HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-09-20, Page 5Thursdtty, SeThi'enlber 96 "Farm people have been exploited because our government neither understands nor acts on our farm problems of today.", Li 4.• Published by Huron-Bruce Liberal. Association • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 14 14 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 ci 4 4 4 4 .41 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 NONE 86 or 85 ilmmon.muamosem4444s. The October meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Earl Dunn. Oh Sunday morning in Knox Presbyterian Church a Rally Day /Service was held at 11,15, The children of the Sunday School were seated at` the front and promotion certificates were presented, Next 'Sunday, Sept, 2'3, Sunday Sch.00l will meet. at 10.15 p.m, Evening Auxiliary The September Meeting of the Cranbtoolt Evening Auxiliary was held Thursday evening Sept. 13, at the home of Mrs. Newman. Pfeifer With 12 members and one visitor present, The leader; "Tillie Engel opened the meeting with a verse 'followed by prayer. Thu first two verses and last verse of hymns 658 Were swig. The seripttire, Psalm 23 was reed by Tillie Engel, The' meeting was turned over to the. president, Minutes of the last meet- ing Were read and approved.. Roll &Ill was answered With a Bible verse, Collection WAS taken by Helen Satin, A hospital gift anion% leg to one dollar is 'to he bought, Moved by tsabel Htlether, Seconded 1 by Doris McDonald That We pay for? " a C. 0, ii, study book the :seetional mooting is 'to be held- in Thinssels October 25th, The Peening Atisiliary Rally Is to he held Oetelier -top at s lisle. in the eltateh. The ladies. of V.-Aori t'lleireb invited 'Ole a uxilla ry tr, their mer'iltte SW, i‘th at ..''i) 'nu, tonicM--two Nowa tetforg "VinatT-4 es.. red-tees*, sese --..., vs. r- s 1 '-: 1T-s.ther A poem •utitqf . ?Rulers di 1:1:::::::i: rino4ori:;;;;" "I'ls'. 1'1, P k” r‘el'!•• ,• t• 1 (W,{,1 III,h Thai to4F11A4 rttl by MAUI flieti•1(101fill, ttootlim, 4•47,-,u • Take the wheel—get the feel of IN comfort, operating ease—and power New "Series B" Portii ,tite 1NTERNATIO-NAL CANADIAN -New t-4, 1%5 dnd Tt5.5 "eries. 6" dot and (Diesel Mddelt offer you new all'- Wecither perfernidoce r ne w ecoriorny. hOW ptcfif possibilities every ddy in the year. See us now., Phone THE BRUSSELS rel 004w***""444—e.s..seess-.. ...104 .4e4.Sastasstessiliselse. • . 1,1PERA4. .RALLY HERE IN 4UPPOft.T. QF .AUNT Form 23 THE EVECTION ACT, 195i Section 88 (4) Notice of holding an ADVANCE. 'Notice is hereby given that Pursuant to, The Electien Act, 19510 (Section 88) poll for the Electoral District of Huron-Bruce, will be open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 27th, 28th, and 29th, days of September, 1962, from 8 a,m, until 5. p.m. and from 7 pono until 10 p.m, (9 a.m. Until 6 p.m. and from 8 pan. until 11 The polling places for the said electoral district will be located at the TOWN HALL, WINGFINIVI MUNICIPAL OFFICE, RIPLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY, BRUSSELS FEDY'S STORE, MILDMAY for the purpose of receiving the votes of voters who expect to be absent from the electoral District on the day fixed for polling. The' ballot boxes will be opened and the votes counted at 7 p.m. (S 13,m. D.S.T.) on Thursday, the 4th day of October, 1962, at the said places Dated at Wingham this 6th day of September, '1962. W. B, mcRetCu°rnCtilng Officer. Voting for bii, booms° the company OctOber 4, would be keeping at Queen's Boss 'Whictier, M. P. P. for Bruce. park Is Shady cOmpany. 1te Corte told the audienee that. Ontario is in, einded by pointing to Murray .G.aimb serious trouble, going further into as a winning combination of exPer- debt despite the nAtisance — operated, E fence anti ability and •understanding• sales tax, fillbsidling the "won't I of 'town and country prob lems: work,' to win votes and ignoring/ i Coffee and doughnuts wore served, i provision for education. He stated by the Brussels lames following the !that Ontario students, refused meeting. i higher education because of lack of i. 'facilities are taking their skills and the inerestanent in their early educat- ion to the United States, Murray Gaunt stated flatly that the, ,Ontario farmer has- been exploited, 'that the people of Ontario want, Old will demend, a change of govern- anent. Tie pointed out that the farmer is the best spender in the TESTS HOME-8014,T PLAINE Mr, and Mrs, \Vs James Arm- Strong have- j'us't returned from ,Saint Ste Marie where they • visited Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Tibbo and family, and iiiiisboroi Wisconsin,, where They visited, Mr, and Mrs. Eiallingend and family, during contrantrity. Taking the town of which timo Jim tested their home- Winghasa as an example, he gave built :airplane, figures 'proving that the amount the, farmers spend in the town, doubles the amount spent by the towns- people themselves. This. pattern prevails right through On=tario, It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, he said, that 'prosperity on the farm makes for prosperity in, the eammuns Farquahar• Oliver, To, P. P, for 'Grey South staled that in a bye- election there is nothing to be gained by electing another member to the existing government rahks. He started that a government in office too long becomeg a corrupt government. Why.. he asked, did Leslie Frost quit in mid term? Mr, Oliver suggested' 'that the reason he quit was that hr' did not want to sit up with the, revelations of corrupitiou bound to be revealed and that he tossed the hot potato° to. Roberts. He also stated that 'no government In Ont- ario in 40 years has been so bereft IN MEMORIAM OVING'I'ON In loving memory of Samuel Ovingtort who passed away 'September 18th, 1661 of Irti.owleds0 of farm probleras. The Tories are afraid of and pander to 4"4. large and enthusiastic sesdiseets verticavertical1 ,gathered Friday night 0 hear twO testify to this. 1 011tstanding Liberal Inensbers of the Legislature speak on behalf of thaNt r`theOlivveiette'rr:11:dthbeYTe"i;get:(11:. Murray Gaunt, Liberal Candidate: dote 'a favour by refraining frOux for 'Huron Bruce in the bYe•QleetIon, GREY sCHOOL AREA $9, I -BOARD MEETING The regular 019%410 of the CiveY School Area. No. 1 was .meld In We, Ethel SOW. on Sept. 4, at S:30 p. M. with all membere. preeent, The minutes of the August Meet,' log were read and adopted. Mellen of Ascher and Denteray • Carried, Motion'. .of Conley and ilaynard that the Seeret4ry bill Grey School Area, No, a tor rite pupils front that Area who attended ISTQ, 8 school from, January to. Attie 1998 of $20.00 pets MUM per month, Carried Motion of Fischer and DemaraY that the following accounts be paid -- Carried T1, A. Harrison & Sons caretaker stipplies $ 8.12 Humphries & Co, caretakers supplies 12491 R. L. Cunningham, 46400 lbs of coal at $24.00 ...„.„.... 550,80 David Brown, labour 30,72 Motion ef -Conley and. DemnraY that the Board request the Grey Council to issue debentures in the amount of $180,000 Ito finanee the building of a new Central School for 'lel 1P'Pn and that the Chairman '0 ,"'1 1,904.,11tlirt11 q, 111.1:agent l ips request to The Council at its next regular muting, Carried. The inettine adjourned on motion of Depiarav to meet eenin oc Oct. at 8;40. p.m.. 74Iornl . 0 rte..iwpi% Secretary Mr. and Mrs. John Topham and, NO MORE A LENDER daughter, Mary' Elizabeth, visited. Sill" mac- to man is so unjust, with Mr. and Mrs, it, W. Kennedy on I do not know which one to trust- I've trusted many to my sorrow, 'Sunday. Now when I lend 'twill be to-morrow. One year ago since 'that sad day I The one we loved was called away. 'God took •him away, it was His will, But in our heart he liveth, Ever remembered by wife, family and grandchildren, DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toren% PHYSICIAN and SURGEON he MOdern To Be Traditionally Correa CRANBI-tOOK PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs, J. H, .Glalbraith of Toronto, visited Brussels, friends on Monday, Mr, '.0, Long and Mrs. Wade of California have been visitors with Mrs. J'. Backer, Telephone 45 Brussels, Ont. ilimmommvx D. A. RANN FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Ora n brook W. I. Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Johnston and family of Cooksville were week end visitors in Brussels.' Mr, and Mrs. Win Smaildon, Petersburg, Indiana, visited with- relatives in 'this district. ••4491.44,11C41411.441.14044544,4•444,..4.44has. BRUSSELS, ONT. The Women's. Missionary Society held its ,September meeting at the home of Mass A. J, ,Forrest with nine in .iastendance.. Mrs. Edwin. Nelson was the leader and scripture 'reading was given by Mire, Mrs. Stanley Fischer, Mrs. Wilfred 'Strickler led, in prayer. A reading "The Hands of Jesus Christ" was read by Mrs, Nelson. Miss Forrest prepared the Opia,.and was assisted by Mrs. John Perris. • reading a letter and Mrs, Alex Steins acted as interviewer and Mrs.' Mac. Fngel the Deaconess, This was the second of 'two statdies on the Downtown area of car big cities. The President conducted the business period and verse containing "labour" was given in roll call response. It Yeas ' ct repfl to 111.1.011n,Sn a ctucly book for the C.. 0. to Lull Oil W11 SorvP4-1 'the 11OP,(oc and 11.1",% MTh The Bouquet Invitation Line Wedding Invituttons Thermo..engraved (RA1sED 1.1i'rmitcic) Wedding and - en gagesuent announceinsii Is, 1.);ttli a e noumee- ' mega,- confirmation imitations, golden and sliver anniversary awriertuteements, etc. Mr. and Mrs, Harold 'Marshall of Stratford and Mrs. M, Elliott. of Winnipeg, were visitors with Miss Bessie Moses. •• wir Mr, Tan. MeDonaid entertained His. Excellency, the Royal Danish Anshan-. sador to Canada, and his son, at his summer home in 'the 04taneau on Sunday, Mr, and. Mrs. Edwin. Martin and Owendolyno visited with Mr, and Harry Toombs of Queensville and and Mr. and Mrs, !Roy Savage or. Wiflowdale last week, ,.Tim Davis has purchased • a Hardware business in Luean. Davis, who is disposing of his farm 'here, takes possession of the Lucan ,store on the first of October, Word was received here last week of the death of Ws. Ferris of 'Muni. peg, A native of Brussels, she was, the former Dolly Recker, a sister of Wni, Backer and the late Baelter of Brussels. rd m Theivino-evr.avirt„,er (RAISED Ltresitilse) - • Leash and fees like the finest hand engraving.•Toe letters isave an elegance and indivitiuslity only the finest hand 05_ graving can match. Thernio-engraving (RAISED LETTERI10) Coils about hall as much at honet engraving, becauso ft assa, the copper plate that makes han engravings° es.?cte-iet AND IT'S READY WITHY.14 THE W.F.St . ad ,.cobras yo* can order inatchiaa .Gme-Easzfas-*Viiima iSeeecrliem, rtttertM4e, thatal TO° and at Caul .saki t, Oath Ilvi.;$ bar gent eatsmom Einatora, 11 distinctive aprIeri of IstterrIeg. is ,Linea priziad 64. leer Its * 40.00 Cat; 100 far $1 3..Ar. Clete with iktblo eityelopes arid thanes. SEE OUR DISPLAY AT BrUSS(31.9 VOS,t Mr. and Mrs. W. 7. Perrin spent the past two weeks in the, Maritime, Provinces. On the return trip they were aecompariled by James Perrin. B, A.„ who sPent the smuttier on a. mission charge tql'n't Nova Seotin. He conducted the service in Melville Chun on Sun. day, modern farm business: Nothing brings out the facts like a turn at the wheel. Ride, then decide! The world's largest manufacturer of farm equipment invites you to try the new international or Far1nall Of, your choice on your own farm. If your In dealer hasn't already Seen you to arrange a free demonstration, se hitn, today. 3 1 For a great new experience in farming, just try powering your work away with a new International or Farina! For a ''refresher" in all that's new and best in fartn power, just try a neW International or Fartnall! Only in the tractor seat, on your jobs Will you fully appreciate all that a new International or Farmall Means to the i I [EON., .Progressive (.7411,1rva tivo oamlidato, tidinirPs 'the floral exhibits at the 11tiltimay Fail 'Pair, Left to 1.1•01./. Pro Mrs, Geo. Culbert,. Mlitimay, ',,le•fluittli eon, 'LlOY4 .;.spot and Mrs, Mite Metettlfe, 'bah of Mfidatv, 4