HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-11-29, Page 54 4 TOMORROW'S TOP FARMERS THE CL UB BERS. I Brussels. Dairy Calf Club. First prize, Barb4ra Bray. At this time of 4-H Achievement Nights and completed projects, we congratulate all the club members in our district. We'd like especially to mention those who, like our young friend above, Won their etches with W. C. B. A. sired calves. Wo wish them continued success us they endeavour, as do we, to produce — better livestock for. better living. *. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION FOR SALE — £00 Pullets, ready to lay; 2001 Pullets, 8 weeks 'old, Glenn RonnenberS Phone 65 Apply on Tuesday or Friday FOR SALE -- Tolman ,Sweafts, spy itoehipe Apples, sprayed. Atio Pair of rear Tractor Tires and Tubes. 18 x 24, Howard Smith Phone 45135 . . extended-life exhaust system .. . the new Deleotron generator that saves on batteries. AU this — plus a Jot, smooth ride ! in a beautiful Body-by-Fisher package! CHEVY II... trim new beauty that stays young longer 0 DID YOU KNOW. • r You Como p, can Finance Complete. .-.Heating Installation? Contacat arts today for details of CUP' HEATING EQUIPMENT CONTRACTS YOtell Be .Clad You. Did! • TIIE BRUSSELS POST. Tituredayk NOvelliber ;,,)004 ".7 t COVNTY OF Hi) FEPERATIQN: NEWS .Resolutions referred to 1Vielcubera. onden tore Pmx. .41.44 WINTE'R'S • hard to beat. • with that handful of cards!: But with safety cards • ygy can trymp, his. tricks! ffti YOUR Guip TO. Chri st by 0, F, A. annual eOnVeatiOn on, ' November 23, 1964 pre sent ntiion. on Marketing Hoard Whereas the steady change in our agricultural inaustry has brought many new developments and trends in, volume of production, the area of production, and number of prcdueers, often completely previously disrupt- ing r.eptesenta ti O OR n utrklOg accepted otretonal hoards and commodity groups; Therefere be it resolved that steps be taken' and provisions made under the Regulations and Authority of our marketing legislation it:o provide for democratic and equitable represent- ation on Marketing hoards according to: 1, Volume of production 2, Number of producers 3. Changes in production area 3, Re Personnel on marketing Boards, Whereas it is extremely important n all VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS ce o ei lye s. eJi ping S XR FO TE .MEN and WOMEN ON YOUR LIST To beat winter's longer stopping time travel at a speed and leave plenty of room to stop To beat skidding .. , pump your brakes instead of jamming them on To beat poor visibility .. slow down and keep windshield and windows free of ice and snow reduced I. Large -- New Fresh Selections * Bring your shopping list along and let our experienced staff help you AS LOW AS YOU CAN:BEAT OLD MAN WINTER BY BEING . EXTRA CAREFUL! THE William Linden 6 TORE 4 44 CIA Co-operators Insurance Association ARGYLE AVENUE For Quality & Satisfaction LISTOWEL Around the Corner from The Bank of Montreal — Across From the Post Office and CIA LIFE Co-operators Life Insurance Association otim,045-EAtAitmow.A k,ai oltaiv t t n that the Marketing Boards and impor a Plans, either existing or proposed, And whereas the penalty or receive the maximum degree of punishment for such acts are almost nil and not sufficiently ,snort and confidence of the enforced, thus encouraging further crimes of this nature; Therefore we, of the Women's committee of the ,OFA, recommend that a heavier penality for the person or persons responsible lot the said wilful destruction enforced in the province; And further recommend to the the committee and executive of the OPA that this resolution be forwarded to the Attorney General of the Province of Ontario and to the Ontario Farm Society Council annual conference at Guelph in February 1963, Mrs. .1". W, Elliott, See. K. Beautiful FOR SALE 137 Kimber Leghorn Pullets' birds all ready for the laying Clerk's Notice of the First posiOND of Voter's List NOTICE is hereby given that 3 ha.ve complied with Section 9 et this Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Brussels, on the 6th day 'of Nov., 1982, the list of all persons entitled to Yete in said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list rentaisia there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected, according to law, the last day for appeals being the 22nd, day of November, 1962. DATED this .6th day of November 1962, to wait 6 wks for eggs 22 wks. old pen. Why buy and it months , PI ANOS Bette'; t regular 88 note new pianos .$54,0.00 etc., reconditioned pianos $139.00 up. Electrohome and Lowery organs. Convenient Terms. Godfeey Sehnert, Mildmay pullets you have for egg size. Get Kimber Leghorns and have large eggs right away. Vaccinated, debeaked, dewormed and will deliver. ANDREWS POULTRY FARM R. R. 3. SEAFORTH PHONE WOWS 'producers: Therefore be it rr-etolved that steps be taken that will, ensure that all personnel" on Marketing Boards aro legitirdate prodUcers of the nreduct 3. Re Destreption 'of Farm Buildings and ;iliqubinenCk4 Whereas baV 'bean quite apparent, .arid' most' appalling the amount 'of destrliCtion of farm buildings and equipment in several earis of rural. Ontario. And whereas this same problem occurring in the entire Dominion_ j 'of Cahada, and is therefore of prime LIVINGROOM. SUITES Trade Now! Show cushion from your old suite to Schuett's salesman at Mildmay for rtvade in evacuation. Select MAR, KROEHLER, BRAEMORE etc, Also good varietw of occasional furniture —;-cedar. chests, platform _rockers; etc. - Godfrey Schnett,,Mildmay; _Free Delivery FOR SALE — Circular Saw, equipped for a Ford or Ferguson Tractor. In perfect condition, with shield. Harvey Bilyans Phone 1923 FOR SALE — Oil Burner, in A 1 condition (ready to pipe in). Also A 1 stove pipes and copper piping. Apply to: Mrs. Florence Russel Brussels Phone 185W FOR SALE -- Ready to lay HYLIND Pullets vaccinated, wormed ,and debeaked. Bruce Rey- Londesboro Phone Itiyth 38r6 WANTED — RAW FiLIRS Mink, Muskrat, Racoon. Better prices. Write or phone: Harry Dale, Ingersoll, Ont. Phone 331-R Will call. Win, H. King, Cleric, Village of Brussels. 's.;c0.4:0'"votoso. ::::..`::':"'1'1'11'1,',7,x1x,<M.7.".••,. • :t•• • ,11,147"...o.or01771k, -"•.- • OP' • —7-- ••••.' • ••f:ae„«.::•;:. m*R. • • Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan A General Motors Valle CHEVROLET.., great new katures, brilliant new ideas The '63 Chevrolet offers you a big bundle of money- saving benefits that make owning and driving more-of a pleasure . , New self-adjusting Safety-Master brakes ,,,,,...:,..„........c,.„„.:,...:....:. Wowieme,....h.45 .-..........,,,,-- •_,., ,77,..*"' ilf, 1 .... .. ,,,. .7- .,, **** 7i.rt4::.,.t1t,,,... 7,.....a: 0 % ' ."-•:1.''' .....„e,.. • Smartly styled, with a new husky look, Chevy II for '63 carries on the trend-setting traditions of its first amazing year. Now Chevy II offers even more comfort and con- venience inside, without sacrificing any of its easy-handling nimbleness and handy size. And, of course, there's Chevy . II's budget-sized economy ... economy that merely Starts with the low initial price! Chevy II Nova 406 Convertible CORVAIR... the sporty car with saving. ways Corvair's distinctive brand of driving fun and agile ganCe takes on new excitemient for 1963! Graceful neW styling, highlighted in glenitirig metal trim; makes, it even More of an eye ditcher on the. read ... new performance and maintenance features Make it more than ever a family- budget favorite! tri eithi HOCKEY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE — 1 pair of Shoulder Pads, nearly new; 1 pair Of Shin Pads, nearly new; 1 pair of Hockey Pants, nearly new; 1 N. Et. L, hockey Game, like new Apply Ito: Thumb Fox Phone 227 Brussels ,.••••••••4' •••••••• •••• • .••••••=meo... FOR SALE — A good house in Brussels, complet- ely ittondlitioned and modernized throughdut, a good buy. 1% storey brick house in Brussels: well located, with 3 piece bath. GO acre farm near Brussels with bank barn, frathe iduSe, and drive shed, reasonably priced, cash or terms. Apply to: Elmer Ellacott Real estate salesman for K. W, Colrmhonin Phone 139 Brussels., ATTENTION CAR SUVERS Our Low 'Celt, 01610610g Old: Insurance Plan:will help Ye* tasks- a better deal BEFORS you buy talk to Us, GLENN M. RONNENRERG Monkton Phone 147.112.4j aSr'uaasla -- Phone 56 Tuesday ants WAtkOtt.00 dAtILIt AssocIATIoN 'Where settee. tattoo' Are owned a ti3 iontritisi at abet /44Seili Of bolt and litoeil ilitiletat breeding *ill you to a, tittellent livestock opateltion lottviee or more infiiirintitiOri ant" ttintiiiii 04441, or fail foie( kit- f_smo &Atari teat& dAttLit tit* Corvair Monza Club Cotipe '63 CIEVROLErat your dealer's one-stop shopping centre • Bs sure to see BOrianza on the CbC-TV network each Sunday. Cheek your local listing for channel and tittle. c,...too See your deMer for Chevrolet's tpecial "do With the Oteate LP Record Album Offer. BELJRAVE:le OP Brussels, Otitatio' Limit Aritikhatti 1004.. ?hail Brussels .388W10 MOP flEATiNd OILS AND itAWT 7111t FEAT • •