HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-11-01, Page 5We must make room for our new Holiday merchandiae — as a. result we intend to sell Regular $39.95 to $69.95 6— SPECIAL Tiwrsda7,11"19Ye.14Der lit, 1904 1 I siIII111111111111/mmimiN11111111111111MmilliNNI111111111111111 1 30 MEWS S U I TS Regular $59.50 $ ,95 3 SPECIAL EXTRA PANTS 1.-- ONLY $10.00 THE TWO BEST HEATING SYSTEMS KNOWN TO MAN Nobody questions nature's heating systems—and when it comes to home heating nothing is quite as good, as safe, dependable Esso Oil heat 'With Esso you have that reassuring feeling that you always get the very best; the very best and most economical heating fuel, the very best and most Ardiable service. CO your nearest Imperial Esso Agent today and let him introduce you to that wonderful world .of Esso warmth. 1,0.400. SARVi“ OIL HEAT 4.112M1161:1F=M18122216.131rtsiaatniel410169aralitan, The Bouquet Invitation Line •••••••••.•••,0..•••••• ••••••••,••••••• ••INI••••• $•••• oho .1./ININIM.1.00 ATTENTION CAR BUYERS Our Low Cost Financing and Insuranuse Plan will help 3,1141 make a better deal. BEFORE you buy talk to us. GLENN M. RONNENBERG Monkton Phone 347424.1 Brussels I.— Phone e Tuesday and Friday ::;•14 g4..! i it FE1A ,1,.a.. " 01445144,, 4••4470.Tfrm": 29.95 VALUE! MAKE EVERY 'DAY A DRYING DAY .ELECTRICALLY.,. COSTS LESS THAN 5C A F ILL LOAD TO CIPEPTE! 6 ECONOMICAL 6 FLAMELESS o 000 U RLESS a SAFE a PRECISELY AUTOMATIC bOUELE EED SIZE ts FULL P,-VEAR GUARANTEE • A TOP OUALITY ESLANKCT * CONVERTIBLE cOM'oURED CORNERS 6 CAN OE WASHED AND DRIED AUTdmATiCALLY CHOOSE PROM ANY Oil "iiii FAMOUS BRANDS • nEA-TI'Y • INGLIS e RCA WH I riLPOoLL a CO PIELD.HAMILTON * KELVINAToR "'SIMPLICITY 'CONNOR • LEONARD • sinipson's-KENMORE.,Sittipeone.Seare. • cotzciNAItiO . MAXWELL oSPEED QUEEN . DomiNicilki 6 MAYTAG • THoR *Eaton's-VIKING • MeCLARY-EAGY • co-015V1StOUNT 4 E.M. FRtGIOAliqit. A itil-iiLdtti-BENOIX 4. WESTINGHOUSE rtitrilEici' i GENEkALELEatkic is yours .....-- ,, A -.. ' ,ND OTHERPINE MAKES. ,..*,. rw • • • .,,,\ ,qt4 iatO *16' d#00tOtiod ,Affiitt StORES,010WilikintliqtYNteanOv4itilti btd,1•6114 c()RtilariCAM„gNT (continmed.• trcg4 page 1) shi i; In Applied science and ,g140A0, 1.3rian Schaefer; Dr, 4, 4.. Irwin •scholarships, '144nrroy •cooni.tee, ceorge Coml. and rIcarelk Elliott, <Rade 12 French, awards went to George Conn, Julia Crnickshank,,'; 43arbas..o. Krug, Hilda Tlfeln,. nodal, Troiape; :Canada Packers. award,' Paul Colbraith, school staff award, I. Murray •;C,onitres; .Students' award, J'ane Hetherlogton, The N. j. :VireIwood troph) for best boy athlete was awarded to i Allan McDonald; J. P. McKibben, fcr host girl athlete, to. Judith McKibben. Senior School letters were pre-I sented to; Byron Adams, Philip I Adams, Stanley Bismayer, Douglas Clunobell, Murray Coultes, Garry Chapman, Alex Hamilton, Lyman Jardine, Donald Lee, &lice Ma.ohan, 11/fur,ray Procter, John Strong, Allister Willie, Carol Cra'srford, Julia Cruikshank, Karen Elliott, Jean Gurney, Judith 1VIcKibbom Jane Reid, Judith Renwick, Junior school letter's went to Stanley, Sismayer, John C'panpbell, John de Yong, Alex Hamilton, Paul .Ta;rdine, Donald Lee, Bruce Mac- Donald, William McBurney, John McDowell, William McIntyre, Hugh 1VIundell, Murray Procter, Al Rettinger, Donald S'tobo, Paul Strong, Donald Taylor, Glary Tempieman, Barry Tiffin, Elbert vanDonkersgood, R'athaleen Hodgins, Beth. MPrrick, Ruth Michie, Jane I Reid, Susan Reynolds, Sandra Rowe, ;Hilda Tiffin. Sharon Wilk- inson. SPORT JACKETS 09,95 MEN'S OVERCOATS $29.50 T William Linden STORE ARGYLE AVENUE For Quality & Satisfaction ILISTOWEL. Around the Corner from the Bank of 'Mentreal, Across From the Poet Office ••••••100/.10 $29.95 to $49.95 - Cedar, Hydro Poles, Author and li'ence post% Stakes etc. Phone 273W -ffecit Thynne WANTED — ,Someone to look after 2 small children and do light housework for several months. Apply to: Box 50, Brussels HOST OF SCIENCE REVIEW Iiister Sinclair finds relaxation in games of chance, but challenge 'In the mysteries of science. As host and 'editor Of the Tuesday night program, Science Review on the CBCi radio netwoirk, he introduces world-faindui scientists in a series o r talks about thetnselves and chair experiments. tntowswee.lrommes —10 -‘1111101i GEORGE MUTTER - BRUSSELS ALWAYS LOOK. TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST 1 FOR SALE piece eliarcoal, with parka, , cleaned,. Mrs. Mac McIntosh Phone FOR SALE', • Tolman Sweats, spy cooking Apples,. sprayed,. Also Pair of rear Tractor Tires and ''rubes, 13x 24. • Itoward Smith Phone .451.Jc WANTED — 1.iive Poltry. Picked up at the farm, Highest prices paid. Call collect 30 Brussels or 73W. Huether's Produce, Brussels, Ont. LOST — $10.00 bill in Brussels before noon : Thursday. Finder iplease call,' collect; Hugh Rinn, Phone 7/261W12 Vingharo FOR SALE — Wood, elm tree tops. Can be bought in bush or cut; also 2- furrow Ferguson-Ford Plow, Roy Patterson Phone 361W4 WE 'SPECIALIZE IN WATCH REPAIRS FOR SALE — ,FP.R. RENT Heated or nnhomtetl, M, 'n SALE 3 nr 4 room niSlern. aln/444.04'tt — 7,50 x. 1.4 us..ed available 00t. lq,, Ph011e 150. 1.050 Thames ij tom Panel Truck, •Cteorgo IN/Inttor • Phone 17' FOR. SALE Tnrnips for feed1US Phone 5013 Wedding Invitations IterinewetigisiVed <SIAlitti ,11ATTERINO I Thidaling and ,ensagenidni7 announcements, birth annoiti* *MIN, confirtiiiition invitations, golden and 'Davit anniveritiiii alias etei, Thernito•Wjiving (ItAXSED LETTEltiNG), LOA* and Jodi like fhb finest head engraving, The hive an elegiiiiteAd individuaiity4only the. finest blind erK *0,444 ban piatcli. (ItAI§Eb LETTERING) Ceitil,Pbotti hid/ cis ninth in kind oduing, hoeiniiii NOS the COOper Oita thoit Matt find taOryingiiiittiiiiiiiiiC is iMwtMil. AND Its REAM(' s -Joni Yea Can, *kit *Witting 'aidallaS.i.'"' ifola.40, *kik Nrail hen law • Csiviandy eGrrsi 11 AV't Idiisjh sit leis Walls 113.50, cow adds deslite thailaiL DISPLAY '..thq &1166016 rOut • Tri-Cotuaty Caltipaigitt For The •atititt- etittil3/4 ty CAiltt,tiVt 1:$8;•qti()40,1 end •itit • Mite ..** -Oa-61'46i itiittit§ttAi.• ON't. Clock. Repairs Jewellery Repairs and Engraving W. G. LEACH Snow Suit, FOR,SALE Bulbs, 'rooted from. size 3x, freshly Ho/land. Top size, Tulips, Hyacinths, 51r5 Crocus, Daffodils and Paper White Narcissus, Plant them now for spring flowers, Baker's Greenhouse, FOR SALE . • ;Washable Nylon PiW salt to :),S months, Phone 300W • FOR SALE — 'SCOTCH PINE OHRIST,M.AS TRIMS ve7 tree caretualy selected. ror, quality as, well as lowest prices, Order direct from Georgian Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound, Phone FRanklin 6-6,254. AUCTION SALE THIS FRIDAY, AND EVERY FRIDAY at 2 o'clock at Bervie Livestock Sales of FOR SALE •, 1,953 :porati,o, motor, radiator, ti•ans-raisslen and rear end and, front fenders In good condition, 11, Lathers, fithol Phone 335,11.$ Gordon Jackson — Auctioneer Dead Stock Service ACHESON'S NIONSOT ,putleas For Dead, Old or illsablad Phone Atwood 3564622, Collect Licences No. 1156Ger 46 Beef 1Cattle Machinery 164 Acres of Land Buildings 1.953 Lodge Car Farm sold subject to for the Estate of. Hugh Doig Lot 4, Con. 2, Howick Township Good, Fresh and Springing Cows, Heifers and Calves All springers guaranteed Delivered $3.00 a head AUCTION SALE MONDAY, NOV. 5 at 12:30 Sharp THE 134USS1IAS POST Feed Furniture with good Seaforth Reserve' Bid Presenting the certificates, diplomas, awards and letters were. J. Leslie Fortune, R, 0, Wenger Dr. W. A. McKibben, Gordon Moir, Maurice Oliver, R. A. Fuller, F. Thoanpson, W. R. Isbister, C. Mighton, Mrs. A, Williams, R. B. Cousins, Miss K. 'McGregor, A, H. McTavish, J. McNeil, Pl. L, Stuckey, F, E. Madill and Jas. S. Armstrong. tem.ma•Are.,44.4 9