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The Brussels Post, 1962-09-20, Page 8
SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Cairene Utrss( TELEPHONE 444 Fat ell Wilda or upholsee1411S. I Brussels R•preastteuve SELWYN BAKE P,1 PHONE 263j !MUSSELS Visitors T, When in town, try us for items you have found hard to get in shopping around — we may have them. REAL PHOTO VIEWS BRUSSELS POST CARDS — over 30 to choso from - 4 far 25o HOT WATER BOTTLES for Chilly Nights} $1,29 each. ,and up 14;5001F.lta—#.4.110.3vacm0.-#11C,... SUPER PI., ENAM INS — the largest selling Vitamin in Canada Just now, 36 day trial supply free, when you buy the 82 day size at $4,98 ommr.. HU DN UT'S EGG CREAM SHAMPOO -- Re gular $1.25 for 93c for Fruit Reserving PUS1-1 BUTTON FLY SPRAYS ULL STOCK OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES KODAK FILMS — Prompt Developing and printing .411.11•101101•11111••••-em.••••0•=10../..11101.111•=1••••••IN Smith's 7harmacy REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 62 Bnisseis 10 ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► R. JANIE'S itfiF reso, h./nu% 2sciat©n of Agricultural Societies Willi Of Open sIhe Fair at 2 P. M. resent. • tit id "I Won't 'Dance Oryttal :Ballroom Gari et ,Perrier's Orchestra TTE..mmETA POST Thursday, Sea .ember 4#14 19.4 • 4•••••••,••••rm.,•••••••••• 1N:174:F414 PATTERNS. -,0iiiii010/1•11.140,01111•00IIIII81,0011,1, 4011101011Er • ....."1"0"0"•"",11,.,•"""""111.1., BEST. wf#.4, car BUYS AGENT MARY MAXIM YARNS PROPERTY FOR SALE — Six Acres; Six r00111 House with 1301; 'Oh1:ig0; Para and Colony LIotte.es,„ One rnile frOna town, Road open nil winter, Call 44415 •.',....7"T",•.•Mr• 1'4 1960 NASH RAMBLER 4 Door 1959 FORD. FAIRLANE 4 Door 195$ MERCURY hardtop automatic radio SASON4B4A atrit AV-40, • .144.01. ,11'>104' ..*S0010.40 Vh/ • ..%-•••• . a• PA ,-5 4's LADlE'S Fall and Winter Coats the pick of the market at reasonable prices ,29.95 up 500, automatic, r1119' li9,40k 4,4.AR rAtIatreNg., 1957 FORD CUSTOM, i400, 1956 VOLKESWAGEN 1956 PONTIAC 4 Door automatic 1956 PLYMOUTH P. Door automotic 1955 PLYMOUTH MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 41.660••••••*0.40,•• CHILDEN'S and TEEN Coats and Dresses very smart and very reasonable ..I•••••• ..... bit ,,,, • ,,, ... . . ... ... • ... BRIDGE MOTORS -,,mogrook. BRUSSELS PHONE 249 MEN'S Coats, DEPT. — up to the minute Jackets, and fine Suits, etc. BILTIVIORE HATS ATTENTION CAR BUYERS Our Low Cost Financing sad Insurance Plan win help yeti make a bettor deal. BEFORE .:^u buy talk to us. GLENN M. RONNENSERG Mcnkton — Phone 347.2241 Brussels Phone SFS Tuesday and Friday J. E. LONGSTAFF GODERICH ST. W., SEAFORTH PHONE 791 Hours — Seracirtli daily except Monday, 9 to 6.30; Wednesday 9 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. Thursday evening by appointment only. Clinton 111.1-2-7010, above Eigilvkins' 1M:we, Monday 9 to 15.30 NOTIC E FOR SALE — Good Quebec Heater, with pipes, Phone 78W Will Baby Sit in own home. Phone 425WG Fruit Freeze Ascorbic Acid, Pickling Spices, ra, Huron County's Foremost Agricultural Fair - WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestock Sales Yards EVERY FRIDAY 1 P.M. Your !7'ome Market Where Visitor, Connor You Are Welcome As or Buyer BRUZSELS, ONT. PHONE 46 iliallemsomerassomessatommur R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q. C. PHONE 120 tra/SSELB 146,:day and Saturday Day — Office Open Every Day FRU:SEELS ancf WINQHAM orir,MIONArii..1;21ta4544UO" REFRZWIRMErrail • M SEMEEMEIZELM THE IVILKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH C P ,r a red an Grad Exc pente Ex .Sc 001 Para 4..se, C Me, Light and Heavy Horses, ibits a {.d Commercial Features 111 ren's Contests, Pet t4' how ef, airy an Grain Club Brussels Legion- Pipe Band Seaforth High Schpol Band Insures 41 Town Dwellings * Alt Classes of Farm Property SIIMptleill• CottSM * ehlar'altes, Schsols, Hulls /Intended covered* ice. Blurts, water dautage, Sakital objects, etc.) is also "mailable. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seefortn; V. J. Lane RR 5, Bestorthi • Leiper, Jr., Londosbero; l3eilw5ni Beaker, Brussels; 'Harold aguires, Clinton; George Coyne,. Dublin; Donsld O. Raton, Seelforth. iMUM M MMINMOMMIMM M NM testratner, ri •trif,.3•:=0=1-..,.,:a.74.07.0s,;44;• • rou re Racishrsis$400 alace, Sept. se Cars In Stock 1960 Chev. Biscayne Automatic Sedan 1960 Envoy Special Sedan 1959 Dodge Sedan 1958 Chev. Sedan Radio AutcOatic P.958 Pontiac Coach 1958 Ford Coach V8 Radio 1957 Chev. 4-door Hardtop, V8, Automatic USED TRUCKS IN STOCK 1959 Chev. 1/2 ton Pickup 1955 Chev. 1 ton Stake 1 New 1962 Yg Ton in Stock "' COMING 506N 1963 CHEV. rystal 27 SEE TR EXHIBITS AT NITE 1" ALSO.. ssels elub will TY PROGRAM. firer Mlirvro!e bidirn .1.1114 Alenthi tutiartest product/ Itrutielto Ont., one •