blouses, Mtn* ohliciretioe Poodle §654 Bllniar Sweaters, Trousers iterWear, and Baby's : Sleeping tleealtia §6(6, Planers, Baby Menke* and Many; Many CHRISTMAS GIFT Fft!vMM(MMV 41.064440.16. • 4 $1 60 Tops Dog Food 15 oz. 11 for --- Donald but range Alice 3 for "IS*" $1400 bt,ia the gift Of good health this Christmas. Contribute to Christinas Seals and use the Seals On letters, packages, ant! Christmas cards. if la Vight 'hristmas Seals Ph.me. :f.VtlAnt5N;7 -Other steins, PAriatiitalkiaafia eastia Paa:ta A4.4*.:$ Aviellotio•o. "V'?Atiti tritiloott, t',1160010 Aedetfeit • •mqi.11.,m..r.v.akew,...tel " •