HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-07-12, Page 3FARMS FOR SALE - _ 100-acre farm for sale, good buildings and water; 1 mile south of No. 7 'Highway in Hastings County, Marmara Township. Apply Charles H Leonard, RR 3, Marmora„ Ont. - FLORIDA PROPERTIES FOR SALE FLORIDA Orange Grove NEWLY planted, $1,150 per acre, IA down. Capital gain opportunity Excel' lent for retirement income. H. SNOEK REAL ESTATE BROKER 4938 YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE, ONT, 221-2581 FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED MALE WE only sell top quality merchandise, many named brands and at money-saving prices. We offer: .men's, wom-en's 'boy's, girl's and baby's wear, el-ectrical appliances. Summer furniture and hundreds of .other lines. Send for new free illustrated catalogue. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING . COMPANY FERGUS 11, . ONTARIO $$$ SAVINGS $$$ 25 different American spin cast fishing lures $11.95„ reg, $22.70. World re-nowned battery portable transistorized tape recorder $34.95, reg. $49.50. Bat. teryless rechargeable flashlight $5.95. Superb aattery razor $14.95. Amazing new pocket lighter, men, ladies $2.95. 'I day money back guarantee. Postpaid. Dealers Interested send $1.00 for par-Deniers, Ontario residents add 3% sales tax. Send cheque or money order. Trans Canada World Traders, Box 217. Station 0: Toronto 16. go unnoticed by young Caroline. Mrs, Kennedy told Dr, Pauling that Caroline asks whenever picketers appear; "What has daddy done now?" President Eisenhower had an opportunity to put a stop to this type of thing, but refused to do so, He vetoed a bill which would have banned picketing in front of the White House, claim- ing that in his opinion to do so weuld curtail the right to peti- tion, Hewever, that right may be postponed, now and then - when the President is entertain- ing a foreign dignitary, such as an ambassador or head of state. On those occasions, the whole deal is off. Some 500 feet off, that is. There is a strictly en- forced regulation forbidding picketing within that many. feet of an embassy or any other place where a foreign VIP may be visiting. That Includes the White House, and the Blair House across the etreet, when such a dignitary is In residence. At the .rafe foreign visitors are arriving, it is a good Idea to check on who is in town, and where, before you attempt to picket, writes Josephine Rip- ley in the Christian Science Monitor, ' Ahottier thing, don't take it for granted just because it Is okay to picket in front of the White House, you can do any ring-around-the-rosy. Try swinge log around to East Executive Avenue, on the side between the White House and the Treasury and you will do the twist, back where you came from. East Executive Avenue - al- though you' cannot tell by look- ing at it - is not the same kind of a street that Pennsylvania Avenue. is,, under the supervi- sion of the city police. It is with- in the National Capital, Parks System and under the park 'po- lice. They are rather sticky about picketing and this 'White House side' street is off bounds,' as some young demonstrators learned the other day. Members of a band of paci- fists who had arrived here to demonstrate for peace, they de- cided to assemble on. East Exe- cutive Avenue arid, march to meet their comrades 'on the Washington Monument grounds. They got into double , trouble. They were not only op property'. which is barred to parades, puhe tic gatherings, Or demonstra- tions but showed up just when, a foreign dignitary was visiting in the White House. Park policemen forbade them to walk down the street with their signs, Said one of the demonstrators: n feel I have a right to walk down that street with a picket sign. It's public property." Said another; "I think it's im- portant that we challenge this! eegulation," So they did, and sat down on the sidewalk - until they were hustled off to court. They were found not guilty in a curious decision, The judge ruled that the demonstrators had wanted to move south down the street to rendezvous with other picketers, but had been prevented from doing so, Park peace, Particularly those who prevented them from doing se, are plizzled. • till, picketing the White House is 'really Very simple onto you know the ruleS. ADVICE ritoNt Tut ccatrIEtt On his Best professional ap- pearance, an apprentice heaVes- weight WaS absorbing a dreadful shellacking. "Lot him land A couple of wallops On your left eye next round," 'urged his tom- pessicinete Manager* ',tan' face is getting lopsided," WiveS peeple who elijey cooking especially ivhert dotie by the chef hi a geed kto- UNRULY - Gale forCe winds in London played havoc with the long hair-like plume on the helmet of this Royal Horse Guard. Plume is ,really a mess and, which is more, he "can't do a thing with it," EXODUS - Refugees by the boatload arrive at' Marseilles, France, from Secret Army organization-terforized Algerid. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the ttirittent of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scalding and burning eeze-me, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn of hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3,50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St.. Clair Avenue East Toronto RUGGED hunting knife! Ofie full pound, finest tempered . Solengen steel, 151/4" long, leather sheath. Money back guarantee, $7.95. Gormley's, 10828 Otsego 'Street, North Hollywood, Call-fornia, MEDICAL PROVEN ,REMEDY - EVERY SUVERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect FOR sale: Percheron stallion 5 years. Premium A - black - quiet, sure breeder. Sired by La Don. Reg Black, Route 1, Brampton, Ont. Phone 843-2950. . HUNTING KNIFE TEACHERS WANTED TYPEWRITERS --.'- GOVERNMENT SURPLUS TYPE- WRITERS! Re-built and guaranteed, at $22 up, Real modern machines for of-flee and home letter writing. No risk, can retern if not pleased. Write to. day for full details, Raymond Pincit, ney, 2012 Clements Street, Detroit 39, Michigan, • VACATION RESORTS WONDER GROVE CABINS 1.10 USEKEEPING cottages; accommo, date 2-6; all conveniences, cabins m 4, $45 weekly Centrally located, W rite or phone 24 M., DoUglas, Grand Bend. WHITE PINE LODGE FOR a most delightful holiday o Paudash Lake. Let us send you i. folder describing our excellent Meal comferteble accommodation, with p vate baths, sandy beach, good fishing. Sports director, $42 to 156 per perso per week Write MR, 3, llaneref ..„ Out, Phone Elicroft 4500, ....- AMALGAMATED School Board of Cen- tral Labrador (Protestant) require high school teacher to assist with three high school rooms In North West River, Labrador. PRINCIPAL subjects history and geog- raphy. SALARY - Provincial standards pine bonus and travel allowance according to qualifications, Accommodation 111 teachers' residence at local rates. 'APPLY Chairman, 'North West River, Labrador, A Protestant teacher for S.S. 4 and 14., Hillier and emenaseurg. DUTIES to commence in Sept. APPLY in writing, stating qualifica- tions and salary to: ,C, K, BLAKELEY, SEC.-TREAS. CONsECoN, oNT. R.R. NO 2 meoliiiiromint,H;47:wwww ,,eseee'Aa .....-77777.7777.1 7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • A Tortoise Gets Medical Treat.m.en.t For the past three pan's., Jhs- a friendly tortoise of vintage years-125, his young friends, think-and family pet of the Charles Drewses of San Mateo, Calif., was wise enough to. stay In his own backyard. A few weeks Ago, however, the foot-. long, .turtle with an orange fleck- ed shell waddled out, the front ...lawn into Wellesley Street and 'was struck by a passing car. .The impact fractured Jasper's left front leg and ripped open 2-inch chunk of 4161, exposing A lung. Noimally„ this means no more turtle. .But not as far as the four Drews. children (Eric, 10; Mark, 0; Michelle, 6; Michael, 2) were concerned. Jasper had been their friend ever since he was, found in the Mojave Desert, and now they insisted that he go to the veterinarian. Mrs. Drews drove Jasper .to Dr. Arthur Gilger, who said his tartoise practice isn't very big. "I gave him a 50-50 -chance to live," said Gilger. He applied penicillin and streptomycin to the open wounds, hammered the broken segment back into place, and drilling holes into the shell,'. laced six stainless-steel sutures .to hold it in place. Then the vet encased the tortoise - wound, shell, and all-in a plaster cast • • arid hoped it would turn out for the best. • Recently, when the story came out. Dr, Gilger inspected his handiwork and pronounced the wander.- drug, and carpeetry treatment a success, Old Jasper was sporting two unmistakable .signs of the recovering patiente A healthy appetite (lettuce, pota- to, peels, apples, celery) and a cast, autographed by a score Of neighborhood well-wishers. 'NUteses WAH.T.a.P .REGISTERED .NURSE AND Certified Nursing . Assistant WITn wiz registration, for active at-illopaedio 1-.iospital, Please. phenti MRS. B. CARTER • 921,3106 4z WELLSLEY E. TORONTO BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALK DRY eleanIng business in St.- either- 21%etso,reiTi. lyiloenqleu,ippstelidt,abpitatas foar 4-bit edrraonouniii, operation. This business and property Is being sold due to sickness ' for the low low price of $14,e00 with terms. For more informatten write or call Hob Marwick. 'Ail), 4,7420,,A,. N. Ki m, berleY Sid., Altr,, 24 St Paul St St Cetharines $sUSINN$S and F'-arrn$ );'er Solat 17 lane Rowiing Alley near St. Catle :t rines, 'large leUrsitig Home river see rent°, thres, Canning Factories, Serv-ice Stations & Motels; in several Woe. Dons, Dry Cleaning business in Stret, ford also ope 111 St- Catharines, sot-eral fruit and dairy farms in Niagare Peninsula. Some of these properties could he worked on a tra(10, what have you to offer? For more informs.. lion write or can 1.3015 MARWICK, MU. 44428 A. SKOics ltIiberity Ltd,: lie- ethics. BO alters. 25 St. Paul W . St. Cans. OLD COINS WANTED BOATS (.ATAMARANS. PKMONSTRATORS AND TRA/4-IN Outboards Volvo OutdrIve& BargaIns 17' Cat Co Low as $1 IWO AFRO MARINE INDUSTRIES LTD 2) wdiker St Oakville, VI 0301 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INSTANT Cash for Selesmen Sea-sonal Advertising Novelty that hes never been sold in Canada. For de-tails write: Howard Printing CQ , 2320 Prichard, Dallas, Texas. FOR sale, trampolines, five units, used. 2 months, like new, money-makers if you have site on beach, drive,in, club, pool. Sell $300 each or $1,250 for all, lnperwash wants centre, on display. Mr e Montgomery, 736-4804 or write So x 700, Amherstburg. Phone 111:1-5. 4604, Amnerstburg4 OW- - . BUILDING for sate or lease in town of Forest Sultable for almost an), kind of business. Approximately 3,200 sq 11 selling sPece with about the Same rf ,r storage. Air conditioned Will remodel to suit tenent. Situated he. side post office and across the street from new 1GA supermarket, For more Information, contact 'red Roberts For. eat [GA. Ont. n - . COINS wAvrgnI pining $100 fog 1042 brass oroinhae , "Siekete„ Raying other coins Tell me why. you ttayo. Coleman Coins, 340 .`5' Straet.„ 13ernandino, Couternia, I Receive 1,9: Maga z ines, PaP1 S. :F5o:leue.Are:ioSt‘'. at:, II rsSlt e Is' C4.1)4- 1:404.' 11(1X 290, Snowdon, Montreal. A modern way to help redaqe. Eat 3 meaN a day. hose pounds and inches fast. Clinically tested S'Iim-Mint shriloPIS,Alsientit Slpyiali•I'mtinrakcersa virnegdofeolorgeoeoadsie; than .you ever dreamed ortssible 5200, 2 WLYeeOltNesuPPIR)11-fy Ge, 471 DANFORTH., TORONTO - - PROPERTIES FOR SALE CRYSTALpg arlseefu $ r4n,,a9c5Be e..,( "Piles s?t; srsol 0:nnihose.. immediately,btLeznept, 285 Lan-caster W,. Kitchener. sirerwood 2-5355. _ . . PUBLISH REC RECO RDS ORD y In-expensively. Free information with ore trn f tamr usolticf rBeoexord69, 64$,1.000.rlaBnadlioexy..Elolaosrt: ida,, USA SOUTH O H A MERICAN S pRo ALE OUTSTANDING BOOKS! Canadian Travel end Adventure Stories Free list on request. Guardian Books, Box 700, Adelaide Street Post Office, To-ronto 1, Ontarlo. COINS AND STAMPS JUST released .Tune 6 edition of "Cash for Your Canada, Newfoundland, Great Eititain ea United States Coins". 56 pages, two, Now paying $11.00 for Cdn 1923 cents; for 1925 Cents $7.00, For Can 1948 dimes $4.25. Countless others The Guidebook of COL Coins, 224 Pages, 2300 full illustrations. 2nd Revised Printing, April, 1962, with latest prices collectors will pay for Canadian coins in all conditions. $1,50, REGENCY COIN, 157 RUPERT WINNIPEG, MANITOBA USING HIS NOODLE-It got too windy for Richardson Wun, 10 years old. So, the beanless bicyclist ducked his head under his coat and peeked through a small opening in the front of it to pedal his way home from school, How They 'Picket The U.S. White House Tough Problem For The Map Makers -- Every country that tackled a national mapping program ran into trouble, but none of them had as many problems to solve as Switzerland, an up and down country* And because she Was able to solve her mapping prob- lems, Switzerland made a most important contribution to t h e science of map making, by show- ing the world how to draw mountains and valleys on a map. An ordinary map of Switzer- land meant nothing to the peo- ple who lived there or anyone else, Distances from place to place could be figured out in terms of latitude and longitude, the way the crow flies, but that is not the way people travel in Switzerland. Around every turn in the road they go up or they go clown. Whether they are walking or riding they go up and down more than they go ahead, For this reason Switzer- land, one of the most beautiful countries in the world, present- ed a challenge to artists, map makers a n d surveyors, and a problem that was hard to solve. 'The first' man who tried to make a map of the country gave It up as a bad job. He filled his drawing with pretty pictures of castles, monasteries, churches and other prominent buildings., Then, in order to tell his readers something about the topogra- phy of the country, he drew Jong chains of lunipt "or mole- hills that were supposed to re- present hills and mountains. Other map makers tried to make a good map of the country, but most of them failed. A sensible and accurate map of Switzerland epelled trouble for surveyors as well as map makers. It meant inventing some way of showing artistically and clearly the high mountains and deep valleys that cover the entire country, Therefore, it is no wonder that it took -so many years for Switzerland' to pro- duce her first national map. The first accurate Map of Switzerland was begun in 1830, under the direction of General Dufour, and after twelve, years of hard work the first sheet,vvas printed and published. Thirty- four years later the, whole map was finished. It was' different from any map the world had ever seen. .It was accurate; so , far as latitudes and longitudes were concerned, but 'more than that ,it was artistic'. • Dufour and his men tried to show th,e country as. it really was, with all its mountains and valleys. And he did it by" shade ing the colours he used, and,, with contour lines, wavy lines that told people whether they, were looking at a mountain 15,- 000 feet high or the flat land at the bottom of a valley. His map was as close as he could come to a photographic picture of the country, and it told the story. He showed other map makers how colour could be used to in- dicate whether the land was high or low, and how contour lines with numbers on them could be used to tell just how high the mountain was. The completed map of Swit- zerland covered snore than five hundred sheets. Looking at any one of these sheets, the reader has the feeling that he is look- ing clown on the country from an airplane. From "Map Mak- ing - the Art That Eecame a Science," by Lloyd A, BroWn. How Can Ily Roberta Lee Q. HOW can I renew some ink that has thickened to an tihuSa-, ble cOnsisteiley1 A little vinegar poured into the ink will usually solve this problem, itow eait I remove some mildew stales from leather ar- tteies A. A smell amount of petrol., emit jelly, tubbed into the lea- ther, will usually chase the suit- dew away, rollOW this with polishing with a Clean chattoiS. Onl; $1.00 Per Acre 500.ACRE FARM, $500 LAND where vegetables, coffee, rite, cotton, wheat, corn, or almost anything planted thrives. Excellent cattle coun-try. Streams through each farm. Plenty of grass, Virgin land. New on. unproved roads to each farm. This territory Just Opened. Located 30(1 miles northeast of Brasilia, which la newest and most modern capital city in world - In State of Goias, Brazil, South America, Not far from new hy-dro-electric plants, Toeanties River Basin. We have 250 farms to sell at $500 each, 10% discount for c a sit or terms, $50 down, $20 month (no finance charges). Ali land surveyed and staked, Titles guaranteed by Go-mapa Abstract Ltda. Send down pay-ment or full purchase price to Selig Bros. Real Estate Company (licensed Real. Estate dealers by State of Indi-ana, members Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce). References, most any In- diana bank. Address: 42 W. South St., Indianapolis 25, Indiana. lytE. 48328, AT. 3-1256. To picket the White House just wear a pair of comfortable shoes and pick a pleasant clay. That is advisable, though not required. Actually picketing the White House is as easy as walking to work, and more interesting to many. Hundreds, even thousands of people have picketed, the White House in recent months. One man was recently much noted for picketing the White House in the morning and dining there the same night. That was Dr. Linus Pauling, Nebel Prize-win-' ner, who marched along Penn- sylvania Avenue in protest against United States nuclear testing and later partook of pre- sidential hospitality along with other Nobel Prize-winners. While picketing the, White House is con of t h e freedoms which may be exercised at will, there are certain minor restric- tions. You may pot sing even it you feel like it, or chant if you want to. You may not pnay out loud, carry objectionable signs or block the traffic. You must keep moving. .„ A North Carolina minister who sought to register his pro- test against t h e imprisonment of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Sobel, convicted atom spies, by pray- ing for them in front of the White House "g o t locked up three times," a meneber of the Metropolitan District Police re- calls. Probably the only million- aires ,wife ever to picket the White House was Mrs. Cyrus Eaton. She, along with other members of Women's Strike for Peace, vowed .they would stay on the job Until the President granted them an audience. He didn't, and, they finally quit. But the 'President ,is not un- mindful of these patrols. When some 5,000 students from' yeti- Ous parts of the country con- verged on Washington last Feb- ruary* for a-mass protest against resumption,' of nuclear testing, President •" Kennedy dispensed White ,House hospitality to the .picketers in the .form. of hot cof- fee. This reVolying traffic does not CONSTABLES 10 Acres Land-$75 NEAR TOCANTINS POWER PLANT 10 acres of fine farmland in Tocantins River Basin nearby one of WOrld'e largest hydro-electric power plants (1„ million kilowatts). Located in State of Goias approximately 155 mile,s north of Brasilia., Brazil, South America. We have 3,000 farms at this location to sell ,which are great industrial sites but, for the present, are being offered only es farm lands at $7.50 per acre ($711 for entire 10-acre farm). Fully purveyed and staked, registered eft Federal Cartorio Office, Belo Horie- onta, Brazil, South America, TitIs guaranteed by Goan:pa Abstract, Ltda. You get complete title for only $7e, Taxes less than 50c per year. Send cheque or money order to Stanley Selig, Selig Bros. Real Estate Co. (member? Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, licensed Real Estate dealers by State of Indiana). References, most any In-diana bank. Address: 42 W. South St.,, Indianapolis 25, Indictee, ME. 4-8328, AT. 3-1256 AND SILOS New Version Of Mad Monk's Death siuerian-born peasant tern- ecl menit, Grigori Efimovich Ras- putin first gained notoriety by Parlaying Orthodox communions into orgies, He swilled down huge quantities of liquor, drank soup by slurping it off his dirty fing- ers, and always smelled like a goat Yet from 1906 to 1016 the "Mad Monk" was the close confi- dant and trusted adviser to Im- perial Russia's ruling family Of ROmanoffs, Dozens of Court la- dies adored him, "You think am defiling you," he told them, "but I am purifying you." He also claimed to have neystie healing powers, Just how much "purification" and healing Rasputin accom- plished is doubtful but his in- fluence was far-reaching, often terrifying. Frantically worried because her fifth born, the Czarevich Alexis, had hemo- philia, Czarina Alexandra ap- pealed to Rasputin for help, He comforted her and in time gain- ed the confidence of the czar, and the enmity of the court. Inevitably he was marked for assassination. The lure in the plot that finally did the Mad Monk in was Irina, the beautiful wife of young Prince Yusupov. Told that Irina would be present, Rasputin attended a midnight meal in a cellar chamber of the Prince's palace. As a phono- graph upstairs played "Yankee Doodle," Rasputin was poisoned. But he did not die immediately and exactly ehat happened aft- er that has often been confused in both history and legend. Last month, in private papers found ten years after the death of a British guards officer, a new aecount of Rasputin's death scene was made public in Edin- burgh's The Scotsman. The offi- cer, Capt. T, Y. Benyon, had served with the White Russian Army and wrote that he had the story firsthand from Prince Alexioff, heretofore unknown among the Princes who were present with Yusupov. Previous accounts had Raspu- tin reeling from poison but re- covering enough to nearly choke Yusupov to death, then crawling up a flight of stairs before more pistol shots ended his life. Captain Benyon's footnote to history set the same scene but detailed different action. Raspu- tin did drink poisoned coffee but it only made him dizzy. Then one of the princes tried to shoot him through the head-but the gun misfired. Alexioff. then tried to stab him but Rasputin Was wearing a shirt of mail and the dagger was deflected. "This all tdok place within the space of about five, Minutes," 13 eny on wrote, "a..nia by this time the Princes Teete full of supersti- tious creret and convinced that the pan was posiessed by the devil and bore a charmed life. "Alexioff again managed to get , within striking range; he seized a silver candlestick and brought It down with a crash on his head . . ." The plan then had been to dump Raspetin's body in, the Neva River, but the river was frozen over. While the Princes were wondering -what to do, some peasants arrived On the scene. Told that this-was Rasputin; they , cut a hole in the ice. Then Princes and: peasants together shoved the body into the water. . CADETS CANADA SILOS Acid Resistant Silos Lazy Susan Mangers Automatic Feeding Saves Time and Hard Work Feed Mechanically With The SILO-MATIC U,NLOADER Scru•Peed'r Bunk Conveyor And Pro-met'r Concentrate Dispenser. Proven Equipment Guaranteed. Free Pictures and Plans, Write To: CANADA SILO CO. LTD. Box 10, Ingersoll, Ont. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AGE 17 TO 35 HEIGHT-5'9" WEIGHT-140 LBS. EDUCATION - GRADE 10 APPLY IN PERSON TO METROPOLITAN TORONTO POLICE Personnel Office 92 KING STREET EAST OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday, S a.m. to 4 p.m. Tips On How To Care For Your Car Chrome trim on a 'car can be cleaned with fine 'steel wool. , ,then protected with, a coat' of x. Policeman: 'Mow did you 'knock *him down?" Motorist: "I didn't. I'pulled-up to let him go across and he fainted'!" e a To remove tar spots or sap which sometime falls on cars from trees, use a .mild solvent Such as varsol, * Paste wax can be more easily applied to a car if the cloth you are using is slightly wet. 'a a a When washing a car, the door hinge area should not be neglect- ed. Dirt collects here and dirt holds moisture Which may cause rusting, * * Having a dent in a car repaired Isn't just a matter of appearance . if neglected, rust may set'in. A small repair now may prevent a major job a year from now, ea a; A car is a big investment and when it needs refinishing the work should be entrusted to a refinieher with a reputation for good work, It is possible to do repaire in a slipshod manner which will look fine for only a few weeks. * Matching the color of a car, whether it be brand new or a 20 year old jalop, is a simple matter today, thanks to modern paint tinting systems, The color can now be duplicated with lab- oratory precision. When Washing a car, never turn a hose Against the windows. Water may run down between the glass and the door frame to the inside of the door where it can cause rust Instead, Use a Sperige and no More water than teceSsAry. 'Use a mild detergent . tie More than one tablespoon In A pail of Water, The car iieed ha be rinsed . • Merely wiped with a 'chamois.. misceLLANtoUs - --- AMAZINC,1 Any grind coffee brewed instantly. Result of extensive re-Search. Free literiature. Carter's Gifts, 313 North Lacy Dave, Wee°. Texat, - _ - aPPORTUNITIES FOP MEN AND WOMEN Be A HAIRDRES SER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING etHeiOL Great Opportunity Leath fiairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. Thousands Of Sttecessful ktarvel Gradttates ,Areefiee's Greateet Systent Illustrated catalogue Pre Write or Call MorVel Hdirdretting Sdiool ,W Moor St. W., torotito Rrariehes; 44 Mils St. W., Hamilton T2 itidean Street, Ottawa ISSUE IN. HO, HORSES s