HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-11-15, Page 5THE TWO BEST HEATING SYSTEMS KNOWN TO MAN Nobody questions nature's heating systems—and when it comes to home heating nothing is quite as good, as safe, dependable Esso Oil heat • With Esso you have that reassuring feeling that you always get the very best; the very best and most economical heating fuel, the very best and most 'tellable service. Call your nearest Imperial Esso Agent today and let him introduce you to that wonderful world of Esso warmth. 1101111111111111•••n ••111111111M• FOR SALE -- 2 baraer Electric ,Steve, Dishea Quilts, Bed Spreads, Sheetis (many antique), Hand Saw, RIP Towels, 'Blankets, andiaaw, Home plants, miscellaneou Pillow Cases, Table Cloths, Footitems. Can be seen Saturday Stools, Math, I:Amps, Pair of Army Monday and Tinesday. Boots (large), Lady's Coats, Man's, Mrs.. ,M, J. Blanchard, Overcoat (good as new, large size) Phone 136 Brussels DID YOU KNOW... You Co-op can Finance Complete Heating instaliatiord -- Contact us today for details of CO-OP HEATING EQUIPMENT CONTRACTS You'll Be Glad You Did! PROPERTY FOR SALE,— Six acres; six-room house wit bath; Garage; Barn and Colon House. One mile from town. Road open all winter. No reasonable offe refused if sold before Nov. 25th. Dave Shlela Phone 464J5 FOR SALE 7- Tolman Sweets, Spy cooking Apples, sprayed. Also Pair of rear Tractor Tires and Tubes. 13 x 24. Hoivard Smith Phone 451J6 FOR SALE — Flail Bulbs, imported from Holland. Top size, Tulips, Hyacinths, Crocus, Daffodils and Paper White Narcissus. Plant them now for spring flowers. Baker's Greenhouse, Seaforth FOR SALE — SCOTCH PIIVE CHRISTMAS TREES Every tree carefully selected. rot quality as well as lowest Prices I order direct from Georgian Bay Tree. Farms, Owen Sound. Phone( FRanklin 6-6254. • ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST +MI For Dead, Old or Disabled Phone Atwood 356.2622, Collect License. No. MOW GLENN. M. RONNENBERO Monkton — Phone 347.204) Brussels — Phone IS Tuesday and Friday FOR SALE K. 137 Ki.mber Leghorn Pullets 22 wks. old 60 (1,1)1111, 1)(1(1 OR ON 67113 HE OPPOWT1,12,1iTY The symbol Of progress arid opportunityforho people and Ind! iStrieti of Ontario, PROVINQE Of OPPOil UNITY THF, BRUSPALAS PUBT Thurs NOYOMber 160,, 1,0-03 FOR SALE Washable Nylon Pink Snow Suit, fits up to 13 MOnths, Phone 230W CRANBROOK FOR SALE White elialnel annex stove, in good condition. Phone 248j• On Sundry morning, :Nov, 18, at , 11 o'clock • the Sacraments of 1941tillM. and. Holy -Commqpion bo dispensed,, 4 Preparatory Service- t will be -held 14 the church on 1 Friday .evening, Nov; 16 at 8,30. The Ladies' Aid are •holding a hapar and tea in the Community 1 Centro on .Saturdnys November 17, at three o'clock, W., M, S, Meeting The ,Novemher meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the borne or Mrs. 41.ex 1 ,Stel.a,s. with Mrs, Earl Dunn. as leader, She opened the meeting with an Armistice' Day rending. Tho Lord's Prayer was repeated in . unison, The Scripture reading 1 • C'orinthi'ans, chapter 13 was read, The topic "Port Work and Intringr- ation" was given by Mrs. 'Stanley Fischer, Mrs, Dunn gave a reading 'I on "Christmas ShoPiltng". The Business 'was conducted by Ws, Stanley Fischer. Seven tileinh- ors answered the "pe ace", call with verse containing "peace", Arrange.. ment were made for the December meeting: 'which will he held at the manse. Current events were read by Inirs. Dunn and Mrs, Strickler gave' rr,p.rilriz• The meeting closed with the Munch .benediction. Miss A. J. Forrest and pprrip A ssisted the hostess in serving When, in Listowel, make sure you t• VISIT THE William LindertsroRE Men's Wear Ladies' Wear Furs ARGYLE, AVENUE For Quality Satisfaction USTOWEL, Areund the Corner from the Bank of NIOetrolll AGMs From the Poet Offloe Listowel Phone 285 2000 .Q )4Y; FOR eio,Le 409 Pullets, 1'04 Pullets, 8 weeks old, Glenn Ron n en(b4rg ,Apply en Tuesday Phone 65 or Friday FOR SALE — a — 7,50 x vsea ',Snow Tires, 1.950 Thames r ton Panel Truck. George Mutter Phone 17 FOR SALE — 1033 Pontiac, motor radiator transmission and rear end and, front fenders in good condition, J, Catkeng, Ethel Phone 03018 FOR SALE 15 Cord dry Beech and Maple Slabs, Can be left in barn until Wanted. Also 24" heavy duty Electric Bange. Dave Shiels Phone 464J5 FOR SALE Mercury 4 ton Truck, 1950, complete with stock rack and chute, in good condition, Priced for quick sale, Also 4 month old Beagle pups, Phone 454W6 Thos. Kirkby TUPPERWARE DEMONSTRATION The Ladies AuxIliary to the Royal Canadian, Legion 'are holding a Tupperware demonstr'a'tion in their rooms over the Legion Hall on November 16th, commencing a 8:30. Come and bring your friends Everyone welcome. .1 FOR RENT — House 1% miles 5th con. of Morris conveniences, Davis Hardware, BRUSSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD from Brussels on Two. All modern Apply to: Box 280, Luca 4 4 Brussels School Board held their .regular monthly meeting on Neon- day November 5th, two members' being absent, Jack MoWhirter and Louis Ehel. The minutes of previous regular and special meetings were read and adopted on motion. of Howard Bernard and Gordon Stephenson — Carried Mrs. Joanne King, music super , visor, asked the Beard's permission 'to have a Miusic Festival in the Spring, this festival to include Bilyth, Walton. and Brussels. Per- mission was granted on motion of Gordon Stephenson and Ted Mc- Lean. ,11 •• 4 GEORGE MUTTER - BRUSSELS 'The annual Christmas Tree and Concert will be held in the Common( ity Cientre on December 18th, Mr. Lyle Cordon left Monday by' motor for Mexico where he will spend the winter months. 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dunn and Linda attended the hairdresser's graduat- ion for the 1362 class, held at Bridgeport Casino on Saturday evening. 4 4 — Carried, .•••emarto VILLAGE. OF BRUSSELS ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Clerk's Notice of the First. Posting of Voter's List It Was moved by Gordon; 'Stephenson and seconded by 'Ted MacLean we accept with regret the resignation of Louis Ebel from the School Board, same to take effect 'December S,lst 1962. HIGHEST PRICES ATTENTION CAR BUYERS Our Low Cost Financing led Insurance Plan will help yes :mike a better deal. SEFORI you buy talk to us. — Carried The following accounts were presented: Brussels Coal Yard, fuel oil 707.79 Educators' Supplies 79,25 Moved by Ted MacLean and sec- onded (by Voviard Bernard, these accounts be paid for the laying pen. Wily buy 6 wke for eggs and 3 months -- Carried NOTICE is hereby given that I i have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Brussels, on the 6th day of Nov., 1962, the ; list of all persons entitled to vote in said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected aceor1inig to law, the last day for appeals being the 22nd, day of November, 1962. DATED this 6th day of November 1902. Wm. H. King, Clerk, Village of Brussels, and have large eggs right away. &wormed and will deliver. BELGRAVE CO-OP ASSOC. Wingham 109.1 - Phones - Brussels 388W10 CO-OP HEATING OILS AND SERVICE, CAN'T BE BEAT Beautiful birds al I ready pullets you have to wait for cgs size. Get Kimber Leghe'rns Vaccinated, de,beaked, Business, being concluded the meeting adjourned to (meet again on regular date' or 'at the call of the chairman, Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott Sec, - Treas. ANDREWS .POULTRY FARM. R. R. 3. SEAF'ORTH PHONE WOWS SOUVENIR DESIGN COMPETITION ,..440•1111114.11111141•14111 HURON COUNTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER SESSION The Huron Coiunty County will commence on Monday, November 19th, 1962, at 10:00 A. M. Notice of any dooteanents or, deputations must be in the "hande of the Clerk no later than 12:00 Noon, Friday, Ncivernber 18 1962, JOAN f3. tittint Clerk-Treasurer; (IMMO' Of Itititn: Court !tense Goderleb, Ontario Recently, Prime Minister John Rob arts announced that the Ontario Government will sponsor a program, recommended by,the Tour- ist Industry Committee of the Ontario Economic Council, designed to encourage development of the souvenir industry in the Province. This two-fold project will involve a souvenir design competition, followed by an exhibition Of the design entries at the National Gift Show, Feb. 18th-21st, 1963 at the Canadian National Eithibition Grounds. The competition offers first prizes in ten separate categories ($100 each) with a grand prize of $500..„ Closing date Ai' entPies is: January 31st1963 Americans spend $85 per capita, The lititish spend $75 , West Germans spend $60:, Canadians spend $235 per person per year on manufb.etured goods. If these expenditures in Ontario on imported goods could he, reduced by $100, we would Still be amongst the world,'s greatest im- porters. If that $100 were diverted to' Cana- dian go o ds c ouldadd$600,000,000 to out economy and help create 60,000 new jobst More litjbmiation.and: Contest. Entiy Patios available from: ON1fAitilo SeatiVelAiitt, Itift6M,CalliOtt Room' 405i 67 College Street, Taareiribeie Ontario. •, - The people of OntariO Can Make A $600,000,0011 present to themselves in one year by redncing their spending on imported goods by $100 per petson, This action on the part of every person in'the province would help create 60,000 new jebs. We are the world's greatest inipOrters of To accomplish this, the consumer must manufactured goods. Contrast our' yearly become "label. conscious"; it is the sum of total with that of other cOtintries: all our day-to-day purchases which call add up to the success or failure of our economy. Whenever the consumer reaches out for an imported prodoet, he or she should ask, "Xs there a Canadian equivalent?" For im most cases there is a Canadian product that is as good or better, The more money we spend on things we make, the more prosperous the people of Ontario will bet itrONMENT Or ONTARIO 11. CRUSADE l'ENDERS FOR TRUCKS Sealed. tenders( Will be received by the undersigned for the' supplying 62 truck tor the blurOri ,County Librtiq del (iterative, SPecifications riihy be secured f NMI the ' ittideteligited. Tetiderl to close 12:00 noon, Neteiriber, 166, 1962 Lowest Or any tetiiler net, necceisatily acreptett, John a Berry Secretary, tturon C011titV tihrat, (76-Opora,tiVe tl wird no: 640. •Ooderteli, Ca,