HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-08-02, Page 3A3n1;144,f9A4ALIE CROCERY Store etrillsinent. Includes shelving - freezer • shopping carts, etc. Please write for complete list, Dyck's Food Market, 150 Collier St., Barrie. PSG and Calf Pen, metal partitions and gates, 400 feet in 4, 8 and 12 foist 54 c'" Gans, Used only one year. Eariestnere Forms. Georgetown, '.rR 74301. "DESTROYER" for use in Outdoor toil- sts. Eats down to the earth, Sa yes cleaning. Directions. Thousands, of wen, coast tq collat. Price $1.10 per can, postpaid. Log Cabin Products, '322 Yerk Road, Guelph, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS •. --- SEND for Tweddle August Money Sav- er and free illustrated catalogue, We save you money on men's, women's, boys', girls and babies' wear, electri- cal appliances, watches, cameras, wa- ter softeners and hundreds of other items. We list a few 4)f our bargains: Men's broadcloth pyjamas, $2.59; Caps, 39e; 'I' Shirts, 39e; Plastic Raincoats, 98e; boxer Shorts, 98e; Bandanna Hand* kerehiefs, 19e; Dress socks, 290 per pr.; Ladies' Nylons, 490 per pr.; Broadcloth pyjamas, $1.911: Foam-let suppers, 741 Bath Towels, 79S. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUE. 11 ONTARIO BOO KS OUTSTANDING BOOKS! Canadian Travel and Adventure Stories free list on request.. Guardian Books. Box 700 Adelaide Street Past Office To, ronta 1 Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WELL established small restaurant for Immediate sub-tease, due to ill health. Living quarters attached, 30 miles west of London, Sacrifice. Apply Wm. Lloyd, 114 Railway Ave, Stretford. WOODWORK, Shook's mill plant, just started, ambitious person can develop, Reason for selling, age. Further infor- mation write Box 264, Eganville, Ont, MOTEL on Hwy. 11, Ii mile from Coch- rane has 15 modern units newly built, well furnished, Low dawn payment, ideal for young couple Apply, West; way Motel, P.0 Box 1$69, Cochrane. tint BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FEED mill and fuel business. Belleville area, Closing estate, Excellent oppor. tunity. Details write Morden, 876 Portage Rd. S., Niagara Falls, Ont, COUNTER TOPS STAMPS ROY S. WILSON 76 Richmond Street West, Toronto NEW ISSUES CANADA' B.C. & FOREIGN RAPKIN GIBBONS SCOTT MINKUS - HARRIS & GROSSMAN ,h.LBUMS IN STOCK COLLECTIONS ALSO PURCHASED SILOS FARMS FOR SALE ONE of the best farm in the Camp- benford district. 250 acres rich loamy land of which 200 acres are workable. Very modern 4 bedroom home, all buildings in good condition large trout creek. Contact George Ai'rhart, Real- tor, Campbellford. 58,1100. 200 acres, drilled well, hydro, house and barn, Write T F. Wilson, R.R, 3, New Liskeard, Ml 7.4777. 100-acre farm for sale, good buildings and water; 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway in Hastings County. Marmora Township. Apply Charles IL Leonard, RR 3. Marmora, Ont. ATTENTION DUMP DRUCK OPERATORS! We are featuring a dump truck eIear- ance sale. Price range $1,000 and u No reasonable offer refused. Buy la and save, Herron Motors, Dixie, on 277-1456. Fiery, itching Skin Gets Quick Relief Here is a clean stainless pene- trating antiseptic oil that will bring you speedy relief from the itching and distress of Eczema, Itching Toes and Feet, Rashes and other itching skin trOubles. MOONE'S EMERALD OIL not only helps promote rapid ang healthy healing in open sores an Wounds, but boils and simple ul- cers are also quickly relieved. In skin affections—the itching of Ec- zema is quickly eased, Pimpleq, skin eruptions dry up and scale oft in a very few days, IHOONE'S EMERALD OIL, can be obtained at any drug Store, SCHOOLS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Study this interesting and useful pro- tession. For free brochure and chaste, contact: CAN. COLLEGE OF MASSAGE I8 Farnham Ave., Toronto 7. TEACHERS WANTED AMALGAMATED School Board of Can. tral Labrador (Protestant) require lege school feacher to assist with three high school rooms in North West River, Labrador, PRINCIPAL subjects history and geog- raphy. SALARY - Provincial standards pimp bonus and travel allowance according to qualifications. Accommodation HI teachers' residence at local rates. APPLY Chairman, North West River, Labrador TILE FOR SALE TILE TILE TILE CLAY field tile from 4" through 16" n o w available. Immediate delivery, Wilkesport Brick & Tile Yard, Wilkes. port, Ont., Telephone BrIdgen TO, 4- 1367 or call at the yard, TRUCKS OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call Marvel Hairdressing School 358 Bloor St, W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL 100 MILES north of Toronto, on 10 Highway 190 acres, part of 3 lakes, about 3d acres of lake, 1 cottage at the lake with hydro, good fishing, pike, pickerel, black bass. Good beach, An excellent place for cottages and sum- mer resort. Small airplanes can land on farm; 75 acres of working land, 7- room 2-storey cement block horde, barn 56x56, cement floor. Also hydro in all buildings, garage, driveshed and hen• house: 4 miles from highway; also open roads all winter. Price $38,000; half cash. Mr Ted Hines. RR 1. Holland Centre. Ont. ISSUE 31, — 1962 PULLETS & N "nic chic" started indlets, vac• cinated. dubbed and debeaked for sale at any age from the following hatch- ing dates: May 22nd, 1250; June 15th, 4000; July 2nd, 5000; Aug. 6th, 5000; Sept 10th, 10000. Phone 558, or write Box 581, Logsdon. Hatcheries. Ltd,. Sea• forth, Ontario. PROPERTIES FOR SALE Receive Big Mani Eree Samples, Cats. Toques, Magazines, 15c. Get listed. P.O. Box 296. Snowdon, MontreaL A modern way to help you reduce. Eat 3 meals a day. Lose pounds and inches fast. Clinically tested Slim-Mint . helps satisfy your craving for food - Slim-Mint plan makes reducing easier than you ever dreamed possible $2.00, 2 weeks' stipply. LYON'S DRUGS, 471 DANFORTH TORONTO THERE OULILINd FOR HIM — Little Letiguee Everett' Knowles Jr., 12, whose dent . torn off 'by Si 'tit .sstid sewn back on .by teatii 6f surgeons at Massachusetts- Generat'Ho bitai, talks baSeball with Mickey :Montle tleft).ond Roger Marls, JUST IN CASE — Workmen mount an alarm siren atop the ,Spandau police school in West Berlin. The device is one of many new sirens installed, some of them along the. Com- munist-built wa II. chal, whose high kick allows robber barons to get a three-step jump, Wills believes that every pitcher reveals s omething "if you look long and hard .enough. It could be their head, arms, hips, knees, legs, feet," say Wills. "One Philadelphia right-hander opens his left shoulder toward first and has to close it back up before he goes home with the pitch, Once he starts closing, he's committed himself and you go," For going so well so often, Wills, called the "Thief of Bags, dad" by Boston Globe sports- writer Jerry Nason, now earns $30,000 a year. Yet he remembers best the first time he didn't have to dash around the bases, "I popped one over the left-field screen in the L.A. Coliseum last year for my first big-league home run in 1,167 times up," Wills re- called. "I sprinted around first till I saw the umpire waving home run. Then I went into my version of the home-run trot, the way the big hitters do. Instead, I just about tripped over second and almost missed third, When I got to the dugout, the guys gave me the silent treatment for a few seconds. As soon as they ' started cheering, I felt so good I ran out of the dugout and came back again." Speed King Back In Driver's Seat For the first time in three months, short, balding Stirling Moss last month qilietly return- ed to the world he knows best. Sliding into his lemon-colored Lotus Elite, the world's greatest racing driver drove cautiously, never exceeding 30 miles an house for a half-hour near his parents' home outside of London. "That was long enough and fast enough for Me tight now," said Moss, who crashed into an embankment at 105 miles an hour the last time he drove and suffered two brokeh ribs, a cracked left knee, a torn left shoulder, and a brain injury that left hirri in a deep cense close to ,death for eight days. "Once you have cornered et 90 miles an heists it isn't much of a thrill to go 100 on a straight road, I'M not interested in the thrills of driving at the moment."" At the moment, Moss; 22, ill interested only in resuming his career. After a 'vacation in Nag , Sett, Ilifogs hopea oomnete next Month at, OotidWoOd, hi Sttssext the Wild 2i mile track that he trashed On three itiontht egg'.. STILL CHAMP Champion weltetweignt Emile Griffith, left, and Challenger Ralph DUpos tie each Other up it the kat taunt( of their 15-round title fight in LOS 'Vegas, Nev, Griffith d Unariientfus decision, n Great Wealth. • I-C cIden l.n Oceans • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SOUTH AMERICAN PROPERTIES FOR SALR FARM EqUIPmENT ROBT. Bell threshing Machine *A with Ebersol feeder and shredder, drive belt, 18 ft. elevator, in Pod, condition, Norman Bennewies, Brodhegen, Tele. phone Munkton 3474330. HEARING AIDS CAN'T HEAR WRITE "CARHEAR" REG, Order direet from wholesaler Aids de- signed to sell for three. cast you lass than one hundred, ONLY $39,50 FOR OUR SPECIAL One full year written guarantee. Write, now, we'll help you if we can. We have no salesmen, Canadian Hearing Etee. tronics "Canbear".. 24 Catherine Street, Smiths Falls, Ontario. HELP WANTED "Sure .rxil frightened of death,"' he said, '414 X Want Antiling more than to get hack to, motor racing. Some .blokes gondola. racing, mostly because they don't know anything about it. We're not horses in the Grand National or bulls in some bull ring. We .0011 have to race, We want to race, The stakes are high, Play- ing cards for ..rnatchetiels is one thing. Playing for money is an- Other." In his $04-4-day suit 7. at iron. don's May Fair Hetet, Moss began to, wells without crutches for the first time. "I can't see 'as well or control my left, hand as I used to," he admitted., "My left ankle still feels like it's bound. with Steel brace. And• the toes PH my left foot feel, cold, But I know will race again," LAND ts'it°°erAeCRIllARtA 4500 vegetables,coffee, rice, Only $1 00 Per Acre cotton, wheat, corn, or almost anything ptrlyantedstItehatimvses. tEhxrcoeulgiehnt ecaacthtle feattrtimIl: Plenty or grass, Virgin land, New Un- improved roads to each farm This territory just. opened. l,oeated 300 miles northeast of Brasilia,. which 'Is newest and roost modern capital cit in world - in State of Goias, aro Serou.tehiecAltriCrk iad'arlt's)t, .faTroe(arnoiminsnewiliyhyei Basin We have 2511 farms to sell at, 5500 each 10,,j., discount sor cash or finantecrernsi•ba"rg0esdrAnil $21a0ndmosKultrhveytned° and staled Titles guaranteed by GI* maps Abstract Ltda Send down pas merit or full purchase price to Bros. Real Estate Company incensed ens,Real nEstate embe rs d elanlmnabAkiSstacthei a mb er o llid91.f. deirriam ebracnek)* Address r'4s2 w, St o ug tnh31 Indianapolis 25. Indiana 10. 4-8326, AT 3-1256, Earth is a Water world, If you Could look back at our planet tram the moon, through the Obs scoring haze of the atmosphere, Its most ,striking characteristic would be the dark east of the oceans. . The sea, spreading as an irreg.. ular but unbroken envelope, dominates our world. It regulates the weather. It is the ultimate source of all our water, It pro- Vides a habitat for plants and. animals far greater in area and volume than the life zone of the land, so that marine organisms can be thought of as the most broadly representative life forms of the earth. , „ Can men look to the seas to meet their ever growing needs for food and minerals? Can they learn, to farm the waters as they do the land and take advantage of the teeming oceans? Can they eXtract the mineral wealth that lies in dilute form at every sea," coast? , , These are the kinds of questions that now are help- ing to shape the research con- " corned with the sea, They are not strictly "scientific" qUestions, although it will take a good deal of basic scientific research to answer them. They have a prac- tical flavor that is foreign to the search for knowledge for its own sake that has characterized oceanographic work until recent times, After millennia of neglect, the oceans are beginning to cams mand the attention of land-based men as something more than a hunting ground for fishermen or a highway for ships. The fact that such questions have begun to share a place in the thinking of ocean scientists along with the traditional questions of biology, chemistry, and physics of the sea indicates that, in terms of its broad perspective, oceanography is emerging from the academies and institutes and the restricted circles of its maritime applica- tions. It is tackling problems of immediate and long-range signi- ficance for men everywhere. Its *mergence is the theme of this M — From the Preface to Frontiers of the Sea," by Robert C, Cowen, X-RAY TECHNICIAN Position open Lifter August for aegis. tpred Technician. Consideration given to student graduating this fail Fully accredited, hospital. Attractive locutiert, Write now for details; Administrator, Leamington District Memel-la) hospital, Leamington, Ontario. 10 Acres Land--$75 NEAR TOOANTINS POWER PLANT 10 acres of fine farmland In Tocantins River Basin pestl, one of Y,'Prld's largest nydro.olectric power plants (I muudn XliesitattS). Located in State of Goias approximately 155 neles north of Brasilia, Brazil, South America We have 3,000 farms at this location to sell which are great industrial sites but, tor the present, are being offered only as farm lands at $7.50 per acre ($78 for entire 10-acre farm) Fully surveyed and staked, registered at Federal Cartorto Office, Belo Horiz- onte, Brazil, South America, Title You ante get ed com by plet O e title Gillapa Abstract only , L $73 tda. . Taxes less than 50e per year Send cheque or money order to Stanley Selig, Selig Bros. Real Estate Co (members Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, licensed Real Estate dealers by State of Indiana), References, melt any In- diana bank, Address: 42 W. South St., Indianapolis 25, Indiana ME, 4-8328, A,T. 3.1256 MAIL COURSES CAREER school, watch sepals and goldsmith work, barbering and hair, dressing Ask for prospectus and transportation allowance. Trans•Can- ada Beauty Industries Ltd.. Moncton, HIGH JUMPER AUTOGRAPHS' Russia's record breaking high jumper, Valerie Bruml , writes his autograph for Kirk Arnold, as Russian track team arrives in San Francisco for its meet with the U.S,. MS. Fishermen Have Troubles A-Plenty To the schools of tourists on their annual summer migrations, the old. New England fishing towns looked the same as ever last month, with pork,studded nets drying in the sun and the stubby trawlers and draggers creaking on the dockside swells. With the picturesque scenery, however, there was forlorn evi- dence — decaying piers, shut- tered warehouses, worn-out ves- sels -- that America's oldest in- dustry is dying. Once a keystone -.of private enterprise, whose early profits led to a new land's first industrial complexes, corns mercial fishing is now a neglec- ted soft spot in the national economy. In the past decade, 31,000 fish- ermen and 16,000 fishing boats have been beached. In Glouces- ter, where men have been going down to the sea since 1623, the fishing fleet has dropped from 400 vessels to less than 100. Dis- tress signals are particularly urgent in New England, but many a port along the lower At- lantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts also may be abandoned to the gulls and tourists, San Diego's tuna fleet, num- bering 833 boats ten years ago, is down to 210, The salmon catch off Alaska and the Columbia River is half of what it was fif- teen years ago, In a decade the oyster take from Long Island Sound and Chesapeake and Del- aware bays has dropped 19 mil- lion pounds. The Gulf of Mex- ico's shrimp industry also has been hit hard. Once a strong challenger to Japan as the world's foremost fishing nation, the U.S. in the last two years has dropped to fifth behind Red China, Peru, and Russia. Ironically, this decline has come at a time when Ameri- cans are eating more fish than ever, But nearly half of these fish are now caught in foreign boats; by 1975, the foreign boats will account for three-quarters of all fish eaten in the U.S. He Steals Bases Like Ty Cobb Did. MEDICAL GOOD RESULTS—EVERY SUFFERER FROM RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappeint you Itching, scalding and burning eeze• ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless. odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto Outside the National League dressing room in Washington, D.C, Stadium, a guard suddenly stepped in front of the open doorway. "Are you a ballplay- er?" he demanded. The slim, thin-faced man in blue polo shirt and white slacks scowled and, without a word, walked in- to the room. The guard followed, watching silently until the stran- ger reached the locker marked "WILLS" and sat down, "Well," said the guard, staring at Maury Wills of the Los Angeles Dodg- ers, "he sure doesn't look like a ballplayer." Shortstop Wills, 5 feet 10 and 163 pounds, sure did look like a ballplayer later that afternoon, Entering the All-Star game in the sixth inning as a pinch-run- ner for Stan Musial, Wills quick- ly showed President Kennedy and 45,479 other spectators why he is the best base-runner in baseball, On. Camilo Pascual's second pitch, Wills got a good jump and stole second without even drawing a throw from the catcher. A moment later, he raced home on a single. In the top of the eighth, Wills led off with a pop-fly single into short left. When Jim Davenport of the San Francisco Giants singled to left, Wills took a wide turn around second base, delib- erately daring strong-armed left fielder Rocky Colavito to throw. Colavito threw to second. And Wills ran — to third, beating the relay with a reckless belly slide. San Francisco's Felipe Alou fol- lowed with a foul fly to short right. Crouched on third, Wills, waited until the catch was made, then sprinted for home, sliding in safely and giving the National League its last run in a 3-1 vic- tory. "I think I can steal against anybody," says Washington-born Wills. The artful Dodger's actions speaker louder than his words. In 91 games this season, he has stolen 46 bases in 51 attempts and has a running chance of breaking Ty Cobb's modern rec- ord of 98 stolen bases. "Stealing Is about 40 per cent lead, 40 per cent jump, and 20 per cent speed," explains Wills. "But you've got to know exactly how far you can lead off first without getting picked off, and exactly when to break for second," Though few National League pitchers are as easy to read as Giant right-hander Juan Mari- REGISTERED NURSES WANTED REGISTERED Nurses, also an operat- ing seem Nurse. Small size modern hospital. Apply Superintendent, Kempt- ville District Hospital, P.O. Box 759, Kemptville, Ontario. PRE•FORIVIED Formica CANADA SILOS Add Resistant Silos Lazy Susan Mangers Automatic Feeding Saves Time and Hard Work Feed Mechanically With The SILO-MATIC UNLOADER Scru-Feed'r Bunk Conveyor And Pro-met'r Concentrate Dispenser. Proven .Equipment Guaranteed, Free Pictures or, and Plans. Write To: CANADA SILO CO. LTD. 111 Box 10, Ingersoll, Ont COUNTER TOPS Ready to install meal for KITCHEN COUNTERS, BATHROOM VANITIES, etc, Any size in your choice of pattern and colour, Price per run- $6,00 ning foot REGISTERED NURSE AND Certified Nursing Assistant WITH 1962 registration, for active thopaedic hospital, Please phone MRS. B. CARTER 921-3106 43 WELLSLEY E. TORONTO QUINN LUMBER — GE 2-1161 MATTL.AND AT THE C.N.R. LONDON, ONT. ENGINES - NEW & USED WISCONSIN Heavy Duty AIR Cooled Engines For New Engines For First Class Parts Service For First Class Repair Service For Used Engines E. P. ABEY Limited 444 Wharncliffe Rd. S., London GE. 2-7597 Q. What is the meaning of "a IA carte" in a restaurant? A. This simply means that you select any dish that appeals to 70u and pay for each separate item, whereas in ordering "table d'hote," you pay a set price for the whole meal. Bullet Flowed Through His Veins Two days after fifty-two-year- old Ivan Malinowsky was shot in the right leg, doctors found the bullet in his heart. They operated to remove the bullet and now Malinowsky has has fully re- covered. Doctors at Gerogetown Univer- sity Hospital, Washington say that the case as a medical rarity. Malinowsky Was shot by a would-be hold-up man outside the grocery store which he man- aged. The bullet hit him on the inside of his right thigh. He felt a sharp pain and then a hot sen- sation that raced through his body. "This was undoubtedly the bul- let streaking up to the heart, using his veins as an express lift" said Dr. Charles Hufnagle at the hospital. Malinowsky underwent an operation to have the bullet re- moved but it couldn't be found. It was only when doctors took chest X-rays 'that they discover- ed the half-inch-long piece of metal lying in the right ventricle of the heart. It had traversed the body by entering the large main vein in the upper leg, and then being sucked upwards. On reaching the heart it fell to the bottom of the chamber, Amazingly, no damage was done, JOB'S VICTORY — A Biblical drama, "The Story of Job," has opened its fourth summer season of nightly presentations at Pine Mountain State.Park. Job, in Byzantine mosaic make - up, is pictured giving thanks to God for deliverance from his many tribulations., bing well with a cloth moisten- ed with turpentine, Then rub briskly with a cloth moistened with boiled linseed oil. Let the surface dry thoroughly after each application. Q. How can I discourage the birds from eating my grass seed? A. Soak your grass seed over- night in a strong bluing water made with liquid bluing. Sow the seeds the next day. The birds will not be tempted to dine on seeds treated in this way, and they will also grow faster. How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. Row can i Make a glass cement? A. Just melt Same common alum in a glass spoon — and you'll have a very efficient ce- ment for mending glass, china ; or metal articles. Q. Row can Jf thaw Noxell meat quickly? A. Wrap it in some aluminum foil, arid place in a moderately hot SoVen for 10 or 15 minutes, Q, What can I tie about Vet- fished chairs durtiig the hot season *lien the clothing' per- Oka hi Stiekint to its surface? A. Treat these chairs by rub