HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-11-29, Page 7WAR'S FAR EAST ARENA -- Basic area bracketed by the Red Chinese assault on Indio is portraye,1 on NeWsmop,
above At left, Chinese seek to increase control of border urea between Ladakh arid Chinese-dominated Tibet. With
firm control, they could command several routes, including posses through. near-impassible mountains. At tight
Communists press along the McMahon Line (White' arrow) which approximates the northern Assam border, running
frOM itS jurictwe with. Bhutan to upper right on map, where Assani and Burma borders meet Immediately to the'
touth of the McMahon Line is the North East Agency With this, area ih their contrcl, Red 'Chinese would
FiteVe 'lever With which to pry India from her claim's in Ladakh, to the west, under the threat of continued attack.
Hor. Cat Came
ro Her ',Rescue!
ally, until onion is soft, bet net
browned.. Meanwhile, blond, sea-
sonings with bread cubes; add
onion, celery, and fat..Blerid. Pour
the broth gradually over surface,
stirring lightly. Add more sea-
soning as desired.
* 4 •
When serving A roasted stuffed
turkey, plan to have it out of the
over :40-30 MintileS before you
servo it. This gives the meat time
to absorb the juices. Also, it
carves more easily. And, just a
word to help whoever is carving
— don't .overload the platter with
fancy garnishes that get in his
way! Limit the decoration to
parsley and perhaps one veget-
able or fruit to be served with
the turkey.
LEAD MAN — Jock Page used to walk his dog, Judy, via a
lead, but nowadays Judy gets u ride around this pork. "Be-
ware of dog" sign is just to show that Judy, nine years, .old,
doesn't wont to be bothered by anyone
Lord Astor .R0.4u:
Fi'ont cakes -To ',Richos
The great Lord Astor of Hever-
is in grim earnest in his plan to
leave England and thus elucie the
glutviles of the tax collector', lf
he leaves, the family fortune of
$30T00.,000 will stay intact it
Nev, York but his death in Iiri-
ttrii; could spell a tax loss of
$24, 4C1,000:
It :; something his great-grand-
r would never have allowed.
join, Jacob Astor the First was
penniless: immigrant son of a
German butcher — who landed
in New 'York and sold cakes for
a living, crying his wares
.thr(.411 the streets,
To allract attention he played
a flute — and found one day that
an Indian wanted to buy his
whie le rather than his cookies,
It gave him arm idea, Astor
went out 'to Red Indian territory
where he traded penny Whistles..
for costly fur pelts. He sank the
profits from the furs into N"w
York land — and sheer panic did
the rest.
In 1812 British guns menaced
New York, Astor bought land
from the stampeding settlers until
hr soon owned nearly the whole
When his descendant. Colonel
John Astor, went down on the
Titanic, the family fortune was
estimated at $250,000,000.
The total has soared astronom-
icayll since then. Lord Astor's
family trust is just a slice of the
fantastic Astor pie!
Modern Etiquette
By Anne Ashley
Q. Which is thworrect form,
"Mrs. Baldwin, this is my hus-
band," or, "Mrs. Baldwin, this
is Mr. Leeds"?.
A. The correct form is "Mrs
Baldwin, this is my husband,"
Q. Do you consider it in 'good
taste to writea social letter with
a lead pencil?
A. ,It is mucele better to avoid
tins. But if you simply MUST,
it is usually nice to apologize-
for the pencil.
4 4 +
If you like potatoes seasoned
with a touch of dill and cheese,
try these for Christmas Day.
8 cubes (Ve-inch) mild Cheddar
1 eise envelopeiee instant mashed mita-
14,'2 teaspoon salt
4,13 teaspoon dried dill or 1% tea-
spoons fresh dill chePeed
2 tablespoons melted butter,
Cut cheese into cubes and let
warm to room temperature, Pre-
pare potatoes as directed on
package. Add eggs to potatoes,
I at a time, beating after each
addition. Add salt and dill and
mix well, Divide into 8 portions.
On a well-greased baking sheet,
shape potato mixture into mounds
with a cube of cheese inserted in
center of each. Drizzle 1/2 of the
butter over the mounds. Bake at
400°F, until heated and tipped
with brown — 18-20 minutes.
Brush with remaining butter and
serve immediately.
* *
A garnish that you might like
to use instead of salad for your
dinner is fruit in orange cups. It
serves 8.
2 cups chopped apples
M cup each, white and dark
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
eee cup water
4 oranges
Cook together slowly apples,
raisins, salt, sugar, and water —
about 15 minutes,'Cht oranges in
half; remove sections, from shell.
Cut sections into ,small pieces
and add to apple en,:pcture. Serve
either warm o'r chilled in the
orange shells. ,
1(6iY Jct.= Andtkevs.
At Least They .Donit
Chew It For You!
The largest automatic push,
button restaurant in the U.S.
perhaps the world — has just
opened in Chicago to. such Me-
lades as that of the advertising
man who especially liked a des,
"The cheesecake is just great.
Not one of those little wedges
. you usually get. A really big
piece. And only a quarter."
‘'It passes the hot test for me,"
remarked a businesswoman. "The
roast pork was really hot when
I got it,"
Two ladies said the food had
been "good enough," but admit-
ted they did not care for the
bustle, even though it all took
place in what they conceded was
a handsomely decorated canta-
loupe-orange, chocolate-brown
and cream 'setting.
The restaurant is the IBrass Rail
Automatic Restaurant, imper-
sonal even to the automatic coin
and bill changer. It is located
in a lower street-level area of
Michigan Avenue's famous Wrig-
ley Building. It is the newest
and largest of its type there and
is the latest venture of the Inter-
state Vending Company which,is
head-quartered there.
Interstate's president, Ronald
Wolff, told newsmen prior to the
public opening about the restaur-
ant's concept, an enterprise
strongly reminiscent of, but much
more highly automatic than, New
York City's famed Automats.
"We can serve more people
(250 seated at any one time) than
a conventional restaurant of the
same size. We offer more con-
venience to people on the run.
With vending machines we can
offer wide variety and high vol-
ume at standard peices, We are
close to demand in an office--
building location such as this,
"A restaurant of this type is
possible because of improved
technology in vending equipment,
because of the development of
specially prepared meals for
vending. This opens the way for
an - ever increasing number of
automatic food-service installa-
tions in. public, industrial, and in-
stitutional locations."
The restaurant automatically
serves a complete menu of Brass
Rail main-course meals, sand-
wiches, salads, desserts, and bev-
erages through a bank of more
than 20 vending machines.
The food is flown in frozen
from Interstate'S food prepare-
, tion center in New Jersey. Each
item is automatically .restocked.
Thuy, 16, niece of President
Ngo Dinh Diem of Viet Nam,
is among women volunteers
taking training in Saigon to
fight Communist Viet Cpng,
It is said that the dog is man's
best friend., But far as three-
year-old Monika Skoda is eon-
Cerned, the beet friend she will
ever have is Minki — a magnifi-rent black cat,
Fee Monika owes her life to
the cot — a life that was serie
euslyerlangered by a huge alsa-
tian dog.
It happened in Pfaffstatten, a
village near Vienna. Her parents
bad driven Monika and Minki to
a public house between, the fa-
mous vineyards of Pfaffstatten,
The mother and father were
sitting at one of the rpugh wood-
en tables, drinking heuriger and
chatting/ with friends. They did
not notice their daughter slip
away to explore the gardens,
The gardens were large and
Monika wandered aimlessly for
several minutes, with the cat
paddling silently along behind,
Evehtually the girl found some
sand to play with, while the cat
jumped on to a hedge.
Minki was the first to notice
Fox, the publican's powerful al-
satian dog. She arched her back
and spat at the intruder, but Fox
took no notice — his interest was
centred on the little girl.
In her innocence, Monika. rose
to pet the animal. She thought
he was friendly like other clogs,
It was a terrible mistake, Mon-
ika's sudden movement spurred
the alsatian into action. The dog
bared his teeth and, with a vi-
cious snarl, sprang at the child,
knocking her to the ground.
Before she could utter a cry,
the dog had bitten her several
times on the face, Monika lost
And she would have lost her
life had not Minki come to the
rescue, Crouched on top of the
hedge,. she sprang at the alsatian,
clawing for ,the dog's eyes. Fox
turned to face his new opponent
and a bloody fight ensued.
Hearing the terrifying noises of
battle, Monika's parents and the
publican rushed to the scene and
managed to drag the animals
apart. The dog lost an eye and
Minki was badly bitten.
A doctor was called to treat
lidonika for shock and facial in-
Both Monika and Minki recov-
ered quickly — and they are even
stronger friends now.
The following timetable fer roasting turkey
Poultry and Egg National Board:
Ready-to- Oven Internal
Cook Weight Temperature Temperature
6 to 8 lb. 325°F, j90'495°F.
8 to 12 lb. 325°F, 190°-195°F.
12 to 16 lb. 325°F. 190'-195°F.
16 to 20 lb. 325°F, 190*-195°F.
20 to 24 lb. 325'F, 190°-195°F.
*Shorten time % to 1 1/2 hours for unstuffed turkeys — the shorter
time for birds up to 12 lbs. and the longer time for birds over 12 lbs.
Total Time for
Stuffed Turkeys*
3% to 4 hours
4 to 41/2 h9urs
41% to 5% hours
5% to 61/2 hours
6% to 7 hours
is from, the U.S.
There's A Saint
Even For Toothache!
Diver Helps To
Search For Himself
A skin-diver, who was thought
to have drowned, helped to
search for, himself at Sante Max-
ime, on the French Riviera.
The diver was bobbing up and
down, testing some new equip-
ment, But holidaymakers thought
he was in difficulties, and when
he failed to surface they called
out the beach rescue squad,
Unable to locate a drowning
man they summoned further help
from the fire service and sent an
SOS to a water rescue team at a
nearby resort.
Meanwhile, oblivious of the
furore he Was causing, the skin-
diver had 'unobtrusively crawled
out of the sea about 300 yards up
the beach. Removing his aqua-
lung, he flopped down on the
sands to rest. A few minutes
later, he took a stroll along the
beach and saw a great commo-
tion ahead,
"A swimmer has disappeared,"
he was told.
"O.K.," he said. "I've an aqua-
lung with me Perhaps I can find
So, for the next thirty minutes,
he helped the rescue workers
probe the sea-bed.
Finally, the hunt was called
off. And only then did someone
recognize him as the skin-diver
who. had disappeared.
He was almost mobbed. Some
kissed him in relief. Others
called him an idiot for having
started such a wild-goose chase.
life you save may .be your own.
more than yob need — or you
may want to make more for this
purpose — bake the stuffing in a
loaf pan or casserole the last hour
the turkey is roasting. Baste it
with pan drippings, if desired.
I cup fat
1 cup minced onion
I quart diced celery
4 quarts bread cubes, firmly
packed. (2-4-day-old bread)
1 tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper ,
2 teaspoons, poultry seasoning
11/2 -2 'cups, broth, milk or water
Cook onion-and 'celery in fat
over low .heat, stirring occasion-
If the turkey purchased carries "
specific instructions for handling
and cooking (on the wrapper or
insert sheet), follow those recom-
mendations. True roasting is slow
cooking by dry heat on a rack in
an open pan. And no water, no
cover nor searing is required.
Variations of this method also
give satisfactory results, What-
ever the method, always com-
plete roasting in one continuous
cooking period.
How Well Do You Know
Botanists and birdwatchers are
fleeting to save an acre of bled-
elerwort plants threatened by
plans for a new power station in
The bladderwort is a rare in;
sect-eating plant with pretty
yellow flowers.
The Gloucestershire Trust for
Nature. Conservation is trying to
persuade the State Electricity
Board to shift the location of the
power station and leave the
plants undisturbed.
"You don't find much bladder-
wort about nowadays," said Rob-
ert George, chairman of the na-
ture trust. "It would be a pity
to lose it,"
"We also have a pair of marsh-
warbler birds (they're rare, too)
nesting on the site and would
like them left alone also."
ISSUE 48 — 1962
SUPERSPOOF — Comes now a
movie, "The Thrill of It All,"
Which lampoons not only tele-
vision's carbon copy formats
but also its soap huckstering
commercials, High light of
the film is sudsy Pamela Cur-
ran, above, who uses and
recommends "Happy Soap" to
SMELL like a star,
134 cups crushed graham
1/t cup melted butter
1/3 cup sugar
34 teaspoon cinnamon
134 cups small curd cottage
1 cup canned pumpkin
4 egg yolks
34. cup sugar
3/2 teaspoon salt
512 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
3/4 teaspoon nutmeg
4 egg whites, stiffly, beaten
Put cottage cheese through
sieve or beat well with mixer.
Blend in pumpkin and egg yolks.
Combine sugar, salt, and spices
and add to cheese mixture. Beat
thoroughly. Gradually fold in
stiffly beat egg whites. Pour into
9- or 10-inch spring form pan and
bake at 350°F. for 45-50 minutes.
(Test with straw to see if cheese
is set.) Turn off heat and leave
cake in oven for 1/2 hour. Remove
from oven and put on sour cream
Topping: 1 cup sour cream, 1/4
cup brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon
grated orange peel. Combine in-
gredients. Pour over warm cheese
cake and bake in hot oven, 450°
F., for 5 minutes, Makes 10-12
To 'Roast:
1. Preheat oven.' to 325° F.
2., Rinse- bird with cold water,
drain and pat dry. Rub cavity of
bird lightly with salt. Do not salt
if Stuffed.
3. Fill wishbone area (neck
with stuffing if used. Fasten neck
skin to back with skewer. Fill
cavity lightly, if stuffing is used.
Push drumsticks under band of
skin at tail; or tie them to tail.
4. Place turkey on rack in shal-
low roasting pan. Brush skin
with fat. Place in preheated oven.
If desired, baste or brush occa-
sionally with pan drippings —
especially any dry areas. When
turkey is 2/3 done, cut cord or
band of skin at druinsticks.
5. Continue roastingountil done.
To test doneness, a roast meat
thermometer placed in center of
the thickest breast muscle should
register 190°495' F. If stuffing
is used, it should register 165° F
at the same time. Turkey is done
when meat at thickest part of
drumstick feels' very soft when
pressed between protected fin-
If you like a plain bread stuf-
fing, try this for a 14-18 pound
ready-to-cook bird. If you have
Modern dental science is bare-
ly 100 years old, but the first den-
tists were Babylonians of 5,000
B.C. who used herbs to "cure the
devil that causeth toothache."
Their favourites were• cloves or
cinnamon, placed in a cavity of
the aching tooth in an effort to
bring relief.
A primitive form of toothbrush
was used by the people of India
in 500 B.C. In London, in 1376,
the Dentists' Guild was formed
and lasted for 437 years.
During the nineteenth century,
British people became very teeth-
conscious and many types of
powders were adyertised for
cleaning and keeping molars
white, and the mouth sweet.
Tootbrushes, as we know them,
are only about 200 years old.
They were originally made
from the bristles of wild boars,
The Patron Saint of Toothache
is St. Appollonia, who was mar-
tyred in Alexandria in 248 A.D.
Among the tortures she endured
before being burnt at the stake,
was the erude extraction of her
teeth by pulling, breaking and
knocking them out, Her special
day is February 9. So • If you
have to see your dentist ,
Eskimos get very little dental
trouble; nor Indians, who keep
to a strict, vegetarian diet, or
Australian aborigines.
But, once they change over to
the type of foods we eat, dental
decay results. ,
African natives visiting Great
Britain invariably avoid sweet-
stuffs and maintain their regular
use of tooth-picks to keep their
teeth gleaming white.
Healthy teeth are well used.
And bite-power varies consider-
ably from one nation to another.
An Eskimo exerts 345 pounds
pressure when he masticates the
raw fish and fat, which form
part a his diet, and also when
he chews leather to make it sup-
ple enough for use*58 harness or
lacings for his clothes.
Our biting power is only
around 171 pounds because We
are used to, soft, slushy foods.
Chewing hard foods stimulates
the blood to the gums, keeping
them and the teeth healthy,
It also helps to clean them by
removing acids and other harm.
t/Se stiiootli polish When
cloning fine pleCee Of •silver,
Then WaSh the shoal thorotighly
m whim water, dry it With linen
and polish it with a soft cloth,
too keeP it hrlifilitt, jiitt eileret
in ti polythene bag .
VIIIPES1 StikikESt Sporty taring o'n,fl St:inlrilar beach lash-,
tons shown' itt London feature dazzling diogtiricil Stripes.