HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-09-20, Page 1I BRUSSELS FAIR .kTID.BITS. TherstlaY Everting Prociern Canada Vinegar' white wine, gal. -- ••••• 75c , Aylmer Catsup II oz. 2 for mm 37c Blue Ribbon Tea. Bags, 100's „""•••-•. ... 69c •,••••••••• •••••••40...44,441.4., • 04,. LADIES ARE YOU 'BAKING. CAKES OR '40' for the Brussels Fall Fair THEN SE SURE TO USE. S FIRST 'GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER USE COUSINS BUTTER CHURNED FRESH DAILY dfaMEM611.•111•M rt•—• • AMMOSIODIalimilaalemnserty=rmainammoutocararem..marmanie.twl or DUBLIN CREAMERY PHONE i6 DUBLIN BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN 'THEATRE Limited CLINT 'frwo Complete Shows Nightly tehildren under 12 Ma Cars- Free i••••••,••••,,•••• WINS AT NEW iiikM,EURG Congratulations to Turnbull of Britasels who carried a/ praetically a il prizes in the rurehred,Sherthorn rattle classes at tbd.a New Hamburg fair on :Saturday, CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks is extended. to all the relativeS, neighbetirs, and. friends for their many kindly acts land expregaions of sympathy tut thet 'time Of okir recent bereaventerit, A WilS al.l deeply appreciated. The family of the late Mfrs.. Clara Smith Mitlica.n Church OP CANADA liteetor: ' AO: H. I. a•inniiiel DA, 'LT% Oreatilit: Mrs, E. BONN St., 4014 445. ":c TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SePiAtriber 26 Shown at StIo: and 181.68 4I A WEEKEND WITH LULU Sob MenkhOLISO Leslie Philips Shirley Eaten' An hitarintla CiritJsh eaMody (CarieonY 664111111:11t pagelanitil„ Pest OW. Deettectlaut, Ottame hursday, epternber 20th, 19'62 ttlitortatott Volit Publishing %mut on Sep See YOU A. 1 l'O:RADOAT,ES ENTSRTA.N.FD 'BY I 1- Ttie Thltssela and District itome i And :School. MsoCia.tiOn entertained 1 the ill grathirites Of the Brussels 1 public; school this year on Wednes- i 1 clay 'illglit at a, pot-luck supper in I 1;1 us United Cilvaren. The guest 1 i spenlOr was, Robert Ritter. vice- ' i ' prineinal of Wingiman, District High : Sehool l Where the graduates are Onests at the head table were I; now grade 9 students. Mr. and Mrs. Ritter, 'fitly,. and Mrs, T.,' L, Jennings„T, M, McDonald, • Mr, and Mrs, 1 Gerald ENO, K. L. i sAbitton, Mrs. A. K, Griffiths, and Mrs, Win, H. King, i The graduates were "Carta Exel, I I Joan 0-amiss, Lynn Workman, JohnJ at dePtlny — a fire, t Hanna, Haold 1\flitter, Prank , The it -e "ruck reaches the sewn' Stretton, Gregory "Wilson. Archie ; too late. only to rind that fire lies Arcpenald, RObent Fischer, Lorna : re." to the tnt ,n or's, 'house The fire. Bryans, and Gall Hunt, 'Gerald Exel, president -of the I lives, to put nut the fire told to sawn • men work desperately. risking' their Association, was chairman. Mrs-. ntlie” •••tn‘ritt- lmildings. ariffiths led 'the group. in nommen- ; Fires are such sad occurrences', :1 qty singing, 'accompanied' at. 'the . tsnerielty when they ,are like this 'Piano by Mrs; King, and also sang 1 two, with lives lost Evert .daY WATE44,00- MUTUAL„ AWARD WINNERS The 'Wnterloo Mutual insurance Company of Waterloe, were privileged 'to ]told 'a School Essay Contest in eonjunctioo. with. the Brussels Fall Pair The theme was 4-importance of Fire Prevention. and Safety in the.itome.' Arp are nleaF,w1 to announce that ILI' essay stibmitted by Miss Jill Then-non of R. ft. No-, 1, Illiterile was judged the winner, Following her enray. FIRE PREVENTION AND SAFETY IN THE HOME. The wail of a fire siren can te- heard throng/tow" the town is the ire trnel / racen throngb the streets MITCHELL F4141., FAIR ZIVESDAY -and V(EPNESPAY SEPTEMBER 25 and 26 $6,000,00 in Prizes HORSE RACES: 222 2.23 oiasse4 "The Sigget% 1-„Ittle Flair in Ontario" HOME d. SCHOOL ASSOCIATION I YOU lialEit .see the 'program), to aie presented Iry the -Crystal• Valnce -on. I,. Thtirsdny evening September :27. Members of the Brussels III-T '010 will have -sitifs'ilad dances .for your enjoyment, Thom are sure to lie i both dellghtiftl, and: amusing. Awards To Be' 'Presented. The awards for the Waterloo Mutual Insult-ace Ciompany "School Essay Contest, held in conjurytton with the P-ruSsels Fall Fair, Will be I presented to the winners by a. • representative of the company, on. Thurstlaw" 'ev'ening, at the Crystal • Palace. Win A Cake Tickets -Wilt be. sold on two "Unit cakes, 'sponsored by the littiliee Division. These tickets will 'he on• sale, at the'falr grounds, on both Thursday and Friday. Don't -Miss 'Vile chance • to win one of 'these delectiable crakes. t Notice To 'Ladies r The vives'of' the directors /DT -the- :Kleenex, reg. 2 for ................ ..... ,31c, •• UTCHE 11111•mnften••Cia.11106061•MaT11149. Phone 293 We Deliver oftesisigniaarealwaraimamaloark 4,-e,"?...Vmemaaasoisav.dara.a. 1 NOTION Vi/XL"FON MAN INJURED' IN ;The Ethel Women's InstitUe give cAR, TRAIN icoLLrsioN :notice that all persons _using the 4 iirm,,,In are killed in fires' and :pool do so at their own risk. Will „.2.3.,,,,a , -Walton, Ma. ' of .111r,' and .Mrs.. ' , • , , ordon Stephenson, on beiralf or -. R fair, as well as the directors 'of the I ,,,___, be Brussels Schooh fro"1-entiv due to carlessness, • the person who removed the sign : ." HughltSohnston, 4 esonvad serious Beard, present- I *kindly return same. ' ja.tjary Tuesday Toadies.DIVIS'ion .are asked. to bring' 0. tl. ed the Martin Murray hat was 'the cause of this "fire? I -,,,yilea In a ear ides for the booth' on Friday. highest marks in English , in collision with ,a, ,C;PR.train. at to Archie • of the fire, bast first of all let its 1 "1-11.7-NEWS 111.r.4..johnston, ualttetided .,hy.Mr. ! winnino• exhibits in the Palace„ . . . is, an ideal time to see the prize Come early" Thursday evening. It 'McDonald, ' who was also ot."1 (I' ' - Walton. , . la.e-ict- - think of what the cause might of 1.' 'The BruSsels. Hial held a tianee on solo, of („bet Judges Know the Difference Indoor Extil6its award Tor 'the • Tomorrow's paper will /tell the cause 7 and Your Family Will Too I or • If you prefer _UNSALTED BUTTER, for baking or salt-free diets, it is available at The trearne7 a -AT 'ALL TIMES oosmg a ; had something to ''do with the cause -stild 'Flpsign ti with facial cuts and holly There will "he Plenty tro interest. 4 rll. • • tether of the 'fire. Maybe the children, bad 60 were oral/ for his class I been. As two small children were i Donald Noble et 'Brussels, was before the program, begins, • involved in the fire, nerhans they Saturday, Sept. l'5' with 89 pemberra ; MD spOke on "Ch • 'Career.'' Mrs Murray RI Mr. Ritter, introduced by Td M. 'admitted to 'Crbighatn, -Gealeral • Present. '111(embership cards -were on Visit the Brussels Fair e -an 'Freeze Dance was won by 'Darlene Machan and Dan Nolan, 'Cathy Hanna won 'the Mystery Draw which ' involved guessing the-nape •of a record. aim and presented him With ; !teen playing with matnes Thl 1 as ' . . , . . .s a everVone of -every FWP Meet your brinisear. He was repotted ttolhetin Polices, said Johnston -was travel- ' ling north on the grittron :County f Road when his ear was 'iii collision with the-diesel engine -trt level crossing -at the northerly ,outskirts 'It is called Hillbilly jinx. of the Village, Watch the posters for 'the itiate--of the next-dance. WDHs COM1v1ENGEMENT Commencement, -wilt be Theld at / been the cause of . many fires, 1314 'I . children should not 'he 'blamed far f; setting fires, as 'omen the Sourc of I a gift, Each graduate was presented • 'With • a gift founain pen from' -the -Home- and School Association by Mr. -Gerald 'Pxel, Murray Mother en 'behalf of the AssocIatior. TreSented 'Mr, Exel with a gift in •eppation of his work as presi- dent, llan -MetIonald Introduced the subject of• the long, circuitous route taken by•school buses from Brussels 'to -Wingham, There are • entnigh nupils 'from Brussel§ to fill bus for Wtingham. and a letter is to be Prepared to be sent to Winettam District 'School Beard urging a direct lies. satisfactory, condition,. rtr,,pelt; Fair • MORRIS COUR,LE HONORED ON. SILVER WED,DING ANNIVERSARY On Friday ,axemng about thirty . neighbour's and .friends gathered at Itlie home of Mr. and Ma's. 'George Martin, on the fifth of Morris, to honour them on the eve of their 25th wedding annivers'ary. The evening wns. -spent, ,,_playing progressive eitchreter which Mr. Wm, McArter read address and .Mrs, Robert Clrasty-and Mrs. Geo. Weide presented 111r. and Mrs. Martin with lovely -gifts. A dainty Muth was served to -conclude a very Tire is oarlessness of adults, - Investigator had checked .the Baxter I house he probably would have found • as if fires had been invited The 1 attic looked as though a tornado had ;I just swept thrOugh it, spilling' trunks full of old cloth-es and other rubbish tvhicli would--have been_muchbetter • 'burned in an incinerator and not • in the attic: 'in the, cellar, rags 1. drenched with oil and paint were in heap, much too (lase to the furn9ce: Frayed cerds could be mound in I almost -any room; The house was ' not properly wired; Mr. Baxter left tuning cigarettes in ash trays and t often smoked in bed. Often the Easters would strike- a match book I that -was not closed; And in the whole house not one- fire extingnisher I could be found, The fire could have peen prevented quite easily by putting matches 1 far oat of the reach of curious I children; By burning the rubbish .1 in the attic and storing the rest safely away: All the., frayed, cords conic' have been mended; The house could haVe been easily - and properly wired; Mr, 'Baxter could haVe put .and. FEMALE WANTED Steady Work Don't forget the 111-T play -arthe fair grounds on. the night then27th. HELP Good Wages ,AOply to : EAST HURON PRODUCE PHONE 66 BRUSSELS many instances where it anneerred • thd -winghttin :;Sdhool A i.. ' 0 rY sHtIt, on. Friday, Oatoberr 26, with ,A."11. McK,ague, Assistant 'Superintendent Dtyling Cold Wavlitif Secondary Education IBranchnas 'the speelality guest speaker, Ortistelt • V pEAU Dentine, hone 14o SILVER 'W'EDDING ANINI VE RS-NRY, CELEBRATED Mr. and Mrs, John Perrie were pleasant evening. '-Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. R. Cioultes, 'Mule and Audrey of BeIgrave held I a 'family gathering at their home on -Saturday, 'September 15, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. 'George -Martin, R.R. 4, 13rtissels, to help 'them celebrate their .SilVer-wedding it-universary, At 7 p.m, a zumptions 'turkey -dinner was served, The table was centred with a -three 'tiered wedding cake suitably ,decorated, The evening was -spent -in social chat and cards and 'the "bride and groom of 25 years received rears -lovely gifts and good wishes. cv-4- - ANNIVERSARY SERVICES \.y.d11".116 held kg ;KNOK UNITED CHURCH BELGJAVE 11.1.4. TAY SgRT;.EMBER honored on the occasion of their I/ .2151th weidding •anniversary, during the evening •of -Sept, 11th when about 28 friends 'and relatives surprised Ahem with a party,. arranged by their -family, The social evening' included games, enjoyed. by everyone, and the presentation of ISIS 'many lovely gifts, Alarge Annivers- ary Cake, baked especially for the I occasion, highlighted -a, bountiful lunch which was served. 23rd FRESH BREA.% ant BAKI NG DAILY Fresh Fruit and VegetabIcs Ai An Mai:, WEEK-END SPECIALS Rice Krispies 9 oz. eryinge ,at: 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. gtfliti:A:PAaker: Rev. C. E. Taylor of, Goderich IM•111.••1•0•• 'THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 20 ,-,21 Ittit:No. 1 — Shown at 10:00 only "TWO RODE TOGETHER" James ;Stewart - - Richard 'Wit/lark Shirley Jones (anotoo) The United Church ,OF CANADA ,MInleter: ,Rev. A.,}5.Srlfilths 9:45 Sunday •S„r.thool 11:40 aNkerning Vors40 Presbyterian Chordi IN 4ANACIA Chia 2Sh Minister: Rev. W. J. Morrison. 1044 , 'illrganist: Mrs. Frank Thotawson Mr, and Mrs. Perris are cengrat- i cigarette out before putting them / 'Weed and wished linopiness 101' ' in an ash tray: Mr. Baxter did not ' many mere years, heed to smoke in bed; Tt would have been much easier to close the match book cover before striking a match than building a new house or spending months hospitalized; Fire exithignishers shoUld haVe been, somewhere in the house, tt costs a lot less to- buy a couple of fire; extinguishers titan to buy a now henee, Nampa after the fire, ncople shall he mot's -careful and convert their hotiteS frOth, fire traps to fire t Safe bottles. But not likely, Eatery One keeps thinking "are wilt traPpen to Senteinie else and net to them," TO Make a safe home it costs Se little and takes such little time. 2:30 p.M., at the Clerk's Office,- • 28c Aylmer Catsup lloz. 2 for 39c Ballet. Toilet Tissue 2 rolls ••-• ..... • .... •••••• ..... 25c ,"BEET, AT FAIR GROUNDS MONDAY, SEPT. 24th 'There Will be a "Bee" -at the al4 Grounds on Monday, September 24th, to prepare for the Fair, Your assistance Will be appreciated. Phone 132 Hit No, 2 .— Shown at 171:,30Tonly mHOMICIDAL” Glenn Cordett Adult Entertainment (A Mystery) (Cartoon) Topnotch F e NOTICE OF COURT- OF REVISION , ASSESSMENT ROLL TOWNSHIP OF GREY The Court of Revision on. the 1962 Assessment Roll for the Town- ship af Grey upon which the 1963 taxes will he levied will be held On Wednesday, October 3rd, 1962, at SATURDAY and MONDAY September 22 - 24 Hlt No. 1 — Shown at 9.45 only "THE LADIES MAN" ferry Lewis Traub& (Colour) Come One,- Come All, To 'The Brussels Fall Fair We will see you at our booth when you get, your ticket for the free draw. The draw will be :made at 5:00 p.m. by Mr. JaMes Mair, President of the OntaAio Association of Agricultural Societies. - 10,100 A. M, ,Churclar Schee). 1.1„,k60 a, in. Public 'Worship EVeryone Welcome Ethel, Ontario. Other winners Were Second --- Edythe M• Olardiff, MISS Linda Casemore, it, it Clerk, teWiiShip of Grey, No, 4,, Winghtien, Ontario, 1-Tonetirable Mention —Niel Edgar, lit R 4, Winglitim, Ontario., Neil flowing, Mit, No, I, 1310e- vale, 'Ontario. Obagraulatitoria to all the. win-Mara • SEE and as liOne they coritinne to Prantige ki,t6ty at all thilea in the ratite, THE WATERLOO'MUtuAL LINSORANOt COMPANY Vtit No, 2 — Shown at 8:30 01N THE WAKE ;OF A STRANGER" Tony ,),alright " Shirley Eaton (A Mystery) (Cart6etii) ATTENTION' VETERANS, EX,SERVICt MEN, WOMEN dtND DEPENDENTS Thd donaton tieglet terNtlee, Bureaii 6ftio5f, W, Moyer, Of London, Ontario, bo trantii kg, trftssols, eh (Jabber 1St,. front 2 .0,111, to 2" 0311, Anyone' wielting autfoimatioii, advice, or dintigaileei regarding -Wilt Disability OetiSion Treatineitt AtioWarineet etc., is rettiteSted tiotittiot tite i8ortqco Offiedr Seeretary local Branch. Whose' nettle ant/tiara beipw, tnd,,rti jin.u‘or0141citt.;lait tia..te's./".iiir, Ray ftelOeiri, Reef, TENDER FOR SNOWPLOWING - TOWNSHIP' 60 GREY toiddit *in be received by the. nridersigned WWI I Olt, •WeidiloadaY, Oettalier grd, 1962, tot. ehotkflitow, too,' for" the 1902-63 Season in the Totvnshih of Grey, Tenders to, be by the 'bete, State Mike and size ehttillatient ltta lie used. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ancerded. itelythe: M, Cordiff; Clerk. Township of (trey rtheli bittatle, - Harvest thail kaivieitt trottisg tif[o,yol. Dinner tireteher- ROY, 10.0Iiihte 1 Wtiff9160. Ontario A ennorItail COmplily Servihd ' 6onotitant fde 0 Century \ Atit°"16b1:neio—ficiP'4111.coemlna at4sualiY ftritagela ReOresentatiVe: Matti-'Peril tovertidea' 1, - SELWYN RAKER 4.1tiii, Maki Valk* kror Tile Iramnet'41r' ;1 $ii SerViee in &Ye/if of 'St "MIMEO ragiiiirtoigg. ThlettOtat ThariltegtVilig Britutseast Ont.