The Brussels Post, 1962-10-02, Page 5GEORGE E. McCUTCHEON
THE 1,3RU4SELS POW Tutesdait, October and, 1984 " 'Mt!" ztt5)...*Iits
ay.", „••t?''1.4.,2fild,kt. '1„ 9, L, SEMIANNUAL.
North Huron County L, 0, T-4, 4014
their semi-al natal Coulnifr tuootiog.
in Dungannon recently, Owing to
the large attendance the meetin;
WAS, held. in. the parOth hail, there. t
County Master. Ross Drrington
was In (tharge of the mooting. Quests
prr,sent were R. cY, 13ro. Hiner
WOW of Oril.110,, !Grand Moster of
Ontario West; al.W. Bro. John
Hammond of Alvinsten, Chief
Orange Insurance for Ontario West
and .he Murittines; •Worshipful Bro.
James Craig, Past County Master of
Centre Bruce and Past Comity-
Master Charles .StewarL,
After Comity Lodge was opened.
these guests were called to the altar.
given ,Grand Lodge Honors, escorted
to the Matt and. given seats there,
During the program of the even-
tug the ("Trand. Master wood: gave an
outstanding address speaking of
how the Orange Order had made, its
mark in the world and exorting ttho
brethren to carry on the same.
•splendid effoot, in the future,
R. W. Bro, E.ammend Was then,
called on to speak. pro, Hammond
owing to 'the growth of Orange
Insurance in Ontario West and the
Maritimes, has been absent from
Moron County for about two years,
R, W, Bro, Carol Smith supplying
for him. Tiro, Hammond,. having
made many friends in Huron
Country, was given a warm welcome
Tn his splendid address he
spoke of the high principals of the
order: Orange Insurance, Its
wonderful growth, Its value to the
members of the Order, highly
commended. P. C Mester Cftarles
Stewart for the yeoman service he
has rendered in the nast 34 years
as sub agent for Orange Insurance
In. Huron ,Cleunity.
The honored guests were ably
thanked by ;1? 0. Master Walter
I). Master Uobertl
Let's "Carry On" the traditions of progress enj eyed
by Huron-Bruce by ensuring these two men work
together in the Progressive Conservative Government
The Hon. John Robarts —Prime Minister of Ontario, holds a respected
place in the hearts of thousands of Canadians. His tireless dedication
to the aims of the Progressive. Conservative Party and his record of
service to the people of this Province have proven he is a man of his
word . . . a man who keeps promises.
George McCutcheon is your Progressive Conservative candidate:
Elected Warden of Huron County after six successful years on the'
Brussels Municipal Council, George McCutcheon has all the experience
to "Carry On" the traditions of progress this community has enjoyed
under the sound and dynamic Progressive Conservative administration.,
ee it
•Tiibbert. •
County Master Errington then.
called • on W, Pros,. Craig, Stewart,
Scott and Tacklin, Each in turn;
gave short. appropriate messages.
ThiS with congratulations to.
the 0Mtniv Master In,' the snlendid
in.eetine-, and the Queen, closed the
A bountiful lunch,
nun&Inlann brel.hren
ressive" vote
served by the
ended a very I
gappnomru: cennty meeting.
The Waterloo Life Insurance
Company Choir will appear here on
November 1st, sponsored by the
Ladies Aid of Melville Piesbyter-
ism Church. Keep this date open.
• Impressive Improvements to
Roads, Highways and Bridges
• New and Diversified
Educational Facilities
• Overseas Office to Promote
our Farm Produce
• Substantial
Agricultural Grants
• Advanced Health and
Welfare Programs
1>/2 storey brick. house
Frame house, completely recondit-
ioned and modernized
11/2 storey insul brick house, cash
or terms
7b acre farm, with good buildings
For' rent a good frame house In
Brussels with 2 piece bath, hot and
cold water-
Apply to: Elmer Ellacott
, Real Estate Salesman for
X.W. Coiquhoun, Phone 129, Brussels
Many outstanding developments and improve-
ments to your living standards have been
achieved during the past few years. These can,
be attributed in many ways to the vigor and
strength of your Progressive Conservative can-
didate. Now is the time to recognize this fact —
to show, through the Ballot Box, that you
support George McCutcheon. Only by doing
this can you expect to enjoy the wide range of
business, social and personal improvements
planned by the Progressive Conservative
Government of John Robarts.
Your local man, to make sure these planS are
carried out, is George McCutcheon. A family
man, whose wife was a schdol teacher born in
Morris Township, he'is typical of many of us
who live in this riding. Today, George
GEORGE McCUTCHEON, Your Progressive Conserva-
tive candidate for Huron-Bruce, shown here with his
wife and two daughters.
McCutcheon has all the broad experience neces-
sary to represent you capably at Queen's Park
. . . to become an active member of Ontario's
active government . . . to work with John
Robarts for the good of this community.
wagiaamonsi.rogrommo.‘ pammminimm,•*.r.
Published by the Huron-Bruce Progressive Conservative Association.
Trousseau Tea
ing because of Ontario produc-
er activities through their mar-
-keting boards operating under
the Milk Industry Act.
A federal Royal Commission
might bring to light some facts
about inter-provincial exchange
of milk and milk products not
presently available, These facts
could be vital in solving the
dairy problem, Further, no sin-
gle province can solve all the
problems alone so federal ac-
tion could be the answer, which
brings tts to the second reason
why such action, would appear
possible politically.
Agriculture Minister Ramil-
ton changed his dairy policy
this year after representations
from Ontario and Quebec,: but
he faces another dairy year next
May 1st, tie May also face att-
other general election by the
same time. A Royal Comthis-
SUM on the dairy industry
Would keep milk mrketing out
Of the political arena should
another feclOral election he nee,
latest move is that some pro-
ducer groups are recommend-
ing a federal Royal COmmission
on Milk marketing if a vote on
a plan in Ontario is not pos-
sible this year. For several rea-
sons, this botild be the next
First, the political sithation
in Canada suggests that a fed-
eral Royal commission move
Would be a sound move, Quebec
is having an election this fall
on another issue and this pre,-
chides any possibility of legis-
lation being introduced hi that
provinn to achieve sittilat ob-
jectives to those for which the
Ontario producer plan is de-
signed. There had been some
indication that Quebec authori-
ties. Might co-operate by intro-
ducing legislation of Ontario
Moved, but none has been forth-
coming. Without seine cover-
glen from the other large dairy
Provinde, the Ontario Market-
ing plait Would only extend the
umbrella under which Milk Pr&
ditterS in Quebec have beet liV-
the Popular Operatic batik Ian
ItUbeS, bade _,-alit serves heat and
Vedanta 6ii. Songs of My People,. the
titld radio- netWOrk program, of
traditienal: innate freiri
'the' *JAW aide' tikittiree. the,
OfelieStrit etid Cheri*, of Iva*
Romaii.oft 1s lideod sack .14ohitity
Mrs, W. J, Nicholson entertained
at a trousseau tea irk honor of her,
daughter witoae marriage to William
Clarence BishOp took place ,Saturday
in Pluevalo United Church.
ReceiVing guests With the
hostess and the bride elect Was the
mother of the 066ra-elect, Mt*.
Writ. Aishbri,
White tapers in crystal holder§
flanked tt floral arrangement Of
manit and. white dahlias On the
tea table which was covered ttrith.
an ecru malktra, tfritt,
Pouring tea Were gtaiidniOtheo
of the bride-elect, MrS, MOrriskin
gliaroln and Mrs, Writ Nicithisoli
mint of the bride-Meet). lVfrs., Mae
Ring', and tttitit of the grooth-elect,
Urs, .tehitseti, ASSistiare
essary. Ontario must also have
an election in 1963 so all three
ministers of agriculture most
vitally concerned are going to
be facing the voters. All would
prefer to do that without such
a contentious issue as milk Mar-
keting disturbing the rural Vote.
Finally, 'the lack of agree•
went among producers on the
proposed plan arid the °Miens
lack of knowledge about what
it entails points to the neces-
sity for more information which a Royal Commission could sup-
ply, It would also be tin Xiide-
peiident body so its findings
should carry more weight with'
all concerned—Milk producers,
distribtitorS, processors, gov-
ernments cad eVeh consumers,
It is Unfortunate for Pretltle.
ers Jhat they have not been
able to agree on their own mar-
keting p lan, Control: of the sit-
ItatiOil Will bo in other hands
if a Royal Commission IS ap.
toasted. its findings Will con
Sider the interests of a lot of
OHIO ii000k 'than •PiodliderS.•Mi3SoshilWoit6tinuitritneda, Bishop, mim,
Carol Robertson.
Trousseau and gate were di,*
played by .110Se Anne. PeacoCk„ Mitti
Anne (-.41iittiek, Mee Marjorie
Hopper and Miss Rath MeLezinan,
MtscellatieouS ShOWet
A iniscellatiebitie shower time held
itt the school room of RIttetele
*United ditittell on Sattirday riven-
lug, Sept, 11,, is better of MISS Retie.
Marls Isneltolathi, whose marriage
took place Oil Saturday,
The Point. Was deetitated With
pink Slid White libtittetti of du'mmdi
Mrs. Mitt read
adetreSS to the 'bride-elect and
large blunter Of 'heittittiftti gifts
Were thie§etted. elotiteet§' *era
ehlOred, fallowed` 'by tette-A*64C
Mat, ',titbit Meiji:hon, in-Other ,Of
the bride, arid. Mfr's', wars, Ristiiilr,
Mother .6t the trOOtt *ere t Stitt
ter the 'Oeeti.gott,
Looking into the milk mar-
keting situatiOn, in OntatiO is
lite trying to see through a
glass Of Milk, but it is this
coluinnist'S guess that we will
'all be a lot Older before dairy
farmers Vote ona marketing
Imam, certaiuly, the latest Move
by the provisional boas d
itottneing they Will consider Sug-
gestions for revisions in the
proposed, plan submitted by NO,
vember 1St--MakesVete inn,
possible this year, Further, and:
aside front certain UnitentitittS
Or:tints,- there Is some rnlestiolt
tibOut the technical and legal
possibility of itiStittithig Certain
sections of the proposed plan.
Neither' the producers' Provi-
sional beard tier the goVetti,
Meta tvOttld alloW a Vote Until
this sittiatiOn is: tititiged.
"There Rave been suggestions
in some eitiartets that a Cain-
Mission appointed to' 'Andy'
Otitiotta aspects Of the dairy tit-
nation the province and the