HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-07-26, Page 3Oe.4,14%../1'4'W • CROSSES CHANNEL UNDERWATER — Frogman Fred E3al- clasare (center), 38, is helped ashore by his fiancee, Frederika von. Bernhardi, and an unidentified man in Dover, England, after swimming the English Channel underwater. He breath- ed from oxygen bottles during his swim from France, QUINN LUMBER — GE 2-1161 MA ITLAND AT TiE C.N.R LONDON, ONT An Object Lesson About Russia CAUGHT IN THE ACT—The Clarence Deans wondered why their carefully - built four- apartment bird brickhouse had gone untenanted, until they caught Mittens, their cot, red handed, Prehistoric Trees. Growing Again More than 100,000,000 veers ago a tall handsome tree - a species of conifer known es the water cypress - grew luxuri- antly in various parts of Asia, Europe and North America, Vast glacial movements slow- ly wiped them all out, finally making them extinct, Or so most naturalists believed er until a short Lime ago. Then a party of forestry ex- perts were astonished to come upon a few survivors of these "long-dead" trees growing in a remote province of China, These "living fossils," as they were called, were carefully transplanted on a mountain in the warm south of China and large numbers of them have now grown to a height of ten feet. Their growth is so swift that there is a plan to use them for the creation of a kind of "Green Wall" of China and to use them also for filling in gtips in the Great Wall of China itself. The trees will not only check sand movement in desert areas but they will also conserve wa- ter and yield timber which will one day provide charcoal. How Can 1? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I reclaim some stew- ed fruit that has begun to turn sour? A. Try adding a pinch of-bak- ing soda, then boiling the fruit over again for a few'minutes. Q. What is the best way to store leftover putty in order to prevent its drying out? A. Keep it in a plastic bag, Simple Ulcers Boils-Open Sores Now Get Real Help At Home— No Time Lost From Work The simple IIIMERALD OIL home treatment permits work as nstial while those old. sores arc being helped. You get relief real quick for EMERALD OIL helps promote healthy healing. 1DMEELALD. OIL ants instantly to quiet pain, reduce inflammittiet) and stimulate circulation bringing f resh blood to the injured part, itract follow the simple eireetioile 11411111RAVO OIL Is sold by eti clreggista. Hg‘p, WANTED MAID AND el'AnFic MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AGE 17 TO 35 HELGH,Te-51" WEIGHT.-10 LBS. EDUCATION GRADE 19 APPLY IN PERSON TO METROPOLITAN, TORONTO POLICE Personnel Office 92 KING STREET EAST 9FFICE HOOPS: Monday to Friday a.m to 4 p,rn, HELP WANTED X-RAY TECHNICIAN Position open after August for Regis- tered Teebnielen. Consideration given to student graduating this fall 1,1111Y Accredited hospital. Attractive location. Write now tor details: Administrator. Leamington District ]Memorial Hospital, Lea tni»eton, Ontario. . . ....... LIFE SAVER . . Tills could save yOUr life, this Detect- or of Radiation, works ammliere, 1.1•5•1, Canada $4 OIL Guaranteed. CaveM.411 Mfg, em,, P.O. Box 101, urents Pass, Oregon. MAIL COURSES amtsER school, watch repair and goldsmith work, barbering and hair- dressing .A.1c for prospectus and transportation allowance. Trans-Cam ada Beauty Industries Ltd :Moncton, N.B. MEDICAL HIGHLY RECOMMENDED EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment ot dry eczema rashes and weeping sidn troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itchingt scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post• Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSE AND Certified Nursing Assistant WITH 1062 registration, for active or- thopaedie hospital. Please phone ,MRS, 0. CARTER 921-3106 43 WELLSLEY E. TORONTO NUTRIA EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR quick sale 233 Nutria FREE with equipment Peter Torok, Oldeastle, No. 1, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL. Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call Marvel Hairdressing School 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PERSONAL NATURE'S Greatest Health Secret, will ease and help most ailments, All ages benefit, No drugs. Maintains vigor, vi- tality, and puts a stop to your growing old, years too soon! Source $1,00. Ham- ilton, Box 184, Flushing 52, New York. PRESCRIPTION For Healing ! Latest Bible-based method. Inspiring book for Ministers, teachers, invalids. $1,50 from: Dr, Hutchison, 19 Union St., Hopedale, Massachusetts, USA. Receive Big Mail! Free Samples, Cata- logues, Magazines, 15c, Get listed. P.O. Box 296, Snowdon, Montreal. A modern way to help you reduce. Eat 3 meals a day. Lose poUnds and inches fast. Clinically tested Slim-Mint helps satisfy your craving for food - Slim-Mint plan makes reducing easier than you eVer dreamed possible $2.00. 2 weeks' supply. LYON'S DRUGS, 471 DANFoRTH, TORONTO Sand Artists C)n British Beaches Imagine hovi you would feel if you were a skilled artist and liad to destroy your works penis, edically, or have them destroy- ea for -- when the tide came lnl That, has always been the ftus.- trating experience of most sand artists and sculptors at Qettacle resorts in Britain. And those attractive sand pic- tures and _models which escaped damage from wind and wave have often hem ruined by beach hooligans or by frolicsome dogs, Perhaps that's why sand artis- try is now at a low ebb in Bri- tain, although it still flourishes on some of the larger Gamin- ental beaches. Another reason for the ever •dwindling number of sand artists is that larger crowds than ever before throng the beaches and so ° it becomes in- creasingly difficult to find suit- able sites, The finest sand artist and sculptor ever seen along Bri- tain's south coast was John. Su- chomlin. H is amazine ° models, made using only sand, water and some colouring matter, were admired by millions. Some were so detailed mat they took him six weeks to exe- cute on a Bournemouth beach site which.' was sheltered and out of reach of the sea, except during rare periods of storm. One s a.n ci• sculpture by this black - beretted artist depicted the late King with the Queen (now the Queen Mother), shar- ing a seat with their two daugh- ters, The figures were life-size and good likenesses. The artist - a portrait painter who had begun to construct masterpieces in sand because commissions were so few - a.so modelled Bible scenes and illus- trated Greek myths and legends. One subject which took him six weeks to complete in 1931, showed an unemployed family and was entitled: Pinch of Pov- erty. When a young boy, comealan Tony Hancock, who was then living at the seaside, often watched Mr. Suchomlin at work. And he never forgot his vivid artistry. Hancock's latest film about a Punch and Judy man owes some of its inepiration to this sand artist for a sand artist is one of the characters in the story. Before starting on the film Hancock issued an appeal to local residents for any photo- graphs they might have of Mr. Suchomlin's masterpieces f o r possible incorporation in the film. When the Second World War began, most of Britain's sand. artists gave up this work. For "with invasion threatening, the beaches which had been their pitches were officially closed and covered with barbed wire and tank traps, Those bronzed, elderly men one occasionally sees sculpting on the seashore today, say that it hardly pays them to practise their craft. One who at the height of the season sometimes collected $75 a week says his average "tak- ings" for 1962 so far are no more than $20 a week - and he has to work very hard to earn that. At one resort there is an ex- perienced sand sculptor who finds that specializing in models of cathedrals and castles brings in more money than did the "portraits in sand of popular persons" of his youth, The art of drawing on smooth sand seems to be hereditary in some families, including the Walker family of Ramsgate, Kent. In 1945 Mr, Philip Walker, be- longing to the third generation of sand artists, revealed that some of his finest work was done with a table knife, a small weeding fork and a flat piece of wood. leis specialties? Lighthouses, castles and churches. Victorian sand artists some- times worked on a grand scale. One executed what he called "a reciernbent female figure," with flowing draperies, which was 15 ft. long, Themes like "Love Rules the World" were very popular with holidaymakers in those days. Several modern sand artists in Belgium have evolved a me- thod of gumming sand portraits of famous people to wOoden squarei which are offered for sale to tourists in the Bruesels- IVialines district. Belgian sand artists have also executed den- tate carpets of sand in which exquisite coloured reproductions of Flemish and Dutch Old Mae. tars are enshrined. These beach "paintings" are too large to last long, so from time Co time the artists must de- molish them and Mart work. on now ones. ..e.emeeeeteieerellerAlieeer'seiteis CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING pRoPERrigq FOR SALE .0.„ • ROOKS UTS'eatienNu BOOKS' C :1 a d en ravel and Adventure Stories Free list on request.. Guardian Books. Box '700, Adetatne treet Post Office 1.4. Sonto 1. Ontario, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTE', on ,Ilwy„ 11, .1:4 mlie from COOL rano has 15 modern units nenly built, well' furnished- 1.,Ow down Payment, Meat ior young couple, Apply. West- way Motel, P.O .Boat 1309. Cochrane Ont. CAR WASH .EDUIPMENT - coivinrri;,: car e ash equipment 104' sate; 2 brushes equipped with motor. rinser with sprinklers, 65-ft • conveyor with motor and drive shafts, '2. is ft. quiek steamer. 1 commereial-gas water heater, I vacuum cleaner G. Berth. 35 Milford Me„ Leamington, -OM., FA e•4666. • COUNTER TOPE PRE-FORMED Formica COUNTER TOPS is Ready to install Ideal for KYITHEN COUNTERS, liATHROOM VANITIES, etc. Any Size in your elmiee of patterri and colour. Prate per rum $b,00 nlng foot $10,000; Lake' Stmcoo, Hwy. 46. Toronto 50 min , suitable for: STORE., beauty salon, bakery, IIOL'SE 3 bedrooms, bath. modern Ult. eaten;. COT'IA(lE; 3 Sure. rooms; BARN pins IPA acres; cash and .terms. PtiONE l'efferlaw 5 ;r114 23. Porro% Port holster, 104 MILES north of TnTont,n, on le meewey, •HO r.wres, part of a lakes, about :in tweet., of lake, 1 cottage At the lake with ir,dro, good fishing, plke, piekerel, had. 1.wi.s, Good beach. An excellent place for enttageS and sum-. wee resort Small iOrpianes can land on :arm: 1.5 acre', iii ':melons land, room 2estor(s cement block home, barn 5106 cement floor. Also ir.dro all buildings. garare. driteshed ;wad hen. nowt,. 4 mile-, trim) hit bet as: also oin30 roads flit wirittr Price $11:1,0011; half -cash. MI 'red Minna, Rle 1, Uonann C'entri:. Ont. pisTRIGt MOTEL 7 lathe. with several house. .kevpind nails -and owner -s residence, Located in good holiday room Close to highway, acres 'Beach. Beauti- fulls' situated lodge AU will equipped, With ri-asonable down p,it ,toter, one inortrage for balance 47 HILLSIDE AVE., TORONTO 14 ALEX DEWAR, REALTOR CL, 9.1541 SOUTH AMERICAN PROPERTIES FOR sALE. Oni%, $1 00 Per Acre 5:0.ACRE FARM, 5500 LAND where %et:Mantes. enitee, rice, cotton, wheat, corn, or almost anything planted thrives Excellent rattle court- try Streems through each farm. Plenty ot grass Virgin land. New un- hoproced rotals to each farm This territory just opened, Located 300 miles northeast of Brasilia, which Is newest and most modern capital city in world - in State 01 Goias, Brazil, South America. Not tar from new hY- drmelectrie plants.. Tocentins River Basin .We have 250 farms. to sell at $500 each, 10% discount for c a sh or terms. $50 down, $20 month Inc finance ehargesi. All land surveyed arid staked 'Pities guaranteed by GO, mapa Abstract Ltdit Send down pay- ment or foil purchase price to Selig, BrOs, Real Estate Company licensed Real estate dealers by State of Indi- ana. members Indianapolis Chamber of commerce), References, most any 1117 diana hank. Address: 42 W Sculls St., Indianapolis 25, Indiana, ltlE. 4-6328. AT. 3-1258. CIIIICK00 CLOCKS FINE Cuckoo Clocks shipped to you from Black Forest, Germany, in an- doe w'ilnut finish. Perfect for den, alcove. kitchen ideal for gifts, beau- tingly nand curved. Now only 5195, cheek or money order Egwoo Davis, Import-Fxport CO., 4405 Avenue tine, Brooklyn 34. N.Y. Beans, for instance, fall asleep regularly. When they awake - their leaves rise. By flashing a light, botanists tried to eheke them out of bed in the middle of the night, The beans woke up; their leaves rose for a second. Then they went back to sleep. But their clockwork had al- ready been reset; from then on, without the scientists' flashlight, they woke up and lifted their leaves at the same hour every night. Then, a second later, they fell asleep again. DAIRY FARM DAIRY Tern - one of the best in West Algoma Ineome over $1,000 per month Completely equipped. Good house aod barns. For full details write -William it. Johnstone, Real Estate Broker, P.O. Box 456, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, ENGINES - NEW & USED WISCONSIN Heavy Duty AIR Cooled Engines For New Engines For First Class Parts Service For First Class Repair Service For Used Engines E. P. ABEY Limited 444 Wharncllffe Rd, S., London GE. 2.7597 10 Acres Land—$75 NEAR TOCANTINS POWER PLANT 10 acres of fine farmland In Tocantins River Basin nearby one of world's largest hydro electric power plants (1 million kilowattsi. Located in State of Goias anproximately 155 miles north of Brasilia, Brazil, South America. We have 3,000 farms at this location to sell which are great industrial, sites but, for the present, are being offered only as farm lands at $7.50 per acre ($75 for entire 10-acre farm) Fully surveyed and staked, registered at Federal Cartorio Office, Belo Horiz- onta, Brazil, South America. Title guaranteed by Gornapa Abstract, Ltda. You get complete title for only $75. Taxes less than 50c per year. Send cheque or money order to Stanley Selig, Selig Bros. Real. Estate Co Onembere Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, licensed Real Estate dealers by State of Indiana). References, most any In- diana bank. Address: 42 W. South St., Indianapolis 25, Indiana ME. 4-8328. AT. 3.1256 FARMS FOR SALE ONE of the best farm in the Camp- bellford district. 250 acres rich loamy land of which 200 acres are workable. Very modern 4-bedroom home, W?. buildings in good condition, large tro creek, Contact George Airhart, Rea - tor, tor, Campbellforcl. $6,000. 200 acres, drilled well, hydro, house and barn. Write T. F. Wilson, R.R, 3, New Liskeard, MI 7-4777. PULLETS lI & N "nie chic" started Pullets, vae- dilated, dubbed and debeaked for sal* at any age from the following hatch- ing dates: May 22nd, 1250; June 15th, 4000; July 2nd, 5000; Aug. 6th, 5000( Sept. 10th, 10000. Phone 558, or write Box sal, Logsdon Hatcheries Ltd., Sea- forth, Ontario. 100-acre farm for sale, good buildings and water; 1 mile south of No, 7 Highway in Hastings County, Marmora Township. Apply Charles H Leonard, RR 3 Marmora, Ont. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS STAMPS ROY S, WILSON 78 Richmond Street Welt, Toronto NEW ISSUES CANADA - B.C. & FOREIGN RAPKIN - GIBBONS- SCOTT - MINKUS - HARRIS & GROSSMAN leLBUMS IN STOCK COLLECTIONS ALSO PURCHASED SILOS SEND today for our free illustrated catalogue and monthly Money Saver. We save you money on men's, we- men's boys', girls' and babies' wear, electrical appliances, summer furni- ture and hundreds of other items. For example, we offer: Men's T Shirts - 3011: Pyjamas - $2.59; Caps - 390; Plastic Raincoats - 98e; Ladies' Pyja- mas - $1.89; Nylon Hose - oel White Stretchy Gloves - flee; Bath 'Towels- 790; Sheet Sets $5,95; Linen Tea Tow- els - 79e; Wash Cloths - 220. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUS 11, ONTARIO HATCHERIES CANADA SIL.0S A. former member of the Unit- ed States Marines, who decided back in 1959 that he wanted to live in the Soviet Union, recently left Moscow by train, He had his own passport-he had appar- ently never given up his Ameri- can citizenship-and he was ac- companied by his Russian wife and infant child. He began the process of obtaining the neces- sary papers for himself and fam- ily last autumn and they came through just a few days ago, This man is furnishing one of the really good object lessons as to what it means to live in the U.S.S.R. He was given a job in a factory in Minsk and suffered no more than the usual difficul- ties of life in Red Russia. The fact that he got so thoroughly fed up under average living conditions should prove again, and in a forceful sort of way, that a citizen of this country has a very great deal to be grateful for, whether or not he is aware of it as any given time, -(Mem- phis) Commercial Appeal WANTED by Canadian Registered Hat- chery, broiler hatching eggs, egg breed hatching eggs and flocks to supply vs with hatching eggs on a weekly, year round basis. Good premiums paid. Ap- ply Box No. 252,123 - 18th Street, To- ronto 14, Ontario. Dysters Are Good At Keeping Time Don't shake it, Don't poke at it. Don't Mole it, Throw away that Useless watch - and buy an Oy- ster instead, For scientists have discovered that oysters are bet- ter timekeepers than the most expensive watch. When oysters were caught at New Haven, Connecticut, and shipped in sea-water to Evanston, Illinois, 000 miles from the sea, they began opening their shells exactly at the time the tide began rising at New Haven. The shells were fully open to coincide with high tide at their old home, Like the tide, oysters' clock- work is geared to the moon. After a few weeks in Evanston, the oysters changed their sched- ule. They "forgot" about the tide St New Haven and followed the Movements of the moon at Eva- ston. But oysters are not the only creatures of time. Honeybees set their cloCks by hunger. If you feed them at a certain hour every day their stomachs will operate the alarm 'bells just in time to get them to the place where the food is wait- ing. And if you stop giving them food, they'll still return to the feeding spot at the right moment for quite a while, Birds use their own universal time system to great effect. Ob- servers watched birds in Eng- land and found they had a set timetable. The birds flew out to seek food every day at the same hour, When they were flown by jet to Canada, the birds paid no at- tention to human clocks Or later nightfall, They kept their own timing until, weeks later, they couldn't bear apparently to go on searching for food in midnight darkness, so they reset their "alarm-clocks." Plants, too, live round the clock. And they can't be cheated. HEARING AIDS "The family with several small children needs indestructible toys," says a columnist. And in- destructible parents. Acid Resistant Silos - Lazy Susan MaetgeeS Automatic Feedina. Saves Time and Hard Work Feed Mechanically With The SILO-MATIC UNLOADER Scru-Feed'r Bunk Conveyor And Pro-met'r Concentrate Dispenser Proven Equipment Guaranteed. Free Pictures and Plans, write To: CANADA SILO CO. LTD. • Box 10, Ingersoll. Ont TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER Wanted to commence Sept. 4, 1962, to teach eight grades in single classroom, Furnished house available. plus monerouus benefits, depeneinq on ability. State salary expected and qual- ifications in first letter epee, to: Mr. D. J. Barrett, Chairman, Stevens School Section No 1, Stevens, Out, AMALGAMATED School Board of Cen- tral Labrador (Protestant) require high school teacher to assist with three high School rooms in North West River, ',abrader PRINCIwAL subjects history and geog- raphy. SALARY - Provincial standards plus bonus and travel allowanee accercling to qualifications, Accomthodation fri teachers' residence at local rates, APPLY Chairman, North West River, Labrador . CAN'T HEAR WRITE "CANHEAR" REG. Order direct from wholesaler Aids de- signed to sell for three, cost you less than one hundred, ONLY $39.50 FOR. OUR SPECIAL One full year written guarantee, Write tow, we'll help you if we can. We have no salesmen. Canadian Hearing Elec- tronics "Canhear", 24 Catherine Street. Smiths Falls, Ontario, Q, How can I keep cream from curdling? A, If the sweetness of oram seems uncertain, stir a pinch of baking Soda into it, This prevents it from curdling, even in hot coffee. ISSUE 80 -- 1982 Gave 25% and enjoy the pleasures. of "pan. Travel— phis 30 days in Europe Excursion rates will be in effect from Oct, 1,1962, to Feb, 28, 1065, and'from Oct, 1,1063, to Dec, 31,1063, See your travel' agent about Cunard's new low Group Rate's which apply between Aug, 16,1062, allti April 30',1963, and between Aug, 8,1063, and Ciao, 31,1963. PAY LAMP IP YOU iWISH SAILINGS EVERY FRIDAY from Montreal and Quebec to HAV'kE AND SOUTNAMPToN or GREENOCK AND LIVERPOOL tint1 evoy third Friday to COBH, Reguiar tailings from New York by the QUEENS end the 28,000-ton SYLVANIA, AR "HELLO F R 0 M OUT HERE" Visitdre alt the Settle World's• Fair ore watching contacts with the Transit 4,A satellite as it passes deep art space The tracking frochine, Chown here, records the edteliite re releSedgese arid reproduces therm for the crowd audibly and visually or the oscilloscope. Other Transit space vehicles similar to model at top of photo tire to be launched to provide a world wide navigational aid system, perhaps in the very bear future. Car ittty & Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ontario re+ 362 2911 ELY aUtIARD tA.LEI FASTEST THROUGH SEIWtCE Yo LoubOtt vld NASSAU and 15tAMOifiA. prom MIAMI and JAMAICA. REDULAR SERVICES NEW YORR,SERMUDA, MIAMI-NASSAO. C